Multi-Objects: ARMATURE_OT_extrude / ARMATURE_OT_extrude_move

Based on D3384 by Nick Milios.
This commit is contained in:
Dalai Felinto 2018-10-05 13:20:23 -03:00
parent 13dfb91149
commit 234d609f94
1 changed files with 140 additions and 134 deletions

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include "BKE_context.h"
#include "BKE_idprop.h"
#include "BKE_deform.h"
#include "BKE_layer.h"
#include "RNA_access.h"
#include "RNA_define.h"
@ -842,156 +843,161 @@ void ARMATURE_OT_symmetrize(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* if forked && mirror-edit: makes two bones with flipped names */
static int armature_extrude_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Object *obedit;
bArmature *arm;
EditBone *newbone = NULL, *ebone, *flipbone, *first = NULL;
int a, totbone = 0, do_extrude;
ViewLayer *view_layer = CTX_data_view_layer(C);
bool forked = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "forked");
obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C);
arm = obedit->data;
uint objects_len = 0;
Object **objects = BKE_view_layer_array_from_objects_in_edit_mode_unique_data(view_layer, &objects_len);
for (uint ob_index = 0; ob_index < objects_len; ob_index++) {
Object *ob = objects[ob_index];
bArmature *arm = ob->data;
/* since we allow root extrude too, we have to make sure selection is OK */
for (ebone = arm->edbo->first; ebone; ebone = ebone->next) {
if (EBONE_VISIBLE(arm, ebone)) {
if (ebone->flag & BONE_ROOTSEL) {
if (ebone->parent && (ebone->flag & BONE_CONNECTED)) {
if (ebone->parent->flag & BONE_TIPSEL)
ebone->flag &= ~BONE_ROOTSEL;
EditBone *newbone = NULL, *ebone, *flipbone, *first = NULL;
int a, totbone = 0, do_extrude;
/* since we allow root extrude too, we have to make sure selection is OK */
for (ebone = arm->edbo->first; ebone; ebone = ebone->next) {
if (EBONE_VISIBLE(arm, ebone)) {
if (ebone->flag & BONE_ROOTSEL) {
if (ebone->parent && (ebone->flag & BONE_CONNECTED)) {
if (ebone->parent->flag & BONE_TIPSEL)
ebone->flag &= ~BONE_ROOTSEL;
/* Duplicate the necessary bones */
for (ebone = arm->edbo->first; ((ebone) && (ebone != first)); ebone = ebone->next) {
if (EBONE_VISIBLE(arm, ebone)) {
/* we extrude per definition the tip */
do_extrude = false;
if (ebone->flag & (BONE_TIPSEL | BONE_SELECTED)) {
do_extrude = true;
else if (ebone->flag & BONE_ROOTSEL) {
/* but, a bone with parent deselected we do the root... */
if (ebone->parent && (ebone->parent->flag & BONE_TIPSEL)) {
/* pass */
/* Duplicate the necessary bones */
for (ebone = arm->edbo->first; ((ebone) && (ebone != first)); ebone = ebone->next) {
if (EBONE_VISIBLE(arm, ebone)) {
/* we extrude per definition the tip */
do_extrude = false;
if (ebone->flag & (BONE_TIPSEL | BONE_SELECTED)) {
do_extrude = true;
else {
do_extrude = 2;
if (do_extrude) {
/* we re-use code for mirror editing... */
flipbone = NULL;
if (arm->flag & ARM_MIRROR_EDIT) {
flipbone = ED_armature_ebone_get_mirrored(arm->edbo, ebone);
if (flipbone) {
forked = 0; // we extrude 2 different bones
if (flipbone->flag & (BONE_TIPSEL | BONE_ROOTSEL | BONE_SELECTED))
/* don't want this bone to be selected... */
if ((flipbone == NULL) && (forked))
flipbone = ebone;
for (a = 0; a < 2; a++) {
if (a == 1) {
if (flipbone == NULL)
else {
SWAP(EditBone *, flipbone, ebone);
newbone = MEM_callocN(sizeof(EditBone), "extrudebone");
if (do_extrude == true) {
copy_v3_v3(newbone->head, ebone->tail);
copy_v3_v3(newbone->tail, newbone->head);
newbone->parent = ebone;
newbone->flag = ebone->flag & (BONE_TIPSEL | BONE_RELATIVE_PARENTING); // copies it, in case mirrored bone
if (newbone->parent) newbone->flag |= BONE_CONNECTED;
else if (ebone->flag & BONE_ROOTSEL) {
/* but, a bone with parent deselected we do the root... */
if (ebone->parent && (ebone->parent->flag & BONE_TIPSEL)) {
/* pass */
else {
copy_v3_v3(newbone->head, ebone->head);
copy_v3_v3(newbone->tail, ebone->head);
newbone->parent = ebone->parent;
newbone->flag = BONE_TIPSEL;
if (newbone->parent && (ebone->flag & BONE_CONNECTED)) {
newbone->flag |= BONE_CONNECTED;
do_extrude = 2;
newbone->weight = ebone->weight;
newbone->dist = ebone->dist;
newbone->xwidth = ebone->xwidth;
newbone->zwidth = ebone->zwidth;
newbone->rad_head = ebone->rad_tail; // don't copy entire bone...
newbone->rad_tail = ebone->rad_tail;
newbone->segments = 1;
newbone->layer = ebone->layer;
/* Bendy-Bone parameters */
newbone->roll1 = ebone->roll1;
newbone->roll2 = ebone->roll2;
newbone->curveInX = ebone->curveInX;
newbone->curveInY = ebone->curveInY;
newbone->curveOutX = ebone->curveOutX;
newbone->curveOutY = ebone->curveOutY;
newbone->ease1 = ebone->ease1;
newbone->ease2 = ebone->ease2;
newbone->scaleIn = ebone->scaleIn;
newbone->scaleOut = ebone->scaleOut;
BLI_strncpy(newbone->name, ebone->name, sizeof(newbone->name));
if (flipbone && forked) { // only set if mirror edit
if (strlen(newbone->name) < (MAXBONENAME - 2)) {
if (a == 0) strcat(newbone->name, "_L");
else strcat(newbone->name, "_R");
ED_armature_ebone_unique_name(arm->edbo, newbone->name, NULL);
/* Add the new bone to the list */
BLI_addtail(arm->edbo, newbone);
if (!first)
first = newbone;
/* restore ebone if we were flipping */
if (a == 1 && flipbone)
SWAP(EditBone *, flipbone, ebone);
if (do_extrude) {
/* we re-use code for mirror editing... */
flipbone = NULL;
if (arm->flag & ARM_MIRROR_EDIT) {
flipbone = ED_armature_ebone_get_mirrored(arm->edbo, ebone);
if (flipbone) {
forked = 0; // we extrude 2 different bones
if (flipbone->flag & (BONE_TIPSEL | BONE_ROOTSEL | BONE_SELECTED))
/* don't want this bone to be selected... */
if ((flipbone == NULL) && (forked))
flipbone = ebone;
for (a = 0; a < 2; a++) {
if (a == 1) {
if (flipbone == NULL)
else {
SWAP(EditBone *, flipbone, ebone);
newbone = MEM_callocN(sizeof(EditBone), "extrudebone");
if (do_extrude == true) {
copy_v3_v3(newbone->head, ebone->tail);
copy_v3_v3(newbone->tail, newbone->head);
newbone->parent = ebone;
newbone->flag = ebone->flag & (BONE_TIPSEL | BONE_RELATIVE_PARENTING); // copies it, in case mirrored bone
if (newbone->parent) newbone->flag |= BONE_CONNECTED;
else {
copy_v3_v3(newbone->head, ebone->head);
copy_v3_v3(newbone->tail, ebone->head);
newbone->parent = ebone->parent;
newbone->flag = BONE_TIPSEL;
if (newbone->parent && (ebone->flag & BONE_CONNECTED)) {
newbone->flag |= BONE_CONNECTED;
newbone->weight = ebone->weight;
newbone->dist = ebone->dist;
newbone->xwidth = ebone->xwidth;
newbone->zwidth = ebone->zwidth;
newbone->rad_head = ebone->rad_tail; // don't copy entire bone...
newbone->rad_tail = ebone->rad_tail;
newbone->segments = 1;
newbone->layer = ebone->layer;
/* Bendy-Bone parameters */
newbone->roll1 = ebone->roll1;
newbone->roll2 = ebone->roll2;
newbone->curveInX = ebone->curveInX;
newbone->curveInY = ebone->curveInY;
newbone->curveOutX = ebone->curveOutX;
newbone->curveOutY = ebone->curveOutY;
newbone->ease1 = ebone->ease1;
newbone->ease2 = ebone->ease2;
newbone->scaleIn = ebone->scaleIn;
newbone->scaleOut = ebone->scaleOut;
BLI_strncpy(newbone->name, ebone->name, sizeof(newbone->name));
if (flipbone && forked) { // only set if mirror edit
if (strlen(newbone->name) < (MAXBONENAME - 2)) {
if (a == 0) strcat(newbone->name, "_L");
else strcat(newbone->name, "_R");
ED_armature_ebone_unique_name(arm->edbo, newbone->name, NULL);
/* Add the new bone to the list */
BLI_addtail(arm->edbo, newbone);
if (!first)
first = newbone;
/* restore ebone if we were flipping */
if (a == 1 && flipbone)
SWAP(EditBone *, flipbone, ebone);
/* Deselect the old bone */
/* Deselect the old bone */
/* if only one bone, make this one active */
if (totbone == 1 && first) {
arm->act_edbone = first;
else {
arm->act_edbone = newbone;
/* if only one bone, make this one active */
if (totbone == 1 && first) {
arm->act_edbone = first;
else {
arm->act_edbone = newbone;
if (totbone == 0) {
if (totbone == 0) {
/* Transform the endpoints */
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_BONE_SELECT, ob);
/* Transform the endpoints */
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_OBJECT | ND_BONE_SELECT, obedit);