obj: improve placement of shader nodes in imported materials

Previously for most materials (especially the ones without any
textures), the nodes were "off screen" way to the right, requiring
a view framing to even see them.

Also, as soon as multiple images were used, many nodes overlapped
one another and the connections were all a mess.

Simplify all that, and now each node type (coordinate, mapping, image,
normal map, bsdf etc.) is in it's own column, with BSDF at zero
coordinate. Each used image (along with any possible coordinate,
mapping, normal map) is it's own row. The resulting connections
are much cleaner.
This commit is contained in:
Aras Pranckevicius 2022-09-02 16:29:45 +03:00
parent 1a641b449a
commit d3242b772b
1 changed files with 49 additions and 55 deletions

View File

@ -142,46 +142,38 @@ static Image *load_texture_image(Main *bmain, const MTLTexMap &tex_map, bool rel
return image;
typedef Vector<std::pair<int, int>> NodeLocations;
/* Nodes are arranged in columns by type, with manually placed x coordinates
* based on node widths. */
const float node_locx_texcoord = -880.0f;
const float node_locx_mapping = -680.0f;
const float node_locx_image = -480.0f;
const float node_locx_normalmap = -200.0f;
const float node_locx_bsdf = 0.0f;
const float node_locx_output = 280.0f;
static std::pair<float, float> calc_location(int column, NodeLocations &r_locations)
/* Nodes are arranged in rows; one row for each image being used. */
const float node_locy_top = 300.0f;
const float node_locy_step = 300.0f;
/* Add a node of the given type at the given location. */
static bNode *add_node(bNodeTree *ntree, int type, float x, float y)
const float node_size = 300.f;
int row = 0;
bool found = false;
while (true) {
for (const auto &location : r_locations) {
if (location.first == column && location.second == row) {
row += 1;
found = true;
else {
found = false;
if (!found) {
r_locations.append({column, row});
return {column * node_size, row * node_size * 2.0 / 3.0};
bNode *node = nodeAddStaticNode(nullptr, ntree, type);
node->locx = x;
node->locy = y;
return node;
/* Node layout columns:
* Texture Coordinates -> Mapping -> Image -> Normal Map -> BSDF -> Output */
static void link_sockets(bNodeTree *nodetree,
static void link_sockets(bNodeTree *ntree,
bNode *from_node,
const char *from_node_id,
bNode *to_node,
const char *to_node_id,
const int from_node_column,
NodeLocations &r_locations)
const char *to_node_id)
std::tie(from_node->locx, from_node->locy) = calc_location(from_node_column, r_locations);
std::tie(to_node->locx, to_node->locy) = calc_location(from_node_column + 1, r_locations);
bNodeSocket *from_sock{nodeFindSocket(from_node, SOCK_OUT, from_node_id)};
bNodeSocket *to_sock{nodeFindSocket(to_node, SOCK_IN, to_node_id)};
BLI_assert(from_sock && to_sock);
nodeAddLink(nodetree, from_node, from_sock, to_node, to_sock);
nodeAddLink(ntree, from_node, from_sock, to_node, to_sock);
static void set_bsdf_socket_values(bNode *bsdf, Material *mat, const MTLMaterial &mtl_mat)
@ -323,13 +315,13 @@ static void set_bsdf_socket_values(bNode *bsdf, Material *mat, const MTLMaterial
static void add_image_textures(Main *bmain,
bNodeTree *nodetree,
bNodeTree *ntree,
bNode *bsdf,
Material *mat,
const MTLMaterial &mtl_mat,
bool relative_paths,
NodeLocations &r_locations)
bool relative_paths)
float node_locy = node_locy_top;
for (int key = 0; key < (int)MTLTexMapType::Count; ++key) {
const MTLTexMap &value = mtl_mat.texture_maps[key];
if (!value.is_valid()) {
@ -337,47 +329,49 @@ static void add_image_textures(Main *bmain,
bNode *image_texture = nodeAddStaticNode(nullptr, nodetree, SH_NODE_TEX_IMAGE);
Image *image = load_texture_image(bmain, value, relative_paths);
if (image == nullptr) {
image_texture->id = &image->id;
static_cast<NodeTexImage *>(image_texture->storage)->projection = value.projection_type;
bNode *image_node = add_node(ntree, SH_NODE_TEX_IMAGE, node_locx_image, node_locy);
image_node->id = &image->id;
static_cast<NodeTexImage *>(image_node->storage)->projection = value.projection_type;
/* Add normal map node if needed. */
bNode *normal_map = nullptr;
if (key == (int)MTLTexMapType::bump) {
normal_map = nodeAddStaticNode(nullptr, nodetree, SH_NODE_NORMAL_MAP);
normal_map = add_node(ntree, SH_NODE_NORMAL_MAP, node_locx_normalmap, node_locy);
const float bump = std::max(0.0f, mtl_mat.map_Bump_strength);
set_property_of_socket(SOCK_FLOAT, "Strength", {bump}, normal_map);
/* Add UV mapping & coordinate nodes only if needed. */
if (value.translation != float3(0, 0, 0) || value.scale != float3(1, 1, 1)) {
bNode *mapping = nodeAddStaticNode(nullptr, nodetree, SH_NODE_MAPPING);
bNode *texture_coordinate = nodeAddStaticNode(nullptr, nodetree, SH_NODE_TEX_COORD);
bNode *texcoord = add_node(ntree, SH_NODE_TEX_COORD, node_locx_texcoord, node_locy);
bNode *mapping = add_node(ntree, SH_NODE_MAPPING, node_locx_mapping, node_locy);
set_property_of_socket(SOCK_VECTOR, "Location", {value.translation, 3}, mapping);
set_property_of_socket(SOCK_VECTOR, "Scale", {value.scale, 3}, mapping);
link_sockets(nodetree, texture_coordinate, "UV", mapping, "Vector", 0, r_locations);
link_sockets(nodetree, mapping, "Vector", image_texture, "Vector", 1, r_locations);
link_sockets(ntree, texcoord, "UV", mapping, "Vector");
link_sockets(ntree, mapping, "Vector", image_node, "Vector");
if (normal_map) {
link_sockets(nodetree, image_texture, "Color", normal_map, "Color", 2, r_locations);
link_sockets(nodetree, normal_map, "Normal", bsdf, "Normal", 3, r_locations);
link_sockets(ntree, image_node, "Color", normal_map, "Color");
link_sockets(ntree, normal_map, "Normal", bsdf, "Normal");
else if (key == (int)MTLTexMapType::d) {
nodetree, image_texture, "Alpha", bsdf, tex_map_type_to_socket_id[key], 2, r_locations);
link_sockets(ntree, image_node, "Alpha", bsdf, tex_map_type_to_socket_id[key]);
mat->blend_method = MA_BM_BLEND;
else {
nodetree, image_texture, "Color", bsdf, tex_map_type_to_socket_id[key], 2, r_locations);
link_sockets(ntree, image_node, "Color", bsdf, tex_map_type_to_socket_id[key]);
/* Next layout row: goes downwards on the screen. */
node_locy -= node_locy_step;
@ -386,17 +380,17 @@ bNodeTree *create_mtl_node_tree(Main *bmain,
Material *mat,
bool relative_paths)
bNodeTree *nodetree = ntreeAddTree(nullptr, "Shader Nodetree", ntreeType_Shader->idname);
bNode *bsdf = nodeAddStaticNode(nullptr, nodetree, SH_NODE_BSDF_PRINCIPLED);
bNode *shader_output = nodeAddStaticNode(nullptr, nodetree, SH_NODE_OUTPUT_MATERIAL);
bNodeTree *ntree = ntreeAddTree(nullptr, "Shader Nodetree", ntreeType_Shader->idname);
bNode *bsdf = add_node(ntree, SH_NODE_BSDF_PRINCIPLED, node_locx_bsdf, node_locy_top);
bNode *output = add_node(ntree, SH_NODE_OUTPUT_MATERIAL, node_locx_output, node_locy_top);
NodeLocations node_locations;
set_bsdf_socket_values(bsdf, mat, mtl);
add_image_textures(bmain, nodetree, bsdf, mat, mtl, relative_paths, node_locations);
link_sockets(nodetree, bsdf, "BSDF", shader_output, "Surface", 4, node_locations);
nodeSetActive(nodetree, shader_output);
add_image_textures(bmain, ntree, bsdf, mat, mtl, relative_paths);
link_sockets(ntree, bsdf, "BSDF", output, "Surface");
nodeSetActive(ntree, output);
return nodetree;
return ntree;
} // namespace blender::io::obj