Fluid: Update Mantaflow source files

Refactored various functions after noticing new warnings when compiling on Apple DTK devices - there should now be fewer warnings when building.
This commit is contained in:
Sebastián Barschkis 2020-07-16 16:39:14 +02:00
parent f64710a518
commit aa547ce88b
6 changed files with 134 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -439,6 +439,36 @@ inline Real normSquare(const int v)
return square(v);
//! Compute sum of all components, allow use of int, Real too
template<class S> inline S sum(const S v)
return v;
template<class S> inline S sum(const Vector3D<S> &v)
return v.x + v.y + v.z;
//! Get absolute representation of vector, allow use of int, Real too
inline Real abs(const Real v)
return std::fabs(v);
inline int abs(const int v)
return std::abs(v);
template<class S> inline Vector3D<S> abs(const Vector3D<S> &v)
Vector3D<S> cp(v.x, v.y, v.z);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
if (cp[i] < 0)
cp[i] *= (-1.0);
return cp;
//! Returns a normalized vector
template<class S> inline Vector3D<S> getNormalized(const Vector3D<S> &v)

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#define MANTA_GIT_VERSION "commit 7395d36e3f504edbdabe34b30edc855b422c7baa"
#define MANTA_GIT_VERSION "commit 1881a368ed10797e84b470645d7c738ef75ad6d8"

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@ -1339,8 +1339,8 @@ template<class T> void MeshDataImpl<T>::setSource(Grid<T> *grid, bool isMAC)
mpGridSource = grid;
mGridSourceMAC = isMAC;
if (isMAC)
assertMsg(dynamic_cast<MACGrid *>(grid) != NULL, "Given grid is not a valid MAC grid");
if (grid && isMAC)
assertMsg(grid->getType() & GridBase::TypeMAC, "Given grid is not a valid MAC grid");
template<class T> void MeshDataImpl<T>::initNewValue(IndexInt idx, Vec3 pos)

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@ -359,8 +359,8 @@ template<class T> void ParticleDataImpl<T>::setSource(Grid<T> *grid, bool isMAC)
mpGridSource = grid;
mGridSourceMAC = isMAC;
if (isMAC)
assertMsg(dynamic_cast<MACGrid *>(grid) != NULL, "Given grid is not a valid MAC grid");
if (grid && isMAC)
assertMsg(grid->getType() & GridBase::TypeMAC, "Given grid is not a valid MAC grid");
template<class T> void ParticleDataImpl<T>::initNewValue(IndexInt idx, Vec3 pos)

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@ -1479,48 +1479,24 @@ void PbRegister_addTestParts()
//! calculate the difference between two pdata fields (note - slow!, not parallelized)
Real pdataMaxDiff(const ParticleDataBase *a, const ParticleDataBase *b)
template<class T> Real getPdataMaxDiff(const ParticleDataImpl<T> *a, const ParticleDataImpl<T> *b)
double maxVal = 0.;
// debMsg(" PD "<< a->getType()<<" as"<<a->getSizeSlow()<<" bs"<<b->getSizeSlow() , 1);
assertMsg(a->getType() == b->getType(), "pdataMaxDiff problem - different pdata types!");
assertMsg(a->getSizeSlow() == b->getSizeSlow(), "pdataMaxDiff problem - different pdata sizes!");
if (a->getType() & ParticleDataBase::TypeReal) {
const ParticleDataImpl<Real> &av = *dynamic_cast<const ParticleDataImpl<Real> *>(a);
const ParticleDataImpl<Real> &bv = *dynamic_cast<const ParticleDataImpl<Real> *>(b);
maxVal = std::max(maxVal, (double)fabs(av[idx] - bv[idx]));
Real maxVal = 0.;
T diff = a->get(idx) - b->get(idx);
Real s = (Real)sum(abs(diff));
maxVal = std::max(maxVal, s);
else if (a->getType() & ParticleDataBase::TypeInt) {
const ParticleDataImpl<int> &av = *dynamic_cast<const ParticleDataImpl<int> *>(a);
const ParticleDataImpl<int> &bv = *dynamic_cast<const ParticleDataImpl<int> *>(b);
maxVal = std::max(maxVal, (double)fabs((double)av[idx] - bv[idx]));
else if (a->getType() & ParticleDataBase::TypeVec3) {
const ParticleDataImpl<Vec3> &av = *dynamic_cast<const ParticleDataImpl<Vec3> *>(a);
const ParticleDataImpl<Vec3> &bv = *dynamic_cast<const ParticleDataImpl<Vec3> *>(b);
double d = 0.;
for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) {
d += fabs((double)av[idx][c] - (double)bv[idx][c]);
maxVal = std::max(maxVal, d);
else {
errMsg("pdataMaxDiff: Grid Type is not supported (only Real, Vec3, int)");
return maxVal;
Real pdataMaxDiff(const ParticleDataImpl<Real> *a, const ParticleDataImpl<Real> *b)
return getPdataMaxDiff(a, b);
static PyObject *_W_15(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
@ -1531,8 +1507,8 @@ static PyObject *_W_15(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
PyObject *_retval = 0;
ArgLocker _lock;
const ParticleDataBase *a = _args.getPtr<ParticleDataBase>("a", 0, &_lock);
const ParticleDataBase *b = _args.getPtr<ParticleDataBase>("b", 1, &_lock);
const ParticleDataImpl<Real> *a = _args.getPtr<ParticleDataImpl<Real>>("a", 0, &_lock);
const ParticleDataImpl<Real> *b = _args.getPtr<ParticleDataImpl<Real>>("b", 1, &_lock);
_retval = toPy(pdataMaxDiff(a, b));
@ -1552,6 +1528,76 @@ void PbRegister_pdataMaxDiff()
Real pdataMaxDiffInt(const ParticleDataImpl<int> *a, const ParticleDataImpl<int> *b)
return getPdataMaxDiff(a, b);
static PyObject *_W_16(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
FluidSolver *parent = _args.obtainParent();
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(parent, "pdataMaxDiffInt", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = 0;
ArgLocker _lock;
const ParticleDataImpl<int> *a = _args.getPtr<ParticleDataImpl<int>>("a", 0, &_lock);
const ParticleDataImpl<int> *b = _args.getPtr<ParticleDataImpl<int>>("b", 1, &_lock);
_retval = toPy(pdataMaxDiffInt(a, b));
pbFinalizePlugin(parent, "pdataMaxDiffInt", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("pdataMaxDiffInt", e.what());
return 0;
static const Pb::Register _RP_pdataMaxDiffInt("", "pdataMaxDiffInt", _W_16);
extern "C" {
void PbRegister_pdataMaxDiffInt()
Real pdataMaxDiffVec3(const ParticleDataImpl<Vec3> *a, const ParticleDataImpl<Vec3> *b)
return getPdataMaxDiff(a, b);
static PyObject *_W_17(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
FluidSolver *parent = _args.obtainParent();
bool noTiming = _args.getOpt<bool>("notiming", -1, 0);
pbPreparePlugin(parent, "pdataMaxDiffVec3", !noTiming);
PyObject *_retval = 0;
ArgLocker _lock;
const ParticleDataImpl<Vec3> *a = _args.getPtr<ParticleDataImpl<Vec3>>("a", 0, &_lock);
const ParticleDataImpl<Vec3> *b = _args.getPtr<ParticleDataImpl<Vec3>>("b", 1, &_lock);
_retval = toPy(pdataMaxDiffVec3(a, b));
pbFinalizePlugin(parent, "pdataMaxDiffVec3", !noTiming);
return _retval;
catch (std::exception &e) {
pbSetError("pdataMaxDiffVec3", e.what());
return 0;
static const Pb::Register _RP_pdataMaxDiffVec3("", "pdataMaxDiffVec3", _W_17);
extern "C" {
void PbRegister_pdataMaxDiffVec3()
//! calculate center of mass given density grid, for re-centering
Vec3 calcCenterOfMass(const Grid<Real> &density)
@ -1567,7 +1613,7 @@ Vec3 calcCenterOfMass(const Grid<Real> &density)
p /= w;
return p;
static PyObject *_W_16(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
static PyObject *_W_18(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
@ -1589,7 +1635,7 @@ static PyObject *_W_16(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
return 0;
static const Pb::Register _RP_calcCenterOfMass("", "calcCenterOfMass", _W_16);
static const Pb::Register _RP_calcCenterOfMass("", "calcCenterOfMass", _W_18);
extern "C" {
void PbRegister_calcCenterOfMass()
@ -1789,7 +1835,7 @@ void updateFractions(const FlagGrid &flags,
KnUpdateFractions(flags, phiObs, fractions, boundaryWidth, fracThreshold);
static PyObject *_W_17(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
static PyObject *_W_19(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
@ -1816,7 +1862,7 @@ static PyObject *_W_17(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
return 0;
static const Pb::Register _RP_updateFractions("", "updateFractions", _W_17);
static const Pb::Register _RP_updateFractions("", "updateFractions", _W_19);
extern "C" {
void PbRegister_updateFractions()
@ -1968,7 +2014,7 @@ void setObstacleFlags(FlagGrid &flags,
KnUpdateFlagsObs(flags, fractions, phiObs, phiOut, phiIn, boundaryWidth);
static PyObject *_W_18(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
static PyObject *_W_20(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
@ -1996,7 +2042,7 @@ static PyObject *_W_18(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
return 0;
static const Pb::Register _RP_setObstacleFlags("", "setObstacleFlags", _W_18);
static const Pb::Register _RP_setObstacleFlags("", "setObstacleFlags", _W_20);
extern "C" {
void PbRegister_setObstacleFlags()
@ -2113,7 +2159,7 @@ void initVortexVelocity(const Grid<Real> &phiObs,
kninitVortexVelocity(phiObs, vel, center, radius);
static PyObject *_W_19(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
static PyObject *_W_21(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
@ -2139,7 +2185,7 @@ static PyObject *_W_19(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
return 0;
static const Pb::Register _RP_initVortexVelocity("", "initVortexVelocity", _W_19);
static const Pb::Register _RP_initVortexVelocity("", "initVortexVelocity", _W_21);
extern "C" {
void PbRegister_initVortexVelocity()
@ -2465,7 +2511,7 @@ int blurMacGrid(MACGrid &oG, MACGrid &tG, float si)
return tmGK.mDim;
static PyObject *_W_20(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
static PyObject *_W_22(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
@ -2489,7 +2535,7 @@ static PyObject *_W_20(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
return 0;
static const Pb::Register _RP_blurMacGrid("", "blurMacGrid", _W_20);
static const Pb::Register _RP_blurMacGrid("", "blurMacGrid", _W_22);
extern "C" {
void PbRegister_blurMacGrid()
@ -2501,7 +2547,7 @@ int blurRealGrid(Grid<Real> &oG, Grid<Real> &tG, float si)
return blurGrid<Real>(oG, tG, si);
static PyObject *_W_21(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
static PyObject *_W_23(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
try {
PbArgs _args(_linargs, _kwds);
@ -2525,7 +2571,7 @@ static PyObject *_W_21(PyObject *_self, PyObject *_linargs, PyObject *_kwds)
return 0;
static const Pb::Register _RP_blurRealGrid("", "blurRealGrid", _W_21);
static const Pb::Register _RP_blurRealGrid("", "blurRealGrid", _W_23);
extern "C" {
void PbRegister_blurRealGrid()

View File

@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ extern void PbRegister_checkSymmetryVec3();
extern void PbRegister_projectPpmFull();
extern void PbRegister_addTestParts();
extern void PbRegister_pdataMaxDiff();
extern void PbRegister_pdataMaxDiffInt();
extern void PbRegister_pdataMaxDiffVec3();
extern void PbRegister_calcCenterOfMass();
extern void PbRegister_updateFractions();
extern void PbRegister_setObstacleFlags();
@ -306,6 +308,8 @@ void MantaEnsureRegistration()