Gawain: Simplify / optimize the shader interface.

This changes quite a few things:
- Drops the allocation of inputs as a chunk.
- Merge the linked list system into the Gwn_ShaderInput.
- Put name buffer into another memory block, easily resizable.
- Use offset instead of char* to direct to input name.
- Add only requested uniforms dynamicaly to the Shader Interface.

This drops some minor optimisation and use a bit more memory for small shaders (which are fixed count).
But this saves a lot of memory when using UBOs because the names and the Gwn_ShaderInput were alloc'ed for every UBO variable.
This also reduce the Shader Interface initial generation.
The lookup time is left unchanged.
This commit is contained in:
Clément Foucault 2017-10-05 18:26:50 +02:00
parent 9ab3db11c7
commit d7d32ad452
2 changed files with 104 additions and 198 deletions

View File

@ -33,28 +33,24 @@ typedef enum {
} Gwn_UniformBuiltin;
typedef struct Gwn_ShaderInput {
const char* name;
struct Gwn_ShaderInput* next;
uint32_t name_offset;
unsigned name_hash;
GLenum gl_type;
Gwn_UniformBuiltin builtin_type; // only for uniform inputs
GLint size;
GLenum gl_type; // only for attrib inputs
GLint size; // only for attrib inputs
GLint location;
} Gwn_ShaderInput;
typedef struct Gwn_ShaderInput_Entry {
struct Gwn_ShaderInput_Entry* next;
Gwn_ShaderInput* shader_input;
} Gwn_ShaderInput_Entry;
typedef struct Gwn_ShaderInterface {
uint16_t uniform_ct;
uint16_t attrib_ct;
Gwn_ShaderInput_Entry* uniform_buckets[GWN_NUM_SHADERINTERFACE_BUCKETS];
Gwn_ShaderInput_Entry* attrib_buckets[GWN_NUM_SHADERINTERFACE_BUCKETS];
GLint program;
uint32_t name_buffer_offset;
Gwn_ShaderInput* attrib_buckets[GWN_NUM_SHADERINTERFACE_BUCKETS];
Gwn_ShaderInput* uniform_buckets[GWN_NUM_SHADERINTERFACE_BUCKETS];
Gwn_ShaderInput* builtin_uniforms[GWN_NUM_UNIFORMS];
Gwn_ShaderInput inputs[0]; // dynamic size, uniforms followed by attribs
char* name_buffer;
} Gwn_ShaderInterface;
Gwn_ShaderInterface* GWN_shaderinterface_create(GLint program_id);

View File

@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
@ -62,29 +61,29 @@ GWN_INLINE unsigned hash_string(const char *str)
return i;
GWN_INLINE void set_input_name(Gwn_ShaderInput* input, const char* name)
GWN_INLINE void set_input_name(Gwn_ShaderInterface* shaderface, Gwn_ShaderInput* input,
const char* name, uint32_t name_len)
input->name = name;
input->name_offset = shaderface->name_buffer_offset;
input->name_hash = hash_string(name);
shaderface->name_buffer_offset += name_len + 1; // include NULL terminator
GWN_INLINE void shader_input_to_bucket(Gwn_ShaderInput* input,
Gwn_ShaderInput_Entry* buckets[GWN_NUM_SHADERINTERFACE_BUCKETS])
Gwn_ShaderInput_Entry* entry = malloc(sizeof(Gwn_ShaderInput_Entry));
const unsigned bucket_index = input->name_hash % GWN_NUM_SHADERINTERFACE_BUCKETS;
entry->next = buckets[bucket_index];
entry->shader_input = input;
buckets[bucket_index] = entry;
input->next = buckets[bucket_index];
buckets[bucket_index] = input;
GWN_INLINE Gwn_ShaderInput* buckets_lookup(Gwn_ShaderInput_Entry* const buckets[GWN_NUM_SHADERINTERFACE_BUCKETS],
const char *name)
GWN_INLINE const Gwn_ShaderInput* buckets_lookup(Gwn_ShaderInput* const buckets[GWN_NUM_SHADERINTERFACE_BUCKETS],
const char *name_buffer, const char *name)
const unsigned name_hash = hash_string(name);
const unsigned bucket_index = name_hash % GWN_NUM_SHADERINTERFACE_BUCKETS;
const Gwn_ShaderInput_Entry* entry = buckets[bucket_index];
if (entry == NULL)
const Gwn_ShaderInput* input = buckets[bucket_index];
if (input == NULL)
// Requested uniform is not found at all.
return NULL;
@ -92,168 +91,121 @@ GWN_INLINE Gwn_ShaderInput* buckets_lookup(Gwn_ShaderInput_Entry* const buckets[
// Optimization bit: if there is no hash collision detected when constructing shader interface
// it means we can only request the single possible uniform. Surely, it's possible we request
// uniform which causes hash collision, but that will be detected in debug builds.
if (entry->next == NULL)
if (input->next == NULL)
if (name_hash == entry->shader_input->name_hash)
if (name_hash == input->name_hash)
assert(match(entry->shader_input->name, name));
assert(match(name_buffer + input->name_offset, name));
return entry->shader_input;
return input;
return NULL;
// Work through possible collisions.
while (entry != NULL)
const Gwn_ShaderInput* next = input;
while (next != NULL)
Gwn_ShaderInput* uniform = entry->shader_input;
entry = entry->next;
if (uniform->name == NULL) continue;
if (uniform->name_hash != name_hash)
input = next;
next = input->next;
if (input->name_hash != name_hash)
if (match(uniform->name, name))
if (match(name_buffer + input->name_offset, name))
return uniform;
return input;
return NULL; // not found
GWN_INLINE void buckets_free(Gwn_ShaderInput_Entry* buckets[GWN_NUM_SHADERINTERFACE_BUCKETS])
GWN_INLINE void buckets_free(Gwn_ShaderInput* buckets[GWN_NUM_SHADERINTERFACE_BUCKETS])
for (unsigned bucket_index = 0; bucket_index < GWN_NUM_SHADERINTERFACE_BUCKETS; ++bucket_index)
Gwn_ShaderInput_Entry *entry = buckets[bucket_index];
while (entry != NULL)
Gwn_ShaderInput *input = buckets[bucket_index];
while (input != NULL)
Gwn_ShaderInput_Entry *entry_next = entry->next;
entry = entry_next;
Gwn_ShaderInput *input_next = input->next;
input = input_next;
// keep these in sync with Gwn_UniformBuiltin order
static bool setup_builtin_uniform(Gwn_ShaderInput* input, const char* name)
// detect built-in uniforms (gl_type and name must match)
// if a match is found, use BuiltinUniform_name so name buffer space can be reclaimed
switch (input->gl_type)
// detect built-in uniforms (name must match)
for (Gwn_UniformBuiltin u = FIRST_UNIFORM; u <= LAST_UNIFORM; ++u)
for (Gwn_UniformBuiltin u = FIRST_MAT4_UNIFORM; u <= LAST_MAT4_UNIFORM; ++u)
const char* builtin_name = BuiltinUniform_name(u);
if (match(name, builtin_name))
set_input_name(input, builtin_name);
input->builtin_type = u;
return true;
const char* builtin_name = BuiltinUniform_name(u);
if (match(name, builtin_name))
const char* builtin_name = BuiltinUniform_name(GWN_UNIFORM_NORMAL);
if (match(name, builtin_name))
set_input_name(input, builtin_name);
input->builtin_type = GWN_UNIFORM_NORMAL;
return true;
input->builtin_type = u;
return true;
const char* builtin_name = BuiltinUniform_name(GWN_UNIFORM_COLOR);
if (match(name, builtin_name))
set_input_name(input, builtin_name);
input->builtin_type = GWN_UNIFORM_COLOR;
return true;
input->builtin_type = GWN_UNIFORM_CUSTOM;
return false;
static const Gwn_ShaderInput* add_uniform(Gwn_ShaderInterface* shaderface, const char* name)
Gwn_ShaderInput* input = malloc(sizeof(Gwn_ShaderInput));
input->location = glGetUniformLocation(shaderface->program, name);
unsigned name_len = strlen(name);
shaderface->name_buffer = realloc(shaderface->name_buffer, shaderface->name_buffer_offset + name_len + 1); // include NULL terminator
char* name_buffer = shaderface->name_buffer + shaderface->name_buffer_offset;
strcpy(name_buffer, name);
set_input_name(shaderface, input, name, name_len);
setup_builtin_uniform(input, name);
shader_input_to_bucket(input, shaderface->uniform_buckets);
if (input->builtin_type != GWN_UNIFORM_NONE &&
input->builtin_type != GWN_UNIFORM_CUSTOM)
shaderface->builtin_uniforms[input->builtin_type] = input;
printf("Gwn_ShaderInterface %p, program %d, uniform[] '%s' at location %d\n", shaderface, shaderface->program, name, input->location);
return input;
Gwn_ShaderInterface* GWN_shaderinterface_create(GLint program)
Gwn_ShaderInterface* shaderface = calloc(1, sizeof(Gwn_ShaderInterface));
shaderface->program = program;
printf("%s {\n", __func__); // enter function
printf("Gwn_ShaderInterface %p, program %d\n", shaderface, program);
GLint uniform_ct, attrib_ct;
glGetProgramiv(program, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &uniform_ct);
glGetProgramiv(program, GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES, &attrib_ct);
const GLint input_ct = uniform_ct + attrib_ct;
GLint max_uniform_name_len, max_attrib_name_len;
glGetProgramiv(program, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH, &max_uniform_name_len);
GLint max_attrib_name_len, attrib_ct;
glGetProgramiv(program, GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH, &max_attrib_name_len);
const uint32_t name_buffer_len = uniform_ct * max_uniform_name_len + attrib_ct * max_attrib_name_len;
glGetProgramiv(program, GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES, &attrib_ct);
// allocate enough space for input counts, details for each input, and a buffer for name strings
Gwn_ShaderInterface* shaderface = calloc(1, offsetof(Gwn_ShaderInterface, inputs) + input_ct * sizeof(Gwn_ShaderInput) + name_buffer_len);
shaderface->uniform_ct = uniform_ct;
shaderface->attrib_ct = attrib_ct;
char* name_buffer = (char*)shaderface + offsetof(Gwn_ShaderInterface, inputs) + input_ct * sizeof(Gwn_ShaderInput);
uint32_t name_buffer_offset = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < uniform_ct; ++i)
Gwn_ShaderInput* input = shaderface->inputs + i;
GLsizei remaining_buffer = name_buffer_len - name_buffer_offset;
char* name = name_buffer + name_buffer_offset;
GLsizei name_len = 0;
glGetActiveUniform(program, i, remaining_buffer, &name_len, &input->size, &input->gl_type, name);
input->location = glGetUniformLocation(program, name);
if (input->location != -1)
assert(input->location != -1);
if (setup_builtin_uniform(input, name))
; // reclaim space from name buffer (don't advance offset)
set_input_name(input, name);
name_buffer_offset += name_len + 1; // include NULL terminator
printf("uniform[%u] '%s' at location %d\n", i, name, input->location);
const uint32_t name_buffer_len = attrib_ct * max_attrib_name_len;
shaderface->name_buffer = malloc(name_buffer_len);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < attrib_ct; ++i)
Gwn_ShaderInput* input = shaderface->inputs + uniform_ct + i;
GLsizei remaining_buffer = name_buffer_len - name_buffer_offset;
char* name = name_buffer + name_buffer_offset;
Gwn_ShaderInput* input = malloc(sizeof(Gwn_ShaderInput));
GLsizei remaining_buffer = name_buffer_len - shaderface->name_buffer_offset;
char* name = shaderface->name_buffer + shaderface->name_buffer_offset;
GLsizei name_len = 0;
glGetActiveAttrib(program, i, remaining_buffer, &name_len, &input->size, &input->gl_type, name);
@ -262,71 +214,15 @@ Gwn_ShaderInterface* GWN_shaderinterface_create(GLint program)
input->location = glGetAttribLocation(program, name);
if (input->location != -1)
assert(input->location != -1);
set_input_name(shaderface, input, name, name_len);
set_input_name(input, name);
name_buffer_offset += name_len + 1; // include NULL terminator
shader_input_to_bucket(input, shaderface->attrib_buckets);
printf("attrib[%u] '%s' at location %d\n", i, name, input->location);
const uint32_t name_buffer_used = name_buffer_offset;
printf("using %u of %u bytes from name buffer\n", name_buffer_used, name_buffer_len);
printf("}\n"); // exit function
if (name_buffer_used < name_buffer_len)
// realloc shaderface to shrink name buffer
const size_t shaderface_alloc =
offsetof(Gwn_ShaderInterface, inputs) + (input_ct * sizeof(Gwn_ShaderInput)) + name_buffer_used;
const char* shaderface_orig_start = (const char*)shaderface;
const char* shaderface_orig_end = &shaderface_orig_start[shaderface_alloc];
shaderface = realloc(shaderface, shaderface_alloc);
const ptrdiff_t delta = (char*)shaderface - shaderface_orig_start;
if (delta)
// each input->name will need adjustment (except static built-in names)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < input_ct; ++i)
Gwn_ShaderInput* input = shaderface->inputs + i;
if (input->name >= shaderface_orig_start && input->name < shaderface_orig_end)
input->name += delta;
memset(shaderface->builtin_uniforms, 0, sizeof(shaderface->builtin_uniforms));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < shaderface->uniform_ct; ++i)
Gwn_ShaderInput* input = &shaderface->inputs[i];
shader_input_to_bucket(input, shaderface->uniform_buckets);
if (input->builtin_type != GWN_UNIFORM_NONE &&
input->builtin_type != GWN_UNIFORM_CUSTOM)
shaderface->builtin_uniforms[input->builtin_type] = input;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < shaderface->attrib_ct; ++i)
Gwn_ShaderInput* input = &shaderface->inputs[i + shaderface->uniform_ct];
shader_input_to_bucket(input, shaderface->attrib_buckets);
return shaderface;
@ -335,6 +231,8 @@ void GWN_shaderinterface_discard(Gwn_ShaderInterface* shaderface)
// Free memory used by buckets and has entries.
// Free memory used by name_buffer.
// Free memory used by shader interface by its self.
@ -342,7 +240,13 @@ void GWN_shaderinterface_discard(Gwn_ShaderInterface* shaderface)
const Gwn_ShaderInput* GWN_shaderinterface_uniform(const Gwn_ShaderInterface* shaderface, const char* name)
// TODO: Warn if we find a matching builtin, since these can be looked up much quicker.
return buckets_lookup(shaderface->uniform_buckets, name);
const Gwn_ShaderInput* input = buckets_lookup(shaderface->uniform_buckets, shaderface->name_buffer, name);
// If input is not found add it so it's found next time.
if (input == NULL)
input = add_uniform((Gwn_ShaderInterface*)shaderface, name);
return (input->location != -1) ? input : NULL;
const Gwn_ShaderInput* GWN_shaderinterface_uniform_builtin(const Gwn_ShaderInterface* shaderface, Gwn_UniformBuiltin builtin)
@ -353,10 +257,16 @@ const Gwn_ShaderInput* GWN_shaderinterface_uniform_builtin(const Gwn_ShaderInter
assert(builtin != GWN_NUM_UNIFORMS);
return shaderface->builtin_uniforms[builtin];
const Gwn_ShaderInput* input = shaderface->builtin_uniforms[builtin];
// If input is not found add it so it's found next time.
if (input == NULL)
input = add_uniform((Gwn_ShaderInterface*)shaderface, BuiltinUniform_name(builtin));
return (input->location != -1) ? input : NULL;
const Gwn_ShaderInput* GWN_shaderinterface_attr(const Gwn_ShaderInterface* shaderface, const char* name)
return buckets_lookup(shaderface->attrib_buckets, name);
return buckets_lookup(shaderface->attrib_buckets, shaderface->name_buffer, name);