Cleanup: Node: Use checker shader for preview background

Removes many drawcalls which might have slowdown the UI.
This commit is contained in:
Clément Foucault 2020-08-18 16:12:56 +02:00
parent 3e5431fdf4
commit 55087b84b8
1 changed files with 7 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -867,46 +867,18 @@ void ED_node_socket_draw(bNodeSocket *sock, const rcti *rect, const float color[
static void node_draw_preview_background(float tile, rctf *rect)
float x, y;
GPUVertFormat *format = immVertexFormat();
uint pos = GPU_vertformat_attr_add(format, "pos", GPU_COMP_F32, 2, GPU_FETCH_FLOAT);
/* draw checkerboard backdrop to show alpha */
immUniformColor3ub(120, 120, 120);
/* Drawing the checkerboard. */
const float checker_dark = UI_ALPHA_CHECKER_DARK / 255.0f;
const float checker_light = UI_ALPHA_CHECKER_LIGHT / 255.0f;
immUniform4f("color1", checker_dark, checker_dark, checker_dark, 1.0f);
immUniform4f("color2", checker_light, checker_light, checker_light, 1.0f);
immUniform1i("size", 8);
immRectf(pos, rect->xmin, rect->ymin, rect->xmax, rect->ymax);
immUniformColor3ub(160, 160, 160);
for (y = rect->ymin; y < rect->ymax; y += tile * 2) {
for (x = rect->xmin; x < rect->xmax; x += tile * 2) {
float tilex = tile, tiley = tile;
if (x + tile > rect->xmax) {
tilex = rect->xmax - x;
if (y + tile > rect->ymax) {
tiley = rect->ymax - y;
immRectf(pos, x, y, x + tilex, y + tiley);
for (y = rect->ymin + tile; y < rect->ymax; y += tile * 2) {
for (x = rect->xmin + tile; x < rect->xmax; x += tile * 2) {
float tilex = tile, tiley = tile;
if (x + tile > rect->xmax) {
tilex = rect->xmax - x;
if (y + tile > rect->ymax) {
tiley = rect->ymax - y;
immRectf(pos, x, y, x + tilex, y + tiley);