Command line argument to exit on Python errors

  blender -b --python-exit-code 1 --python --render-anim

This causes blender not to continue parsing command line arguments and exit if the script raises an exception.
This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2015-12-31 22:29:20 +11:00
parent 3236f1ab54
commit 82a1adfbdf
1 changed files with 47 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -194,6 +194,8 @@ static int print_version(int argc, const char **argv, void *data);
/* Initialize callbacks for the modules that need them */
static void setCallbacks(void);
static unsigned char python_exit_code_on_error = 0;
static bool use_crash_handler = true;
@ -299,6 +301,7 @@ static int print_help(int UNUSED(argc), const char **UNUSED(argv), void *data)
BLI_argsPrintArgDoc(ba, "--python-text");
BLI_argsPrintArgDoc(ba, "--python-expr");
BLI_argsPrintArgDoc(ba, "--python-console");
BLI_argsPrintArgDoc(ba, "--python-exit-code");
BLI_argsPrintArgDoc(ba, "--addons");
@ -1371,8 +1374,12 @@ static int run_python_file(int argc, const char **argv, void *data)
BLI_strncpy(filename, argv[1], sizeof(filename));
BLI_path_cwd(filename, sizeof(filename));
BPY_CTX_SETUP(BPY_execute_filepath(C, filename, NULL));
bool ok;
BPY_CTX_SETUP(ok = BPY_execute_filepath(C, filename, NULL));
if (!ok && python_exit_code_on_error) {
printf("\nError: script failed, file: '%s', exiting.\n", argv[1], python_exit_code_on_error);
return 1;
else {
@ -1395,15 +1402,22 @@ static int run_python_text(int argc, const char **argv, void *data)
if (argc > 1) {
/* Make the path absolute because its needed for relative linked blends to be found */
struct Text *text = (struct Text *)BKE_libblock_find_name(ID_TXT, argv[1]);
bool ok;
if (text) {
BPY_CTX_SETUP(BPY_execute_text(C, text, NULL, false));
return 1;
BPY_CTX_SETUP(ok = BPY_execute_text(C, text, NULL, false));
else {
printf("\nError: text block not found %s.\n", argv[1]);
return 1;
ok = false;
if (!ok && python_exit_code_on_error) {
printf("\nError: script failed, text: '%s', exiting.\n", argv[1]);
return 1;
else {
printf("\nError: you must specify a text block after '%s'.\n", argv[0]);
@ -1423,7 +1437,12 @@ static int run_python_expr(int argc, const char **argv, void *data)
/* workaround for scripts not getting a bpy.context.scene, causes internal errors elsewhere */
if (argc > 1) {
BPY_CTX_SETUP(BPY_execute_string_ex(C, argv[1], false));
bool ok;
BPY_CTX_SETUP(ok = BPY_execute_string_ex(C, argv[1], false));
if (!ok && python_exit_code_on_error) {
printf("\nError: script failed, expr: '%s', exiting.\n", argv[1]);
return 1;
else {
@ -1452,6 +1471,27 @@ static int run_python_console(int UNUSED(argc), const char **argv, void *data)
#endif /* WITH_PYTHON */
static int set_python_exit_code(int argc, const char **argv, void *UNUSED(data))
const char *arg_id = "--python-exit-code";
if (argc > 1) {
const char *err_msg = NULL;
const int min = 0, max = 255;
int exit_code;
if (!parse_int_strict_range(argv[1], min, max, &exit_code, &err_msg)) {
printf("\nError: %s '%s %s', expected number in [%d..%d].\n", err_msg, arg_id, argv[1], min, max);
return 1;
python_exit_code_on_error = (unsigned char)exit_code;
return 1;
else {
printf("\nError: you must specify an exit code number '%s'.\n", arg_id);
return 0;
static int set_addons(int argc, const char **argv, void *data)
/* workaround for scripts not getting a bpy.context.scene, causes internal errors elsewhere */
@ -1682,6 +1722,7 @@ static void setupArguments(bContext *C, bArgs *ba, SYS_SystemHandle *syshandle)
BLI_argsAdd(ba, 4, NULL, "--python-text", "<name>\n\tRun the given Python script text block", run_python_text, C);
BLI_argsAdd(ba, 4, NULL, "--python-expr", "<expression>\n\tRun the given expression as a Python script", run_python_expr, C);
BLI_argsAdd(ba, 4, NULL, "--python-console", "\n\tRun blender with an interactive console", run_python_console, C);
BLI_argsAdd(ba, 4, NULL, "--python-exit-code", "\n\tSet the exit-code in [0..255] to exit if a Python exception is raised (only for scripts executed from the command line), zero disables.", set_python_exit_code, NULL);
BLI_argsAdd(ba, 4, NULL, "--addons", "\n\tComma separated list of addons (no spaces)", set_addons, C);
BLI_argsAdd(ba, 4, "-o", "--render-output", output_doc, set_output, C);