Clamp dot-product to avoid precision error

Would only happen in degenerate cases.
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Campbell Barton 2016-05-08 00:02:34 +10:00
parent 1c46ecd86b
commit e5b4e6b0a3
1 changed files with 2 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -419,7 +419,8 @@ static double points_calc_circumference_factor(
const double dot = dot_vnvn(tan_l, tan_r, dims);
const double len_tangent = dot < 0.0 ? len_vnvn(tan_l, tan_r, dims) : len_negated_vnvn(tan_l, tan_r, dims);
if (len_tangent > DBL_EPSILON) {
double angle = acos(-fabs(dot));
/* only clamp to avoid precision error */
double angle = acos(max(-fabs(dot), -1.0));
/* Angle may be less than the length when the tangents define >180 degrees of the circle,
* (tangents that point away from each other).
* We could try support this but will likely cause extreme >1 scales which could cause other issues. */