Extra Mask Keyframes don't appear in Dope Sheet #40546

opened 2014-06-09 09:15:26 +02:00 by david mcsween · 21 comments

System Information
win 7 pro 64bit 8GB ram

Blender Version
Broken: 2.70 b66a954
Worked: (optional)

When you add additional Mask Layers in the Mask tool (UV Image editor or MCE), any keyframes created only appear in Dope Editor for the first layer.
This means you can't alter the keyframes of other mask layers.


Make a new mask
Make a new mask layer and add a mask shape.
Create a keyframe - move in time create another keyframe - keyframe appears in Dope Sheet
Make a new mask layer and add a new mask shape there
Create a keyframe - move in time create another keyframe - no more keyframes appear in Dope sheet.

.blend attached. Disregard VSE strips, look at the Dope Sheet. There should be keyframes on every Mask Layer.

**System Information** win 7 pro 64bit 8GB ram **Blender Version** Broken: 2.70 b66a954 Worked: (optional) When you add additional Mask Layers in the Mask tool (UV Image editor or MCE), any keyframes created only appear in Dope Editor for the first layer. This means you can't alter the keyframes of other mask layers. steps: Make a new mask Make a new mask layer and add a mask shape. Create a keyframe - move in time create another keyframe - keyframe appears in Dope Sheet Make a new mask layer and add a new mask shape there Create a keyframe - move in time create another keyframe - no more keyframes appear in Dope sheet. .blend attached. Disregard VSE strips, look at the Dope Sheet. There should be keyframes on every Mask Layer. [mask_animation_bug.blend](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F93641/mask_animation_bug.blend)

Changed status to: 'Open'

Changed status to: 'Open'

Added subscriber: @davidmcsween

Added subscriber: @davidmcsween

Added subscriber: @ideasman42

Added subscriber: @ideasman42

This comment was removed by @ideasman42

*This comment was removed by @ideasman42*
Campbell Barton self-assigned this 2014-06-09 11:23:13 +02:00

I can't redo this bug, a few instructions aren't clear.

Make a new mask --- a new mask datablock replacing the existing one?

Can you upload a blend where adding a mask-keyframe fails?

I can't redo this bug, a few instructions aren't clear. *Make a new mask* --- a new mask datablock replacing the existing one? Can you upload a blend where adding a mask-keyframe fails?

I cannot now reproduce this fault.
I found that the issue (of displaying KFs in dope sheet) went away when I re-opened the .blend file. They now add correctly.
Perhaps that is why you cannot reproduce it in the submitted .blend.
I was using the VSE at the time with the mask datablock being referred to by a strip mask.

There are a number of active keyframes working on the mask layers provided in the .blend file. You cannot see them in the Dope Sheet. Do they appear elsewhere in a data structure? Why wouldn't they appear upon creation? I guess there is now way to retrospectively display them after creation?

Sorry for incompleteness.
Create a new mask in UV image editor while it is looking at the render result. Then add mask layers to this single mask datablock. Add Keyframes. Add mask layers to Mask, then add keyframes.

I cannot now reproduce this fault. I found that the issue (of displaying KFs in dope sheet) went away when I re-opened the .blend file. They now add correctly. Perhaps that is why you cannot reproduce it in the submitted .blend. I was using the VSE at the time with the mask datablock being referred to by a strip mask. **However** There are a number of active keyframes working on the mask layers provided in the .blend file. You cannot see them in the Dope Sheet. Do they appear elsewhere in a data structure? Why wouldn't they appear upon creation? I guess there is now way to retrospectively display them after creation? Sorry for incompleteness. Steps: Create a new mask in UV image editor while it is looking at the render result. Then add mask layers to this single mask datablock. Add Keyframes. Add mask layers to Mask, then add keyframes.

@davidmcsween, Please could you be more specific, your new instructions are still not clear.

  • Is this in a new blend file or the one you have provided?
  • Does this bug only happen with the render result?
  • You add keyframes and THEN mask layer? This is not going to do anything
  • How are you adding keyframes exactly?

This is too vague, you need to give exact steps in detail, what key you press what menu etc... and make sure its re-producible.

At this point Im' having to make too many guesses and I still can redo any bug.

@davidmcsween, Please could you be more specific, your new instructions are still not clear. - Is this in a new blend file or the one you have provided? - Does this bug only happen with the render result? - You add keyframes and THEN mask layer? *This is not going to do anything* - How are you adding keyframes exactly? This is too vague, you need to give exact steps in detail, what key you press what menu etc... and make sure its re-producible. At this point Im' having to make too many guesses and I still can redo any bug.

I believe that it is part user error and part bug.
Below I have defined the steps.
After animating the mask once I created a new mask layer and DUPLICTAED the original mask.
At this point I thought that I was editing a mask on the new layer, no keyframes appeared on this layer as there was no duped mask there. This was my mistake as I thought I could move masks to alternate layers (not obvious)

However, I notice in the new .blend that the original animation is fails (keyframes remain) after duplicating the first mask. Now no new animation occurs and no keyframes can be added on that layer.

New .blend attached.
Here are the steps:

  1. create 2 color effect strips to wipe between in VSE
  2. render a frame to use in UV image window
  3. change UV image view to render result / open a dope sheet set to mask
  4. change editing context to Mask
  5. add a mask, give it feather (may not be needed)
  6. create a key frame in UV image mask window
  7. move along timeline
  8. move mask, create another keyframe
  9. create a new mask layer
  10. duplicate (shift D) the mask
  11. repeat steps 6 - 8
  12. in VSE select top strip to transition to add a mask modifier, select the mask by name
  13. set strip to over drop
  14. watch effect.
I believe that it is part user error and part bug. Below I have defined the steps. After animating the mask once I created a new mask layer and DUPLICTAED the original mask. At this point I thought that I was editing a mask on the new layer, no keyframes appeared on this layer as there was no duped mask there. This was my mistake as I thought I could move masks to alternate layers (not obvious) However, I notice in the new .blend that the original animation is fails (keyframes remain) after duplicating the first mask. Now no new animation occurs and no keyframes can be added on that layer. New .blend attached. Here are the steps: 1. create 2 color effect strips to wipe between in VSE 2. render a frame to use in UV image window 3. change UV image view to render result / open a dope sheet set to mask 4. change editing context to Mask 5. add a mask, give it feather (may not be needed) 6. create a key frame in UV image mask window 7. move along timeline 8. move mask, create another keyframe 9. create a new mask layer 10. duplicate (shift D) the mask 11. repeat steps 6 - 8 12. in VSE select top strip to transition to add a mask modifier, select the mask by name 13. set strip to over drop 14. watch effect. [mask_bug_2.blend](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F93744/mask_bug_2.blend)

From what I can tell this is a usability issue.

- create a new mask layer
- duplicate (shift D) the mask

This does **not** duplicate the selected mask into the new layer, is that what your expecting?
From what I can tell this is a usability issue. ~~~snip~~~ - create a new mask layer - duplicate (shift D) the mask This does **not** duplicate the selected mask into the new layer, is that what your expecting?

Yes I did at first, but I understand why that was a faulty premise.

I often want to duplicate a mask shape and its animation, but it seems that doing this corrupts original data.

Yes I did at first, but I understand why that was a faulty premise. I often want to duplicate a mask shape and its animation, but it seems that doing this corrupts original data.


Can you give exact steps to corrupt original data?

@davidmcsween Can you give exact steps to corrupt original data?
  • Create a mask in image editor
  • animate it over some frames
  • duplicate it
  • now both masks are dead and will not animate
- Create a mask in image editor - animate it over some frames - duplicate it - now both masks are dead and will not animate

Confirmed, checking on a fix.

Confirmed, checking on a fix.

Fix submitted D591, Sergey may want to do this differently so didnt commit as yet.

Fix submitted [D591](https://archive.blender.org/developer/D591), Sergey may want to do this differently so didnt commit as yet.

Added subscriber: @mont29

Added subscriber: @mont29
Campbell Barton was unassigned by Bastien Montagne 2014-06-17 08:31:01 +02:00
Sergey Sharybin was assigned by Bastien Montagne 2014-06-17 08:31:01 +02:00

Re-assigning to Sergey then. :)

Re-assigning to Sergey then. :)
Sergey Sharybin removed their assignment 2014-06-17 08:46:12 +02:00
Campbell Barton was assigned by Sergey Sharybin 2014-06-17 08:46:12 +02:00

Added subscriber: @Sergey

Added subscriber: @Sergey

Not sure why to re-assign. Checked the patch and it's fine. Don't want to steal Cambo's glory :)

Not sure why to re-assign. Checked the patch and it's fine. Don't want to steal Cambo's glory :)

This issue was referenced by 22a961317a

This issue was referenced by 22a961317a1c0405f41966205e22f70fb3769799

Changed status from 'Open' to: 'Resolved'

Changed status from 'Open' to: 'Resolved'

Closed by commit 22a961317a.

Closed by commit 22a961317a.
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Reference: blender/blender#40546
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