Reproject Strokes - To Surface/Geometry

Experimental option for the Reproject Strokes operator to project strokes on to
geometry, instead of only doing this in a planar (i.e. parallel to viewplane) way.

The current implementation is quite rough, and may need to be improved before it
is really ready for use. Potential issues:
* Loss of precision (i.e. stairstepping artifacts) from the 3D -> 2D -> 3D conversion
  as we don't have float version of one of the projection funcs
* Jagged depth if there are gaps, since it will default back to the 3d-cursor plane
  if no geometry was found (instead of doing some fancy interpolation scheme)
* I'm not sure if it's that useful for adapting GP strokes to deforming geometry yet...
This commit is contained in:
Joshua Leung 2017-01-19 03:20:44 +13:00
parent 00edc600b0
commit 6d868d9f48
2 changed files with 55 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ class GreasePencilStrokeEditPanel:
if is_3d_view:
layout.operator_menu_enum("gpencil.reproject", text="Reproject Strokes...", property="type")
class GreasePencilInterpolatePanel:

View File

@ -1971,6 +1971,13 @@ void GPENCIL_OT_stroke_flip(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* ***************** Reproject Strokes ********************** */
typedef enum eGP_ReprojectModes {
/* On same plane, parallel to viewplane */
/* Reprojected on to the scene geometry */
} eGP_ReprojectModes;
static int gp_strokes_reproject_poll(bContext *C)
/* 2 Requirements:
@ -1980,14 +1987,23 @@ static int gp_strokes_reproject_poll(bContext *C)
return (gp_stroke_edit_poll(C) && ED_operator_view3d_active(C));
static int gp_strokes_reproject_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
static int gp_strokes_reproject_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
GP_SpaceConversion gsc = {NULL};
eGP_ReprojectModes mode = RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "type");
/* init space conversion stuff */
gp_point_conversion_init(C, &gsc);
/* init autodist for geometry projection */
ED_view3d_autodist_init(scene,, CTX_wm_view3d(C), 0);
// TODO: For deforming geometry workflow, create new frames?
/* Go through each editable + selected stroke, adjusting each of its points one by one... */
@ -2023,7 +2039,27 @@ static int gp_strokes_reproject_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
/* Project screenspace back to 3D space (from current perspective)
* so that all points have been treated the same way
gp_point_xy_to_3d(&gsc, scene, xy, &pt->x);
if (mode == GP_REPROJECT_PLANAR) {
/* Planar - All on same plane parallel to the viewplane */
gp_point_xy_to_3d(&gsc, scene, xy, &pt->x);
else {
/* Geometry - Snap to surfaces of visible geometry */
/* XXX: There will be precision loss (possible stairstep artifacts) from this conversion to satisfy the API's */
const int screen_co[2] = {(int)xy[0], (int)xy[1]};
int depth_margin = 0; // XXX: 4 for strokes, 0 for normal
float depth;
/* XXX: The proper procedure computes the depths into an array, to have smooth transitions when all else fails... */
if (ED_view3d_autodist_depth(, screen_co, depth_margin, &depth)) {
ED_view3d_autodist_simple(, screen_co, &pt->x, 0, &depth);
else {
/* Default to planar */
gp_point_xy_to_3d(&gsc, scene, xy, &pt->x);
/* Unapply parent corrections */
if (gpl->parent) {
@ -2040,18 +2076,32 @@ static int gp_strokes_reproject_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op))
void GPENCIL_OT_reproject(wmOperatorType *ot)
static EnumPropertyItem reproject_type[] = {
"Reproject the strokes to end up on the same plane, as if drawn from the current viewpoint "
"using 'Cursor' Stroke Placement"},
"Reproject the strokes on to the scene geometry, as if drawn using 'Surface' placement"},
{0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}
/* identifiers */
ot->name = "Reproject Strokes";
ot->idname = "GPENCIL_OT_reproject";
ot->description = "Reproject the selected strokes from the current viewpoint to get all points on the same plane again "
"(e.g. to fix problems from accidental 3D cursor movement, or viewport changes)";
ot->description = "Reproject the selected strokes from the current viewpoint as if they had been newly drawn "
"(e.g. to fix problems from accidental 3D cursor movement or accidental viewport changes, "
"or for matching deforming geometry)";
/* callbacks */
ot->invoke = WM_menu_invoke;
ot->exec = gp_strokes_reproject_exec;
ot->poll = gp_strokes_reproject_poll;
/* flags */
/* properties */
ot->prop = RNA_def_enum(ot->srna, "type", reproject_type, GP_REPROJECT_PLANAR, "Projection Type", "");
/* ******************* Stroke subdivide ************************** */