Fix full-screen button overlapping navigation gizmo

This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2019-08-15 19:46:29 +10:00
parent e6fa174fd7
commit eac2a7ab0e
2 changed files with 14 additions and 60 deletions

View File

@ -188,51 +188,17 @@ void ED_area_do_refresh(bContext *C, ScrArea *sa)
* \brief Corner widget use for quitting fullscreen.
static void area_draw_azone_fullscreen(short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2, float alpha)
static void area_draw_azone_fullscreen(
short UNUSED(x1), short UNUSED(y1), short x2, short y2, float alpha)
int x = x2 - ((float)x2 - x1) * 0.5f / UI_DPI_FAC;
int y = y2 - ((float)y2 - y1) * 0.5f / UI_DPI_FAC;
/* adjust the icon distance from the corner */
x += 36.0f / UI_DPI_FAC;
y += 36.0f / UI_DPI_FAC;
/* draws from the left bottom corner of the icon */
alpha = min_ff(alpha, 0.75f);
UI_icon_draw_ex(x, y, ICON_FULLSCREEN_EXIT, 0.7f * U.inv_dpi_fac, alpha, 0.0f, NULL, false);
/* debug drawing :
* The click_rect is the same as defined in fullscreen_click_rcti_init
* Keep them both in sync */
if (G.debug_value == 101) {
rcti click_rect;
float icon_size = UI_DPI_ICON_SIZE + 7 * UI_DPI_FAC;
BLI_rcti_init(&click_rect, x, x + icon_size, y, y + icon_size);
GPUVertFormat *format = immVertexFormat();
uint pos = GPU_vertformat_attr_add(format, "pos", GPU_COMP_F32, 2, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT);
immUniformColor4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, alpha);
imm_draw_box_wire_2d(pos, click_rect.xmin, click_rect.ymin, click_rect.xmax, click_rect.ymax);
immUniformColor4f(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, alpha);
immBegin(GPU_PRIM_LINES, 4);
immVertex2f(pos, click_rect.xmin, click_rect.ymin);
immVertex2f(pos, click_rect.xmax, click_rect.ymax);
immVertex2f(pos, click_rect.xmin, click_rect.ymax);
immVertex2f(pos, click_rect.xmax, click_rect.ymin);
UI_icon_draw_ex(x2 - U.widget_unit,
y2 - U.widget_unit,
min_ff(alpha, 0.75f),
@ -908,10 +874,10 @@ static void fullscreen_azone_initialize(ScrArea *sa, ARegion *ar)
az->ar = ar;
az->alpha = 0.0f;
az->x1 = ar->winrct.xmax - (AZONEFADEOUT - 1);
az->y1 = ar->winrct.ymax - (AZONEFADEOUT - 1);
az->x2 = ar->winrct.xmax;
az->y2 = ar->winrct.ymax;
az->x1 = az->x2 - AZONEFADEOUT;
az->y1 = az->y2 - AZONEFADEOUT;
BLI_rcti_init(&az->rect, az->x1, az->x2, az->y1, az->y2);

View File

@ -696,21 +696,9 @@ static bool actionzone_area_poll(bContext *C)
/* the debug drawing of the click_rect is in area_draw_azone_fullscreen, keep both in sync */
static void fullscreen_click_rcti_init(
rcti *rect, const short x1, const short y1, const short x2, const short y2)
rcti *rect, const short UNUSED(x1), const short UNUSED(y1), const short x2, const short y2)
int x = x2 - ((float)x2 - x1) * 0.5f / UI_DPI_FAC;
int y = y2 - ((float)y2 - y1) * 0.5f / UI_DPI_FAC;
float icon_size = UI_DPI_ICON_SIZE + 7 * UI_DPI_FAC;
/* adjust the icon distance from the corner */
x += 36.0f / UI_DPI_FAC;
y += 36.0f / UI_DPI_FAC;
/* draws from the left bottom corner of the icon */
BLI_rcti_init(rect, x, x + icon_size, y, y + icon_size);
BLI_rcti_init(rect, x2 - U.widget_unit, x2, y2 - U.widget_unit, y2);
static bool azone_clipped_rect_calc(const AZone *az, rcti *r_rect_clip)