Refactor: Move functions to get the distance to a projected aabb to BLI_match and remove confusing parameters.

This commit is contained in:
Germano Cavalcante 2018-05-11 20:20:51 -03:00
parent e4f75f97ba
commit be8add5d50
Notes: blender-bot 2023-02-14 08:08:56 +01:00
Referenced by issue #55045, EEVEE  shadows bug in Windows10 x64  (with Intel HD4600)
3 changed files with 344 additions and 320 deletions

View File

@ -140,6 +140,27 @@ float dist_squared_ray_to_aabb_v3_simple(
const float bb_min[3], const float bb_max[3],
float r_point[3], float *r_depth);
struct DistProjectedAABBPrecalc {
float ray_origin[3];
float ray_direction[3];
float ray_inv_dir[3];
float pmat[4][4];
float mval[2];
bool sign[3];
void dist_squared_to_projected_aabb_precalc(
struct DistProjectedAABBPrecalc *neasrest_precalc,
const float projmat[4][4], const float winsize[2], const float mval[2]);
float dist_squared_to_projected_aabb(
struct DistProjectedAABBPrecalc *data,
const float bbmin[3], const float bbmax[3],
bool r_axis_closest[3]);
float dist_squared_to_projected_aabb_simple(
const float projmat[4][4], const float winsize[2], const float mval[2],
const float bbmin[3], const float bbmax[3]);
float closest_to_line_v2(float r_close[2], const float p[2], const float l1[2], const float l2[2]);
float closest_to_line_v3(float r_close[3], const float p[3], const float l1[3], const float l2[3]);
void closest_to_line_segment_v2(float r_close[2], const float p[2], const float l1[2], const float l2[2]);

View File

@ -765,6 +765,241 @@ float dist_squared_ray_to_aabb_v3_simple(
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name dist_squared_to_projected_aabb and helpers
* \{ */
* \param projmat: Projection Matrix (usually perspective
* matrix multiplied by object matrix).
void dist_squared_to_projected_aabb_precalc(
struct DistProjectedAABBPrecalc *neasrest_precalc,
const float projmat[4][4], const float winsize[2], const float mval[2])
float relative_mval[2] = {
2 * mval[0] / winsize[0] - 1.0f,
2 * mval[1] / winsize[1] - 1.0f,
float px[4], py[4];
px[0] = projmat[0][0] - projmat[0][3] * relative_mval[0];
px[1] = projmat[1][0] - projmat[1][3] * relative_mval[0];
px[2] = projmat[2][0] - projmat[2][3] * relative_mval[0];
px[3] = projmat[3][0] - projmat[3][3] * relative_mval[0];
py[0] = projmat[0][1] - projmat[0][3] * relative_mval[1];
py[1] = projmat[1][1] - projmat[1][3] * relative_mval[1];
py[2] = projmat[2][1] - projmat[2][3] * relative_mval[1];
py[3] = projmat[3][1] - projmat[3][3] * relative_mval[1];
#if 0
if (!isect_plane_plane_plane_v3(
projmat[0], projmat[1], projmat[3], neasrest_precalc->ray_origin))
/* Orthographic projection. */
copy_v3_v3(neasrest_precalc->ray_direction, projmat[3]);
else {
/* Perspective projection. */
cross_v3_v3v3(neasrest_precalc->ray_direction, py, px);
px, py,
float win_half[2];
mul_v2_v2fl(win_half, winsize, 0.5f);
copy_v2_v2(neasrest_precalc->mval, mval);
sub_v2_v2(neasrest_precalc->mval, win_half);
copy_m4_m4(neasrest_precalc->pmat, projmat);
neasrest_precalc->pmat[0][0] *= win_half[0];
neasrest_precalc->pmat[1][0] *= win_half[0];
neasrest_precalc->pmat[2][0] *= win_half[0];
neasrest_precalc->pmat[3][0] *= win_half[0];
neasrest_precalc->pmat[0][1] *= win_half[1];
neasrest_precalc->pmat[1][1] *= win_half[1];
neasrest_precalc->pmat[2][1] *= win_half[1];
neasrest_precalc->pmat[3][1] *= win_half[1];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
neasrest_precalc->ray_inv_dir[i] =
(neasrest_precalc->ray_direction[i] != 0.0f) ?
(1.0f / neasrest_precalc->ray_direction[i]) : FLT_MAX;
neasrest_precalc->sign[i] = (neasrest_precalc->ray_inv_dir[i] < 0.0f);
/* Returns the distance from a 2d coordinate to a BoundBox (Projected) */
float dist_squared_to_projected_aabb(
struct DistProjectedAABBPrecalc *data,
const float bbmin[3], const float bbmax[3],
bool r_axis_closest[3])
float local_bvmin[3], local_bvmax[3];
if (data->sign[0]) {
local_bvmin[0] = bbmax[0];
local_bvmax[0] = bbmin[0];
else {
local_bvmin[0] = bbmin[0];
local_bvmax[0] = bbmax[0];
if (data->sign[1]) {
local_bvmin[1] = bbmax[1];
local_bvmax[1] = bbmin[1];
else {
local_bvmin[1] = bbmin[1];
local_bvmax[1] = bbmax[1];
if (data->sign[2]) {
local_bvmin[2] = bbmax[2];
local_bvmax[2] = bbmin[2];
else {
local_bvmin[2] = bbmin[2];
local_bvmax[2] = bbmax[2];
const float tmin[3] = {
(local_bvmin[0] - data->ray_origin[0]) * data->ray_inv_dir[0],
(local_bvmin[1] - data->ray_origin[1]) * data->ray_inv_dir[1],
(local_bvmin[2] - data->ray_origin[2]) * data->ray_inv_dir[2],
const float tmax[3] = {
(local_bvmax[0] - data->ray_origin[0]) * data->ray_inv_dir[0],
(local_bvmax[1] - data->ray_origin[1]) * data->ray_inv_dir[1],
(local_bvmax[2] - data->ray_origin[2]) * data->ray_inv_dir[2],
/* `va` and `vb` are the coordinates of the AABB edge closest to the ray */
float va[3], vb[3];
/* `rtmin` and `rtmax` are the minimum and maximum distances of the ray hits on the AABB */
float rtmin, rtmax;
int main_axis;
if ((tmax[0] <= tmax[1]) && (tmax[0] <= tmax[2])) {
rtmax = tmax[0];
va[0] = vb[0] = local_bvmax[0];
main_axis = 3;
r_axis_closest[0] = data->sign[0];
else if ((tmax[1] <= tmax[0]) && (tmax[1] <= tmax[2])) {
rtmax = tmax[1];
va[1] = vb[1] = local_bvmax[1];
main_axis = 2;
r_axis_closest[1] = data->sign[1];
else {
rtmax = tmax[2];
va[2] = vb[2] = local_bvmax[2];
main_axis = 1;
r_axis_closest[2] = data->sign[2];
if ((tmin[0] >= tmin[1]) && (tmin[0] >= tmin[2])) {
rtmin = tmin[0];
va[0] = vb[0] = local_bvmin[0];
main_axis -= 3;
r_axis_closest[0] = !data->sign[0];
else if ((tmin[1] >= tmin[0]) && (tmin[1] >= tmin[2])) {
rtmin = tmin[1];
va[1] = vb[1] = local_bvmin[1];
main_axis -= 1;
r_axis_closest[1] = !data->sign[1];
else {
rtmin = tmin[2];
va[2] = vb[2] = local_bvmin[2];
main_axis -= 2;
r_axis_closest[2] = !data->sign[2];
if (main_axis < 0) {
main_axis += 3;
/* if rtmin <= rtmax, ray intersect `AABB` */
if (rtmin <= rtmax) {
return 0;
if (data->sign[main_axis]) {
va[main_axis] = local_bvmax[main_axis];
vb[main_axis] = local_bvmin[main_axis];
else {
va[main_axis] = local_bvmin[main_axis];
vb[main_axis] = local_bvmax[main_axis];
float scale = fabsf(local_bvmax[main_axis] - local_bvmin[main_axis]);
float (*pmat)[4] = data->pmat;
float va2d[2] = {
(dot_m4_v3_row_x(pmat, va) + pmat[3][0]),
(dot_m4_v3_row_y(pmat, va) + pmat[3][1]),
float vb2d[2] = {
(va2d[0] + pmat[main_axis][0] * scale),
(va2d[1] + pmat[main_axis][1] * scale),
float w_a = mul_project_m4_v3_zfac(pmat, va);
float w_b = w_a + pmat[main_axis][3] * scale;
va2d[0] /= w_a;
va2d[1] /= w_a;
vb2d[0] /= w_b;
vb2d[1] /= w_b;
float dvec[2], edge[2], lambda, rdist_sq;
sub_v2_v2v2(dvec, data->mval, va2d);
sub_v2_v2v2(edge, vb2d, va2d);
lambda = dot_v2v2(dvec, edge);
if (lambda != 0.0f) {
lambda /= len_squared_v2(edge);
if (lambda <= 0.0f) {
rdist_sq = len_squared_v2v2(data->mval, va2d);
r_axis_closest[main_axis] = true;
else if (lambda >= 1.0f) {
rdist_sq = len_squared_v2v2(data->mval, vb2d);
r_axis_closest[main_axis] = false;
else {
va2d[0] += edge[0] * lambda;
va2d[1] += edge[1] * lambda;
rdist_sq = len_squared_v2v2(data->mval, va2d);
r_axis_closest[main_axis] = lambda < 0.5f;
else {
rdist_sq = len_squared_v2v2(data->mval, va2d);
return rdist_sq;
float dist_squared_to_projected_aabb_simple(
const float projmat[4][4], const float winsize[2], const float mval[2],
const float bbmin[3], const float bbmax[3])
struct DistProjectedAABBPrecalc data;
dist_squared_to_projected_aabb_precalc(&data, projmat, winsize, mval);
bool dummy[3] = {true, true, true};
return dist_squared_to_projected_aabb(&data, bbmin, bbmax, dummy);
/** \} */
/* Adapted from "Real-Time Collision Detection" by Christer Ericson,
* published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, copyright 2005 Elsevier Inc.

View File

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ typedef struct SnapData {
float ray_start[3];
float ray_dir[3];
float pmat[4][4]; /* perspective matrix */
float win_half[2];/* win x and y */
float win_size[2];/* win x and y */
enum eViewProj view_proj;
float depth_range[2];
} SnapData;
@ -214,8 +214,8 @@ static void snap_data_set(
const float ray_direction[3], const float depth_range[2])
copy_m4_m4(snapdata->pmat, ((RegionView3D *)ar->regiondata)->persmat);
snapdata->win_half[0] = ar->winx / 2;
snapdata->win_half[1] = ar->winy / 2;
snapdata->win_size[0] = ar->winx;
snapdata->win_size[1] = ar->winy;
copy_v2_v2(snapdata->mval, mval);
snapdata->snap_to = snap_to;
copy_v3_v3(snapdata->ray_origin, ray_origin);
@ -896,33 +896,29 @@ static void cb_mlooptri_verts_get(
static bool test_projected_vert_dist(
const float depth_range[2], const float mval[2], const float co[3],
float pmat[4][4], const float win_half[2], const bool is_persp,
struct DistProjectedAABBPrecalc *neasrest_precalc,
const float depth_range[2], const float co[3],
const bool is_persp,
float *dist_px_sq, float r_co[3])
float depth;
float w;
if (is_persp) {
depth = mul_project_m4_v3_zfac(pmat, co);
if (depth < depth_range[0] || depth > depth_range[1]) {
w = mul_project_m4_v3_zfac(neasrest_precalc->pmat, co);
if (w < depth_range[0] || w > depth_range[1]) {
return false;
float co2d[2] = {
(dot_m4_v3_row_x(pmat, co) + pmat[3][0]),
(dot_m4_v3_row_y(pmat, co) + pmat[3][1]),
(dot_m4_v3_row_x(neasrest_precalc->pmat, co) + neasrest_precalc->pmat[3][0]),
(dot_m4_v3_row_y(neasrest_precalc->pmat, co) + neasrest_precalc->pmat[3][1]),
if (is_persp) {
mul_v2_fl(co2d, 1 / depth);
mul_v2_fl(co2d, 1.0f / w);
co2d[0] += 1.0f;
co2d[1] += 1.0f;
co2d[0] *= win_half[0];
co2d[1] *= win_half[1];
const float dist_sq = len_squared_v2v2(mval, co2d);
const float dist_sq = len_squared_v2v2(neasrest_precalc->mval, co2d);
if (dist_sq < *dist_px_sq) {
copy_v3_v3(r_co, co);
*dist_px_sq = dist_sq;
@ -932,240 +928,21 @@ static bool test_projected_vert_dist(
static bool test_projected_edge_dist(
const float depth_range[2], const float mval[2],
float pmat[4][4], const float win_half[2], const bool is_persp,
const float ray_start[3], const float ray_dir[3],
struct DistProjectedAABBPrecalc *neasrest_precalc,
const float depth_range[2], const bool is_persp,
const float va[3], const float vb[3],
float *dist_px_sq, float r_co[3])
float tmp_co[3], depth;
dist_squared_ray_to_seg_v3(ray_start, ray_dir, va, vb, tmp_co, &depth);
return test_projected_vert_dist(depth_range, mval, tmp_co, pmat, win_half, is_persp, dist_px_sq, r_co);
typedef struct Nearest2dPrecalc {
float ray_origin_local[3];
float ray_direction_local[3];
float ray_inv_dir[3];
float tmp_co[3], dummy_depth;
va, vb, tmp_co, &dummy_depth);
float ray_min_dist;
float pmat[4][4]; /* perspective matrix multiplied by object matrix */
bool is_persp;
float win_half[2];
float mval[2];
bool sign[3];
} Nearest2dPrecalc;
* \param lpmat: Perspective matrix multiplied by object matrix
static void dist_squared_to_projected_aabb_precalc(
struct Nearest2dPrecalc *neasrest_precalc,
float lpmat[4][4], bool is_persp, const float win_half[2],
const float ray_min_dist, const float mval[2],
const float ray_origin_local[3], const float ray_direction_local[3])
copy_m4_m4(neasrest_precalc->pmat, lpmat);
neasrest_precalc->is_persp = is_persp;
copy_v2_v2(neasrest_precalc->win_half, win_half);
neasrest_precalc->ray_min_dist = ray_min_dist;
copy_v3_v3(neasrest_precalc->ray_origin_local, ray_origin_local);
copy_v3_v3(neasrest_precalc->ray_direction_local, ray_direction_local);
copy_v2_v2(neasrest_precalc->mval, mval);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
neasrest_precalc->ray_inv_dir[i] =
(neasrest_precalc->ray_direction_local[i] != 0.0f) ?
(1.0f / neasrest_precalc->ray_direction_local[i]) : FLT_MAX;
neasrest_precalc->sign[i] = (neasrest_precalc->ray_inv_dir[i] < 0.0f);
/* Returns the distance from a 2d coordinate to a BoundBox (Projected) */
static float dist_squared_to_projected_aabb(
struct Nearest2dPrecalc *data,
const float bbmin[3], const float bbmax[3],
bool r_axis_closest[3])
float local_bvmin[3], local_bvmax[3];
if (data->sign[0]) {
local_bvmin[0] = bbmax[0];
local_bvmax[0] = bbmin[0];
else {
local_bvmin[0] = bbmin[0];
local_bvmax[0] = bbmax[0];
if (data->sign[1]) {
local_bvmin[1] = bbmax[1];
local_bvmax[1] = bbmin[1];
else {
local_bvmin[1] = bbmin[1];
local_bvmax[1] = bbmax[1];
if (data->sign[2]) {
local_bvmin[2] = bbmax[2];
local_bvmax[2] = bbmin[2];
else {
local_bvmin[2] = bbmin[2];
local_bvmax[2] = bbmax[2];
const float tmin[3] = {
(local_bvmin[0] - data->ray_origin_local[0]) * data->ray_inv_dir[0],
(local_bvmin[1] - data->ray_origin_local[1]) * data->ray_inv_dir[1],
(local_bvmin[2] - data->ray_origin_local[2]) * data->ray_inv_dir[2],
const float tmax[3] = {
(local_bvmax[0] - data->ray_origin_local[0]) * data->ray_inv_dir[0],
(local_bvmax[1] - data->ray_origin_local[1]) * data->ray_inv_dir[1],
(local_bvmax[2] - data->ray_origin_local[2]) * data->ray_inv_dir[2],
/* `va` and `vb` are the coordinates of the AABB edge closest to the ray */
float va[3], vb[3];
/* `rtmin` and `rtmax` are the minimum and maximum distances of the ray hits on the AABB */
float rtmin, rtmax;
int main_axis;
if ((tmax[0] <= tmax[1]) && (tmax[0] <= tmax[2])) {
rtmax = tmax[0];
va[0] = vb[0] = local_bvmax[0];
main_axis = 3;
r_axis_closest[0] = data->sign[0];
else if ((tmax[1] <= tmax[0]) && (tmax[1] <= tmax[2])) {
rtmax = tmax[1];
va[1] = vb[1] = local_bvmax[1];
main_axis = 2;
r_axis_closest[1] = data->sign[1];
else {
rtmax = tmax[2];
va[2] = vb[2] = local_bvmax[2];
main_axis = 1;
r_axis_closest[2] = data->sign[2];
if ((tmin[0] >= tmin[1]) && (tmin[0] >= tmin[2])) {
rtmin = tmin[0];
va[0] = vb[0] = local_bvmin[0];
main_axis -= 3;
r_axis_closest[0] = !data->sign[0];
else if ((tmin[1] >= tmin[0]) && (tmin[1] >= tmin[2])) {
rtmin = tmin[1];
va[1] = vb[1] = local_bvmin[1];
main_axis -= 1;
r_axis_closest[1] = !data->sign[1];
else {
rtmin = tmin[2];
va[2] = vb[2] = local_bvmin[2];
main_axis -= 2;
r_axis_closest[2] = !data->sign[2];
if (main_axis < 0) {
main_axis += 3;
float depth_max = depth_get(local_bvmax, data->ray_origin_local, data->ray_direction_local);
if (depth_max < data->ray_min_dist) {
return FLT_MAX;
/* if rtmin <= rtmax, ray intersect `AABB` */
if (rtmin <= rtmax) {
return 0;
if (data->sign[main_axis]) {
va[main_axis] = local_bvmax[main_axis];
vb[main_axis] = local_bvmin[main_axis];
else {
va[main_axis] = local_bvmin[main_axis];
vb[main_axis] = local_bvmax[main_axis];
float scale = fabsf(local_bvmax[main_axis] - local_bvmin[main_axis]);
float (*pmat)[4] = data->pmat;
float va2d[2] = {
(dot_m4_v3_row_x(pmat, va) + pmat[3][0]),
(dot_m4_v3_row_y(pmat, va) + pmat[3][1]),
float vb2d[2] = {
(va2d[0] + pmat[main_axis][0] * scale),
(va2d[1] + pmat[main_axis][1] * scale),
if (data->is_persp) {
float depth_a = mul_project_m4_v3_zfac(pmat, va);
float depth_b = depth_a + pmat[main_axis][3] * scale;
va2d[0] /= depth_a;
va2d[1] /= depth_a;
vb2d[0] /= depth_b;
vb2d[1] /= depth_b;
va2d[0] += 1.0f;
va2d[1] += 1.0f;
vb2d[0] += 1.0f;
vb2d[1] += 1.0f;
va2d[0] *= data->win_half[0];
va2d[1] *= data->win_half[1];
vb2d[0] *= data->win_half[0];
vb2d[1] *= data->win_half[1];
float dvec[2], edge[2], lambda, rdist;
sub_v2_v2v2(dvec, data->mval, va2d);
sub_v2_v2v2(edge, vb2d, va2d);
lambda = dot_v2v2(dvec, edge);
if (lambda != 0.0f) {
lambda /= len_squared_v2(edge);
if (lambda <= 0.0f) {
rdist = len_squared_v2v2(data->mval, va2d);
r_axis_closest[main_axis] = true;
else if (lambda >= 1.0f) {
rdist = len_squared_v2v2(data->mval, vb2d);
r_axis_closest[main_axis] = false;
else {
va2d[0] += edge[0] * lambda;
va2d[1] += edge[1] * lambda;
rdist = len_squared_v2v2(data->mval, va2d);
r_axis_closest[main_axis] = lambda < 0.5f;
else {
rdist = len_squared_v2v2(data->mval, va2d);
return rdist;
static float dist_squared_to_projected_aabb_simple(
float lpmat[4][4], const float win_half[2],
const float ray_min_dist, const float mval[2],
const float ray_origin_local[3], const float ray_direction_local[3],
const float bbmin[3], const float bbmax[3])
struct Nearest2dPrecalc data;
&data, lpmat, true, win_half, ray_min_dist,
mval, ray_origin_local, ray_direction_local);
bool dummy[3] = {true, true, true};
return dist_squared_to_projected_aabb(&data, bbmin, bbmax, dummy);
return test_projected_vert_dist(
neasrest_precalc, depth_range,
tmp_co, is_persp, dist_px_sq, r_co);
/** \} */
@ -1181,13 +958,11 @@ typedef void (*Nearest2DGetTriEdgesCallback)(const int index, int e_index[3], vo
typedef void (*Nearest2DCopyVertNoCallback)(const int index, float r_no[3], void *data);
typedef struct Nearest2dUserData {
struct Nearest2dPrecalc data_precalc;
float dist_px_sq;
struct DistProjectedAABBPrecalc data_precalc;
bool r_axis_closest[3];
bool is_persp;
float depth_range[2];
short snap_to;
void *userdata;
Nearest2DGetVertCoCallback get_vert_co;
@ -1196,8 +971,7 @@ typedef struct Nearest2dUserData {
Nearest2DGetTriEdgesCallback get_tri_edges_index;
Nearest2DCopyVertNoCallback copy_vert_no;
short snap_to;
float dist_px_sq;
int index;
float co[3];
float no[3];
@ -1225,17 +999,14 @@ static bool cb_walk_leaf_snap_vert(
const BVHTreeAxisRange *UNUSED(bounds), int index, void *userdata)
struct Nearest2dUserData *data = userdata;
struct Nearest2dPrecalc *neasrest_precalc = &data->data_precalc;
const float *co;
data->get_vert_co(index, &co, data->userdata);
if (test_projected_vert_dist(
neasrest_precalc->mval, co,
data->depth_range, co,
@ -1249,7 +1020,6 @@ static bool cb_walk_leaf_snap_edge(
const BVHTreeAxisRange *UNUSED(bounds), int index, void *userdata)
struct Nearest2dUserData *data = userdata;
struct Nearest2dPrecalc *neasrest_precalc = &data->data_precalc;
int vindex[2];
data->get_edge_verts_index(index, vindex, data->userdata);
@ -1260,13 +1030,9 @@ static bool cb_walk_leaf_snap_edge(
data->get_vert_co(vindex[1], &v_pair[1], data->userdata);
if (test_projected_edge_dist(
v_pair[0], v_pair[1],
@ -1347,9 +1113,14 @@ static bool snapArmature(
return retval;
bool is_persp = snapdata->view_proj == VIEW_PROJ_PERSP;
float lpmat[4][4], dist_px_sq;
mul_m4_m4m4(lpmat, snapdata->pmat, obmat);
struct DistProjectedAABBPrecalc neasrest_precalc;
&neasrest_precalc, lpmat, snapdata->win_size, snapdata->mval);
bool is_persp = snapdata->view_proj == VIEW_PROJ_PERSP;
dist_px_sq = SQUARE(*dist_px);
if (arm->edbo) {
@ -1360,19 +1131,16 @@ static bool snapArmature(
switch (snapdata->snap_to) {
retval |= test_projected_vert_dist(
snapdata->depth_range, snapdata->mval, eBone->head,
lpmat, snapdata->win_half, is_persp, &dist_px_sq,
&neasrest_precalc, snapdata->depth_range,
eBone->head, is_persp, &dist_px_sq, r_loc);
retval |= test_projected_vert_dist(
snapdata->depth_range, snapdata->mval, eBone->tail,
lpmat, snapdata->win_half, is_persp, &dist_px_sq,
&neasrest_precalc, snapdata->depth_range,
eBone->tail, is_persp, &dist_px_sq, r_loc);
retval |= test_projected_edge_dist(
snapdata->depth_range, snapdata->mval, lpmat,
snapdata->win_half, is_persp, ray_start_local, ray_normal_local,
eBone->head, eBone->tail,
&neasrest_precalc, snapdata->depth_range,
is_persp, eBone->head, eBone->tail,
&dist_px_sq, r_loc);
@ -1391,19 +1159,16 @@ static bool snapArmature(
switch (snapdata->snap_to) {
retval |= test_projected_vert_dist(
snapdata->depth_range, snapdata->mval, head_vec,
lpmat, snapdata->win_half, is_persp, &dist_px_sq,
&neasrest_precalc, snapdata->depth_range,
head_vec, is_persp, &dist_px_sq, r_loc);
retval |= test_projected_vert_dist(
snapdata->depth_range, snapdata->mval, tail_vec,
lpmat, snapdata->win_half, is_persp, &dist_px_sq,
&neasrest_precalc, snapdata->depth_range,
tail_vec, is_persp, &dist_px_sq, r_loc);
retval |= test_projected_edge_dist(
snapdata->depth_range, snapdata->mval, lpmat,
snapdata->win_half, is_persp, ray_start_local, ray_normal_local,
head_vec, tail_vec,
&neasrest_precalc, snapdata->depth_range,
is_persp, head_vec, tail_vec,
&dist_px_sq, r_loc);
@ -1434,9 +1199,14 @@ static bool snapCurve(
return retval;
bool is_persp = snapdata->view_proj == VIEW_PROJ_PERSP;
float lpmat[4][4], dist_px_sq;
mul_m4_m4m4(lpmat, snapdata->pmat, obmat);
struct DistProjectedAABBPrecalc neasrest_precalc;
&neasrest_precalc, lpmat, snapdata->win_size, snapdata->mval);
bool is_persp = snapdata->view_proj == VIEW_PROJ_PERSP;
dist_px_sq = SQUARE(*dist_px);
for (Nurb *nu = (use_obedit ? cu->editnurb->nurbs.first : cu->nurb.first); nu; nu = nu->next) {
@ -1451,24 +1221,24 @@ static bool snapCurve(
retval |= test_projected_vert_dist(
snapdata->depth_range, snapdata->mval, nu->bezt[u].vec[1],
lpmat, snapdata->win_half, is_persp, &dist_px_sq,
&neasrest_precalc, snapdata->depth_range,
nu->bezt[u].vec[1], is_persp, &dist_px_sq,
/* don't snap if handle is selected (moving), or if it is aligning to a moving handle */
if (!(nu->bezt[u].f1 & SELECT) &&
!(nu->bezt[u].h1 & HD_ALIGN && nu->bezt[u].f3 & SELECT))
retval |= test_projected_vert_dist(
snapdata->depth_range, snapdata->mval, nu->bezt[u].vec[0],
lpmat, snapdata->win_half, is_persp, &dist_px_sq,
&neasrest_precalc, snapdata->depth_range,
nu->bezt[u].vec[0], is_persp, &dist_px_sq,
if (!(nu->bezt[u].f3 & SELECT) &&
!(nu->bezt[u].h2 & HD_ALIGN && nu->bezt[u].f1 & SELECT))
retval |= test_projected_vert_dist(
snapdata->depth_range, snapdata->mval, nu->bezt[u].vec[2],
lpmat, snapdata->win_half, is_persp, &dist_px_sq,
&neasrest_precalc, snapdata->depth_range,
nu->bezt[u].vec[2], is_persp, &dist_px_sq,
@ -1478,8 +1248,8 @@ static bool snapCurve(
retval |= test_projected_vert_dist(
snapdata->depth_range, snapdata->mval, nu->bp[u].vec,
lpmat, snapdata->win_half, is_persp, &dist_px_sq,
&neasrest_precalc, snapdata->depth_range,
nu->bp[u].vec, is_persp, &dist_px_sq,
@ -1488,14 +1258,14 @@ static bool snapCurve(
if (nu->pntsu > 1) {
if (nu->bezt) {
retval |= test_projected_vert_dist(
snapdata->depth_range, snapdata->mval, nu->bezt[u].vec[1],
lpmat, snapdata->win_half, is_persp, &dist_px_sq,
&neasrest_precalc, snapdata->depth_range,
nu->bezt[u].vec[1], is_persp, &dist_px_sq,
else {
retval |= test_projected_vert_dist(
snapdata->depth_range, snapdata->mval, nu->bp[u].vec,
lpmat, snapdata->win_half, is_persp, &dist_px_sq,
&neasrest_precalc, snapdata->depth_range,
nu->bp[u].vec, is_persp, &dist_px_sq,
@ -1535,14 +1305,17 @@ static bool snapEmpty(
switch (snapdata->snap_to) {
struct DistProjectedAABBPrecalc neasrest_precalc;
&neasrest_precalc, snapdata->pmat, snapdata->win_size, snapdata->mval);
bool is_persp = snapdata->view_proj == VIEW_PROJ_PERSP;
float dist_px_sq = SQUARE(*dist_px);
float tmp_co[3];
copy_v3_v3(tmp_co, obmat[3]);
if (test_projected_vert_dist(
snapdata->depth_range, snapdata->mval, tmp_co,
snapdata->pmat, snapdata->win_half, is_persp, &dist_px_sq,
&neasrest_precalc, snapdata->depth_range,
tmp_co, is_persp, &dist_px_sq, r_loc))
*dist_px = sqrtf(dist_px_sq);
*ray_depth = depth_get(r_loc, snapdata->ray_start, snapdata->ray_dir);
@ -1593,6 +1366,9 @@ static bool snapCamera(
MovieTrackingObject *tracking_object;
struct DistProjectedAABBPrecalc neasrest_precalc;
&neasrest_precalc, snapdata->pmat, snapdata->win_size, snapdata->mval);
for (tracking_object = tracking->objects.first;
@ -1629,9 +1405,8 @@ static bool snapCamera(
mul_m4_v3(vertex_obmat, bundle_pos);
retval |= test_projected_vert_dist(
snapdata->depth_range, snapdata->mval, bundle_pos,
snapdata->pmat, snapdata->win_half, is_persp, &dist_px_sq,
&neasrest_precalc, snapdata->depth_range,
bundle_pos, is_persp, &dist_px_sq, r_loc);
@ -1700,8 +1475,7 @@ static bool snapMesh(
if (bb) {
/* In vertex and edges you need to get the pixel distance from ray to BoundBox, see: T46099, T46816 */
float dist_px_sq = dist_squared_to_projected_aabb_simple(
lpmat, snapdata->win_half, ray_min_dist, snapdata->mval,
ray_org_local, ray_normal_local, bb->vec[0], bb->vec[6]);
lpmat, snapdata->win_size, snapdata->mval, bb->vec[0], bb->vec[6]);
if (dist_px_sq > SQUARE(*dist_px)) {
return retval;
@ -1805,22 +1579,21 @@ static bool snapMesh(
const float ray_depth_max_global = *ray_depth + snapdata->depth_range[0];
Nearest2dUserData neasrest2d = {
.dist_px_sq = SQUARE(*dist_px),
.r_axis_closest = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f},
.is_persp = snapdata->view_proj == VIEW_PROJ_PERSP,
.depth_range = {snapdata->depth_range[0], ray_depth_max_global},
.snap_to = snapdata->snap_to,
.userdata = treedata,
.get_vert_co = (Nearest2DGetVertCoCallback)cb_mvert_co_get,
.get_edge_verts_index = (Nearest2DGetEdgeVertsCallback)cb_medge_verts_get,
.get_tri_verts_index = (Nearest2DGetTriVertsCallback)cb_mlooptri_verts_get,
.get_tri_edges_index = (Nearest2DGetTriEdgesCallback)cb_mlooptri_edges_get,
.copy_vert_no = (Nearest2DCopyVertNoCallback)cb_mvert_no_copy,
.snap_to = snapdata->snap_to,
.dist_px_sq = SQUARE(*dist_px),
.index = -1};
&neasrest2d.data_precalc, lpmat,
snapdata->view_proj == VIEW_PROJ_PERSP, snapdata->win_half,
ray_min_dist, snapdata->mval, ray_org_local, ray_normal_local);
&neasrest2d.data_precalc, lpmat, snapdata->win_size, snapdata->mval);
if (bvhtree[1]) {
@ -1893,9 +1666,6 @@ static bool snapEditMesh(
mul_mat3_m4_v3(imat, ray_normal_local);
/* local scale in normal direction */
float local_scale = normalize_v3(ray_normal_local);
SnapObjectData_EditMesh *sod = NULL;
BVHTreeFromEditMesh *treedata = NULL;
@ -1972,23 +1742,21 @@ static bool snapEditMesh(
mul_m4_v3(imat, ray_org_local);
Nearest2dUserData neasrest2d = {
.dist_px_sq = SQUARE(*dist_px),
.r_axis_closest = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f},
.is_persp = snapdata->view_proj == VIEW_PROJ_PERSP,
.depth_range = {snapdata->depth_range[0], *ray_depth + snapdata->depth_range[0]},
.snap_to = snapdata->snap_to,
.userdata = treedata->em,
.get_vert_co = (Nearest2DGetVertCoCallback)cb_bvert_co_get,
.get_edge_verts_index = (Nearest2DGetEdgeVertsCallback)cb_bedge_verts_get,
.copy_vert_no = (Nearest2DCopyVertNoCallback)cb_bvert_no_copy,
.snap_to = snapdata->snap_to,
.dist_px_sq = SQUARE(*dist_px),
.index = -1};
float lpmat[4][4];
mul_m4_m4m4(lpmat, snapdata->pmat, obmat);
&neasrest2d.data_precalc, lpmat,
snapdata->view_proj == VIEW_PROJ_PERSP, snapdata->win_half,
(snapdata->depth_range[0] * local_scale), snapdata->mval,
ray_org_local, ray_normal_local);
&neasrest2d.data_precalc, lpmat, snapdata->win_size, snapdata->mval);
BVHTree_WalkLeafCallback cb_walk_leaf =
(snapdata->snap_to == SCE_SNAP_MODE_VERTEX) ?