Subdiv: CCG, initialize grid mask from paint mask

This commit is contained in:
Sergey Sharybin 2018-09-21 13:58:49 +02:00
parent da800621ed
commit b32832a7e8
5 changed files with 295 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -43,6 +43,31 @@ struct DMFlagMat;
struct Mesh;
struct Subdiv;
/* =============================================================================
* Masks.
/* Functor which evaluates mask value at a given (u, v) of given ptex face. */
typedef struct SubdivCCGMask {
float (*eval_mask)(struct SubdivCCGMask *mask,
const int ptex_face_index,
const float u, const float v);
/* Free the data, not the evaluator itself. */
void (*free)(struct SubdivCCGMask *mask);
void *user_data;
} SubdivCCGMask;
/* Return true if mesh has mask and evaluator can be used. */
bool BKE_subdiv_ccg_mask_init_from_paint(
SubdivCCGMask *mask_evaluator,
const struct Mesh *mesh);
/* =============================================================================
* SubdivCCG.
typedef struct SubdivToCCGSettings {
/* Resolution at which regular ptex (created for quad polygon) are being
* evaluated. This defines how many vertices final mesh will have: every
@ -190,7 +215,8 @@ typedef struct SubdivCCG {
struct SubdivCCG *BKE_subdiv_to_ccg(
struct Subdiv *subdiv,
const SubdivToCCGSettings *settings);
const SubdivToCCGSettings *settings,
SubdivCCGMask *mask_evaluator);
/* Destroy CCG representation of subdivision surface. */
void BKE_subdiv_ccg_destroy(SubdivCCG *subdiv_ccg);

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@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ set(SRC

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@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ typedef struct CCGEvalGridsData {
SubdivCCG *subdiv_ccg;
Subdiv *subdiv;
int *face_ptex_offset;
SubdivCCGMask *mask_evaluator;
} CCGEvalGridsData;
static void subdiv_ccg_eval_grid_element(
@ -207,6 +208,16 @@ static void subdiv_ccg_eval_grid_element(
subdiv, ptex_face_index, u, v, (float *)element);
if (subdiv_ccg->has_mask) {
float *mask_value_ptr = (float *)(element + subdiv_ccg->mask_offset);
if (data->mask_evaluator != NULL) {
*mask_value_ptr = data->mask_evaluator->eval_mask(
data->mask_evaluator, ptex_face_index, u, v);
else {
*mask_value_ptr = 0;
BLI_INLINE void rotate_corner_to_quad(
@ -320,7 +331,8 @@ static void subdiv_ccg_eval_grids_task(
static bool subdiv_ccg_evaluate_grids(
SubdivCCG *subdiv_ccg,
Subdiv *subdiv)
Subdiv *subdiv,
SubdivCCGMask *mask_evaluator)
OpenSubdiv_TopologyRefiner *topology_refiner = subdiv->topology_refiner;
const int num_faces = topology_refiner->getNumFaces(topology_refiner);
@ -329,6 +341,7 @@ static bool subdiv_ccg_evaluate_grids(
data.subdiv_ccg = subdiv_ccg;
data.subdiv = subdiv;
data.face_ptex_offset = BKE_subdiv_face_ptex_offset_get(subdiv);
data.mask_evaluator = mask_evaluator;
/* Threaded grids evaluation. */
ParallelRangeSettings parallel_range_settings;
@ -626,7 +639,8 @@ static void subdiv_ccg_init_faces_neighborhood(SubdivCCG *subdiv_ccg)
SubdivCCG *BKE_subdiv_to_ccg(
Subdiv *subdiv,
const SubdivToCCGSettings *settings)
const SubdivToCCGSettings *settings,
SubdivCCGMask *mask_evaluator)
BKE_subdiv_stats_begin(&subdiv->stats, SUBDIV_STATS_SUBDIV_TO_CCG);
SubdivCCG *subdiv_ccg = MEM_callocN(sizeof(SubdivCCG), "subdiv ccg");
@ -638,7 +652,7 @@ SubdivCCG *BKE_subdiv_to_ccg(
subdiv_ccg_alloc_elements(subdiv_ccg, subdiv);
if (!subdiv_ccg_evaluate_grids(subdiv_ccg, subdiv)) {
if (!subdiv_ccg_evaluate_grids(subdiv_ccg, subdiv, mask_evaluator)) {
BKE_subdiv_stats_end(&subdiv->stats, SUBDIV_STATS_SUBDIV_TO_CCG);
return NULL;
@ -660,7 +674,14 @@ Mesh *BKE_subdiv_to_ccg_mesh(
BKE_subdiv_stats_end(&subdiv->stats, SUBDIV_STATS_SUBDIV_TO_CCG);
SubdivCCG *subdiv_ccg = BKE_subdiv_to_ccg(subdiv, settings);
SubdivCCGMask mask_evaluator;
bool has_mask = BKE_subdiv_ccg_mask_init_from_paint(
&mask_evaluator, coarse_mesh);
SubdivCCG *subdiv_ccg = BKE_subdiv_to_ccg(
subdiv, settings, has_mask ? &mask_evaluator : NULL);
if (has_mask) {;
if (subdiv_ccg == NULL) {
return NULL;

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@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2018 by Blender Foundation.
* All rights reserved.
* Contributor(s): Sergey Sharybin.
/** \file blender/blenkernel/intern/subdiv_ccg_mask.c
* \ingroup bke
#include "BKE_subdiv_ccg.h"
#include "DNA_mesh_types.h"
#include "DNA_meshdata_types.h"
#include "DNA_modifier_types.h"
#include "DNA_object_types.h"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
#include "BLI_math_vector.h"
#include "BKE_customdata.h"
#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
typedef struct PolyCornerIndex {
int poly_index;
int corner;
} PolyCornerIndex;
typedef struct GridPaintMaskData {
// int grid_size;
const MPoly *mpoly;
const GridPaintMask *grid_paint_mask;
/* Indexed by ptex face index, contains polygon/corner which corresponds
* to it.
* NOTE: For quad polygon this is an index of first corner only, since
* there we only have one ptex.
PolyCornerIndex *ptex_poly_corner;
} GridPaintMaskData;
/* Coordinates within grid has different convention from PTex coordinates.
* This function converts the latter ones to former.
BLI_INLINE void ptex_uv_to_grid_uv(const float ptex_u, const float ptex_v,
float *r_grid_u, float *r_grid_v)
*r_grid_u = 1.0f - ptex_v;
*r_grid_v = 1.0f - ptex_u;
/* Simplified version of mdisp_rot_face_to_crn, only handles quad and
* works in normalized coordinates.
* NOTE: Output coordinates are in ptex coordinates.
BLI_INLINE int rotate_quad_to_corner(const float u, const float v,
float *r_u, float *r_v)
int corner;
if (u <= 0.5f && v <= 0.5f) {
corner = 0;
*r_u = 2.0f * u;
*r_v = 2.0f * v;
else if (u > 0.5f && v <= 0.5f) {
corner = 1;
*r_u = 2.0f * v;
*r_v = 2.0f * (1.0f - u);
else if (u > 0.5f && v > 0.5f) {
corner = 2;
*r_u = 2.0f * (1.0f - u);
*r_v = 2.0f * (1.0f - v);
else if (u <= 0.5f && v >= 0.5f) {
corner = 3;
*r_u = 2.0f * (1.0f - v);
*r_v = 2.0f * u;
else {
BLI_assert(!"Unexpected corner configuration");
return corner;
static int mask_get_grid_and_coord(
SubdivCCGMask *mask_evaluator,
const int ptex_face_index, const float u, const float v,
const GridPaintMask **r_mask_grid,
float *grid_u, float *grid_v)
GridPaintMaskData *data = mask_evaluator->user_data;
const PolyCornerIndex *poly_corner =
const MPoly *poly = &data->mpoly[poly_corner->poly_index];
const int start_grid_index = poly->loopstart + poly_corner->corner;
int corner = 0;
if (poly->totloop == 4) {
float corner_u, corner_v;
corner = rotate_quad_to_corner(u, v, &corner_u, &corner_v);
*r_mask_grid =
&data->grid_paint_mask[start_grid_index + corner];
ptex_uv_to_grid_uv(corner_u, corner_v, grid_u, grid_v);
else {
*r_mask_grid =
ptex_uv_to_grid_uv(u, v, grid_u, grid_v);
return corner;
BLI_INLINE float read_mask_grid(const GridPaintMask *mask_grid,
const float grid_u, const float grid_v)
if (mask_grid->data == NULL) {
return 0;
const int grid_size = (1 << (mask_grid->level - 1)) + 1;
const int x = (grid_u * (grid_size - 1) + 0.5f);
const int y = (grid_v * (grid_size - 1) + 0.5f);
return mask_grid->data[y * grid_size + x];
static float eval_mask(SubdivCCGMask *mask_evaluator,
const int ptex_face_index,
const float u, const float v)
const GridPaintMask *mask_grid;
float grid_u, grid_v;
ptex_face_index, u, v,
&grid_u, &grid_v);
return read_mask_grid(mask_grid, grid_u, grid_v);
static void free_mask_data(SubdivCCGMask *mask_evaluator)
GridPaintMaskData *data = mask_evaluator->user_data;
/* TODO(sergey): This seems to be generally used information, which almost
* worth adding to a subdiv itself, with possible cache of the value.
static int count_num_ptex_faces(const Mesh *mesh)
int num_ptex_faces = 0;
const MPoly *mpoly = mesh->mpoly;
for (int poly_index = 0; poly_index < mesh->totpoly; poly_index++) {
const MPoly *poly = &mpoly[poly_index];
num_ptex_faces += (poly->totloop == 4) ? 1 : poly->totloop;
return num_ptex_faces;
static void displacement_data_init_mapping(SubdivCCGMask *mask_evaluator,
const Mesh *mesh)
GridPaintMaskData *data = mask_evaluator->user_data;
const MPoly *mpoly = mesh->mpoly;
const int num_ptex_faces = count_num_ptex_faces(mesh);
/* Allocate memory. */
data->ptex_poly_corner = MEM_malloc_arrayN(num_ptex_faces,
"ptex poly corner");
/* Fill in offsets. */
int ptex_face_index = 0;
PolyCornerIndex *ptex_poly_corner = data->ptex_poly_corner;
for (int poly_index = 0; poly_index < mesh->totpoly; poly_index++) {
const MPoly *poly = &mpoly[poly_index];
if (poly->totloop == 4) {
ptex_poly_corner[ptex_face_index].poly_index = poly_index;
ptex_poly_corner[ptex_face_index].corner = 0;
else {
for (int corner = 0; corner < poly->totloop; corner++) {
ptex_poly_corner[ptex_face_index].poly_index = poly_index;
ptex_poly_corner[ptex_face_index].corner = corner;
static void displacement_init_data(SubdivCCGMask *mask_evaluator,
const Mesh *mesh)
GridPaintMaskData *data = mask_evaluator->user_data;
data->mpoly = mesh->mpoly;
data->grid_paint_mask =
CustomData_get_layer(&mesh->ldata, CD_GRID_PAINT_MASK);
displacement_data_init_mapping(mask_evaluator, mesh);
static void displacement_init_functions(SubdivCCGMask *mask_evaluator)
mask_evaluator->eval_mask = eval_mask;
mask_evaluator->free = free_mask_data;
bool BKE_subdiv_ccg_mask_init_from_paint(
SubdivCCGMask *mask_evaluator,
const struct Mesh *mesh)
GridPaintMask *grid_paint_mask =
CustomData_get_layer(&mesh->ldata, CD_GRID_PAINT_MASK);
if (grid_paint_mask == NULL) {
return false;
/* Allocate all required memory. */
mask_evaluator->user_data =MEM_callocN(sizeof(GridPaintMaskData),
"mask from grid data");
displacement_init_data(mask_evaluator, mesh);
return true;

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@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ void BKE_subdiv_displacement_attach_from_multires(
const Mesh *mesh,
const MultiresModifierData *mmd)
/* Make sure we dont' have previously assigned displacement. */
/* Make sure we don't have previously assigned displacement. */
/* Allocate all required memory. */
SubdivDisplacement *displacement = MEM_callocN(sizeof(SubdivDisplacement),