Support Musgrave texture for Cycles GLSL viewport

Only for non-OSX viewport!
This commit is contained in:
Sergey Sharybin 2016-05-22 19:09:42 +02:00
parent 22ff9c5568
commit 2f978656ab
2 changed files with 228 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -2875,12 +2875,6 @@ void node_tex_magic(vec3 co, float scale, float distortion, float depth, out vec
fac = (color.x + color.y + color.z) / 3.0;
void node_tex_musgrave(vec3 co, float scale, float detail, float dimension, float lacunarity, float offset, float gain, out vec4 color, out float fac)
color = vec4(1.0);
fac = 1.0;
float noise_fade(float t)
@ -2934,6 +2928,11 @@ float noise(vec3 p)
return 0.5 * noise_perlin(p.x, p.y, p.z) + 0.5;
float snoise(vec3 p)
return noise_perlin(p.x, p.y, p.z);
float noise_turbulence(vec3 p, float octaves, int hard)
float fscale = 1.0;
@ -2993,6 +2992,222 @@ void node_tex_noise(vec3 co, float scale, float detail, float distortion, out ve
/* Musgrave fBm
* H: fractal increment parameter
* lacunarity: gap between successive frequencies
* octaves: number of frequencies in the fBm
* from "Texturing and Modelling: A procedural approach"
float noise_musgrave_fBm(vec3 p, float H, float lacunarity, float octaves)
float rmd;
float value = 0.0;
float pwr = 1.0;
float pwHL = pow(lacunarity, -H);
int i;
for(i = 0; i < int(octaves); i++) {
value += snoise(p) * pwr;
pwr *= pwHL;
p *= lacunarity;
rmd = octaves - floor(octaves);
if(rmd != 0.0)
value += rmd * snoise(p) * pwr;
return value;
/* Musgrave Multifractal
* H: highest fractal dimension
* lacunarity: gap between successive frequencies
* octaves: number of frequencies in the fBm
float noise_musgrave_multi_fractal(vec3 p, float H, float lacunarity, float octaves)
float rmd;
float value = 1.0;
float pwr = 1.0;
float pwHL = pow(lacunarity, -H);
int i;
for(i = 0; i < int(octaves); i++) {
value *= (pwr * snoise(p) + 1.0);
pwr *= pwHL;
p *= lacunarity;
rmd = octaves - floor(octaves);
if(rmd != 0.0)
value *= (rmd * pwr * snoise(p) + 1.0); /* correct? */
return value;
/* Musgrave Heterogeneous Terrain
* H: fractal dimension of the roughest area
* lacunarity: gap between successive frequencies
* octaves: number of frequencies in the fBm
* offset: raises the terrain from `sea level'
float noise_musgrave_hetero_terrain(vec3 p, float H, float lacunarity, float octaves, float offset)
float value, increment, rmd;
float pwHL = pow(lacunarity, -H);
float pwr = pwHL;
int i;
/* first unscaled octave of function; later octaves are scaled */
value = offset + snoise(p);
p *= lacunarity;
for(i = 1; i < int(octaves); i++) {
increment = (snoise(p) + offset) * pwr * value;
value += increment;
pwr *= pwHL;
p *= lacunarity;
rmd = octaves - floor(octaves);
if(rmd != 0.0) {
increment = (snoise(p) + offset) * pwr * value;
value += rmd * increment;
return value;
/* Hybrid Additive/Multiplicative Multifractal Terrain
* H: fractal dimension of the roughest area
* lacunarity: gap between successive frequencies
* octaves: number of frequencies in the fBm
* offset: raises the terrain from `sea level'
float noise_musgrave_hybrid_multi_fractal(vec3 p, float H, float lacunarity, float octaves, float offset, float gain)
float result, signal, weight, rmd;
float pwHL = pow(lacunarity, -H);
float pwr = pwHL;
int i;
result = snoise(p) + offset;
weight = gain * result;
p *= lacunarity;
for(i = 1; (weight > 0.001f) && (i < int(octaves)); i++) {
if(weight > 1.0)
weight = 1.0;
signal = (snoise(p) + offset) * pwr;
pwr *= pwHL;
result += weight * signal;
weight *= gain * signal;
p *= lacunarity;
rmd = octaves - floor(octaves);
if(rmd != 0.0)
result += rmd * ((snoise(p) + offset) * pwr);
return result;
/* Ridged Multifractal Terrain
* H: fractal dimension of the roughest area
* lacunarity: gap between successive frequencies
* octaves: number of frequencies in the fBm
* offset: raises the terrain from `sea level'
float noise_musgrave_ridged_multi_fractal(vec3 p, float H, float lacunarity, float octaves, float offset, float gain)
float result, signal, weight;
float pwHL = pow(lacunarity, -H);
float pwr = pwHL;
int i;
signal = offset - abs(snoise(p));
signal *= signal;
result = signal;
weight = 1.0;
for(i = 1; i < int(octaves); i++) {
p *= lacunarity;
weight = clamp(signal * gain, 0.0, 1.0);
signal = offset - abs(snoise(p));
signal *= signal;
signal *= weight;
result += signal * pwr;
pwr *= pwHL;
return result;
float svm_musgrave(int type,
float dimension,
float lacunarity,
float octaves,
float offset,
float intensity,
float gain,
vec3 p)
return intensity*noise_musgrave_multi_fractal(p, dimension, lacunarity, octaves);
else if (type == 1 /*NODE_MUSGRAVE_FBM*/)
return intensity*noise_musgrave_fBm(p, dimension, lacunarity, octaves);
return intensity*noise_musgrave_hybrid_multi_fractal(p, dimension, lacunarity, octaves, offset, gain);
return intensity*noise_musgrave_ridged_multi_fractal(p, dimension, lacunarity, octaves, offset, gain);
else if (type == 4 /*NODE_MUSGRAVE_HETERO_TERRAIN*/)
return intensity*noise_musgrave_hetero_terrain(p, dimension, lacunarity, octaves, offset);
return 0.0;
#endif // #ifdef BIT_OPERATIONS
void node_tex_musgrave(vec3 co,
float scale,
float detail,
float dimension,
float lacunarity,
float offset,
float gain,
float type,
out vec4 color,
out float fac)
fac = svm_musgrave(int(type),
fac = 1.0;
color = vec4(fac, fac, fac, 1.0);
void node_tex_sky(vec3 co, out vec4 color)
color = vec4(1.0);

View File

@ -58,12 +58,17 @@ static void node_shader_init_tex_musgrave(bNodeTree *UNUSED(ntree), bNode *node)
static int node_shader_gpu_tex_musgrave(GPUMaterial *mat, bNode *node, bNodeExecData *UNUSED(execdata), GPUNodeStack *in, GPUNodeStack *out)
if (!in[0].link)
if (!in[0].link) {
in[0].link = GPU_attribute(CD_ORCO, "");
GPU_link(mat, "generated_from_orco", in[0].link, &in[0].link);
node_shader_gpu_tex_mapping(mat, node, in, out);
return GPU_stack_link(mat, "node_tex_musgrave", in, out);
NodeTexMusgrave *tex = (NodeTexMusgrave *)node->storage;
float type = tex->musgrave_type;
return GPU_stack_link(mat, "node_tex_musgrave", in, out, GPU_uniform(&type));
/* node type definition */