2.79 Modified Rigs to 2.80 Crash To Desktop #63582

opened 2019-04-14 04:47:03 +02:00 by Jonathan Romer · 18 comments

System Information
Operating system: Windows-10-10.0.17134 64 Bits
Graphics card: GeForce GTX 780 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 NVIDIA Corporation 4.5.0 NVIDIA 419.67

Blender Version
Broken: version: 2.80 (sub 54), branch: blender2.7, commit date: 2019-04-07 15:02, hash: 75f551faca
Worked: (optional)

Short description of error
I still use Blender 2.79 to animate my Sim but running 2.79 rigs to 2.80. A single movement on any rig crash to desktop.

I wanted to create a new 2.80 rigs with Sims 4 model but it crash to desktop immediately when I "Add Object Constraint" - Transformation - Rotate, Location or Transformation in pre-made rigs.

The sphere rigs doesn't show in 2.80, moving the rigs picks up very bad glitch & distortion on the model, and it lags or crash to desktop when I undo when operating the rigs.

No sphere rigs and I have to switch over to object model to pose another rig.
2019-04-14 11_37_43-Window.png

ezgif.com-video-to-gif (2).gif

Sphere rigs are visible and I do not have to switch back to object mode when I change over different rig.
2019-04-14 13_02_38-MainWindow.png

2019-04-14 11_28_55-Window.png


2019-04-14 11_53_37-MainWindow.png




**System Information** Operating system: Windows-10-10.0.17134 64 Bits Graphics card: GeForce GTX 780 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 NVIDIA Corporation 4.5.0 NVIDIA 419.67 **Blender Version** Broken: version: 2.80 (sub 54), branch: blender2.7, commit date: 2019-04-07 15:02, hash: `75f551faca` Worked: (optional) **Short description of error** I still use Blender 2.79 to animate my Sim but running 2.79 rigs to 2.80. A single movement on any rig crash to desktop. I wanted to create a new 2.80 rigs with Sims 4 model but it crash to desktop immediately when I "Add Object Constraint" - Transformation - Rotate, Location or Transformation in pre-made rigs. The sphere rigs doesn't show in 2.80, moving the rigs picks up very bad glitch & distortion on the model, and it lags or crash to desktop when I undo when operating the rigs. BLENDER 2.80 No sphere rigs and I have to switch over to object model to pose another rig. ![2019-04-14 11_37_43-Window.png](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F6942088/2019-04-14_11_37_43-Window.png) ![ezgif.com-video-to-gif (2).gif](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F6942214/ezgif.com-video-to-gif__2_.gif) BLENDER 2.79 Sphere rigs are visible and I do not have to switch back to object mode when I change over different rig. ![2019-04-14 13_02_38-MainWindow.png](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F6942271/2019-04-14_13_02_38-MainWindow.png) ![2019-04-14 11_28_55-Window.png](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F6942086/2019-04-14_11_28_55-Window.png) ![ezgif.com-video-to-gif.gif](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F6942163/ezgif.com-video-to-gif.gif) **** SCREENSHOT WHEN CRASH TO DESKTOP ![2019-04-14 11_53_37-MainWindow.png](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F6942126/2019-04-14_11_53_37-MainWindow.png) **** BLENDER FILES [RJ17ANA1.BUG.blend](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F6942120/RJ17ANA1.BUG.blend) [RJ17ANA3.BUG.blend](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F6942119/RJ17ANA3.BUG.blend)

Added subscriber: @AnsettAnimation

Added subscriber: @AnsettAnimation

OPERATE RJ17ANA3.BUG file and follow the instructions to reach Crash To Desktop

  1. For b__R_UpperArm__ add bone constraint - Copy Location

2019-04-14 12_52_40-MainWindow.png

  1. In Target, select Rig - Mover

2019-04-14 12_55_27-MainWindow.png

  1. In Bone, select RIGHT UPPERARM

2019-04-14 12_56_08-MainWindow.png

OPERATE RJ17ANA3.BUG file and follow the instructions to reach Crash To Desktop 1. For b__R_UpperArm__ add bone constraint - Copy Location ![2019-04-14 12_52_40-MainWindow.png](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F6942251/2019-04-14_12_52_40-MainWindow.png) 2. In Target, select Rig - Mover ![2019-04-14 12_55_27-MainWindow.png](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F6942256/2019-04-14_12_55_27-MainWindow.png) 3. In Bone, select RIGHT UPPERARM ![2019-04-14 12_56_08-MainWindow.png](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F6942259/2019-04-14_12_56_08-MainWindow.png) 4. CRASH TO DESKTOP

Added subscriber: @matc

Added subscriber: @matc

When I open RJ17ANAN3.BUG.blend I get the following output:

Dependency cycle detected:
  'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation'
  'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result'
  'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver'
  'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK'
  'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK'
  'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
  'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready'
Dependency cycle detected:
  'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK'
  'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
  'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready'
  'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation'
  'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result'
  'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver'
  'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK'
Detected 2 dependency cycles

But I don't crash when I reproduce the situation in your last picture. Could you provide step by step instruction to crash blender with one of your files?

When I open RJ17ANAN**3**.BUG.blend I get the following output: ``` Dependency cycle detected: 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation' 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result' 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready' Dependency cycle detected: 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK' 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready' 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation' 'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result' 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK' Detected 2 dependency cycles ``` But I don't crash when I reproduce the situation in your last picture. Could you provide step by step instruction to crash blender with one of your files?

I can't add a bone contstraint to b__R_UpperArm__.


I can't add a bone contstraint to `b__R_UpperArm__`. ![bone_constraint.png](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F6942326/bone_constraint.png)

Both rigs are suppose to be pose mode. Sorry I forgot to put that in the instruction.
Give me few minutes to collect error logs from Blender 2.8. Thanks matc. x)

Both rigs are suppose to be pose mode. Sorry I forgot to put that in the instruction. Give me few minutes to collect error logs from Blender 2.8. Thanks matc. x)

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.706]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\RJ17ANA> cd

D:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-2.80.0-git.75f551facaf0-windows64>blender.exe
Read prefs: C:\Users\RJ17ANA\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\config\userpref.blend
AL lib: (EE) ALCmmdevPlayback_resetProxy: Audio client returned buffer_len < period*2; expect break up
AL lib: (EE) UpdateDeviceParams: Failed to set 192000hz, got 48000hz instead
AL lib: (EE) SetChannelMap: Failed to match front-center channel (2) in channel map
found bundled python: D:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-2.80.0-git.75f551facaf0-windows64\2.80\python
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "D:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-2.80.0-git.75f551facaf0-windows64\2.80\scripts\modules\addon_utils.py", line 351, in enable
  mod = __import__(module_name)
File "C:\Users\RJ17ANA\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\import-ninja.py", line 7, in <module>
  from bpy_extras.io_utils import ImportHelper, orientation_helper_factory, axis_conversion, _check_axis_conversion

ImportError: cannot import name 'orientation_helper_factory' from 'bpy_extras.io_utils' (D:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-2.80.0-git.75f551facaf0-windows64\2.80\scripts\modules\bpy_extras\io_utils.py)
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "D:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-2.80.0-git.75f551facaf0-windows64\2.80\scripts\modules\addon_utils.py", line 351, in enable
  mod = __import__(module_name)

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'archipack_20'
Read blend: C:\Users\RJ17ANA\Desktop\RJ17ANA3.BUG.blend
Dependency cycle detected:

'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation'
'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result'
'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver'
'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK'
'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready'

Dependency cycle detected:

'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK'
'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready'
'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation'
'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result'
'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver'
'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK'

Detected 2 dependency cycles
Dependency cycle detected:

'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation'
'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result'
'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver'
'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK'
'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready'

Dependency cycle detected:

'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK'
'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready'
'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation'
'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result'
'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver'
'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK'

Detected 2 dependency cycles
Dependency cycle detected:

'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation'
'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result'
'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver'
'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK'
'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready'

Dependency cycle detected:

'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK'
'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready'
'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation'
'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result'
'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver'
'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK'

Detected 2 dependency cycles
Dependency cycle detected:

'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver'
'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK'
'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation'
'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result'

Dependency cycle detected:

'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK'
'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready'
'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation'
'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result'
'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver'
'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK'

Dependency cycle detected:

'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Constraints Stack'
'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Clavicle__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Parent Bone -> Child Bone'
'OBrig.b__R_Clavicle__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Clavicle__.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBrig.b__R_Clavicle__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Clavicle__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Ready'
'OBrig.b__R_Clavicle__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__Spine2__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Parent Bone -> Child Bone'
'OBrig.b__Spine2__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.b__Spine2__.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBrig.b__Spine2__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__Spine2__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Ready'
'OBrig.b__Spine2__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__Spine1__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Parent Bone -> Child Bone'
'OBrig.b__Spine1__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.b__Spine1__.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBrig.b__Spine1__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__Spine1__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Ready'
'OBrig.b__Spine1__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__Spine0__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Parent Bone -> Child Bone'
'OBrig.b__Spine0__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.b__Spine0__.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBrig.b__Spine0__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__Spine0__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Ready'
'OBrig.b__Spine0__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__ROOT_bind__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Parent Bone -> Child Bone'
'OBrig.b__ROOT_bind__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.b__ROOT_bind__.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBrig.b__ROOT_bind__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__ROOT_bind__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Ready'
'OBrig.b__ROOT_bind__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__ROOT__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Parent Bone -> Child Bone'
'OBrig.b__ROOT__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.b__ROOT__.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBrig.b__ROOT__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__ROOT__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Ready'
'OBrig.b__ROOT__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__ROOT__.BONE_LOCAL()' through 'Bone Local - Bone Pose'
'OBrig.b__ROOT__.BONE_LOCAL()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init - Bone Local'
'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation'
'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result'
'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_READY()' through 'IK Chain Parent'
'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready'

Dependency cycle detected:

'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_LOCAL()' through 'Local -> Constraints Stack'
'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_LOCAL()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init - Bone Local'
'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation'
'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result'
'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_READY()' through 'IK Chain Parent'
'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready'

Dependency cycle detected:

'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_READY()' through 'IK Chain Parent'
'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Ready'
'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_LOCAL()' through 'Bone Local - Bone Pose'
'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_LOCAL()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init - Bone Local'
'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation'
'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result'

Dependency cycle detected:

'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_READY()' through 'IK Solver Owner'
'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready'
'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Constraints Stack'
'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_READY()' through 'Parent Bone -> Child Bone'
'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Ready'
'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_LOCAL()' through 'Bone Local - Bone Pose'
'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_LOCAL()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init - Bone Local'
'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation'
'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result'

Dependency cycle detected:

'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready'
'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Constraints Stack'
'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_READY()' through 'Parent Bone -> Child Bone'
'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Ready'
'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_LOCAL()' through 'Bone Local - Bone Pose'
'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_LOCAL()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init - Bone Local'
'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready'
'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation'

Detected 7 dependency cycles
Address : 0x00007FF65C335470
Module : D:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-2.80.0-git.75f551facaf0-windows64\blender.exe

D:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-2.80.0-git.75f551facaf0-windows64>

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.706] (c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\RJ17ANA> cd\ C:\>D: D:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-2.80.0-git.75f551facaf0-windows64>blender.exe Read prefs: C:\Users\RJ17ANA\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\config\userpref.blend AL lib: (EE) ALCmmdevPlayback_resetProxy: Audio client returned buffer_len < period*2; expect break up AL lib: (EE) UpdateDeviceParams: Failed to set 192000hz, got 48000hz instead AL lib: (EE) SetChannelMap: Failed to match front-center channel (2) in channel map found bundled python: D:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-2.80.0-git.75f551facaf0-windows64\2.80\python Traceback (most recent call last): ``` File "D:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-2.80.0-git.75f551facaf0-windows64\2.80\scripts\modules\addon_utils.py", line 351, in enable mod = __import__(module_name) File "C:\Users\RJ17ANA\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.80\scripts\addons\import-ninja.py", line 7, in <module> from bpy_extras.io_utils import ImportHelper, orientation_helper_factory, axis_conversion, _check_axis_conversion ``` ImportError: cannot import name 'orientation_helper_factory' from 'bpy_extras.io_utils' (D:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-2.80.0-git.75f551facaf0-windows64\2.80\scripts\modules\bpy_extras\io_utils.py) Traceback (most recent call last): ``` File "D:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-2.80.0-git.75f551facaf0-windows64\2.80\scripts\modules\addon_utils.py", line 351, in enable mod = __import__(module_name) ``` ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'archipack_20' Read blend: C:\Users\RJ17ANA\Desktop\RJ17ANA3.BUG.blend Dependency cycle detected: ``` 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation' 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result' 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready' ``` Dependency cycle detected: ``` 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK' 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready' 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation' 'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result' 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK' ``` Detected 2 dependency cycles Dependency cycle detected: ``` 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation' 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result' 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready' ``` Dependency cycle detected: ``` 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK' 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready' 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation' 'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result' 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK' ``` Detected 2 dependency cycles Dependency cycle detected: ``` 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation' 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result' 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready' ``` Dependency cycle detected: ``` 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK' 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready' 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation' 'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result' 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK' ``` Detected 2 dependency cycles Dependency cycle detected: ``` 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation' 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result' ``` Dependency cycle detected: ``` 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK' 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready' 'OBRig - Mover.LEFT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation' 'OBrig.b__L_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result' 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' through 'Init IK -> IK Solver' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT_IK()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init -> Pose Init IK' ``` Dependency cycle detected: ``` 'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Constraints Stack' 'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Clavicle__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Parent Bone -> Child Bone' 'OBrig.b__R_Clavicle__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Clavicle__.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBrig.b__R_Clavicle__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Clavicle__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Ready' 'OBrig.b__R_Clavicle__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__Spine2__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Parent Bone -> Child Bone' 'OBrig.b__Spine2__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.b__Spine2__.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBrig.b__Spine2__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__Spine2__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Ready' 'OBrig.b__Spine2__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__Spine1__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Parent Bone -> Child Bone' 'OBrig.b__Spine1__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.b__Spine1__.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBrig.b__Spine1__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__Spine1__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Ready' 'OBrig.b__Spine1__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__Spine0__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Parent Bone -> Child Bone' 'OBrig.b__Spine0__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.b__Spine0__.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBrig.b__Spine0__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__Spine0__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Ready' 'OBrig.b__Spine0__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__ROOT_bind__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Parent Bone -> Child Bone' 'OBrig.b__ROOT_bind__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.b__ROOT_bind__.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBrig.b__ROOT_bind__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__ROOT_bind__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Ready' 'OBrig.b__ROOT_bind__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__ROOT__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Parent Bone -> Child Bone' 'OBrig.b__ROOT__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.b__ROOT__.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBrig.b__ROOT__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__ROOT__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Ready' 'OBrig.b__ROOT__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__ROOT__.BONE_LOCAL()' through 'Bone Local - Bone Pose' 'OBrig.b__ROOT__.BONE_LOCAL()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init - Bone Local' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation' 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result' 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_READY()' through 'IK Chain Parent' 'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready' ``` Dependency cycle detected: ``` 'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_LOCAL()' through 'Local -> Constraints Stack' 'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_LOCAL()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init - Bone Local' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation' 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result' 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_READY()' through 'IK Chain Parent' 'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_UpperArm__.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready' ``` Dependency cycle detected: ``` 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_READY()' through 'IK Chain Parent' 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Ready' 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_LOCAL()' through 'Bone Local - Bone Pose' 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_LOCAL()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init - Bone Local' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation' 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result' ``` Dependency cycle detected: ``` 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_READY()' through 'IK Solver Owner' 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready' 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Constraints Stack' 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_READY()' through 'Parent Bone -> Child Bone' 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Ready' 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_LOCAL()' through 'Bone Local - Bone Pose' 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_LOCAL()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init - Bone Local' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation' 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_IK_SOLVER()' through 'IK Solver Result' ``` Dependency cycle detected: ``` 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready' 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Constraints Stack' 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_READY()' through 'Parent Bone -> Child Bone' 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' through 'Pose -> Ready' 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_POSE_PARENT()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_LOCAL()' through 'Bone Local - Bone Pose' 'OBrig.b__R_Forearm__.BONE_LOCAL()' depends on 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' through 'Pose Init - Bone Local' 'OBrig.POSE_INIT()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' through 'IK' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_DONE()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' through 'Ready -> Done' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_READY()' depends on 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' through 'Constraints -> Ready' 'OBRig - Mover.RIGHT HAND.BONE_CONSTRAINTS()' depends on 'OBrig.b__R_Hand__.BONE_DONE()' through 'Copy Rotation' ``` Detected 7 dependency cycles Error : EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION Address : 0x00007FF65C335470 Module : D:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-2.80.0-git.75f551facaf0-windows64\blender.exe D:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\blender-2.80.0-git.75f551facaf0-windows64>

Added subscribers: @angavrilov, @ZedDB

Added subscribers: @angavrilov, @ZedDB
Alexander Gavrilov was assigned by Sebastian Parborg 2019-04-14 15:25:40 +02:00

We do not support rigs with dependency cycles. However it shouldn't crash. I can reproduce the crash.

I'm getting asserts after adding the bone constraint:

BLI_assert failed: blender/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/armature_update.c:559, pose_pchan_get_indexed(), at 'pose->chan_array != ((void *)0)'
BLI_assert failed: blender/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/armature_update.c:561, pose_pchan_get_indexed(), at 'pchan_index < MEM_allocN_len(pose->chan_array) / sizeof(bPoseChannel *)'

If I ignore those, it crashes with this backtrace:

Thread 25 "blender" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0x7fffcfffd700 (LWP 752)]
0x00005555583dad5d in pose_pchan_get_indexed (pchan_index=61, ob=0x7fffe2de5208)
    at /home/zed/prog/blender/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/armature_update.c:562
562		return pose->chan_array[pchan_index];
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00005555583dad5d in pose_pchan_get_indexed (pchan_index=61, ob=0x7fffe2de5208)
    at /home/zed/prog/blender/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/armature_update.c:562
#1  BKE_pose_constraints_evaluate (depsgraph=0x7fffde6a2408, scene=0x7fffd314d008, object=0x7fffe2de5208, pchan_index=61)
    at /home/zed/prog/blender/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/armature_update.c:665
#2  0x00005555589d6bdd in std::__invoke_impl<void, void (*&)(Depsgraph*, Scene*, Object*, int), Depsgraph*, Scene*&, Object*&, int&> (__f=
    @0x7fffc6e90ca0: 0x5555583dac46 <BKE_pose_constraints_evaluate>, __args#0=@0x7fffcfffcb10: 0x7fffde6a2408, __args#1=@0x7fffc6e90cb8: 0x7fffd314d008,
    __args#2=@0x7fffc6e90cb0: 0x7fffe2de5208, __args#3=@0x7fffc6e90ca8: 61) at /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/8.2.0/include/g++-v8/bits/invoke.h:60
#3  0x00005555589d68c3 in std::__invoke<void (*&)(Depsgraph*, Scene*, Object*, int), Depsgraph*, Scene*&, Object*&, int&> (__fn=
    @0x7fffc6e90ca0: 0x5555583dac46 <BKE_pose_constraints_evaluate>, __args#0=@0x7fffcfffcb10: 0x7fffde6a2408, __args#1=@0x7fffc6e90cb8: 0x7fffd314d008,
    __args#2=@0x7fffc6e90cb0: 0x7fffe2de5208, __args#3=@0x7fffc6e90ca8: 61) at /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/8.2.0/include/g++-v8/bits/invoke.h:95
#4  0x00005555589d654b in std::_Bind<void (*(std::_Placeholder<1>, Scene*, Object*, int))(Depsgraph*, Scene*, Object*, int)>::__call<void, Depsgraph*&&, 0ul, 1ul, 2ul, 3ul>(std::tuple<Depsgraph*&&>&&, std::_Index_tuple<0ul, 1ul, 2ul, 3ul>) (this=0x7fffc6e90ca0, __args=...)
    at /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/8.2.0/include/g++-v8/functional:400
- 5  0x00005555589d60a0 in std::_Bind<void (*(std::_Placeholder<1>, Scene*, Object*, int))(Depsgraph*, Scene*, Object*, int)>::operator()<Depsgraph*, void>(Depsgraph*&&) (this=0x7fffc6e90ca0, __args#0=@0x7fffcfffcb10: 0x7fffde6a2408) at /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/8.2.0/include/g++-v8/functional:484
- 6  0x00005555589d5b60 in std::_Function_handler<void (Depsgraph*), std::_Bind<void (*(std::_Placeholder<1>, Scene*, Object*, int))(Depsgraph*, Scene*, Object*, int)> >::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, Depsgraph*&&) (__functor=..., __args#0=@0x7fffcfffcb10: 0x7fffde6a2408)
    at /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/8.2.0/include/g++-v8/bits/std_function.h:297
#7  0x00005555589e7273 in std::function<void (Depsgraph*)>::operator()(Depsgraph*) const (this=0x7fffc5bf10c0, __args#0=0x7fffde6a2408)
    at /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/8.2.0/include/g++-v8/bits/std_function.h:687
#8  0x00005555589e6851 in DEG::deg_task_run_func (pool=0x7fffc6ca0008, taskdata=0x7fffc5bf1048, thread_id=3)
    at /home/zed/prog/blender/source/blender/depsgraph/intern/eval/deg_eval.cc:88
- 9  0x00005555589a2587 in task_scheduler_thread_run (thread_p=0x7fffd319f898) at /home/zed/prog/blender/source/blender/blenlib/intern/task.c:442
- 10 0x00007fffef1ac4c3 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
#11 0x00007fffef0d575f in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6

@angavrilov feel free to reassign if this is not for you.

We do not support rigs with dependency cycles. However it shouldn't crash. I can reproduce the crash. I'm getting asserts after adding the bone constraint: ``` BLI_assert failed: blender/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/armature_update.c:559, pose_pchan_get_indexed(), at 'pose->chan_array != ((void *)0)' BLI_assert failed: blender/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/armature_update.c:561, pose_pchan_get_indexed(), at 'pchan_index < MEM_allocN_len(pose->chan_array) / sizeof(bPoseChannel *)' ``` If I ignore those, it crashes with this backtrace: ``` Thread 25 "blender" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to Thread 0x7fffcfffd700 (LWP 752)] 0x00005555583dad5d in pose_pchan_get_indexed (pchan_index=61, ob=0x7fffe2de5208) at /home/zed/prog/blender/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/armature_update.c:562 562 return pose->chan_array[pchan_index]; (gdb) bt #0 0x00005555583dad5d in pose_pchan_get_indexed (pchan_index=61, ob=0x7fffe2de5208) at /home/zed/prog/blender/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/armature_update.c:562 #1 BKE_pose_constraints_evaluate (depsgraph=0x7fffde6a2408, scene=0x7fffd314d008, object=0x7fffe2de5208, pchan_index=61) at /home/zed/prog/blender/source/blender/blenkernel/intern/armature_update.c:665 #2 0x00005555589d6bdd in std::__invoke_impl<void, void (*&)(Depsgraph*, Scene*, Object*, int), Depsgraph*, Scene*&, Object*&, int&> (__f= @0x7fffc6e90ca0: 0x5555583dac46 <BKE_pose_constraints_evaluate>, __args#0=@0x7fffcfffcb10: 0x7fffde6a2408, __args#1=@0x7fffc6e90cb8: 0x7fffd314d008, __args#2=@0x7fffc6e90cb0: 0x7fffe2de5208, __args#3=@0x7fffc6e90ca8: 61) at /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/8.2.0/include/g++-v8/bits/invoke.h:60 #3 0x00005555589d68c3 in std::__invoke<void (*&)(Depsgraph*, Scene*, Object*, int), Depsgraph*, Scene*&, Object*&, int&> (__fn= @0x7fffc6e90ca0: 0x5555583dac46 <BKE_pose_constraints_evaluate>, __args#0=@0x7fffcfffcb10: 0x7fffde6a2408, __args#1=@0x7fffc6e90cb8: 0x7fffd314d008, __args#2=@0x7fffc6e90cb0: 0x7fffe2de5208, __args#3=@0x7fffc6e90ca8: 61) at /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/8.2.0/include/g++-v8/bits/invoke.h:95 #4 0x00005555589d654b in std::_Bind<void (*(std::_Placeholder<1>, Scene*, Object*, int))(Depsgraph*, Scene*, Object*, int)>::__call<void, Depsgraph*&&, 0ul, 1ul, 2ul, 3ul>(std::tuple<Depsgraph*&&>&&, std::_Index_tuple<0ul, 1ul, 2ul, 3ul>) (this=0x7fffc6e90ca0, __args=...) at /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/8.2.0/include/g++-v8/functional:400 - 5 0x00005555589d60a0 in std::_Bind<void (*(std::_Placeholder<1>, Scene*, Object*, int))(Depsgraph*, Scene*, Object*, int)>::operator()<Depsgraph*, void>(Depsgraph*&&) (this=0x7fffc6e90ca0, __args#0=@0x7fffcfffcb10: 0x7fffde6a2408) at /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/8.2.0/include/g++-v8/functional:484 - 6 0x00005555589d5b60 in std::_Function_handler<void (Depsgraph*), std::_Bind<void (*(std::_Placeholder<1>, Scene*, Object*, int))(Depsgraph*, Scene*, Object*, int)> >::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data const&, Depsgraph*&&) (__functor=..., __args#0=@0x7fffcfffcb10: 0x7fffde6a2408) at /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/8.2.0/include/g++-v8/bits/std_function.h:297 #7 0x00005555589e7273 in std::function<void (Depsgraph*)>::operator()(Depsgraph*) const (this=0x7fffc5bf10c0, __args#0=0x7fffde6a2408) at /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/8.2.0/include/g++-v8/bits/std_function.h:687 #8 0x00005555589e6851 in DEG::deg_task_run_func (pool=0x7fffc6ca0008, taskdata=0x7fffc5bf1048, thread_id=3) at /home/zed/prog/blender/source/blender/depsgraph/intern/eval/deg_eval.cc:88 - 9 0x00005555589a2587 in task_scheduler_thread_run (thread_p=0x7fffd319f898) at /home/zed/prog/blender/source/blender/blenlib/intern/task.c:442 - 10 0x00007fffef1ac4c3 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0 #11 0x00007fffef0d575f in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6 ``` @angavrilov feel free to reassign if this is not for you.

Well, I think I fixed the crash itself - is this done then? I haven't actually checked if the cycles themselves make sense, or anything.

Well, I think I fixed the crash itself - is this done then? I haven't actually checked if the cycles themselves make sense, or anything.

I'll check out the index files and see it should solve the problem.

I'll check out the index files and see it should solve the problem.

According to Robert's thread #63603. I have a same problem when rendering with rigs. I tried lowering down the pixel rates, compression, and minimise the rendering process. In like 1-2 minutes while rendering, it crash to desktop.

Without my additional rigs running pre-made rigs by The Sims 4 Studio. It renders fine.
The only way I prevent from crashing. I have to create animation in 2.79, save and play in 2.80 without using my additional rigs.

According to Robert's thread #63603. I have a same problem when rendering with rigs. I tried lowering down the pixel rates, compression, and minimise the rendering process. In like 1-2 minutes while rendering, it crash to desktop. Without my additional rigs running pre-made rigs by The Sims 4 Studio. It renders fine. The only way I prevent from crashing. I have to create animation in 2.79, save and play in 2.80 without using my additional rigs.

So is there a 100% reliable simple procedure to reproduce?

So is there a 100% reliable simple procedure to reproduce?

Removed subscriber: @matc

Removed subscriber: @matc

Changed status from 'Open' to: 'Resolved'

Changed status from 'Open' to: 'Resolved'

It seems all mentioned crashes are resolved, so closing.

It seems all mentioned crashes are resolved, so closing.

In #63582#676723, @angavrilov wrote:
It seems all mentioned crashes are resolved, so closing.

The latest blender update solved the problem. I tested the rigs and no crash to desktop!

> In #63582#676723, @angavrilov wrote: > It seems all mentioned crashes are resolved, so closing. The latest blender update solved the problem. I tested the rigs and no crash to desktop!

I'm happy to announce the sphere rigs are now compatible with Blender 2.80 on June development release! I'm truly happy I do not have to return back to Blender 2.79b!
I know the crashes are resolved but everything what I have mentioned in the first thread is now complete. :)

2019-06-02 21_56_56-Window.png

I'm happy to announce the sphere rigs are now compatible with Blender 2.80 on June development release! I'm truly happy I do not have to return back to Blender 2.79b! I know the crashes are resolved but everything what I have mentioned in the first thread is now complete. :) ![2019-06-02 21_56_56-Window.png](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F7083377/2019-06-02_21_56_56-Window.png)
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