Eevee: Material: Code cleanup in order to add transparency support.

This commit is contained in:
Clément Foucault 2017-07-09 17:50:39 +02:00
parent 05bef13b53
commit eb8dddaab1
1 changed files with 128 additions and 95 deletions

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@ -677,6 +677,105 @@ void EEVEE_materials_cache_init(EEVEE_Data *vedata)
} \
} while (0)
typedef struct EeveeMaterialShadingGroups{
struct DRWShadingGroup *shading_grp;
struct DRWShadingGroup *depth_grp;
struct DRWShadingGroup *depth_clip_grp;
} EeveeMaterialShadingGroups;
static void material_opaque(
Material *ma, GHash *material_hash, EEVEE_SceneLayerData *sldata, EEVEE_Data *vedata,
bool do_cull, bool use_flat_nor, struct GPUMaterial **gpumat, struct GPUMaterial **gpumat_depth,
struct DRWShadingGroup **shgrp, struct DRWShadingGroup **shgrp_depth, struct DRWShadingGroup **shgrp_depth_clip)
const DRWContextState *draw_ctx = DRW_context_state_get();
Scene *scene = draw_ctx->scene;
EEVEE_StorageList *stl = ((EEVEE_Data *)vedata)->stl;
EEVEE_PassList *psl = ((EEVEE_Data *)vedata)->psl;
float *color_p = &ma->r;
float *metal_p = &ma->ray_mirror;
float *spec_p = &ma->spec;
float *rough_p = &ma->gloss_mir;
const bool use_gpumat = (ma->use_nodes && ma->nodetree);
EeveeMaterialShadingGroups *emsg = BLI_ghash_lookup(material_hash, (const void *)ma);
if (emsg) {
*shgrp = emsg->shading_grp;
*shgrp_depth = emsg->depth_grp;
*shgrp_depth_clip = emsg->depth_clip_grp;
/* This will have been created already, just perform a lookup. */
*gpumat = (use_gpumat) ? EEVEE_material_mesh_get(
draw_ctx->scene, ma, stl->effects->use_ao, stl->effects->use_bent_normals) : NULL;
*gpumat_depth = (use_gpumat) ? EEVEE_material_mesh_depth_get(
draw_ctx->scene, ma, (ma->blend_method == MA_BM_HASHED)) : NULL;
if (use_gpumat) {
/* Shading */
*gpumat = EEVEE_material_mesh_get(scene, ma,
stl->effects->use_ao, stl->effects->use_bent_normals);
*shgrp = DRW_shgroup_material_create(*gpumat, psl->material_pass);
if (*shgrp) {
add_standard_uniforms(*shgrp, sldata, vedata);
else {
/* Shader failed : pink color */
static float col[3] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
static float half = 0.5f;
color_p = col;
metal_p = spec_p = rough_p = ½
/* Alpha CLipped : Discard pixel from depth pass, then
* fail the depth test for shading. */
if (ELEM(ma->blend_method, MA_BM_CLIP, MA_BM_HASHED)) {
*gpumat_depth = EEVEE_material_mesh_depth_get(scene, ma,
(ma->blend_method == MA_BM_HASHED));
*shgrp_depth = DRW_shgroup_material_create(*gpumat_depth, do_cull ? psl->depth_pass_cull : psl->depth_pass);
*shgrp_depth_clip = DRW_shgroup_material_create(*gpumat_depth, do_cull ? psl->depth_pass_clip_cull : psl->depth_pass_clip);
if (shgrp_depth) {
if (ma->blend_method == MA_BM_CLIP) {
DRW_shgroup_uniform_float(*shgrp_depth, "alphaThreshold", &ma->alpha_threshold, 1);
DRW_shgroup_uniform_float(*shgrp_depth_clip, "alphaThreshold", &ma->alpha_threshold, 1);
/* Fallback to default shader */
if (*shgrp == NULL) {
*shgrp = EEVEE_default_shading_group_get(sldata, vedata, false, use_flat_nor,
stl->effects->use_ao, stl->effects->use_bent_normals);
DRW_shgroup_uniform_vec3(*shgrp, "basecol", color_p, 1);
DRW_shgroup_uniform_float(*shgrp, "metallic", metal_p, 1);
DRW_shgroup_uniform_float(*shgrp, "specular", spec_p, 1);
DRW_shgroup_uniform_float(*shgrp, "roughness", rough_p, 1);
/* Fallback default depth prepass */
if (*shgrp_depth == NULL) {
*shgrp_depth = do_cull ? stl->g_data->depth_shgrp_cull : stl->g_data->depth_shgrp;
*shgrp_depth_clip = do_cull ? stl->g_data->depth_shgrp_clip_cull : stl->g_data->depth_shgrp_clip;
emsg = MEM_mallocN(sizeof("EeveeMaterialShadingGroups"), "EeveeMaterialShadingGroups");
emsg->shading_grp = *shgrp;
emsg->depth_grp = *shgrp_depth;
emsg->depth_clip_grp = *shgrp_depth_clip;
BLI_ghash_insert(material_hash, ma, emsg);
// void EEVEE_materials_cache_blended();
void EEVEE_materials_cache_populate(EEVEE_Data *vedata, EEVEE_SceneLayerData *sldata, Object *ob)
EEVEE_PassList *psl = ((EEVEE_Data *)vedata)->psl;
@ -693,8 +792,13 @@ void EEVEE_materials_cache_populate(EEVEE_Data *vedata, EEVEE_SceneLayerData *sl
/* First get materials for this mesh. */
if (ELEM(ob->type, OB_MESH)) {
const int materials_len = MAX2(1, (is_sculpt_mode ? 1 : ob->totcol));
struct DRWShadingGroup **shgrp_array = BLI_array_alloca(shgrp_array, materials_len);
struct DRWShadingGroup **shgrp_depth_array = BLI_array_alloca(shgrp_depth_array, materials_len);
struct DRWShadingGroup **shgrp_depth_clip_array = BLI_array_alloca(shgrp_depth_clip_array, materials_len);
struct GPUMaterial **gpumat_array = BLI_array_alloca(gpumat_array, materials_len);
struct GPUMaterial **gpumat_depth_array = BLI_array_alloca(gpumat_array, materials_len);
bool use_flat_nor = false;
@ -705,67 +809,29 @@ void EEVEE_materials_cache_populate(EEVEE_Data *vedata, EEVEE_SceneLayerData *sl
for (int i = 0; i < materials_len; ++i) {
DRWShadingGroup *shgrp = NULL;
Material *ma = give_current_material(ob, i + 1);
gpumat_array[i] = NULL;
gpumat_depth_array[i] = NULL;
shgrp_array[i] = NULL;
shgrp_depth_array[i] = NULL;
shgrp_depth_clip_array[i] = NULL;
if (ma == NULL)
ma = &defmaterial;
float *color_p = &ma->r;
float *metal_p = &ma->ray_mirror;
float *spec_p = &ma->spec;
float *rough_p = &ma->gloss_mir;
const bool use_gpumat = (ma->use_nodes && ma->nodetree);
shgrp = BLI_ghash_lookup(material_hash, (const void *)ma);
if (shgrp) {
shgrp_array[i] = shgrp; /* ADD_SHGROUP_CALL below */
/* This will have been created already, just perform a lookup. */
gpumat_array[i] = (use_gpumat) ? EEVEE_material_mesh_get(
draw_ctx->scene, ma,stl->effects->use_ao, stl->effects->use_bent_normals) : NULL;
/* May not be set below. */
gpumat_array[i] = NULL;
if (use_gpumat) {
Scene *scene = draw_ctx->scene;
struct GPUMaterial *gpumat = EEVEE_material_mesh_get(scene, ma,
stl->effects->use_ao, stl->effects->use_bent_normals);
shgrp = DRW_shgroup_material_create(gpumat, psl->material_pass);
if (shgrp) {
add_standard_uniforms(shgrp, sldata, vedata);
BLI_ghash_insert(material_hash, ma, shgrp);
shgrp_array[i] = shgrp; /* ADD_SHGROUP_CALL below */
gpumat_array[i] = gpumat;
else {
/* Shader failed : pink color */
static float col[3] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
static float half = 0.5f;
color_p = col;
metal_p = spec_p = rough_p = &half;
/* Fallback to default shader */
if (shgrp == NULL) {
shgrp = EEVEE_default_shading_group_get(sldata, vedata, false, use_flat_nor,
stl->effects->use_ao, stl->effects->use_bent_normals);
DRW_shgroup_uniform_vec3(shgrp, "basecol", color_p, 1);
DRW_shgroup_uniform_float(shgrp, "metallic", metal_p, 1);
DRW_shgroup_uniform_float(shgrp, "specular", spec_p, 1);
DRW_shgroup_uniform_float(shgrp, "roughness", rough_p, 1);
BLI_ghash_insert(material_hash, ma, shgrp);
shgrp_array[i] = shgrp; /* ADD_SHGROUP_CALL below */
switch (ma->blend_method) {
case MA_BM_CLIP:
material_opaque(ma, material_hash, sldata, vedata, do_cull, use_flat_nor,
&gpumat_array[i], &gpumat_depth_array[i],
&shgrp_array[i], &shgrp_depth_array[i], &shgrp_depth_clip_array[i]);
case MA_BM_ADD:
// material_transparent(ma, material_hash, &shgrp);
@ -773,48 +839,15 @@ void EEVEE_materials_cache_populate(EEVEE_Data *vedata, EEVEE_SceneLayerData *sl
struct Gwn_Batch **mat_geom = DRW_cache_object_surface_material_get(ob, gpumat_array, materials_len);
if (mat_geom) {
for (int i = 0; i < materials_len; ++i) {
/* Shading pass */
ADD_SHGROUP_CALL(shgrp_array[i], ob, mat_geom[i]);
/* Depth Prepass */
DRWShadingGroup *depth_shgrp = NULL;
DRWShadingGroup *depth_clip_shgrp;
ADD_SHGROUP_CALL(shgrp_depth_array[i], ob, mat_geom[i]);
ADD_SHGROUP_CALL(shgrp_depth_clip_array[i], ob, mat_geom[i]);
Material *ma = give_current_material(ob, i + 1);
if (ma != NULL && (ma->use_nodes && ma->nodetree)) {
if (ELEM(ma->blend_method, MA_BM_CLIP, MA_BM_HASHED)) {
Scene *scene = draw_ctx->scene;
DRWPass *depth_pass, *depth_clip_pass;
struct GPUMaterial *gpumat = EEVEE_material_mesh_depth_get(scene, ma, (ma->blend_method == MA_BM_HASHED));
depth_pass = do_cull ? psl->depth_pass_cull : psl->depth_pass;
depth_clip_pass = do_cull ? psl->depth_pass_clip_cull : psl->depth_pass_clip;
/* Use same shader for both. */
depth_shgrp = DRW_shgroup_material_create(gpumat, depth_pass);
depth_clip_shgrp = DRW_shgroup_material_create(gpumat, depth_clip_pass);
if (ma->blend_method == MA_BM_CLIP) {
DRW_shgroup_uniform_float(depth_shgrp, "alphaThreshold", &ma->alpha_threshold, 1);
DRW_shgroup_uniform_float(depth_clip_shgrp, "alphaThreshold", &ma->alpha_threshold, 1);
/* Shadow Pass */
/* TODO clipped shadow map */
EEVEE_lights_cache_shcaster_add(sldata, psl, mat_geom[i], ob->obmat);
if (depth_shgrp == NULL) {
depth_shgrp = do_cull ? stl->g_data->depth_shgrp_cull : stl->g_data->depth_shgrp;
depth_clip_shgrp = do_cull ? stl->g_data->depth_shgrp_clip_cull : stl->g_data->depth_shgrp_clip;
/* Shadow Pass */
EEVEE_lights_cache_shcaster_add(sldata, psl, mat_geom[i], ob->obmat);
ADD_SHGROUP_CALL(depth_shgrp, ob, mat_geom[i]);
ADD_SHGROUP_CALL(depth_clip_shgrp, ob, mat_geom[i]);
/* Shadow Pass */
EEVEE_lights_cache_shcaster_add(sldata, psl, mat_geom[i], ob->obmat);
@ -906,7 +939,7 @@ void EEVEE_materials_cache_finish(EEVEE_Data *vedata)
EEVEE_StorageList *stl = ((EEVEE_Data *)vedata)->stl;
BLI_ghash_free(stl->g_data->material_hash, NULL, NULL);
BLI_ghash_free(stl->g_data->material_hash, NULL, MEM_freeN);
BLI_ghash_free(stl->g_data->hair_material_hash, NULL, NULL);