FBX export: Add support for dupliobjects (either children, or particles).

Note only particles/dupliobjects existing in the current frame will be taken into account.

Dev note: the 'object' part of the code becomes really ugly, it will need a serious
refactor (probably using some kind of wrapper around Object/Bone/PoseBone/DupliObject),
nobody (not even me) will be able to follow this code soon.
This commit is contained in:
Bastien Montagne 2014-05-07 20:59:28 +02:00
parent 2e22157306
commit 6bd79aa49a
Notes: blender-bot 2023-02-14 20:07:37 +01:00
Referenced by issue #40038, Binary FBX export does not handle group instances
1 changed files with 136 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ from itertools import zip_longest, chain
import bpy
import bpy_extras
from bpy.types import Object, Bone, PoseBone
from bpy.types import Object, Bone, PoseBone, DupliObject
from mathutils import Vector, Matrix
from . import encode_bin, data_types
@ -272,6 +272,11 @@ def get_blender_empty_key(obj):
return "|".join((get_blenderID_key(obj), "Empty"))
def get_blender_dupli_key(dup):
"""Return dupli's key (Model only)."""
return "|".join((get_blenderID_key(dup.object), "Dupli", "".join(str(i) for i in dup.persistent_id)))
def get_blender_bone_key(armature, bone):
"""Return bone's keys (Model and NodeAttribute)."""
key = "|".join((get_blenderID_key(armature), get_blenderID_key(bone)))
@ -311,14 +316,14 @@ def get_blender_anim_layer_key(scene, ref_id):
return get_blender_anim_id_base(scene, ref_id) + "|AnimLayer"
def get_blender_anim_curve_node_key(scene, ref_id, ID, fbx_prop_name):
def get_blender_anim_curve_node_key(scene, ref_id, obj_key, fbx_prop_name):
"""Return (stack/layer, ID, fbxprop) curve node key."""
return "|".join((get_blender_anim_id_base(scene, ref_id), get_blenderID_key(ID), fbx_prop_name, "AnimCurveNode"))
return "|".join((get_blender_anim_id_base(scene, ref_id), obj_key, fbx_prop_name, "AnimCurveNode"))
def get_blender_anim_curve_key(scene, ref_id, ID, fbx_prop_name, fbx_prop_item_name):
def get_blender_anim_curve_key(scene, ref_id, obj_key, fbx_prop_name, fbx_prop_item_name):
"""Return (stack/layer, ID, fbxprop, item) curve key."""
return "|".join((get_blender_anim_id_base(scene, ref_id), get_blenderID_key(ID), fbx_prop_name,
return "|".join((get_blender_anim_id_base(scene, ref_id), obj_key, fbx_prop_name,
fbx_prop_item_name, "AnimCurve"))
@ -1004,6 +1009,15 @@ def fbx_template_def_animcurve(scene, settings, override_defaults=None, nbr_user
##### FBX objects generators. #####
def dupli_list_create(obj, scene, settings='PREVIEW'):
# Sigh, why raise exception here? :/
obj.dupli_list_create(scene, settings)
def has_valid_parent(scene_data, obj):
if isinstance(obj, PoseBone):
obj = obj.bone
@ -1027,14 +1041,15 @@ def fbx_object_matrix(scene_data, obj, armature=None, local_space=False, global_
else in world space.
Note local_space has precedence over global_space.
If obj is a bone, and global_space is True, armature must be provided (it's the bone's armature object!).
obj can also be a DupliObject.
Applies specific rotation to bones, lamps and cameras (conversion Blender -> FBX).
is_posebone = isinstance(obj, PoseBone)
is_bone = is_posebone or isinstance(obj, Bone)
is_dupli = isinstance(obj, DupliObject)
# Objects which are not bones and do not have any parent are *always* in global space (unless local_space is True!).
is_global = not local_space and (global_space or not (is_bone or has_valid_parent(scene_data, obj)))
is_global = not local_space and (global_space or not (is_bone or is_dupli or has_valid_parent(scene_data, obj)))
# Up till here, our matrix is in local space, time to bring it in its final desired space.
if is_bone:
bo = obj
matrix = (bo.matrix if is_posebone else bo.matrix_local) * MAT_CONVERT_BONE
@ -1047,7 +1062,13 @@ def fbx_object_matrix(scene_data, obj, armature=None, local_space=False, global_
par_matrix = (bo.parent.matrix if is_posebone else bo.parent.matrix_local).copy()
matrix = (par_matrix * MAT_CONVERT_BONE).inverted() * matrix
matrix = obj.matrix_local.copy()
if is_dupli:
parent = obj.id_data
# And here, we are in *world* space, go back to local (parent) space...
matrix = parent.matrix_world.inverted() * obj.matrix
parent = obj.parent
matrix = obj.matrix_local.copy()
# Lamps, and cameras need to be rotated (in local space!).
if obj.type == 'LAMP':
@ -1055,16 +1076,17 @@ def fbx_object_matrix(scene_data, obj, armature=None, local_space=False, global_
elif obj.type == 'CAMERA':
matrix = matrix * MAT_CONVERT_CAMERA
if obj.parent:
# Our matrix is in local space, time to bring it in its final desired space.
if parent:
if is_global:
# Move matrix to global Blender space.
matrix = obj.parent.matrix_world * matrix
elif use_bake_space_transform(scene_data, obj.parent):
matrix = parent.matrix_world * matrix
elif use_bake_space_transform(scene_data, parent):
# Blender's and FBX's local space of parent may differ if we use bake_space_transform...
# Apply parent's *Blender* local space...
matrix = obj.parent.matrix_local * matrix
matrix = parent.matrix_local * matrix
# ...and move it back into parent's *FBX* local space.
par_mat = fbx_object_matrix(scene_data, obj.parent, local_space=True)
par_mat = fbx_object_matrix(scene_data, parent, local_space=True)
matrix = par_mat.inverted() * matrix
if use_bake_space_transform(scene_data, obj):
@ -1914,6 +1936,11 @@ def fbx_data_object_elements(root, obj, scene_data):
obj_type = b"Null" # default, sort of empty...
tobj = obj
if isinstance(obj, DupliObject):
obj_key = scene_data.objects[tuple(obj.persistent_id)][0]
obj = obj.object
obj_key = scene_data.objects[obj]
if isinstance(obj, Bone):
obj_type = b"LimbNode"
# Get PoseBone for transformations!
@ -1924,9 +1951,8 @@ def fbx_data_object_elements(root, obj, scene_data):
obj_type = b"Light"
elif (obj.type == 'CAMERA'):
obj_type = b"Camera"
obj_key = scene_data.objects[obj]
model = elem_data_single_int64(root, b"Model", get_fbxuid_from_key(obj_key))
model.add_string(fbx_name_class(obj.name.encode(), b"Model"))
model.add_string(fbx_name_class(obj_key.encode(), b"Model"))
elem_data_single_int32(model, b"Version", FBX_MODELS_VERSION)
@ -2211,9 +2237,15 @@ def fbx_animations_objects_do(scene_data, ref_id, f_start, f_end, start_zero, ob
Generate animation data (a single AnimStack) from objects, for a given frame range.
if objects is not None:
# Add bones!
objects |= {bo for vo in objects if (isinstance(vo, bpy.types.Object) and vo.type == 'ARMATURE')
for bo in vo.data.bones}
# Add bones and duplis!
for obj in tuple(objects):
if not isinstance(obj, Object):
if obj.type == 'ARMATURE':
objects |= set(vo.data.bones)
dupli_list_create(obj, scene, 'RENDER')
objects |= {tuple(dup.persistent_id) for dup in obj.dupli_list if tuple(dup.persistent_id) in scene_data.objects}
objects = scene_data.objects.keys()
bake_step = scene_data.settings.bake_anim_step
@ -2236,15 +2268,31 @@ def fbx_animations_objects_do(scene_data, ref_id, f_start, f_end, start_zero, ob
while currframe < f_end:
real_currframe = currframe - f_start if start_zero else currframe
scene.frame_set(int(currframe), currframe - int(currframe))
duplis = {}
for obj in objects:
if not isinstance(obj, Object):
dupli_list_create(obj, scene, 'RENDER')
duplis.update((tuple(dup.persistent_id), dup) for dup in obj.dupli_list if tuple(dup.persistent_id) in objects)
for obj in objects:
# Get PoseBone from bone...
tobj = bone_map[obj] if isinstance(obj, Bone) else obj
if isinstance(obj, Bone):
tobj = bone_map[obj]
# Get DupliObject from its pid...
elif isinstance(obj, tuple):
tobj = duplis[obj]
tobj = obj
# We compute baked loc/rot/scale for all objects (rot being euler-compat with previous value!).
p_rot = p_rots.get(tobj, None)
loc, rot, scale, _m, _mr = fbx_object_tx(scene_data, tobj, p_rot)
p_rots[tobj] = rot
tx = tuple(loc) + tuple(units_convert_iter(rot, "radian", "degree")) + tuple(scale)
animdata[obj].append((real_currframe, tx, [False] * len(tx)))
for obj in objects:
if isinstance(obj, Object):
currframe += bake_step
scene.frame_set(back_currframe, 0.0)
@ -2263,6 +2311,10 @@ def fbx_animations_objects_do(scene_data, ref_id, f_start, f_end, start_zero, ob
if wrt:
curves[idx].append((currframe, val))
if isinstance(obj, tuple):
obj_key = scene_data.objects[obj][0]
obj_key = scene_data.objects[obj]
# Get PoseBone from bone...
#tobj = bone_map[obj] if isinstance(obj, Bone) else obj
#loc, rot, scale, _m, _mr = fbx_object_tx(scene_data, tobj)
@ -2272,9 +2324,9 @@ def fbx_animations_objects_do(scene_data, ref_id, f_start, f_end, start_zero, ob
final_keys = OrderedDict()
for idx, c in enumerate(curves):
fbx_group, fbx_gname, fbx_item = fbx_names[idx]
fbx_item_key = get_blender_anim_curve_key(scene, ref_id, obj, fbx_group, fbx_item)
fbx_item_key = get_blender_anim_curve_key(scene, ref_id, obj_key, fbx_group, fbx_item)
if fbx_group not in final_keys:
fbx_group_key = get_blender_anim_curve_node_key(scene, ref_id, obj, fbx_group)
fbx_group_key = get_blender_anim_curve_node_key(scene, ref_id, obj_key, fbx_group)
final_keys[fbx_group] = (fbx_group_key, OrderedDict(), fbx_gname)
final_keys[fbx_group][1][fbx_item] = (fbx_item_key, dtx[idx], c, True if len(c) > 1 else False)
# And now, remove anim groups (i.e. groups of curves affecting a single FBX property) with no curve at all!
@ -2464,13 +2516,20 @@ def fbx_data_from_scene(scene, settings):
if use_org_data:
data_meshes[obj] = (get_blenderID_key(obj.data), obj.data, False)
# Duplis...
for obj in tuple(objects.keys()):
dupli_list_create(obj, scene, 'RENDER')
for dup in obj.dupli_list:
objects[tuple(dup.persistent_id)] = (get_blender_dupli_key(dup), dup.object, obj)
# Armatures!
data_bones = OrderedDict()
data_deformers = OrderedDict()
bones_to_posebones = dict()
arm_parents = set()
for obj in tuple(objects.keys()):
if obj.type not in {'ARMATURE'}:
if not (isinstance(obj, Object) and obj.type in {'ARMATURE'}):
fbx_skeleton_from_armature(scene, settings, obj, objects, data_meshes, bones_to_posebones,
data_bones, data_deformers, arm_parents)
@ -2486,11 +2545,15 @@ def fbx_data_from_scene(scene, settings):
# *Should* work, as FBX always links its materials to Models (i.e. objects).
# XXX However, material indices would probably break...
data_materials = OrderedDict()
for obj in objects:
for obj, obj_key in objects.items():
if isinstance(obj, tuple):
_dupli_key, real_obj, _par = obj_key
real_obj = obj
# Only meshes for now!
if not isinstance(obj, Object) or obj.type not in BLENDER_OBJECT_TYPES_MESHLIKE:
if not (isinstance(real_obj, Object) and real_obj.type in BLENDER_OBJECT_TYPES_MESHLIKE):
for mat_s in obj.material_slots:
for mat_s in real_obj.material_slots:
mat = mat_s.material
# Note theoretically, FBX supports any kind of materials, even GLSL shaders etc.
# However, I doubt anything else than Lambert/Phong is really portable!
@ -2638,7 +2701,13 @@ def fbx_data_from_scene(scene, settings):
par_key = objects[par]
print("Sorry, “{}” parenting type is not supported".format(par_type))
connections.append((b"OO", get_fbxuid_from_key(obj_key), get_fbxuid_from_key(par_key), None))
elif isinstance(obj, tuple):
# Dupli instance...
obj_key, _obj, par = obj_key
par_key = objects[par]
connections.append((b"OO", get_fbxuid_from_key(obj_key), get_fbxuid_from_key(par_key), None))
# Armature & Bone chains.
for bo, (bo_key, _bo_data_key, arm) in data_bones.items():
@ -2649,28 +2718,27 @@ def fbx_data_from_scene(scene, settings):
connections.append((b"OO", get_fbxuid_from_key(bo_key), get_fbxuid_from_key(objects[par]), None))
# Empties
for empty_obj, empty_key in data_empties.items():
empty_obj_key = objects[empty_obj]
connections.append((b"OO", get_fbxuid_from_key(empty_key), get_fbxuid_from_key(empty_obj_key), None))
# Cameras
for obj_cam, cam_key in data_cameras.items():
cam_obj_key = objects[obj_cam]
connections.append((b"OO", get_fbxuid_from_key(cam_key), get_fbxuid_from_key(cam_obj_key), None))
# Object data.
for obj, obj_key in objects.items():
if isinstance(obj, Bone):
_bo_key, bo_data_key, _arm = data_bones[obj]
assert(_bo_key == obj_key)
connections.append((b"OO", get_fbxuid_from_key(bo_data_key), get_fbxuid_from_key(obj_key), None))
elif obj.type == 'LAMP':
lamp_key = data_lamps[obj.data]
connections.append((b"OO", get_fbxuid_from_key(lamp_key), get_fbxuid_from_key(obj_key), None))
mesh_key, _me, _free = data_meshes[obj]
connections.append((b"OO", get_fbxuid_from_key(mesh_key), get_fbxuid_from_key(obj_key), None))
if isinstance(obj, tuple):
obj_key, obj, _par = obj_key
if obj.type == 'LAMP':
lamp_key = data_lamps[obj.data]
connections.append((b"OO", get_fbxuid_from_key(lamp_key), get_fbxuid_from_key(obj_key), None))
elif obj.type == 'CAMERA':
cam_key = data_cameras[obj]
connections.append((b"OO", get_fbxuid_from_key(cam_key), get_fbxuid_from_key(obj_key), None))
elif obj.type == 'EMPTY':
empty_key = data_empties[obj.data]
connections.append((b"OO", get_fbxuid_from_key(empty_key), get_fbxuid_from_key(obj_key), None))
mesh_key, _me, _free = data_meshes[obj]
connections.append((b"OO", get_fbxuid_from_key(mesh_key), get_fbxuid_from_key(obj_key), None))
# Deformers (armature-to-geometry, only for meshes currently)...
for arm, deformed_meshes in data_deformers.items():
@ -2690,14 +2758,18 @@ def fbx_data_from_scene(scene, settings):
_objs_indices = {}
for mat, (mat_key, objs) in data_materials.items():
for obj in objs:
obj_key = objects[obj]
connections.append((b"OO", get_fbxuid_from_key(mat_key), get_fbxuid_from_key(obj_key), None))
# Get index of this mat for this object.
# Mat indices for mesh faces are determined by their order in 'mat to ob' connections.
# Only mats for meshes currently...
me = obj.data
idx = _objs_indices[obj] = _objs_indices.get(obj, -1) + 1
mesh_mat_indices.setdefault(me, OrderedDict())[mat] = idx
if (isinstance(obj, tuple)):
obj_key, _obj, _par = objects[obj]
connections.append((b"OO", get_fbxuid_from_key(mat_key), get_fbxuid_from_key(obj_key), None))
obj_key = objects[obj]
connections.append((b"OO", get_fbxuid_from_key(mat_key), get_fbxuid_from_key(obj_key), None))
# Get index of this mat for this object.
# Mat indices for mesh faces are determined by their order in 'mat to ob' connections.
# Only mats for meshes currently...
me = obj.data
idx = _objs_indices[obj] = _objs_indices.get(obj, -1) + 1
mesh_mat_indices.setdefault(me, OrderedDict())[mat] = idx
del _objs_indices
# Textures
@ -2722,7 +2794,10 @@ def fbx_data_from_scene(scene, settings):
alayer_id = get_fbxuid_from_key(alayer_key)
connections.append((b"OO", alayer_id, astack_id, None))
for obj, (alayer_key, acurvenodes) in astack.items():
obj_id = get_fbxuid_from_key(objects[obj])
if isinstance(obj, tuple):
obj_id = get_fbxuid_from_key(objects[obj][0])
obj_id = get_fbxuid_from_key(objects[obj])
# Animlayer -> animstack.
# alayer_id = get_fbxuid_from_key(alayer_key)
# connections.append((b"OO", alayer_id, astack_id, None))
@ -2936,10 +3011,19 @@ def fbx_objects_elements(root, scene_data):
del done_meshes
for obj in scene_data.objects.keys():
if isinstance(obj, tuple):
fbx_data_object_elements(objects, obj, scene_data)
if isinstance(obj, Object):
dupli_list_create(obj, scene_data.scene, 'RENDER')
for dup in obj.dupli_list:
if tuple(dup.persistent_id) not in scene_data.objects:
fbx_data_object_elements(objects, dup, scene_data)
for obj in scene_data.objects.keys():
if not isinstance(obj, Object) or obj.type not in {'ARMATURE'}:
if not (isinstance(obj, Object) and obj.type in {'ARMATURE'}):
fbx_data_armature_elements(objects, obj, scene_data)