Fix T62892 EEVEE HDRI lightning glitch

Clamp the texture at sampling time. This is not the best way to do it but
this is the fastest/simplest. The cost is rather negligeable.
This commit is contained in:
Clément Foucault 2019-04-05 14:37:38 +02:00
parent a180b754eb
commit f0d6879f5c
Notes: blender-bot 2024-05-29 05:17:13 +02:00
Referenced by commit df99c54b5b, EEVEE: Fix compilation
Referenced by issue #63404, EEVEE Volume Material Outpouts don't show in viewport or renders.
Referenced by issue #62892, EEVEE HDRI lightning glitch
1 changed files with 10 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -2081,22 +2081,25 @@ void node_tex_environment_empty(vec3 co, out vec4 color)
color = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
/* 16bits floats limits. Higher/Lower values produce +/-inf. */
#define safe_color(a) (clamp(a, -65520.0, 65520.0))
void node_tex_image_linear(vec3 co, sampler2D ima, out vec4 color, out float alpha)
color = texture(ima, co.xy);
color = safe_color(texture(ima, co.xy));
alpha = color.a;
void node_tex_image_linear_no_mip(vec3 co, sampler2D ima, out vec4 color, out float alpha)
color = textureLod(ima, co.xy, 0.0);
color = safe_color(textureLod(ima, co.xy, 0.0));
alpha = color.a;
void node_tex_image_nearest(vec3 co, sampler2D ima, out vec4 color, out float alpha)
ivec2 pix = ivec2(fract(co.xy) * textureSize(ima, 0).xy);
color = texelFetch(ima, pix, 0);
color = clamp(texelFetch(ima, pix, 0));
alpha = color.a;
@ -2138,10 +2141,10 @@ void node_tex_image_cubic_ex(vec3 co, sampler2D ima, float do_extend, out vec4 c
final_co /= tex_size.xyxy;
color = textureLod(ima, final_co.xy, 0.0) * s0.x * s0.y;
color += textureLod(ima, final_co.zy, 0.0) * s1.x * s0.y;
color += textureLod(ima, final_co.xw, 0.0) * s0.x * s1.y;
color += textureLod(ima,, 0.0) * s1.x * s1.y;
color = safe_color(textureLod(ima, final_co.xy, 0.0)) * s0.x * s0.y;
color += safe_color(textureLod(ima, final_co.zy, 0.0)) * s1.x * s0.y;
color += safe_color(textureLod(ima, final_co.xw, 0.0)) * s0.x * s1.y;
color += safe_color(textureLod(ima,, 0.0)) * s1.x * s1.y;
#else /* Reference bruteforce 16 tap. */
color = texelFetch(ima, ivec2(tc + vec2(-1.0, -1.0)), 0) * w0.x * w0.y;