Fix T74536: Grease pencil immediately crashes on macOS

It seems like OSX drivers are using standard attributes for passing
gl_VertexID and gl_InstanceID to the vertex shader, and count them in the

This patch make sure to never use more than 13 attributes by packing some
attributes together.
This commit is contained in:
Clément Foucault 2020-03-10 04:46:56 +01:00
parent bf1b323b15
commit c971e812d5
Notes: blender-bot 2023-12-08 16:39:08 +01:00
Referenced by issue #74663, GPencil – Fills are Flickering
Referenced by issue #74536, Grease pencil immediately crashes on macOS
3 changed files with 81 additions and 49 deletions

View File

@ -218,35 +218,53 @@ uniform float strokeIndexOffset = 0.0;
* - ma3 reference the next adjacency point.
* Note that we are rendering quad instances and not using any index buffer (except for fills).
in vec4 ma;
in vec4 ma1;
in vec4 ma2;
in vec4 ma3;
# define strength1 ma1.y
# define strength2 ma2.y
# define stroke_id1 ma1.z
# define point_id1 ma1.w
/* x is material index, y is stroke_id, z is point_id, w is aspect & rotation & hardness packed. */
in ivec4 ma;
in ivec4 ma1;
in ivec4 ma2;
in ivec4 ma3;
/* Position contains thickness in 4th component. */
in vec4 pos; /* Prev adj vert */
in vec4 pos1; /* Current edge */
in vec4 pos2; /* Current edge */
in vec4 pos3; /* Next adj vert */
# define thickness1 pos1.w
# define thickness2 pos2.w
/* xy is UV for fills, z is U of stroke, w is cosine of UV angle with sign of sine. */
/* xy is UV for fills, z is U of stroke, w is strength. */
in vec4 uv1;
in vec4 uv2;
in vec4 col1;
in vec4 col2;
in vec4 fcol1;
/* WARNING: Max attrib count is actually 14 because OSX OpenGL implementation
* considers gl_VertexID and gl_InstanceID as vertex attribute. (see T74536) */
# define stroke_id1 ma1.y
# define point_id1 ma1.z
# define thickness1 pos1.w
# define thickness2 pos2.w
# define strength1 uv1.w
# define strength2 uv2.w
/* Packed! need to be decoded. */
# define hardness1 ma1.w
# define hardness2 ma2.w
# define uvrot1 ma1.w
# define aspect1 ma1.w
/* hard.x is aspect. */
in vec2 hard1;
in vec2 hard2;
# define aspect1 hard1.x
# define aspect2 hard2.x
vec2 decode_aspect(int packed_data)
float asp = float(uint(packed_data) & 0x1FFu) * (1.0 / 255.0);
return (asp > 1.0) ? vec2(1.0, (asp - 1.0)) : vec2(asp, 1.0);
float decode_uvrot(int packed_data)
uint udata = uint(packed_data);
float uvrot = 1e-8 + float((udata & 0x1FE00u) >> 9u) * (1.0 / 255.0);
return ((udata & 0x20000u) != 0u) ? -uvrot : uvrot;
float decode_hardness(int packed_data)
return float((uint(packed_data) & 0x3FC0000u) >> 18u) * (1.0 / 255.0);
void discard_vert()
@ -356,13 +374,13 @@ void stroke_vertex()
# endif
/* Special Case. Stroke with single vert are rendered as dots. Do not discard them. */
if (!is_dot && ma.x == -1.0 && ma2.x == -1.0) {
if (!is_dot && ma.x == -1 && ma2.x == -1) {
is_dot = true;
is_squares = false;
/* Enpoints, we discard the vertices. */
if (ma1.x == -1.0 || (!is_dot && ma2.x == -1.0)) {
if (ma1.x == -1 || (!is_dot && ma2.x == -1)) {
@ -398,7 +416,7 @@ void stroke_vertex()
thickness = stroke_thickness_modulate(thickness);
finalUvs = vec2(x, y) * 0.5 + 0.5;
strokeHardeness = (use_curr) ? hard1.y : hard2.y;
strokeHardeness = decode_hardness(use_curr ? hardness1 : hardness2);
if (is_dot) {
@ -408,7 +426,7 @@ void stroke_vertex()
vec2 x_axis;
if (alignement == GP_STROKE_ALIGNMENT_STROKE) {
x_axis = (ma2.x == -1.0) ? line_adj : line;
x_axis = (ma2.x == -1) ? line_adj : line;
else if (alignement == GP_STROKE_ALIGNMENT_FIXED) {
/* Default for no-material drawing. */
@ -423,25 +441,20 @@ void stroke_vertex()
/* Rotation: Encoded as Cos + Sin sign. */
float rot_sin = sqrt(1.0 - uv1.w * uv1.w) * sign(uv1.w);
float rot_cos = abs(uv1.w);
float uv_rot = decode_uvrot(uvrot1);
float rot_sin = sqrt(1.0 - uv_rot * uv_rot) * sign(uv_rot);
float rot_cos = abs(uv_rot);
x_axis = mat2(rot_cos, -rot_sin, rot_sin, rot_cos) * x_axis;
vec2 y_axis = rotate_90deg(x_axis);
strokeAspect.x = aspect1;
strokeAspect = decode_aspect(aspect1);
if (strokeAspect.x > 1.0) {
strokeAspect.y = strokeAspect.x;
strokeAspect.x = 1.0;
else {
strokeAspect.x = 1.0 / strokeAspect.x;
strokeAspect.y = 1.0;
x *= strokeAspect.x;
y *= strokeAspect.y;
x /= strokeAspect.x;
y /= strokeAspect.y;
/* Invert for vertex shader. */
strokeAspect = 1.0 / strokeAspect;
gl_Position.xy += (x * x_axis + y * y_axis) * sizeViewportInv.xy * thickness;

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ uniform vec4 gpEditColor;
uniform sampler1D weightTex;
in vec3 pos;
in float ma;
in int ma;
in uint vflag;
in float weight;
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ void main()
/* Discard unwanted padding vertices. */
if (ma == -1.0 || (is_multiframe && !doMultiframe)) {
if (ma == -1 || (is_multiframe && !doMultiframe)) {

View File

@ -166,23 +166,20 @@ void DRW_gpencil_batch_cache_free(bGPdata *gpd)
/* MUST match the format below. */
typedef struct gpStrokeVert {
/** Mat is float because we need to pack other float attribs with it. */
float mat, strength, stroke_id, point_id;
int32_t mat, stroke_id, point_id, packed_asp_hard_rot;
/** Position and thickness packed in the same attribute. */
float pos[3], thickness;
float uv_fill[2], u_stroke, v_rot;
/** Aspect ratio and hardnes. */
float aspect_ratio, hardness;
/** UV and strength packed in the same attribute. */
float uv_fill[2], u_stroke, strength;
} gpStrokeVert;
static GPUVertFormat *gpencil_stroke_format(void)
static GPUVertFormat format = {0};
if (format.attr_len == 0) {
GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, "ma", GPU_COMP_F32, 4, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT);
GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, "ma", GPU_COMP_I32, 4, GPU_FETCH_INT);
GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, "pos", GPU_COMP_F32, 4, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT);
GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, "uv", GPU_COMP_F32, 4, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT);
GPU_vertformat_attr_add(&format, "hard", GPU_COMP_F32, 2, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT);
/* IMPORTANT: This means having only 4 attributes to fit into GPU module limit of 16 attrib. */
GPU_vertformat_multiload_enable(&format, 4);
@ -249,6 +246,29 @@ static int gpencil_stroke_is_cyclic(const bGPDstroke *gps)
return ((gps->flag & GP_STROKE_CYCLIC) != 0) && (gps->totpoints > 2);
BLI_INLINE int32_t pack_rotation_aspect_hardness(float rot, float asp, float hard)
int32_t packed = 0;
/* Aspect uses 9 bits */
float asp_normalized = (asp > 1.0f) ? (1.0f / asp) : asp;
packed |= (int32_t)unit_float_to_uchar_clamp(asp_normalized);
/* Store if inversed in the 9th bit. */
if (asp > 1.0f) {
packed |= 1 << 8;
/* Rotation uses 9 bits */
/* Rotation are in [-90°..90°] range, so we can encode the sign of the angle + the cosine
* because the cosine will always be positive. */
packed |= (int32_t)unit_float_to_uchar_clamp(cosf(rot)) << 9;
/* Store sine sign in 9th bit. */
if (rot < 0.0f) {
packed |= 1 << 17;
/* Hardness uses 8 bits */
packed |= (int32_t)unit_float_to_uchar_clamp(hard) << 18;
return packed;
static void gpencil_buffer_add_point(gpStrokeVert *verts,
gpColorVert *cols,
const bGPDstroke *gps,
@ -275,15 +295,14 @@ static void gpencil_buffer_add_point(gpStrokeVert *verts,
vert->u_stroke = pt->uv_fac;
vert->stroke_id = gps->runtime.stroke_start;
vert->point_id = v;
/* Rotation are in [-90°..90°] range, so we can encode the sign of the angle + the cosine
* because the cosine will always be positive. */
vert->v_rot = cosf(pt->uv_rot) * signf(pt->uv_rot);
vert->thickness = max_ff(0.0f, gps->thickness * pt->pressure) * (round_cap1 ? 1.0 : -1.0);
/* Tag endpoint material to -1 so they get discarded by vertex shader. */
vert->mat = (is_endpoint) ? -1 : (gps->mat_nr % GP_MATERIAL_BUFFER_LEN);
vert->aspect_ratio = gps->aspect_ratio[0] / max_ff(gps->aspect_ratio[1], 1e-8);
vert->hardness = gps->hardeness;
float aspect_ratio = gps->aspect_ratio[0] / max_ff(gps->aspect_ratio[1], 1e-8);
vert->packed_asp_hard_rot = pack_rotation_aspect_hardness(
pt->uv_rot, aspect_ratio, gps->hardeness);
static void gpencil_buffer_add_stroke(gpStrokeVert *verts,