UI: Refactor panel alignment function

This code had grown overly complicated and hard to understand.
The improvements in this commit:
 - Avoid allocating a duplicate of every active panel.
 - Instead of complicated logic to calculate each panel's offset,
   just keep track of the current offset while iterating through.
 - More readable code structure, better comments.

Note that calcuting the X offset here is a relic from pre-2.5 when
panels could be aligned horizontally. I kept this in, but it would
be reasonable to remove it in the future.
This commit is contained in:
Hans Goudey 2020-09-17 23:15:20 -05:00
parent aa2219285c
commit 14b2de37db
1 changed files with 54 additions and 60 deletions

View File

@ -111,7 +111,9 @@ typedef struct uiHandlePanelData {
} uiHandlePanelData;
typedef struct PanelSort {
Panel *panel, *orig;
Panel *panel;
int new_offset_x;
int new_offset_y;
} PanelSort;
static int get_panel_real_size_y(const Panel *panel);
@ -450,8 +452,7 @@ static void reorder_instanced_panel_list(bContext *C, ARegion *region, Panel *dr
if (panel->type) {
if (panel->type->flag & PNL_INSTANCED) {
if (panel_type_context_poll(region, panel->type, context)) {
sort_index->panel = MEM_dupallocN(panel);
sort_index->orig = panel;
sort_index->panel = panel;
@ -462,16 +463,11 @@ static void reorder_instanced_panel_list(bContext *C, ARegion *region, Panel *dr
/* Find how many of those panels are above this panel. */
int move_to_index = 0;
for (; move_to_index < list_panels_len; move_to_index++) {
if (panel_sort[move_to_index].orig == drag_panel) {
if (panel_sort[move_to_index].panel == drag_panel) {
/* Free panel sort array. */
int i = 0;
for (sort_index = panel_sort; i < list_panels_len; i++, sort_index++) {
/* Set the bit to tell the interface to instanced the list. */
@ -1735,33 +1731,32 @@ static bool uiAlignPanelStep(ARegion *region, const float factor, const bool dra
int active_panels_len = 0;
LISTBASE_FOREACH (Panel *, panel, &region->panels) {
if (panel->runtime_flag & PANEL_ACTIVE) {
/* These panels should have types since they are currently displayed to the user. */
BLI_assert(panel->type != NULL);
if (active_panels_len == 0) {
return false;
/* Sort panels. */
PanelSort *panel_sort = MEM_callocN(active_panels_len * sizeof(PanelSort), "panelsort");
PanelSort *ps = panel_sort;
LISTBASE_FOREACH (Panel *, panel, &region->panels) {
if (panel->runtime_flag & PANEL_ACTIVE) {
ps->panel = MEM_dupallocN(panel);
ps->orig = panel;
PanelSort *panel_sort = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(PanelSort) * active_panels_len, __func__);
PanelSort *ps = panel_sort;
LISTBASE_FOREACH (Panel *, panel, &region->panels) {
if (panel->runtime_flag & PANEL_ACTIVE) {
ps->panel = panel;
if (drag) {
/* While dragging, sort based on location and update #Panel.sortorder. */
qsort(panel_sort, active_panels_len, sizeof(PanelSort), find_highest_panel);
int i;
for (ps = panel_sort, i = 0; i < active_panels_len; i++, ps++) {
ps->orig->sortorder = i;
for (int i = 0; i < active_panels_len; i++) {
panel_sort[i].panel->sortorder = i;
else {
@ -1769,45 +1764,48 @@ static bool uiAlignPanelStep(ARegion *region, const float factor, const bool dra
qsort(panel_sort, active_panels_len, sizeof(PanelSort), compare_panel);
/* No smart other default start location! This keeps switching f5/f6/etc compatible. */
ps = panel_sort;
ps->panel->runtime.region_ofsx = panel_region_offset_x_get(region);
ps->panel->ofsx = 0;
ps->panel->ofsy = -get_panel_size_y(ps->panel);
ps->panel->ofsx += ps->panel->runtime.region_ofsx;
for (int i = 0; i < active_panels_len - 1; i++, ps++) {
PanelSort *psnext = ps + 1;
const bool use_box = ps->panel->type && ps->panel->type->flag & PNL_DRAW_BOX;
const bool use_box_next = psnext->panel->type && psnext->panel->type->flag & PNL_DRAW_BOX;
psnext->panel->ofsx = ps->panel->ofsx;
psnext->panel->ofsy = get_panel_real_ofsy(ps->panel) - get_panel_size_y(psnext->panel);
/* Extra margin for box style panels. */
ps->panel->ofsx += (use_box) ? UI_PANEL_BOX_STYLE_MARGIN : 0.0f;
if (use_box || use_box_next) {
psnext->panel->ofsy -= UI_PANEL_BOX_STYLE_MARGIN;
/* X offset. */
const int region_offset_x = panel_region_offset_x_get(region);
for (int i = 0; i < active_panels_len; i++) {
PanelSort *ps = &panel_sort[i];
const bool use_box = ps->panel->type->flag & PNL_DRAW_BOX;
ps->panel->runtime.region_ofsx = region_offset_x;
ps->new_offset_x = region_offset_x + ((use_box) ? UI_PANEL_BOX_STYLE_MARGIN : 0);
/* Extra margin for the last panel if it's a box-style panel. */
if (panel_sort[active_panels_len - 1].panel->type &&
panel_sort[active_panels_len - 1].panel->type->flag & PNL_DRAW_BOX) {
panel_sort[active_panels_len - 1].panel->ofsx += UI_PANEL_BOX_STYLE_MARGIN;
/* Y offset. */
for (int i = 0, y = 0; i < active_panels_len; i++) {
PanelSort *ps = &panel_sort[i];
y -= get_panel_real_size_y(ps->panel);
const bool use_box = ps->panel->type->flag & PNL_DRAW_BOX;
if (use_box) {
ps->new_offset_y = y;
/* The header still draws offset by the size of closed panels, so apply the offset here. */
if (ps->panel->flag & PNL_CLOSED) {
panel_sort[i].new_offset_y -= ps->panel->sizey;
/* Interpolate based on the input factor. */
bool changed = false;
ps = panel_sort;
for (int i = 0; i < active_panels_len; i++, ps++) {
if ((ps->panel->flag & PNL_SELECT) == 0) {
if ((ps->orig->ofsx != ps->panel->ofsx) || (ps->orig->ofsy != ps->panel->ofsy)) {
ps->orig->ofsx = round_fl_to_int(factor * (float)ps->panel->ofsx +
(1.0f - factor) * (float)ps->orig->ofsx);
ps->orig->ofsy = round_fl_to_int(factor * (float)ps->panel->ofsy +
(1.0f - factor) * (float)ps->orig->ofsy);
changed = true;
for (int i = 0; i < active_panels_len; i++) {
PanelSort *ps = &panel_sort[i];
if (ps->panel->flag & PNL_SELECT) {
if (ps->new_offset_x != ps->panel->ofsx) {
const float x = interpf((float)ps->new_offset_x, (float)ps->panel->ofsx, factor);
ps->panel->ofsx = round_fl_to_int(x);
changed = true;
if (ps->new_offset_y != ps->panel->ofsy) {
const float y = interpf((float)ps->new_offset_y, (float)ps->panel->ofsy, factor);
ps->panel->ofsy = round_fl_to_int(y);
changed = true;
@ -1820,10 +1818,6 @@ static bool uiAlignPanelStep(ARegion *region, const float factor, const bool dra
int i;
for (ps = panel_sort, i = 0; i < active_panels_len; i++, ps++) {
return changed;