Cleanup: Reduce indentation from redundant check

This commit is contained in:
Hans Goudey 2021-06-13 18:56:52 -05:00
parent 84adc23941
commit 54a03d4247
1 changed files with 195 additions and 195 deletions

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@ -1420,237 +1420,237 @@ static void do_makeDispListCurveTypes(Depsgraph *depsgraph,
if (ob->type == OB_SURF) {
displist_make_surf(depsgraph, scene, ob, dispbase, r_final, for_render, for_orco);
else if (ELEM(ob->type, OB_CURVE, OB_FONT)) {
ListBase nubase = {nullptr, nullptr};
bool force_mesh_conversion = false;
ListBase nubase = {nullptr, nullptr};
bool force_mesh_conversion = false;
/* We only re-evaluate path if evaluation is not happening for orco.
* If the calculation happens for orco, we should never free data which
* was needed before and only not needed for orco calculation. */
if (!for_orco) {
if (ob->runtime.curve_cache->anim_path_accum_length) {
MEM_freeN((void *)ob->runtime.curve_cache->anim_path_accum_length);
/* We only re-evaluate path if evaluation is not happening for orco.
* If the calculation happens for orco, we should never free data which
* was needed before and only not needed for orco calculation. */
if (!for_orco) {
if (ob->runtime.curve_cache->anim_path_accum_length) {
MEM_freeN((void *)ob->runtime.curve_cache->anim_path_accum_length);
ob->runtime.curve_cache->anim_path_accum_length = nullptr;
if (ob->type == OB_FONT) {
BKE_vfont_to_curve_nubase(ob, FO_EDIT, &nubase);
else {
BKE_nurbList_duplicate(&nubase, BKE_curve_nurbs_get(const_cast<Curve *>(cu)));
if (!for_orco) {
force_mesh_conversion = BKE_curve_calc_modifiers_pre(
depsgraph, scene, ob, &nubase, &nubase, for_render);
BKE_curve_bevelList_make(ob, &nubase, for_render);
/* If curve has no bevel will return nothing */
ListBase dlbev = BKE_curve_bevel_make(cu);
/* no bevel or extrude, and no width correction? */
if (BLI_listbase_is_empty(&dlbev) && cu->width == 1.0f) {
curve_to_displist(cu, &nubase, for_render, dispbase);
else {
const float widfac = cu->width - 1.0f;
BevList *bl = (BevList *)ob->runtime.curve_cache->bev.first;
Nurb *nu = (Nurb *)nubase.first;
for (; bl && nu; bl = bl->next, nu = nu->next) {
float *data;
if (bl->nr == 0) { /* blank bevel lists can happen */
ob->runtime.curve_cache->anim_path_accum_length = nullptr;
if (ob->type == OB_FONT) {
BKE_vfont_to_curve_nubase(ob, FO_EDIT, &nubase);
else {
BKE_nurbList_duplicate(&nubase, BKE_curve_nurbs_get(const_cast<Curve *>(cu)));
/* exception handling; curve without bevel or extrude, with width correction */
if (BLI_listbase_is_empty(&dlbev)) {
DispList *dl = (DispList *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "makeDispListbev");
dl->verts = (float *)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float[3]) * bl->nr, "dlverts");
BLI_addtail(dispbase, dl);
if (!for_orco) {
force_mesh_conversion = BKE_curve_calc_modifiers_pre(
depsgraph, scene, ob, &nubase, &nubase, for_render);
BKE_curve_bevelList_make(ob, &nubase, for_render);
/* If curve has no bevel will return nothing */
ListBase dlbev = BKE_curve_bevel_make(cu);
/* no bevel or extrude, and no width correction? */
if (BLI_listbase_is_empty(&dlbev) && cu->width == 1.0f) {
curve_to_displist(cu, &nubase, for_render, dispbase);
else {
const float widfac = cu->width - 1.0f;
BevList *bl = (BevList *)ob->runtime.curve_cache->bev.first;
Nurb *nu = (Nurb *)nubase.first;
for (; bl && nu; bl = bl->next, nu = nu->next) {
float *data;
if (bl->nr == 0) { /* blank bevel lists can happen */
if (bl->poly != -1) {
dl->type = DL_POLY;
else {
dl->type = DL_SEGM;
/* exception handling; curve without bevel or extrude, with width correction */
if (BLI_listbase_is_empty(&dlbev)) {
DispList *dl = (DispList *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "makeDispListbev");
dl->verts = (float *)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float[3]) * bl->nr, "dlverts");
dl->parts = 1;
dl->nr = bl->nr;
dl->col = nu->mat_nr;
dl->charidx = nu->charidx;
dl->rt = nu->flag;
int a = dl->nr;
BevPoint *bevp = bl->bevpoints;
data = dl->verts;
while (a--) {
data[0] = bevp->vec[0] + widfac * bevp->sina;
data[1] = bevp->vec[1] + widfac * bevp->cosa;
data[2] = bevp->vec[2];
data += 3;
else {
ListBase bottom_capbase = {nullptr, nullptr};
ListBase top_capbase = {nullptr, nullptr};
float bottom_no[3] = {0.0f};
float top_no[3] = {0.0f};
float first_blend = 0.0f, last_blend = 0.0f;
int start, steps = 0;
if (nu->flagu & CU_NURB_CYCLIC) {
calc_bevfac_mapping_default(bl, &start, &first_blend, &steps, &last_blend);
else {
if (fabsf(cu->bevfac2 - cu->bevfac1) < FLT_EPSILON) {
calc_bevfac_mapping(cu, bl, nu, &start, &first_blend, &steps, &last_blend);
LISTBASE_FOREACH (DispList *, dlb, &dlbev) {
/* for each part of the bevel use a separate displblock */
DispList *dl = (DispList *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "makeDispListbev1");
dl->verts = data = (float *)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float[3]) * dlb->nr * steps, "dlverts");
BLI_addtail(dispbase, dl);
if (bl->poly != -1) {
dl->type = DL_POLY;
dl->type = DL_SURF;
dl->flag = dlb->flag & (DL_FRONT_CURVE | DL_BACK_CURVE);
if (dlb->type == DL_POLY) {
dl->flag |= DL_CYCL_U;
else {
dl->type = DL_SEGM;
if ((bl->poly >= 0) && (steps > 2)) {
dl->flag |= DL_CYCL_V;
dl->parts = 1;
dl->nr = bl->nr;
dl->parts = steps;
dl->nr = dlb->nr;
dl->col = nu->mat_nr;
dl->charidx = nu->charidx;
dl->rt = nu->flag;
int a = dl->nr;
BevPoint *bevp = bl->bevpoints;
data = dl->verts;
while (a--) {
data[0] = bevp->vec[0] + widfac * bevp->sina;
data[1] = bevp->vec[1] + widfac * bevp->cosa;
data[2] = bevp->vec[2];
data += 3;
else {
ListBase bottom_capbase = {nullptr, nullptr};
ListBase top_capbase = {nullptr, nullptr};
float bottom_no[3] = {0.0f};
float top_no[3] = {0.0f};
float first_blend = 0.0f, last_blend = 0.0f;
int start, steps = 0;
/* for each point of poly make a bevel piece */
BevPoint *bevp_first = bl->bevpoints;
BevPoint *bevp_last = &bl->bevpoints[bl->nr - 1];
BevPoint *bevp = &bl->bevpoints[start];
for (int i = start, a = 0; a < steps; i++, bevp++, a++) {
float radius_factor = 1.0;
float *cur_data = data;
if (nu->flagu & CU_NURB_CYCLIC) {
calc_bevfac_mapping_default(bl, &start, &first_blend, &steps, &last_blend);
else {
if (fabsf(cu->bevfac2 - cu->bevfac1) < FLT_EPSILON) {
if (cu->taperobj == nullptr) {
radius_factor = bevp->radius;
else {
float taper_factor;
if (cu->flag & CU_MAP_TAPER) {
float len = (steps - 3) + first_blend + last_blend;
calc_bevfac_mapping(cu, bl, nu, &start, &first_blend, &steps, &last_blend);
LISTBASE_FOREACH (DispList *, dlb, &dlbev) {
/* for each part of the bevel use a separate displblock */
DispList *dl = (DispList *)MEM_callocN(sizeof(DispList), "makeDispListbev1");
dl->verts = data = (float *)MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float[3]) * dlb->nr * steps, "dlverts");
BLI_addtail(dispbase, dl);
dl->type = DL_SURF;
dl->flag = dlb->flag & (DL_FRONT_CURVE | DL_BACK_CURVE);
if (dlb->type == DL_POLY) {
dl->flag |= DL_CYCL_U;
if ((bl->poly >= 0) && (steps > 2)) {
dl->flag |= DL_CYCL_V;
dl->parts = steps;
dl->nr = dlb->nr;
dl->col = nu->mat_nr;
dl->charidx = nu->charidx;
dl->rt = nu->flag;
/* for each point of poly make a bevel piece */
BevPoint *bevp_first = bl->bevpoints;
BevPoint *bevp_last = &bl->bevpoints[bl->nr - 1];
BevPoint *bevp = &bl->bevpoints[start];
for (int i = start, a = 0; a < steps; i++, bevp++, a++) {
float radius_factor = 1.0;
float *cur_data = data;
if (cu->taperobj == nullptr) {
radius_factor = bevp->radius;
else {
float taper_factor;
if (cu->flag & CU_MAP_TAPER) {
float len = (steps - 3) + first_blend + last_blend;
if (a == 0) {
taper_factor = 0.0f;
else if (a == steps - 1) {
taper_factor = 1.0f;
else {
taper_factor = ((float)a - (1.0f - first_blend)) / len;
if (a == 0) {
taper_factor = 0.0f;
else if (a == steps - 1) {
taper_factor = 1.0f;
else {
float len = bl->nr - 1;
taper_factor = (float)i / len;
if (a == 0) {
taper_factor += (1.0f - first_blend) / len;
else if (a == steps - 1) {
taper_factor -= (1.0f - last_blend) / len;
taper_factor = ((float)a - (1.0f - first_blend)) / len;
radius_factor = displist_calc_taper(depsgraph, scene, cu->taperobj, taper_factor);
if (cu->taper_radius_mode == CU_TAPER_RADIUS_MULTIPLY) {
radius_factor *= bevp->radius;
else if (cu->taper_radius_mode == CU_TAPER_RADIUS_ADD) {
radius_factor += bevp->radius;
/* rotate bevel piece and write in data */
if ((a == 0) && (bevp != bevp_last)) {
cu, bevp, bevp + 1, dlb, 1.0f - first_blend, widfac, radius_factor, &data);
else if ((a == steps - 1) && (bevp != bevp_first)) {
cu, bevp, bevp - 1, dlb, 1.0f - last_blend, widfac, radius_factor, &data);
else {
rotateBevelPiece(cu, bevp, nullptr, dlb, 0.0f, widfac, radius_factor, &data);
float len = bl->nr - 1;
taper_factor = (float)i / len;
if (a == 0) {
taper_factor += (1.0f - first_blend) / len;
else if (a == steps - 1) {
taper_factor -= (1.0f - last_blend) / len;
if ((cu->flag & CU_FILL_CAPS) && !(nu->flagu & CU_NURB_CYCLIC)) {
if (a == 1) {
fillBevelCap(nu, dlb, cur_data - 3 * dlb->nr, &bottom_capbase);
copy_v3_v3(bottom_no, bevp->dir);
if (a == steps - 1) {
fillBevelCap(nu, dlb, cur_data, &top_capbase);
negate_v3_v3(top_no, bevp->dir);
radius_factor = displist_calc_taper(depsgraph, scene, cu->taperobj, taper_factor);
if (cu->taper_radius_mode == CU_TAPER_RADIUS_MULTIPLY) {
radius_factor *= bevp->radius;
else if (cu->taper_radius_mode == CU_TAPER_RADIUS_ADD) {
radius_factor += bevp->radius;
/* gl array drawing: using indices */
/* rotate bevel piece and write in data */
if ((a == 0) && (bevp != bevp_last)) {
cu, bevp, bevp + 1, dlb, 1.0f - first_blend, widfac, radius_factor, &data);
else if ((a == steps - 1) && (bevp != bevp_first)) {
cu, bevp, bevp - 1, dlb, 1.0f - last_blend, widfac, radius_factor, &data);
else {
rotateBevelPiece(cu, bevp, nullptr, dlb, 0.0f, widfac, radius_factor, &data);
if ((cu->flag & CU_FILL_CAPS) && !(nu->flagu & CU_NURB_CYCLIC)) {
if (a == 1) {
fillBevelCap(nu, dlb, cur_data - 3 * dlb->nr, &bottom_capbase);
copy_v3_v3(bottom_no, bevp->dir);
if (a == steps - 1) {
fillBevelCap(nu, dlb, cur_data, &top_capbase);
negate_v3_v3(top_no, bevp->dir);
if (bottom_capbase.first) {
BKE_displist_fill(&bottom_capbase, dispbase, bottom_no, false);
BKE_displist_fill(&top_capbase, dispbase, top_no, false);
/* gl array drawing: using indices */
if (bottom_capbase.first) {
BKE_displist_fill(&bottom_capbase, dispbase, bottom_no, false);
BKE_displist_fill(&top_capbase, dispbase, top_no, false);
if (!(cu->flag & CU_DEFORM_FILL)) {
curve_to_filledpoly(cu, dispbase);
if (!for_orco) {
if ((cu->flag & CU_PATH) ||
DEG_get_eval_flags_for_id(depsgraph, &ob->id) & DAG_EVAL_NEED_CURVE_PATH) {
BKE_nurbList_duplicate(&ob->runtime.curve_cache->deformed_nurbs, &nubase);
depsgraph, scene, ob, dispbase, for_render, force_mesh_conversion, r_final);
if (cu->flag & CU_DEFORM_FILL && !ob->runtime.data_eval) {
curve_to_filledpoly(cu, dispbase);
if (!(cu->flag & CU_DEFORM_FILL)) {
curve_to_filledpoly(cu, dispbase);
if (!for_orco) {
if ((cu->flag & CU_PATH) ||
DEG_get_eval_flags_for_id(depsgraph, &ob->id) & DAG_EVAL_NEED_CURVE_PATH) {
BKE_nurbList_duplicate(&ob->runtime.curve_cache->deformed_nurbs, &nubase);
depsgraph, scene, ob, dispbase, for_render, force_mesh_conversion, r_final);
if (cu->flag & CU_DEFORM_FILL && !ob->runtime.data_eval) {
curve_to_filledpoly(cu, dispbase);
void BKE_displist_make_curveTypes(Depsgraph *depsgraph,