link to output, emission viewer and "poll" changes

1. In "Link to Output Node" and in "Emission Viewer" changed behavior
when sockets are hidden.
Even when sockets were hidden - links were made from those sockets. Now
it's corrected.
2. Restricted add-on to work only in Cycles Shaders and in compositing.
Addon is not active for Blender Render material nodes and for texture
This commit is contained in:
Bartek Skorupa 2014-09-10 15:33:27 +02:00
parent 655cd369b4
commit 8093c5fc5e
1 changed files with 66 additions and 85 deletions

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
bl_info = {
"name": "Node Wrangler (aka Nodes Efficiency Tools)",
"author": "Bartek Skorupa, Greg Zaal",
"version": (3, 13),
"version": (3, 14),
"blender": (2, 71, 0),
"location": "Node Editor Properties Panel or Ctrl-Space",
"description": "Various tools to enhance and speed up node-based workflow",
@ -941,12 +941,21 @@ class NWNodeWrangler(bpy.types.AddonPreferences):
keystr = "Ctrl " + keystr
def nw_check(context):
space = context.space_data
is_cycles = context.scene.render.engine == 'CYCLES'
valid = False
if space.type == 'NODE_EDITOR' and space.node_tree is not None:
type = space.node_tree.type
if type == 'COMPOSITING' or (type == 'SHADER' and is_cycles):
valid = True
return valid
class NWBase:
def poll(cls, context):
space = context.space_data
return space.type == 'NODE_EDITOR' and space.node_tree is not None
return nw_check(context)
@ -1140,10 +1149,9 @@ class NWDeleteUnused(Operator, NWBase):
def poll(cls, context):
valid = False
if context.space_data:
if context.space_data.node_tree:
if context.space_data.node_tree.nodes:
valid = True
if nw_check(context):
if context.space_data.node_tree.nodes:
valid = True
return valid
def execute(self, context):
@ -1205,11 +1213,11 @@ class NWSwapLinks(Operator, NWBase):
def poll(cls, context):
snode = context.space_data
if context.selected_nodes:
return len(context.selected_nodes) <= 2
return False
valid = False
if nw_check(context):
if context.selected_nodes:
valid = len(context.selected_nodes) <= 2
return valid
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
@ -1318,8 +1326,11 @@ class NWResetBG(Operator, NWBase):
def poll(cls, context):
snode = context.space_data
return snode.tree_type == 'CompositorNodeTree'
valid = False
if nw_check(context):
snode = context.space_data
valid = snode.tree_type == 'CompositorNodeTree'
return valid
def execute(self, context):
context.space_data.backdrop_zoom = 1
@ -1350,10 +1361,11 @@ class NWEmissionViewer(Operator, NWBase):
def poll(cls, context):
space = context.space_data
valid = False
if space.type == 'NODE_EDITOR':
if space.tree_type == 'ShaderNodeTree' and space.node_tree is not None and (context.active_node.type != "OUTPUT_MATERIAL" or context.active_node.type != "OUTPUT_WORLD"):
if nw_check(context):
space = context.space_data
if space.tree_type == 'ShaderNodeTree' and\
(context.active_node.type != "OUTPUT_MATERIAL" or context.active_node.type != "OUTPUT_WORLD"):
valid = True
return valid
@ -1406,17 +1418,23 @@ class NWEmissionViewer(Operator, NWBase):
materialout.location.y = sum_yloc / len(nodes) = False
# Analyze outputs, add "Emission Viewer" if needed, make links
out_i = 0 # Start index of node's outputs
out_i = None
valid_outputs = []
for i, out in enumerate(active.outputs):
for out_link in out.links:
if not out.hide:
if valid_outputs:
out_i = valid_outputs[0] # Start index of node's outputs
for i, valid_i in enumerate(valid_outputs):
for out_link in active.outputs[valid_i].links:
linked_to_out = False
if "Emission Viewer" in or out_link.to_node == materialout:
linked_to_out = True
if linked_to_out:
out_i = i + 1
# If last output is linked to Viewer or materialout - go to first.
if out_i == len(active.outputs):
out_i = 0
if i < len(valid_outputs) - 1:
out_i = valid_outputs[i + 1]
out_i = valid_outputs[0]
make_links = [] # store sockets for new links
if active.outputs:
# If output type not 'SHADER' - "Emission Viewer" needed
@ -1470,15 +1488,6 @@ class NWFrameSelected(Operator, NWBase):
color_prop = FloatVectorProperty(name="Color", description="The color of the frame node", default=(0.6, 0.6, 0.6),
min=0, max=1, step=1, precision=3, subtype='COLOR_GAMMA', size=3)
def poll(cls, context):
space = context.space_data
valid = False
if space.type == 'NODE_EDITOR':
if space.node_tree is not None:
valid = True
return valid
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
selected = []
@ -1503,15 +1512,6 @@ class NWReloadImages(Operator, NWBase):
bl_label = "Reload Images"
bl_description = "Update all the image nodes to match their files on disk"
def poll(cls, context):
space = context.space_data
valid = False
if space.type == 'NODE_EDITOR':
if space.node_tree is not None:
valid = True
return valid
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
@ -2076,14 +2076,10 @@ class NWCopySettings(Operator, NWBase):
def poll(cls, context):
space = context.space_data
valid = False
if (space.type == 'NODE_EDITOR' and
space.node_tree is not None and
context.active_node is not None and
context.active_node.type is not 'FRAME'
valid = True
if nw_check(context):
if context.active_node is not None and context.active_node.type is not 'FRAME':
valid = True
return valid
def execute(self, context):
@ -2252,10 +2248,10 @@ class NWAddTextureSetup(Operator, NWBase):
def poll(cls, context):
space = context.space_data
valid = False
if space.type == 'NODE_EDITOR':
if space.tree_type == 'ShaderNodeTree' and space.node_tree is not None:
if nw_check(context):
space = context.space_data
if space.tree_type == 'ShaderNodeTree':
valid = True
return valid
@ -2425,10 +2421,9 @@ class NWLinkActiveToSelected(Operator, NWBase):
def poll(cls, context):
space = context.space_data
valid = False
if space.type == 'NODE_EDITOR':
if space.node_tree is not None and context.active_node is not None:
if nw_check(context):
if context.active_node is not None:
valid = True
return valid
@ -2653,13 +2648,17 @@ class NWLinkToOutputNode(Operator, NWBase):
def poll(cls, context):
space = context.space_data
return (space.type == 'NODE_EDITOR' and space.node_tree is not None and context.active_node is not None)
valid = False
if nw_check(context):
if context.active_node is not None:
valid = True
return valid
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
active =
output_node = None
output_index = None
tree_type = context.space_data.tree_type
output_types_shaders = [x[1] for x in shaders_output_nodes_props]
output_types_compo = ['COMPOSITE']
@ -2677,9 +2676,12 @@ class NWLinkToOutputNode(Operator, NWBase):
output_node.location.x = active.location.x + active.dimensions.x + 80
output_node.location.y = active.location.y
if (output_node and active.outputs):
output_index = 0
for i, output in enumerate(active.outputs):
if output.type == output_node.inputs[0].type:
if not output.hide:
output_index = i
for i, output in enumerate(active.outputs):
if output.type == output_node.inputs[0].type and not output.hide:
output_index = i
@ -2704,11 +2706,6 @@ class NWMakeLink(Operator, NWBase):
from_socket = IntProperty()
to_socket = IntProperty()
def poll(cls, context):
snode = context.space_data
return (snode.type == 'NODE_EDITOR' and snode.node_tree is not None)
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
@ -2729,11 +2726,6 @@ class NWCallInputsMenu(Operator, NWBase):
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
from_socket = IntProperty()
def poll(cls, context):
snode = context.space_data
return (snode.type == 'NODE_EDITOR' and snode.node_tree is not None)
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
@ -2756,11 +2748,6 @@ class NWAddSequence(Operator, ImportHelper):
directory = StringProperty(subtype="DIR_PATH")
filename = StringProperty(subtype="FILE_NAME")
def poll(cls, context):
snode = context.space_data
return (snode.type == 'NODE_EDITOR' and snode.node_tree is not None)
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
directory =
@ -2842,11 +2829,6 @@ class NWAddMultipleImages(Operator, ImportHelper):
directory = StringProperty(subtype="DIR_PATH")
files = CollectionProperty(type=bpy.types.OperatorFileListElement, options={'HIDDEN', 'SKIP_SAVE'})
def poll(cls, context):
snode = context.space_data
return (snode.type == 'NODE_EDITOR' and snode.node_tree is not None)
def execute(self, context):
nodes, links = get_nodes_links(context)
nodes_list = [node for node in nodes]
@ -3221,13 +3203,11 @@ class NWVertColMenu(bpy.types.Menu):
def poll(cls, context):
if context.area.spaces[0].node_tree:
if context.area.spaces[0].node_tree.type == 'SHADER':
return True
return False
return False
valid = False
if nw_check(context):
snode = context.space_data
valid = snode.tree_type == 'ShaderNodeTree'
return valid
def draw(self, context):
l = self.layout
@ -3749,3 +3729,4 @@ def unregister():
if __name__ == "__main__":