Collection Manager: Add swap RTOs feature. Task: T69577

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Inch 2020-03-17 17:45:54 -04:00
parent fae4f145e5
commit f149e0a444
3 changed files with 259 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ bl_info = {
"name": "Collection Manager",
"description": "Manage collections and their objects",
"author": "Ryan Inch",
"version": (2,0,2),
"version": (2,1,0),
"blender": (2, 80, 0),
"location": "View3D - Object Mode (Shortcut - M)",
"warning": '', # used for warning icon and text in addons panel

View File

@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ rto_history = {
"render_all": {}
swap_buffer = {"A": {"RTO": "", "values": []}, "B": {"RTO": "", "values": []}}
class ExpandAllOperator(Operator):
'''Expand/Collapse all collections'''
bl_label = "Expand All Items"
@ -405,7 +407,7 @@ class CMExcludeOperator(Operator):
class CMUnExcludeAllOperator(Operator):
''' * Click to toggle between current excluded state and all included.\n * Shift-Click to invert excluded status of all collections'''
''' * Click to toggle between current excluded state and all included.\n * Shift-Click to invert excluded status of all collections\n * Ctrl-Alt-Click to swap RTOs'''
bl_label = "Toggle Excluded Status Of All Collections"
bl_idname = "view3d.un_exclude_all_collections"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
@ -420,6 +422,51 @@ class CMUnExcludeAllOperator(Operator):
exclude_all_history = rto_history["exclude_all"][view_layer]
if event.ctrl and event.alt:
global swap_buffer
if not swap_buffer["A"]["values"]:
# get A
swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] = "exclude"
for laycol in layer_collections.values():
if len(swap_buffer["A"]["values"]) != len(layer_collections):
return {'CANCELLED'}
# get B
swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"] = "exclude"
for laycol in layer_collections.values():
# swap A with B
for x, laycol in enumerate(layer_collections.values()):
attr_A = attr_B = laycol["ptr"]
# get attributes
RTO_A = swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"].split(".")
RTO_B = swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"].split(".")
if RTO_A[0] == "collection":
attr_A = getattr(attr_A, RTO_A[0])
if RTO_B[0] == "collection":
attr_B = getattr(attr_B, RTO_B[0])
# swap values
setattr(attr_A, RTO_A[-1], swap_buffer["B"]["values"][x])
setattr(attr_B, RTO_B[-1], swap_buffer["A"]["values"][x])
# clear swap buffer
swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] = ""
swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"] = ""
return {'FINISHED'}
if len(exclude_all_history) == 0:
keep_history = False
@ -648,7 +695,7 @@ class CMRestrictSelectOperator(Operator):
class CMUnRestrictSelectAllOperator(Operator):
''' * Click to toggle between current selectable state and all selectable.\n * Shift-Click to invert selectable status of all collections'''
''' * Click to toggle between current selectable state and all selectable.\n * Shift-Click to invert selectable status of all collections\n * Ctrl-Alt-Click to swap RTOs'''
bl_label = "Toggle Selectable Status Of All Collections"
bl_idname = "view3d.un_restrict_select_all_collections"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
@ -663,6 +710,51 @@ class CMUnRestrictSelectAllOperator(Operator):
select_all_history = rto_history["select_all"][view_layer]
if event.ctrl and event.alt:
global swap_buffer
if not swap_buffer["A"]["values"]:
# get A
swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] = "collection.hide_select"
for laycol in layer_collections.values():
if len(swap_buffer["A"]["values"]) != len(layer_collections):
return {'CANCELLED'}
# get B
swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"] = "collection.hide_select"
for laycol in layer_collections.values():
# swap A with B
for x, laycol in enumerate(layer_collections.values()):
attr_A = attr_B = laycol["ptr"]
# get attributes
RTO_A = swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"].split(".")
RTO_B = swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"].split(".")
if RTO_A[0] == "collection":
attr_A = getattr(attr_A, RTO_A[0])
if RTO_B[0] == "collection":
attr_B = getattr(attr_B, RTO_B[0])
# swap values
setattr(attr_A, RTO_A[-1], swap_buffer["B"]["values"][x])
setattr(attr_B, RTO_B[-1], swap_buffer["A"]["values"][x])
# clear swap buffer
swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] = ""
swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"] = ""
return {'FINISHED'}
if len(select_all_history) == 0:
keep_history = False
@ -887,7 +979,7 @@ class CMHideOperator(Operator):
class CMUnHideAllOperator(Operator):
''' * Click to toggle between current visibility state and all visible.\n * Shift-Click to invert visibility status of all collections'''
''' * Click to toggle between current visibility state and all visible.\n * Shift-Click to invert visibility status of all collections\n * Ctrl-Alt-Click to swap RTOs'''
bl_label = "Toggle Hidden Status Of All Collections"
bl_idname = "view3d.un_hide_all_collections"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
@ -902,6 +994,51 @@ class CMUnHideAllOperator(Operator):
hide_all_history = rto_history["hide_all"][view_layer]
if event.ctrl and event.alt:
global swap_buffer
if not swap_buffer["A"]["values"]:
# get A
swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] = "hide_viewport"
for laycol in layer_collections.values():
if len(swap_buffer["A"]["values"]) != len(layer_collections):
return {'CANCELLED'}
# get B
swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"] = "hide_viewport"
for laycol in layer_collections.values():
# swap A with B
for x, laycol in enumerate(layer_collections.values()):
attr_A = attr_B = laycol["ptr"]
# get attributes
RTO_A = swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"].split(".")
RTO_B = swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"].split(".")
if RTO_A[0] == "collection":
attr_A = getattr(attr_A, RTO_A[0])
if RTO_B[0] == "collection":
attr_B = getattr(attr_B, RTO_B[0])
# swap values
setattr(attr_A, RTO_A[-1], swap_buffer["B"]["values"][x])
setattr(attr_B, RTO_B[-1], swap_buffer["A"]["values"][x])
# clear swap buffer
swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] = ""
swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"] = ""
return {'FINISHED'}
if len(hide_all_history) == 0:
keep_history = False
@ -1124,7 +1261,7 @@ class CMDisableViewportOperator(Operator):
class CMUnDisableViewportAllOperator(Operator):
''' * Click to toggle between current viewport display and all enabled.\n * Shift-Click to invert viewport display of all collections'''
''' * Click to toggle between current viewport display and all enabled.\n * Shift-Click to invert viewport display of all collections\n * Ctrl-Alt-Click to swap RTOs'''
bl_label = "Toggle Viewport Display of All Collections"
bl_idname = "view3d.un_disable_viewport_all_collections"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
@ -1139,6 +1276,51 @@ class CMUnDisableViewportAllOperator(Operator):
disable_all_history = rto_history["disable_all"][view_layer]
if event.ctrl and event.alt:
global swap_buffer
if not swap_buffer["A"]["values"]:
# get A
swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] = "collection.hide_viewport"
for laycol in layer_collections.values():
if len(swap_buffer["A"]["values"]) != len(layer_collections):
return {'CANCELLED'}
# get B
swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"] = "collection.hide_viewport"
for laycol in layer_collections.values():
# swap A with B
for x, laycol in enumerate(layer_collections.values()):
attr_A = attr_B = laycol["ptr"]
# get attributes
RTO_A = swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"].split(".")
RTO_B = swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"].split(".")
if RTO_A[0] == "collection":
attr_A = getattr(attr_A, RTO_A[0])
if RTO_B[0] == "collection":
attr_B = getattr(attr_B, RTO_B[0])
# swap values
setattr(attr_A, RTO_A[-1], swap_buffer["B"]["values"][x])
setattr(attr_B, RTO_B[-1], swap_buffer["A"]["values"][x])
# clear swap buffer
swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] = ""
swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"] = ""
return {'FINISHED'}
if len(disable_all_history) == 0:
keep_history = False
@ -1363,7 +1545,7 @@ class CMDisableRenderOperator(Operator):
class CMUnDisableRenderAllOperator(Operator):
''' * Click to toggle between current render status and all rendered.\n * Shift-Click to invert render status of all collections'''
''' * Click to toggle between current render status and all rendered.\n * Shift-Click to invert render status of all collections\n * Ctrl-Alt-Click to swap RTOs'''
bl_label = "Toggle Render Status of All Collections"
bl_idname = "view3d.un_disable_render_all_collections"
bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
@ -1378,6 +1560,51 @@ class CMUnDisableRenderAllOperator(Operator):
render_all_history = rto_history["render_all"][view_layer]
if event.ctrl and event.alt:
global swap_buffer
if not swap_buffer["A"]["values"]:
# get A
swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] = "collection.hide_render"
for laycol in layer_collections.values():
if len(swap_buffer["A"]["values"]) != len(layer_collections):
return {'CANCELLED'}
# get B
swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"] = "collection.hide_render"
for laycol in layer_collections.values():
# swap A with B
for x, laycol in enumerate(layer_collections.values()):
attr_A = attr_B = laycol["ptr"]
# get attributes
RTO_A = swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"].split(".")
RTO_B = swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"].split(".")
if RTO_A[0] == "collection":
attr_A = getattr(attr_A, RTO_A[0])
if RTO_B[0] == "collection":
attr_B = getattr(attr_B, RTO_B[0])
# swap values
setattr(attr_A, RTO_A[-1], swap_buffer["B"]["values"][x])
setattr(attr_B, RTO_B[-1], swap_buffer["A"]["values"][x])
# clear swap buffer
swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] = ""
swap_buffer["B"]["RTO"] = ""
return {'FINISHED'}
if len(render_all_history) == 0:
keep_history = False

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ from .internals import (
from .operators import (
@ -120,32 +121,52 @@ class CollectionManager(Operator):
if cm.show_exclude:
exclude_all_history = rto_history["exclude_all"].get(, [])
depress = True if len(exclude_all_history) else False
sec2.operator("view3d.un_exclude_all_collections", text="", icon='CHECKBOX_HLT', depress=depress)
if swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] == "exclude":
sec2.operator("view3d.un_exclude_all_collections", text="", icon=icon, depress=depress)
if cm.show_selectable:
select_all_history = rto_history["select_all"].get(, [])
depress = True if len(select_all_history) else False
sec2.operator("view3d.un_restrict_select_all_collections", text="", icon='RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF', depress=depress)
if swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] == "collection.hide_select":
sec2.operator("view3d.un_restrict_select_all_collections", text="", icon=icon, depress=depress)
if cm.show_hide_viewport:
hide_all_history = rto_history["hide_all"].get(, [])
depress = True if len(hide_all_history) else False
icon = 'HIDE_OFF'
sec2.operator("view3d.un_hide_all_collections", text="", icon='HIDE_OFF', depress=depress)
if swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] == "hide_viewport":
sec2.operator("view3d.un_hide_all_collections", text="", icon=icon, depress=depress)
if cm.show_disable_viewport:
disable_all_history = rto_history["disable_all"].get(, [])
depress = True if len(disable_all_history) else False
sec2.operator("view3d.un_disable_viewport_all_collections", text="", icon='RESTRICT_VIEW_OFF', depress=depress)
if swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] == "collection.hide_viewport":
sec2.operator("view3d.un_disable_viewport_all_collections", text="", icon=icon, depress=depress)
if cm.show_render:
render_all_history = rto_history["render_all"].get(, [])
depress = True if len(render_all_history) else False
sec2.operator("view3d.un_disable_render_all_collections", text="", icon='RESTRICT_RENDER_OFF', depress=depress)
if swap_buffer["A"]["RTO"] == "collection.hide_render":
sec2.operator("view3d.un_disable_render_all_collections", text="", icon=icon, depress=depress)
layout.row().template_list("CM_UL_items", "",
cm, "cm_list_collection",