FBX Import: rework a bit transform code (this is needed for armature & anim handling).

This commit is contained in:
Bastien Montagne 2014-07-13 18:09:48 +02:00
parent c6a804b9e2
commit dbfb5209c0
1 changed files with 84 additions and 55 deletions

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@ -264,35 +264,63 @@ def elem_props_get_visibility(elem, elem_prop_id, default=None):
# ------
# Object
from collections import namedtuple
def blen_read_object(fbx_tmpl, fbx_obj, object_data):
elem_name, elem_class = elem_split_name_class(fbx_obj)
elem_name_utf8 = elem_name.decode('utf-8')
FBXTransformData = namedtuple("FBXTransformData", (
"rot", "rot_ofs", "rot_piv", "pre_rot", "pst_rot", "rot_ord", "rot_alt_mat",
"sca", "sca_ofs", "sca_piv",
object_tdata_cache = {}
def blen_read_object_transform_do(transform_data):
from mathutils import Matrix, Euler
# translation
lcl_translation = Matrix.Translation(transform_data.loc)
# rotation
to_rot = lambda rot, rot_ord: Euler(convert_deg_to_rad_iter(rot), rot_ord).to_matrix().to_4x4()
lcl_rot = to_rot(transform_data.rot, transform_data.rot_ord) * transform_data.rot_alt_mat
pre_rot = to_rot(transform_data.pre_rot, transform_data.rot_ord)
pst_rot = to_rot(transform_data.pst_rot, transform_data.rot_ord)
rot_ofs = Matrix.Translation(transform_data.rot_ofs)
rot_piv = Matrix.Translation(transform_data.rot_piv)
sca_ofs = Matrix.Translation(transform_data.sca_ofs)
sca_piv = Matrix.Translation(transform_data.sca_piv)
# scale
lcl_scale = Matrix()
lcl_scale[0][0], lcl_scale[1][1], lcl_scale[2][2] = transform_data.sca
return (
lcl_translation *
rot_ofs *
rot_piv *
pre_rot *
lcl_rot *
pst_rot *
rot_piv.inverted() *
sca_ofs *
sca_piv *
lcl_scale *
def blen_read_object_transform_preprocess(fbx_props, fbx_obj, rot_alt_mat):
# This is quite involved, 'fbxRNode.cpp' from openscenegraph used as a reference
const_vector_zero_3d = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
const_vector_one_3d = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
# Object data must be created already
obj = bpy.data.objects.new(name=elem_name_utf8, object_data=object_data)
fbx_props = (elem_find_first(fbx_obj, b'Properties70'),
elem_find_first(fbx_tmpl, b'Properties70', fbx_elem_nil))
assert(fbx_props[0] is not None)
# ----
# Misc Attributes
obj.color[0:3] = elem_props_get_color_rgb(fbx_props, b'Color', (0.8, 0.8, 0.8))
obj.hide = not bool(elem_props_get_visibility(fbx_props, b'Visibility', 1.0))
# ----
# Transformation
# This is quite involved, 'fbxRNode.cpp' from openscenegraph used as a reference
loc = elem_props_get_vector_3d(fbx_props, b'Lcl Translation', const_vector_zero_3d)
rot = elem_props_get_vector_3d(fbx_props, b'Lcl Rotation', const_vector_zero_3d)
sca = elem_props_get_vector_3d(fbx_props, b'Lcl Scaling', const_vector_one_3d)
loc = list(elem_props_get_vector_3d(fbx_props, b'Lcl Translation', const_vector_zero_3d))
rot = list(elem_props_get_vector_3d(fbx_props, b'Lcl Rotation', const_vector_zero_3d))
sca = list(elem_props_get_vector_3d(fbx_props, b'Lcl Scaling', const_vector_one_3d))
rot_ofs = elem_props_get_vector_3d(fbx_props, b'RotationOffset', const_vector_zero_3d)
rot_piv = elem_props_get_vector_3d(fbx_props, b'RotationPivot', const_vector_zero_3d)
@ -318,12 +346,34 @@ def blen_read_object(fbx_tmpl, fbx_obj, object_data):
pst_rot = const_vector_zero_3d
rot_ord = 'XYZ'
from mathutils import Matrix, Euler
return FBXTransformData(loc,
rot, rot_ofs, rot_piv, pre_rot, pst_rot, rot_ord, rot_alt_mat,
sca, sca_ofs, sca_piv)
# translation
lcl_translation = Matrix.Translation(loc)
# rotation
def blen_read_object(fbx_tmpl, fbx_obj, object_data):
elem_name_utf8 = elem_name_ensure_class(fbx_obj)
# Object data must be created already
obj = bpy.data.objects.new(name=elem_name_utf8, object_data=object_data)
fbx_props = (elem_find_first(fbx_obj, b'Properties70'),
elem_find_first(fbx_tmpl, b'Properties70', fbx_elem_nil))
assert(fbx_props[0] is not None)
# ----
# Misc Attributes
obj.color[0:3] = elem_props_get_color_rgb(fbx_props, b'Color', (0.8, 0.8, 0.8))
obj.hide = not bool(elem_props_get_visibility(fbx_props, b'Visibility', 1.0))
# ----
# Transformation
from mathutils import Matrix
from math import pi
# rotation corrections
if obj.type == 'CAMERA':
rot_alt_mat = MAT_CONVERT_CAMERA
elif obj.type == 'LAMP':
@ -331,37 +381,16 @@ def blen_read_object(fbx_tmpl, fbx_obj, object_data):
rot_alt_mat = Matrix()
# rotation
lcl_rot = Euler(convert_deg_to_rad_iter(rot), rot_ord).to_matrix().to_4x4() * rot_alt_mat
pre_rot = Euler(convert_deg_to_rad_iter(pre_rot), rot_ord).to_matrix().to_4x4()
pst_rot = Euler(convert_deg_to_rad_iter(pst_rot), rot_ord).to_matrix().to_4x4()
rot_ofs = Matrix.Translation(rot_ofs)
rot_piv = Matrix.Translation(rot_piv)
sca_ofs = Matrix.Translation(sca_ofs)
sca_piv = Matrix.Translation(sca_piv)
# scale
lcl_scale = Matrix()
lcl_scale[0][0], lcl_scale[1][1], lcl_scale[2][2] = sca
obj.matrix_basis = (
lcl_translation *
rot_ofs *
rot_piv *
pre_rot *
lcl_rot *
pst_rot *
rot_piv.inverted() *
sca_ofs *
sca_piv *
lcl_scale *
transform_data = object_tdata_cache.get(obj)
if transform_data is None:
transform_data = blen_read_object_transform_preprocess(fbx_props, fbx_obj, rot_alt_mat)
object_tdata_cache[obj] = transform_data
obj.matrix_basis = blen_read_object_transform_do(transform_data)
return obj
# ----
# Mesh