Add BBone and Wire Armature draw types to DrawManager.

Most of this was copying/adapting code from octahedral existing draw
code, tough part was to get BBone matrices to behave as expected, they
are using a fairly specific setup...

Addresses T51365 and T51362.
This commit is contained in:
Bastien Montagne 2017-05-03 08:34:24 +02:00
parent 8b2640f088
commit d116932f3a
Notes: blender-bot 2023-02-14 07:01:28 +01:00
Referenced by issue #51362, Armature: Bone Draw Type: Box
Referenced by issue #51365, Armature: Bone Draw Type: Wire
6 changed files with 433 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -579,6 +579,8 @@ void BKE_pose_copy_data(bPose **dst, bPose *src, const bool copy_constraints)
if (pchan->prop) {
pchan->prop = IDP_CopyProperty(pchan->prop);
pchan->bbone_matrices = NULL; /* Drawing cache of bbone matrices, no need to copy. */
/* for now, duplicate Bone Groups too when doing this */
@ -767,6 +769,9 @@ void BKE_pose_channel_free_ex(bPoseChannel *pchan, bool do_id_user)
/* Cached bbone matrices, for new draw manager rendering code. */
void BKE_pose_channel_free(bPoseChannel *pchan)

View File

@ -5064,6 +5064,8 @@ static void direct_link_pose(FileData *fd, bPose *pose)
/* in case this value changes in future, clamp else we get undefined behavior */
CLAMP(pchan->rotmode, ROT_MODE_MIN, ROT_MODE_MAX);
pchan->bbone_matrices = NULL;
pose->ikdata = NULL;
if (pose->ikparam != NULL) {

View File

@ -75,6 +75,9 @@ static struct {
/* Reset when changing current_armature */
DRWShadingGroup *bone_octahedral_solid;
DRWShadingGroup *bone_octahedral_wire;
DRWShadingGroup *bone_box_solid;
DRWShadingGroup *bone_box_wire;
DRWShadingGroup *bone_wire_wire;
DRWShadingGroup *bone_point_solid;
DRWShadingGroup *bone_point_wire;
DRWShadingGroup *bone_axes;
@ -110,6 +113,38 @@ static void DRW_shgroup_bone_octahedral_wire(const float (*bone_mat)[4], const f
DRW_shgroup_call_dynamic_add(g_data.bone_octahedral_wire, bone_mat, color);
/* Box / B-Bone */
static void DRW_shgroup_bone_box_solid(const float (*bone_mat)[4], const float color[4])
if (g_data.bone_box_solid == NULL) {
struct Batch *geom = DRW_cache_bone_box_get();
g_data.bone_box_solid = shgroup_instance_objspace_solid(g_data.bone_solid, geom, g_data.ob->obmat);
DRW_shgroup_call_dynamic_add(g_data.bone_box_solid, bone_mat, color);
static void DRW_shgroup_bone_box_wire(const float (*bone_mat)[4], const float color[4])
if (g_data.bone_box_wire == NULL) {
struct Batch *geom = DRW_cache_bone_box_wire_outline_get();
g_data.bone_box_wire = shgroup_instance_objspace_wire(g_data.bone_wire, geom, g_data.ob->obmat);
DRW_shgroup_call_dynamic_add(g_data.bone_box_wire, bone_mat, color);
/* Wire */
static void DRW_shgroup_bone_wire_wire(const float (*bone_mat)[4], const float color[4])
if (g_data.bone_wire_wire == NULL) {
struct Batch *geom = DRW_cache_bone_wire_wire_outline_get();
g_data.bone_wire_wire = shgroup_instance_objspace_wire(g_data.bone_wire, geom, g_data.ob->obmat);
DRW_shgroup_call_dynamic_add(g_data.bone_wire_wire, bone_mat, color);
/* Custom (geometry) */
static void DRW_shgroup_bone_custom_solid(const float (*bone_mat)[4], const float color[4], Object *custom)
@ -351,6 +386,153 @@ static void draw_bone_update_disp_matrix_default(EditBone *eBone, bPoseChannel *
translate_m4(disp_tail_mat, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
/* XXX Direct copy from drawarmature.c... This is ugly! */
/* A partial copy of b_bone_spline_setup(), with just the parts for previewing editmode curve settings
* This assumes that prev/next bones don't have any impact (since they should all still be in the "straight"
* position here anyway), and that we can simply apply the bbone settings to get the desired effect...
static void ebone_spline_preview(EditBone *ebone, float result_array[MAX_BBONE_SUBDIV][4][4])
float h1[3], h2[3], length, hlength1, hlength2, roll1 = 0.0f, roll2 = 0.0f;
float mat3[3][3];
float data[MAX_BBONE_SUBDIV + 1][4], *fp;
int a;
length = ebone->length;
hlength1 = ebone->ease1 * length * 0.390464f; /* 0.5f * sqrt(2) * kappa, the handle length for near-perfect circles */
hlength2 = ebone->ease2 * length * 0.390464f;
/* find the handle points, since this is inside bone space, the
* first point = (0, 0, 0)
* last point = (0, length, 0)
* we also just apply all the "extra effects", since they're the whole reason we're doing this...
h1[0] = ebone->curveInX;
h1[1] = hlength1;
h1[2] = ebone->curveInY;
roll1 = ebone->roll1;
h2[0] = ebone->curveOutX;
h2[1] = -hlength2;
h2[2] = ebone->curveOutY;
roll2 = ebone->roll2;
/* make curve */
if (ebone->segments > MAX_BBONE_SUBDIV)
ebone->segments = MAX_BBONE_SUBDIV;
BKE_curve_forward_diff_bezier(0.0f, h1[0], h2[0], 0.0f, data[0], MAX_BBONE_SUBDIV, 4 * sizeof(float));
BKE_curve_forward_diff_bezier(0.0f, h1[1], length + h2[1], length, data[0] + 1, MAX_BBONE_SUBDIV, 4 * sizeof(float));
BKE_curve_forward_diff_bezier(0.0f, h1[2], h2[2], 0.0f, data[0] + 2, MAX_BBONE_SUBDIV, 4 * sizeof(float));
BKE_curve_forward_diff_bezier(roll1, roll1 + 0.390464f * (roll2 - roll1), roll2 - 0.390464f * (roll2 - roll1), roll2, data[0] + 3, MAX_BBONE_SUBDIV, 4 * sizeof(float));
equalize_bbone_bezier(data[0], ebone->segments); /* note: does stride 4! */
/* make transformation matrices for the segments for drawing */
for (a = 0, fp = data[0]; a < ebone->segments; a++, fp += 4) {
sub_v3_v3v3(h1, fp + 4, fp);
vec_roll_to_mat3(h1, fp[3], mat3); /* fp[3] is roll */
copy_m4_m3(result_array[a], mat3);
copy_v3_v3(result_array[a][3], fp);
/* "extra" scale facs... */
const int num_segments = ebone->segments;
const float scaleFactorIn = 1.0f + (ebone->scaleIn - 1.0f) * ((float)(num_segments - a) / (float)num_segments);
const float scaleFactorOut = 1.0f + (ebone->scaleOut - 1.0f) * ((float)(a + 1) / (float)num_segments);
const float scalefac = scaleFactorIn * scaleFactorOut;
float bscalemat[4][4], bscale[3];
bscale[0] = scalefac;
bscale[1] = 1.0f;
bscale[2] = scalefac;
size_to_mat4(bscalemat, bscale);
/* Note: don't multiply by inverse scale mat here, as it causes problems with scaling shearing and breaking segment chains */
mul_m4_series(result_array[a], result_array[a], bscalemat);
static void draw_bone_update_disp_matrix_bbone(EditBone *eBone, bPoseChannel *pchan)
float s[4][4], ebmat[4][4];
float length, xwidth, zwidth;
float (*bone_mat)[4];
float (*disp_mat)[4];
float (*disp_tail_mat)[4];
short bbone_segments;
/* TODO : This should be moved to depsgraph or armature refresh
* and not be tight to the draw pass creation.
* This would refresh armature without invalidating the draw cache */
if (pchan) {
length = pchan->bone->length;
xwidth = pchan->bone->xwidth;
zwidth = pchan->bone->zwidth;
bone_mat = pchan->pose_mat;
disp_mat = pchan->disp_mat;
disp_tail_mat = pchan->disp_tail_mat;
bbone_segments = pchan->bone->segments;
else {
eBone->length = len_v3v3(eBone->tail, eBone->head);
ED_armature_ebone_to_mat4(eBone, ebmat);
length = eBone->length;
xwidth = eBone->xwidth;
zwidth = eBone->zwidth;
bone_mat = ebmat;
disp_mat = eBone->disp_mat;
disp_tail_mat = eBone->disp_tail_mat;
bbone_segments = eBone->segments;
copy_m4_m4(disp_mat, bone_mat);
copy_m4_m4(disp_tail_mat, disp_mat);
translate_m4(disp_tail_mat, 0.0f, length, 0.0f);
size_to_mat4(s, (const float[3]){xwidth, length / bbone_segments, zwidth});
/* Compute BBones segment matrices... */
if (bbone_segments > 1) {
if (pchan) {
Mat4 *bbones_mat = pchan->bbone_matrices;
if (bbones_mat == NULL) {
/* We just allocate max allowed segcount, we can always refine this later if really needed. */
bbones_mat = pchan->bbone_matrices = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(*bbones_mat) * MAX_BBONE_SUBDIV, __func__);
b_bone_spline_setup(pchan, 0, bbones_mat);
for (int i = bbone_segments; i--; bbones_mat++) {
mul_m4_m4m4(bbones_mat->mat, bbones_mat->mat, s);
mul_m4_m4m4(bbones_mat->mat, disp_mat, bbones_mat->mat);
else {
float (*bbones_mat)[4][4] = eBone->disp_bbone_mat;
ebone_spline_preview(eBone, bbones_mat);
for (int i = bbone_segments; i--; bbones_mat++) {
mul_m4_m4m4(*bbones_mat, *bbones_mat, s);
mul_m4_m4m4(*bbones_mat, disp_mat, *bbones_mat);
else {
mul_m4_m4m4(disp_mat, disp_mat, s);
static void draw_bone_update_disp_matrix_custom(bPoseChannel *pchan)
float s[4][4];
@ -484,17 +666,85 @@ static void draw_bone_line(
static void draw_bone_wire(
EditBone *UNUSED(eBone), bPoseChannel *UNUSED(pchan), bArmature *UNUSED(arm),
const int UNUSED(select_id))
EditBone *eBone, bPoseChannel *pchan, bArmature *arm,
const int select_id)
/* work in progress -- fclem */
const float *col_wire = get_bone_wire_color(eBone, pchan, arm);
if (select_id != -1) {
DRW_select_load_id(select_id | BONESEL_BONE);
if (pchan && pchan->bone->segments > 1) {
Mat4 *bbones_mat = pchan->bbone_matrices;
BLI_assert(bbones_mat != NULL);
for (int i = pchan->bone->segments; i--; bbones_mat++) {
DRW_shgroup_bone_wire_wire(bbones_mat->mat, col_wire);
else if (eBone && eBone->segments > 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < eBone->segments; i++) {
DRW_shgroup_bone_wire_wire(eBone->disp_bbone_mat[i], col_wire);
else {
DRW_shgroup_bone_wire_wire(BONE_VAR(eBone, pchan, disp_mat), col_wire);
if (select_id != -1) {
/* Grrr... We need to restore default display matrix to draw end points, axes, etc. :( */
draw_bone_update_disp_matrix_default(eBone, pchan);
if (eBone) {
draw_points(eBone, pchan, arm, select_id);
static void draw_bone_box(
EditBone *UNUSED(eBone), bPoseChannel *UNUSED(pchan), bArmature *UNUSED(arm),
const int UNUSED(select_id))
EditBone *eBone, bPoseChannel *pchan, bArmature *arm,
const int select_id)
/* work in progress -- fclem */
const float *col_solid = get_bone_solid_color(eBone, pchan, arm);
const float *col_wire = get_bone_wire_color(eBone, pchan, arm);
if (select_id != -1) {
DRW_select_load_id(select_id | BONESEL_BONE);
if (pchan && pchan->bone->segments > 1) {
Mat4 *bbones_mat = pchan->bbone_matrices;
BLI_assert(bbones_mat != NULL);
for (int i = pchan->bone->segments; i--; bbones_mat++) {
DRW_shgroup_bone_box_solid(bbones_mat->mat, col_solid);
DRW_shgroup_bone_box_wire(bbones_mat->mat, col_wire);
else if (eBone && eBone->segments > 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < eBone->segments; i++) {
DRW_shgroup_bone_box_solid(eBone->disp_bbone_mat[i], col_solid);
DRW_shgroup_bone_box_wire(eBone->disp_bbone_mat[i], col_wire);
else {
DRW_shgroup_bone_box_solid(BONE_VAR(eBone, pchan, disp_mat), col_solid);
DRW_shgroup_bone_box_wire(BONE_VAR(eBone, pchan, disp_mat), col_wire);
if (select_id != -1) {
/* Grrr... We need to restore default display matrix to draw end points, axes, etc. :( */
draw_bone_update_disp_matrix_default(eBone, pchan);
if (eBone) {
draw_points(eBone, pchan, arm, select_id);
static void draw_bone_octahedral(
@ -551,11 +801,11 @@ static void draw_armature_edit(Object *ob)
draw_bone_line(eBone, NULL, arm, select_id);
else if (arm->drawtype == ARM_WIRE) {
draw_bone_update_disp_matrix_default(eBone, NULL);
draw_bone_update_disp_matrix_bbone(eBone, NULL);
draw_bone_wire(eBone, NULL, arm, select_id);
else if (arm->drawtype == ARM_B_BONE) {
draw_bone_update_disp_matrix_default(eBone, NULL);
draw_bone_update_disp_matrix_bbone(eBone, NULL);
draw_bone_box(eBone, NULL, arm, select_id);
else {
@ -642,11 +892,11 @@ static void draw_armature_pose(Object *ob, const float const_color[4])
draw_bone_line(NULL, pchan, arm, select_id);
else if (arm->drawtype == ARM_WIRE) {
draw_bone_update_disp_matrix_default(NULL, pchan);
draw_bone_update_disp_matrix_bbone(NULL, pchan);
draw_bone_wire(NULL, pchan, arm, select_id);
else if (arm->drawtype == ARM_B_BONE) {
draw_bone_update_disp_matrix_default(NULL, pchan);
draw_bone_update_disp_matrix_bbone(NULL, pchan);
draw_bone_box(NULL, pchan, arm, select_id);
else {

View File

@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ static struct DRWShapeCache {
Batch *drw_speaker;
Batch *drw_bone_octahedral;
Batch *drw_bone_octahedral_wire;
Batch *drw_bone_box;
Batch *drw_bone_box_wire;
Batch *drw_bone_wire_wire;
Batch *drw_bone_point;
Batch *drw_bone_point_wire;
Batch *drw_bone_arrows;
@ -103,6 +106,9 @@ void DRW_shape_cache_free(void)
@ -1360,6 +1366,161 @@ Batch *DRW_cache_bone_octahedral_wire_outline_get(void)
return SHC.drw_bone_octahedral_wire;
/* XXX TODO move that 1 unit cube to more common/generic place? */
static const float bone_box_verts[8][3] = {
{ 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f},
{ 1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f},
{-1.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f},
{-1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f},
{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f},
{ 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f},
{-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f},
{-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}
static const unsigned int bone_box_wire[24] = {
0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0,
4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 4,
0, 4, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 7,
/* aligned with bone_octahedral_wire
* Contains adjacent normal index */
static const unsigned int bone_box_wire_adjacent_face[24] = {
0, 2, 0, 4, 1, 6, 1, 8,
3, 10, 5, 10, 7, 11, 9, 11,
3, 8, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, 9,
static const unsigned int bone_box_solid_tris[12][3] = {
{0, 1, 2}, /* bottom */
{0, 2, 3},
{0, 1, 5}, /* sides */
{0, 5, 4},
{1, 2, 6},
{1, 6, 5},
{2, 3, 7},
{2, 7, 6},
{3, 0, 4},
{3, 4, 7},
{4, 5, 6}, /* top */
{4, 6, 7},
/* aligned with bone_octahedral_solid_tris */
static const float bone_box_solid_normals[12][3] = {
{ 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f},
{ 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f},
{ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f},
{ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f},
{ 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f},
{ 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f},
{-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f},
{-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f},
{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f},
{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f},
{ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f},
{ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f},
Batch *DRW_cache_bone_box_get(void)
if (!SHC.drw_bone_box) {
unsigned int v_idx = 0;
static VertexFormat format = { 0 };
static unsigned int pos_id, nor_id;
if (format.attrib_ct == 0) {
pos_id = VertexFormat_add_attrib(&format, "pos", COMP_F32, 3, KEEP_FLOAT);
nor_id = VertexFormat_add_attrib(&format, "nor", COMP_F32, 3, KEEP_FLOAT);
/* Vertices */
VertexBuffer *vbo = VertexBuffer_create_with_format(&format);
VertexBuffer_allocate_data(vbo, 36);
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
VertexBuffer_set_attrib(vbo, nor_id, v_idx, bone_box_solid_normals[i]);
VertexBuffer_set_attrib(vbo, pos_id, v_idx++, bone_box_verts[bone_box_solid_tris[i][j]]);
SHC.drw_bone_box = Batch_create(PRIM_TRIANGLES, vbo, NULL);
return SHC.drw_bone_box;
Batch *DRW_cache_bone_box_wire_outline_get(void)
if (!SHC.drw_bone_box_wire) {
unsigned int v_idx = 0;
static VertexFormat format = { 0 };
static unsigned int pos_id, n1_id, n2_id;
if (format.attrib_ct == 0) {
pos_id = VertexFormat_add_attrib(&format, "pos", COMP_F32, 3, KEEP_FLOAT);
n1_id = VertexFormat_add_attrib(&format, "N1", COMP_F32, 3, KEEP_FLOAT);
n2_id = VertexFormat_add_attrib(&format, "N2", COMP_F32, 3, KEEP_FLOAT);
/* Vertices */
VertexBuffer *vbo = VertexBuffer_create_with_format(&format);
VertexBuffer_allocate_data(vbo, 12 * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
const float *co1 = bone_box_verts[bone_box_wire[i * 2]];
const float *co2 = bone_box_verts[bone_box_wire[i * 2 + 1]];
const float *n1 = bone_box_solid_normals[bone_box_wire_adjacent_face[i * 2]];
const float *n2 = bone_box_solid_normals[bone_box_wire_adjacent_face[i * 2 + 1]];
add_fancy_edge(vbo, pos_id, n1_id, n2_id, &v_idx, co1, co2, n1, n2);
SHC.drw_bone_box_wire = Batch_create(PRIM_LINES, vbo, NULL);
return SHC.drw_bone_box_wire;
Batch *DRW_cache_bone_wire_wire_outline_get(void)
if (!SHC.drw_bone_wire_wire) {
unsigned int v_idx = 0;
static VertexFormat format = { 0 };
static unsigned int pos_id, n1_id, n2_id;
if (format.attrib_ct == 0) {
pos_id = VertexFormat_add_attrib(&format, "pos", COMP_F32, 3, KEEP_FLOAT);
n1_id = VertexFormat_add_attrib(&format, "N1", COMP_F32, 3, KEEP_FLOAT);
n2_id = VertexFormat_add_attrib(&format, "N2", COMP_F32, 3, KEEP_FLOAT);
/* Vertices */
VertexBuffer *vbo = VertexBuffer_create_with_format(&format);
VertexBuffer_allocate_data(vbo, 2);
const float co1[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
const float co2[3] = {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f};
const float n[3] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
add_fancy_edge(vbo, pos_id, n1_id, n2_id, &v_idx, co1, co2, n, n);
SHC.drw_bone_wire_wire = Batch_create(PRIM_LINES, vbo, NULL);
return SHC.drw_bone_wire_wire;
Batch *DRW_cache_bone_point_get(void)
if (!SHC.drw_bone_point) {
@ -1773,4 +1934,4 @@ Batch *DRW_cache_lattice_vert_overlay_get(Object *ob)
return DRW_lattice_batch_cache_get_overlay_verts(lt);
/** \} */
/** \} */

View File

@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ struct Batch *DRW_cache_speaker_get(void);
/* Bones */
struct Batch *DRW_cache_bone_octahedral_get(void);
struct Batch *DRW_cache_bone_octahedral_wire_outline_get(void);
struct Batch *DRW_cache_bone_box_get(void);
struct Batch *DRW_cache_bone_box_wire_outline_get(void);
struct Batch *DRW_cache_bone_wire_wire_outline_get(void);
struct Batch *DRW_cache_bone_point_get(void);
struct Batch *DRW_cache_bone_point_wire_outline_get(void);
struct Batch *DRW_cache_bone_arrows_get(void);

View File

@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ typedef struct bPoseChannel {
struct bPoseChannel *bbone_next;
void *temp; /* use for outliner */
void *bbone_matrices; /* Used to cache each bbone's segment matrix. */
} bPoseChannel;