Refactor override code to properly deal with runtime rna properties too.

The triplet static RNA / runtime RNA / custom properties is a real pain to
deal with...

Using the new `PropertyRNAOrID` struct helps clarifying and properly
dealing with all three cases.

Note that this makes override of py-defined RNA properties working
(support for that will be committed next).

Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
Bastien Montagne 2020-07-10 15:23:52 +02:00
parent 337e2c9029
commit f93e0f1a9e
5 changed files with 113 additions and 149 deletions

View File

@ -2145,9 +2145,7 @@ bool RNA_property_editable_info(PointerRNA *ptr, PropertyRNA *prop, const char *
return false;
/* We need the real data property in case of IDProperty here... */
PropertyRNA *real_prop = rna_ensure_property_realdata(&prop, ptr);
if (real_prop == NULL || !RNA_property_overridable_get(ptr, real_prop)) {
if (!RNA_property_overridable_get(ptr, prop)) {
if (!(*r_info)[0]) {
*r_info = N_("Can't edit this property from an override data-block");

View File

@ -177,11 +177,8 @@ bool RNA_property_copy(
static int rna_property_override_diff(Main *bmain,
PointerRNA *ptr_a,
PointerRNA *ptr_b,
PropertyRNA *prop,
PropertyRNA *prop_a,
PropertyRNA *prop_b,
PropertyRNAOrID *prop_a,
PropertyRNAOrID *prop_b,
const char *rna_path,
const size_t rna_path_len,
eRNACompareMode mode,
@ -194,8 +191,12 @@ bool RNA_property_equals(
return (rna_property_override_diff(
bmain, ptr_a, ptr_b, prop, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, mode, NULL, 0, NULL) == 0);
PropertyRNAOrID prop_a, prop_b;
rna_property_rna_or_id_get(prop, ptr_a, &prop_a);
rna_property_rna_or_id_get(prop, ptr_b, &prop_b);
return (rna_property_override_diff(bmain, &prop_a, &prop_b, NULL, 0, mode, NULL, 0, NULL) == 0);
bool RNA_struct_equals(Main *bmain, PointerRNA *ptr_a, PointerRNA *ptr_b, eRNACompareMode mode)
@ -247,11 +248,8 @@ bool RNA_struct_equals(Main *bmain, PointerRNA *ptr_a, PointerRNA *ptr_b, eRNACo
* but we cannot determine an order (greater than/lesser than), we return 1.
static int rna_property_override_diff(Main *bmain,
PointerRNA *ptr_a,
PointerRNA *ptr_b,
PropertyRNA *prop,
PropertyRNA *prop_a,
PropertyRNA *prop_b,
PropertyRNAOrID *prop_a,
PropertyRNAOrID *prop_b,
const char *rna_path,
const size_t rna_path_len,
eRNACompareMode mode,
@ -259,47 +257,33 @@ static int rna_property_override_diff(Main *bmain,
const eRNAOverrideMatch flags,
eRNAOverrideMatchResult *r_report_flags)
if (prop != NULL) {
BLI_assert(prop_a == NULL && prop_b == NULL);
prop_a = prop;
prop_b = prop;
BLI_assert(!ELEM(NULL, prop_a, prop_b));
if (ELEM(NULL, prop_a, prop_b)) {
return (prop_a == prop_b) ? 0 : 1;
if (!RNA_property_comparable(ptr_a, prop_a) || !RNA_property_comparable(ptr_b, prop_b)) {
if (prop_a->rnaprop->flag_override & PROPOVERRIDE_NO_COMPARISON ||
prop_b->rnaprop->flag_override & PROPOVERRIDE_NO_COMPARISON) {
return 0;
if (mode == RNA_EQ_UNSET_MATCH_ANY) {
/* Unset properties are assumed to match anything. */
if (!RNA_property_is_set(ptr_a, prop_a) || !RNA_property_is_set(ptr_b, prop_b)) {
if (!prop_a->is_set || !prop_b->is_set) {
return 0;
else if (mode == RNA_EQ_UNSET_MATCH_NONE) {
/* Unset properties never match set properties. */
if (RNA_property_is_set(ptr_a, prop_a) != RNA_property_is_set(ptr_b, prop_b)) {
if (prop_a->is_set != prop_b->is_set) {
return 1;
if (prop != NULL) {
/* Ensure we get real property data, be it an actual RNA property,
* or an IDProperty in disguise. */
prop_a = rna_ensure_property_realdata(&prop_a, ptr_a);
prop_b = rna_ensure_property_realdata(&prop_b, ptr_b);
if (ELEM(NULL, prop_a, prop_b)) {
return (prop_a == prop_b) ? 0 : 1;
if (prop_a->is_idprop && ELEM(NULL, prop_a->idprop, prop_b->idprop)) {
return (prop_a->idprop == prop_b->idprop) ? 0 : 1;
/* Check if we are working with arrays. */
const bool is_array_a = RNA_property_array_check(prop_a);
const bool is_array_b = RNA_property_array_check(prop_b);
const bool is_array_a = prop_a->is_array;
const bool is_array_b = prop_b->is_array;
if (is_array_a != is_array_b) {
/* Should probably never happen actually... */
@ -308,8 +292,8 @@ static int rna_property_override_diff(Main *bmain,
/* Get the length of the array to work with. */
const int len_a = RNA_property_array_length(ptr_a, prop_a);
const int len_b = RNA_property_array_length(ptr_b, prop_b);
const uint len_a = prop_a->array_len;
const uint len_b = prop_b->array_len;
if (len_a != len_b) {
/* Do not handle override in that case,
@ -324,30 +308,31 @@ static int rna_property_override_diff(Main *bmain,
RNAPropOverrideDiff override_diff = NULL;
/* Special case for IDProps, we use default callback then. */
if (prop_a->magic != RNA_MAGIC) {
if (prop_a->is_idprop) {
override_diff = rna_property_override_diff_default;
if (prop_b->magic == RNA_MAGIC && prop_b->override_diff != override_diff) {
if (!prop_b->is_idprop && prop_b->rnaprop->override_diff != override_diff) {
override_diff = NULL;
else if (prop_b->magic != RNA_MAGIC) {
else if (prop_b->is_idprop) {
override_diff = rna_property_override_diff_default;
if (prop_a->override_diff != override_diff) {
if (prop_a->rnaprop->override_diff != override_diff) {
override_diff = NULL;
else if (prop_a->override_diff == prop_b->override_diff) {
override_diff = prop_a->override_diff;
else if (prop_a->rnaprop->override_diff == prop_b->rnaprop->override_diff) {
override_diff = prop_a->rnaprop->override_diff;
if (override_diff == NULL) {
override_diff = rna_property_override_diff_default;
if (override_diff == NULL) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
printf("'%s' gives unmatching or NULL RNA diff callbacks, should not happen (%d vs. %d).\n",
rna_path ?
rna_path :
(prop_a->magic != RNA_MAGIC ? ((IDProperty *)prop_a)->name : prop_a->identifier),
prop_a->magic == RNA_MAGIC,
prop_b->magic == RNA_MAGIC);
rna_path ? rna_path : prop_a->identifier,
return 1;
@ -355,16 +340,12 @@ static int rna_property_override_diff(Main *bmain,
bool override_changed = false;
eRNAOverrideMatch diff_flags = flags;
if (!RNA_property_overridable_get(ptr_a, prop_a)) {
if (!RNA_property_overridable_get(&prop_a->ptr, prop_a->rawprop)) {
const int diff = override_diff(bmain,
@ -426,10 +407,13 @@ static bool rna_property_override_operation_store(Main *bmain,
else if (prop_local->override_store == prop_reference->override_store) {
override_store = prop_local->override_store;
if (override_store == NULL) {
override_store = rna_property_override_store_default;
if (ptr_storage != NULL && prop_storage->magic == RNA_MAGIC &&
prop_storage->override_store != override_store) {
!ELEM(prop_storage->override_store, NULL, override_store)) {
override_store = NULL;
@ -512,10 +496,13 @@ static bool rna_property_override_operation_apply(Main *bmain,
else if (prop_dst->override_apply == prop_src->override_apply) {
override_apply = prop_dst->override_apply;
if (override_apply == NULL) {
override_apply = rna_property_override_apply_default;
if (ptr_storage && prop_storage->magic == RNA_MAGIC &&
prop_storage->override_apply != override_apply) {
!ELEM(prop_storage->override_apply, NULL, override_apply)) {
override_apply = NULL;
@ -612,38 +599,29 @@ bool RNA_struct_override_matches(Main *bmain,
for (RNA_property_collection_begin(ptr_local, iterprop, &iter); iter.valid;
RNA_property_collection_next(&iter)) {
PropertyRNA *prop_local =;
PropertyRNA *prop_reference =;
PropertyRNA *rawprop =;
/* Ensure we get real property data, be it an actual RNA property,
* or an IDProperty in disguise. */
prop_local = rna_ensure_property_realdata(&prop_local, ptr_local);
prop_reference = rna_ensure_property_realdata(&prop_reference, ptr_reference);
PropertyRNAOrID prop_local;
PropertyRNAOrID prop_reference;
/* IDProps (custom properties) are even more of a PITA here, we cannot use
* `rna_ensure_property_realdata()` to deal with them, we have to use the path generated from
* `prop_local` (which is valid) to access to the actual reference counterpart... */
if (prop_local != NULL && prop_local->magic != RNA_MAGIC && prop_local == prop_reference) {
/* We could also use (lower in this code, after rna_path has been computed):
* RNA_path_resolve_property(ptr_reference, rna_path, &some_rna_ptr, &prop_reference);
* But that would be much more costly, and would also fail when ptr_reference
* is not an ID pointer itself, so we'd need to rebuild it from its owner_id, then check that
* generated some_rna_ptr and ptr_reference do point to the same data, etc.
* For now, let's try that simple access, it won't cover all cases but should handle fine
* most basic custom properties situations. */
prop_reference = (PropertyRNA *)rna_idproperty_find(ptr_reference,
((IDProperty *)prop_local)->name);
rna_property_rna_or_id_get(rawprop, ptr_local, &prop_local);
rna_property_rna_or_id_get(rawprop, ptr_reference, &prop_reference);
if (ELEM(NULL, prop_local, prop_reference)) {
BLI_assert(prop_local.rnaprop != NULL);
BLI_assert(prop_local.rnaprop == prop_reference.rnaprop);
BLI_assert(prop_local.is_idprop == prop_reference.is_idprop);
if ((prop_local.is_idprop && prop_local.idprop == NULL) ||
(prop_reference.is_idprop && prop_reference.idprop == NULL)) {
if (ignore_non_overridable && !RNA_property_overridable_get(ptr_local, prop_local)) {
if (ignore_non_overridable && !RNA_property_overridable_get(&prop_local.ptr, rawprop)) {
if (RNA_property_override_flag(prop_local) & PROPOVERRIDE_IGNORE) {
if (!prop_local.is_idprop &&
RNA_property_override_flag(prop_local.rnaprop) & PROPOVERRIDE_IGNORE) {
@ -665,11 +643,11 @@ bool RNA_struct_override_matches(Main *bmain,
if (root_path) {
BLI_assert(strlen(root_path) == root_path_len);
const char *prop_name = RNA_property_identifier(prop_local);
const char *prop_name = prop_local.identifier;
const size_t prop_name_len = strlen(prop_name);
/* Inlined building, much much more efficient. */
if (prop_local->magic == RNA_MAGIC) {
if (!prop_local.is_idprop) {
rna_path_len = root_path_len + 1 + prop_name_len;
if (rna_path_len >= RNA_PATH_BUFFSIZE) {
rna_path = MEM_mallocN(rna_path_len + 1, __func__);
@ -697,7 +675,7 @@ bool RNA_struct_override_matches(Main *bmain,
else {
/* This is rather slow, but is not much called, so not really worth optimizing. */
rna_path = RNA_path_from_ID_to_property(ptr_local, prop_local);
rna_path = RNA_path_from_ID_to_property(ptr_local, rawprop);
if (rna_path != NULL) {
rna_path_len = strlen(rna_path);
@ -726,11 +704,8 @@ bool RNA_struct_override_matches(Main *bmain,
eRNAOverrideMatchResult report_flags = 0;
const int diff = rna_property_override_diff(bmain,
@ -764,7 +739,7 @@ bool RNA_struct_override_matches(Main *bmain,
/* We are allowed to restore to reference's values. */
if (ELEM(NULL, op, opop) || opop->operation == IDOVERRIDE_LIBRARY_OP_NOOP) {
/* We should restore that property to its reference value */
if (RNA_property_editable(ptr_local, prop_local)) {
if (RNA_property_editable(ptr_local, rawprop)) {
IDOverrideLibraryPropertyOperation opop_tmp = {
.subitem_reference_index = -1,
@ -774,8 +749,8 @@ bool RNA_struct_override_matches(Main *bmain,

View File

@ -489,12 +489,8 @@ struct PropertyRNA *rna_ensure_property_realdata(struct PropertyRNA **prop,
* Not obvious though, those are fairly more complicated than basic SDNA access.
int rna_property_override_diff_default(struct Main *bmain,
struct PointerRNA *ptr_a,
struct PointerRNA *ptr_b,
struct PropertyRNA *prop_a,
struct PropertyRNA *prop_b,
const int len_a,
const int len_b,
struct PropertyRNAOrID *prop_a,
struct PropertyRNAOrID *prop_b,
const int mode,
struct IDOverrideLibrary *override,
const char *rna_path,

View File

@ -195,23 +195,17 @@ typedef struct PropertyRNAOrID {
} PropertyRNAOrID;
* If \a override is NULL, merely do comparison between prop_a from ptr_a and prop_b from ptr_b,
* If \a override is NULL, merely do comparison between prop_a and prop_b,
* following comparison mode given.
* If \a override and \a rna_path are not NULL, it will add a new override operation for
* overridable properties that differ and have not yet been overridden
* (and set accordingly \a r_override_changed if given).
* \note Given PropertyRNA are final (in case of IDProps...).
* \note In non-array cases, \a len values are 0.
* \note \a override, \a rna_path and \a r_override_changed may be NULL pointers.
typedef int (*RNAPropOverrideDiff)(struct Main *bmain,
struct PointerRNA *ptr_a,
struct PointerRNA *ptr_b,
struct PropertyRNA *prop_a,
struct PropertyRNA *prop_b,
const int len_a,
const int len_b,
struct PropertyRNAOrID *prop_a,
struct PropertyRNAOrID *prop_b,
const int mode,
struct IDOverrideLibrary *override,
const char *rna_path,

View File

@ -1431,12 +1431,8 @@ static int rna_property_override_diff_propptr(Main *bmain,
RNA_property_##_typename##_set((_ptr), (_prop), (_value)))
int rna_property_override_diff_default(Main *bmain,
PointerRNA *ptr_a,
PointerRNA *ptr_b,
PropertyRNA *prop_a,
PropertyRNA *prop_b,
const int len_a,
const int len_b,
PropertyRNAOrID *prop_a,
PropertyRNAOrID *prop_b,
const int mode,
IDOverrideLibrary *override,
const char *rna_path,
@ -1444,6 +1440,13 @@ int rna_property_override_diff_default(Main *bmain,
const int flags,
bool *r_override_changed)
PointerRNA *ptr_a = &prop_a->ptr;
PointerRNA *ptr_b = &prop_b->ptr;
PropertyRNA *rawprop_a = prop_a->rawprop;
PropertyRNA *rawprop_b = prop_b->rawprop;
const uint len_a = prop_a->array_len;
const uint len_b = prop_b->array_len;
BLI_assert(len_a == len_b);
/* Note: at this point, we are sure that when len_a is zero,
@ -1452,7 +1455,16 @@ int rna_property_override_diff_default(Main *bmain,
const bool do_create = override != NULL && (flags & RNA_OVERRIDE_COMPARE_CREATE) != 0 &&
rna_path != NULL;
switch (RNA_property_type(prop_a)) {
const bool no_ownership = (prop_a->rnaprop->flag & PROP_PTR_NO_OWNERSHIP) != 0;
const bool no_prop_name = (prop_a->rnaprop->flag_override & PROPOVERRIDE_NO_PROP_NAME) != 0;
/* Note: we assume we only insert in ptr_a (i.e. we can only get new items in ptr_a),
* and that we never remove anything. */
const bool use_collection_insertion = (prop_a->rnaprop->flag_override &
switch (RNA_property_type(prop_a->rnaprop)) {
if (len_a) {
bool array_stack_a[RNA_STACK_ARRAY], array_stack_b[RNA_STACK_ARRAY];
@ -1463,8 +1475,8 @@ int rna_property_override_diff_default(Main *bmain,
array_b = (len_b > RNA_STACK_ARRAY) ? MEM_mallocN(sizeof(bool) * len_b, "RNA equals") :
RNA_property_boolean_get_array(ptr_a, prop_a, array_a);
RNA_property_boolean_get_array(ptr_b, prop_b, array_b);
RNA_property_boolean_get_array(ptr_a, rawprop_a, array_a);
RNA_property_boolean_get_array(ptr_b, rawprop_b, array_b);
const int comp = memcmp(array_a, array_b, sizeof(bool) * len_a);
@ -1496,8 +1508,8 @@ int rna_property_override_diff_default(Main *bmain,
return comp;
else {
const bool value_a = RNA_property_boolean_get(ptr_a, prop_a);
const bool value_b = RNA_property_boolean_get(ptr_b, prop_b);
const bool value_a = RNA_property_boolean_get(ptr_a, rawprop_a);
const bool value_b = RNA_property_boolean_get(ptr_b, rawprop_b);
const int comp = (value_a < value_b) ? -1 : (value_a > value_b) ? 1 : 0;
if (do_create && comp != 0) {
@ -1528,8 +1540,8 @@ int rna_property_override_diff_default(Main *bmain,
array_b = (len_b > RNA_STACK_ARRAY) ? MEM_mallocN(sizeof(int) * len_b, "RNA equals") :
RNA_property_int_get_array(ptr_a, prop_a, array_a);
RNA_property_int_get_array(ptr_b, prop_b, array_b);
RNA_property_int_get_array(ptr_a, rawprop_a, array_a);
RNA_property_int_get_array(ptr_b, rawprop_b, array_b);
const int comp = memcmp(array_a, array_b, sizeof(int) * len_a);
@ -1561,8 +1573,8 @@ int rna_property_override_diff_default(Main *bmain,
return comp;
else {
const int value_a = RNA_property_int_get(ptr_a, prop_a);
const int value_b = RNA_property_int_get(ptr_b, prop_b);
const int value_a = RNA_property_int_get(ptr_a, rawprop_a);
const int value_b = RNA_property_int_get(ptr_b, rawprop_b);
const int comp = (value_a < value_b) ? -1 : (value_a > value_b) ? 1 : 0;
if (do_create && comp != 0) {
@ -1593,8 +1605,8 @@ int rna_property_override_diff_default(Main *bmain,
array_b = (len_b > RNA_STACK_ARRAY) ? MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float) * len_b, "RNA equals") :
RNA_property_float_get_array(ptr_a, prop_a, array_a);
RNA_property_float_get_array(ptr_b, prop_b, array_b);
RNA_property_float_get_array(ptr_a, rawprop_a, array_a);
RNA_property_float_get_array(ptr_b, rawprop_b, array_b);
const int comp = memcmp(array_a, array_b, sizeof(float) * len_a);
@ -1626,8 +1638,8 @@ int rna_property_override_diff_default(Main *bmain,
return comp;
else {
const float value_a = RNA_property_float_get(ptr_a, prop_a);
const float value_b = RNA_property_float_get(ptr_b, prop_b);
const float value_a = RNA_property_float_get(ptr_a, rawprop_a);
const float value_b = RNA_property_float_get(ptr_b, rawprop_b);
const int comp = (value_a < value_b) ? -1 : (value_a > value_b) ? 1 : 0;
if (do_create && comp != 0) {
@ -1649,8 +1661,8 @@ int rna_property_override_diff_default(Main *bmain,
case PROP_ENUM: {
const int value_a = RNA_property_enum_get(ptr_a, prop_a);
const int value_b = RNA_property_enum_get(ptr_b, prop_b);
const int value_a = RNA_property_enum_get(ptr_a, rawprop_a);
const int value_b = RNA_property_enum_get(ptr_b, rawprop_b);
const int comp = value_a != value_b;
if (do_create && comp != 0) {
@ -1674,9 +1686,9 @@ int rna_property_override_diff_default(Main *bmain,
char fixed_a[4096], fixed_b[4096];
int len_str_a, len_str_b;
char *value_a = RNA_property_string_get_alloc(
ptr_a, prop_a, fixed_a, sizeof(fixed_a), &len_str_a);
ptr_a, rawprop_a, fixed_a, sizeof(fixed_a), &len_str_a);
char *value_b = RNA_property_string_get_alloc(
ptr_b, prop_b, fixed_b, sizeof(fixed_b), &len_str_b);
ptr_b, rawprop_b, fixed_b, sizeof(fixed_b), &len_str_b);
/* TODO we could do a check on length too,
* but then we would not have a 'real' string comparison...
* Maybe behind a eRNAOverrideMatch flag? */
@ -1712,16 +1724,13 @@ int rna_property_override_diff_default(Main *bmain,
if (STREQ(RNA_property_identifier(prop_a), "rna_type")) {
if (STREQ(prop_a->identifier, "rna_type")) {
/* Dummy 'pass' answer, this is a meta-data and must be ignored... */
return 0;
else {
PointerRNA propptr_a = RNA_property_pointer_get(ptr_a, prop_a);
PointerRNA propptr_b = RNA_property_pointer_get(ptr_b, prop_b);
const bool no_ownership = (RNA_property_flag(prop_a) & PROP_PTR_NO_OWNERSHIP) != 0;
const bool no_prop_name = (RNA_property_override_flag(prop_a) &
PointerRNA propptr_a = RNA_property_pointer_get(ptr_a, rawprop_a);
PointerRNA propptr_b = RNA_property_pointer_get(ptr_b, rawprop_b);
return rna_property_override_diff_propptr(bmain,
@ -1742,14 +1751,6 @@ int rna_property_override_diff_default(Main *bmain,
/* Note: we assume we only insert in ptr_a (i.e. we can only get new items in ptr_a),
* and that we never remove anything. */
const bool use_insertion = (RNA_property_override_flag(prop_a) &
const bool no_ownership = (RNA_property_flag(prop_a) & PROP_PTR_NO_OWNERSHIP) != 0;
const bool no_prop_name = (RNA_property_override_flag(prop_a) & PROPOVERRIDE_NO_PROP_NAME) !=
bool equals = true;
bool abort = false;
bool is_first_insert = true;
@ -1757,8 +1758,8 @@ int rna_property_override_diff_default(Main *bmain,
int idx_b = 0;
CollectionPropertyIterator iter_a, iter_b;
RNA_property_collection_begin(ptr_a, prop_a, &iter_a);
RNA_property_collection_begin(ptr_b, prop_b, &iter_b);
RNA_property_collection_begin(ptr_a, rawprop_a, &iter_a);
RNA_property_collection_begin(ptr_b, rawprop_b, &iter_b);
char buff_a[4096];
char buff_prev_a[4096] = {0};
@ -1773,7 +1774,7 @@ int rna_property_override_diff_default(Main *bmain,
do {
bool is_id = false, is_null = false, is_type_diff = false;
is_valid_for_insertion = use_insertion;
is_valid_for_insertion = use_collection_insertion;
/* If false, it means that the whole data itself is different,
* so no point in going inside of it at all! */
@ -1846,7 +1847,7 @@ int rna_property_override_diff_default(Main *bmain,
/* Collections do not support replacement of their data (except for collections of ID
* pointers), since they do not support removing, only in *some* cases, insertion. We
* also assume then that _a data is the one where things are inserted. */
if (is_valid_for_insertion && use_insertion) {
if (is_valid_for_insertion && use_collection_insertion) {
bool created;
IDOverrideLibraryProperty *op = BKE_lib_override_library_property_get(
override, rna_path, &created);
@ -1930,7 +1931,7 @@ int rna_property_override_diff_default(Main *bmain,
if (!(use_insertion && !(is_id || is_valid_for_diffing))) {
if (!(use_collection_insertion && !(is_id || is_valid_for_diffing))) {