glTF importer: perf: use numpy to manage normals checks

This commit is contained in:
Julien Duroure 2020-09-05 15:22:00 +02:00
parent 566a68e208
commit 78be5568d9
2 changed files with 66 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
bl_info = {
'name': 'glTF 2.0 format',
'author': 'Julien Duroure, Scurest, Norbert Nopper, Urs Hanselmann, Moritz Becher, Benjamin Schmithüsen, Jim Eckerlein, and many external contributors',
"version": (1, 4, 9),
"version": (1, 4, 10),
'blender': (2, 90, 0),
'location': 'File > Import-Export',
'description': 'Import-Export as glTF 2.0',

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@ -352,32 +352,8 @@ def do_primitives(gltf, mesh_idx, skin_idx, mesh, ob):
# ----
# Normals
# Set poly smoothing
# TODO: numpyify?
smooths = [] # use_smooth for each poly
f = 0
for prim in pymesh.primitives:
if gltf.import_settings['import_shading'] == "FLAT" or \
'NORMAL' not in prim.attributes:
smooths += [False] * prim.num_faces
elif gltf.import_settings['import_shading'] == "SMOOTH":
smooths += [True] * prim.num_faces
elif gltf.import_settings['import_shading'] == "NORMALS":
for fi in range(f, f + prim.num_faces):
# Make the face flat if the face's normal is
# equal to all of its loops' normals.
poly_normal = mesh.polygons[fi].normal
smooths.append([loop_vidxs[3*fi + 0]]) <= 0.9999999 or[loop_vidxs[3*fi + 1]]) <= 0.9999999 or[loop_vidxs[3*fi + 2]]) <= 0.9999999
f += prim.num_faces
mesh.polygons.foreach_set('use_smooth', smooths)
# Set polys smooth/flat
set_poly_smoothing(gltf, pymesh, mesh, vert_normals, loop_vidxs)
has_loose_edges = len(edge_vidxs) != 0 # need to calc_loose_edges for them to show up
@ -553,6 +529,69 @@ def normalize_vecs(vectors):
np.divide(vectors, norms, out=vectors, where=norms != 0)
def set_poly_smoothing(gltf, pymesh, mesh, vert_normals, loop_vidxs):
num_polys = len(mesh.polygons)
if gltf.import_settings['import_shading'] == "FLAT":
# Polys are flat by default; don't have to do anything
if gltf.import_settings['import_shading'] == "SMOOTH":
poly_smooths = np.full(num_polys, True)
f = 0
for prim in pymesh.primitives:
if 'NORMAL' not in prim.attributes:
# Primitives with no NORMALs should use flat shading
poly_smooths[f:f + prim.num_faces].fill(False)
f += prim.num_faces
mesh.polygons.foreach_set('use_smooth', poly_smooths)
assert gltf.import_settings['import_shading'] == "NORMALS"
# Try to guess which polys should be flat based on the fact that all the
# loop normals for a flat poly are = the poly's normal.
poly_smooths = np.empty(num_polys, dtype=np.bool)
poly_normals = np.empty(num_polys * 3, dtype=np.float32)
mesh.polygons.foreach_get('normal', poly_normals)
poly_normals = poly_normals.reshape(num_polys, 3)
f = 0
for prim in pymesh.primitives:
if 'NORMAL' not in prim.attributes:
# Primitives with no NORMALs should use flat shading
poly_smooths[f:f + prim.num_faces].fill(False)
f += prim.num_faces
# Check the normals at the three corners against the poly normal.
# Two normals are equal iff their dot product is 1.
poly_ns = poly_normals[f:f + prim.num_faces]
# Dot product against the first vertex normal in the tri
vert_ns = vert_normals[loop_vidxs[3*f:3*(f + prim.num_faces):3]]
dot_prods = np.sum(vert_ns * poly_ns, axis=1) # dot product
smooth = (dot_prods <= 0.9999999)
# Same for the second vertex, etc.
vert_ns = vert_normals[loop_vidxs[3*f+1:3*(f + prim.num_faces):3]]
dot_prods = np.sum(vert_ns * poly_ns, axis=1)
np.logical_or(smooth, dot_prods <= 0.9999999, out=smooth)
vert_ns = vert_normals[loop_vidxs[3*f+2:3*(f + prim.num_faces):3]]
dot_prods = np.sum(vert_ns * poly_ns, axis=1)
np.logical_or(smooth, dot_prods <= 0.9999999, out=smooth)
poly_smooths[f:f + prim.num_faces] = smooth
f += prim.num_faces
mesh.polygons.foreach_set('use_smooth', poly_smooths)
def merge_duplicate_verts(vert_locs, vert_normals, vert_joints, vert_weights, sk_vert_locs, loop_vidxs, edge_vidxs):
# This function attempts to invert the splitting done when exporting to
# glTF. Welds together verts with the same per-vert data (but possibly