Wireframe not displaying with AMD GPU #84459

opened 2021-01-06 14:41:56 +01:00 by Robert Guetzkow · 49 comments

System Information
Operating system: Windows 10
Graphics card:

  • Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics ATI Technologies Inc. 4.5.14757 Core Profile Context 20.11.2 27.20.14501.18003
  • Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics ATI Technologies Inc. 4.5.14757 Core Profile Context 20.11.2 27.20.14501.18003
  • Radeon RX520
  • Radeon RX550/550 Series ATI Technologies Inc. 4.5.14757 Core Profile Context 20.12.1 27.20.14501.28009
  • Radeon RX 570 Series ATI Technologies Inc. 4.5.14757 Core Profile Context 20.11.2 27.20.14501.18003
  • Radeon RX 570 Series ATI Technologies Inc. 4.5.14757 Core Profile Context 20.12.1 27.20.14501.28009
  • Radeon RX 580 Series ATI Technologies Inc. 4.5.14757 Core Profile Context 20.11.2 27.20.14501.18003
  • AMD Radeon(TM) Vega 3 Graphics

Blender Version
Broken: 2.82.0, 2.91.0, 2.92.0
Worked: Issue appears to be caused by AMD graphics driver later than 20.11.1

Short description of error
When setting Viewport Shading to wireframe in object mode only the outline is displayed

Exact steps for others to reproduce the error

  • Set Viewport Shading to Wireframe
**System Information** Operating system: Windows 10 Graphics card: - Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics ATI Technologies Inc. 4.5.14757 Core Profile Context 20.11.2 27.20.14501.18003 - Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics ATI Technologies Inc. 4.5.14757 Core Profile Context 20.11.2 27.20.14501.18003 - Radeon RX520 - Radeon RX550/550 Series ATI Technologies Inc. 4.5.14757 Core Profile Context 20.12.1 27.20.14501.28009 - Radeon RX 570 Series ATI Technologies Inc. 4.5.14757 Core Profile Context 20.11.2 27.20.14501.18003 - Radeon RX 570 Series ATI Technologies Inc. 4.5.14757 Core Profile Context 20.12.1 27.20.14501.28009 - Radeon RX 580 Series ATI Technologies Inc. 4.5.14757 Core Profile Context 20.11.2 27.20.14501.18003 - AMD Radeon(TM) Vega 3 Graphics **Blender Version** Broken: 2.82.0, 2.91.0, 2.92.0 Worked: Issue appears to be caused by AMD graphics driver later than 20.11.1 **Short description of error** When setting *Viewport Shading* to wireframe in object mode only the outline is displayed **Exact steps for others to reproduce the error** - Set *Viewport Shading* to *Wireframe*
Added subscribers: @rjg, @draegdrwg, @filedescriptor, @KetoSuuja, @Flampcakes, @lightbl, @AlexanderProcenko, @ridberg, @Ixed91, @untz_the_bard, @noureldin, @Brunomendesgussoni, @Atlas020, @k3ziah, @Raoni1212, @Ali420, @Balaji_X, @Streak, @Roykz792, @dgosling, @Defess, @Synergeia, @FancyRacoon, @AaronB-4, @darksmokei666, @xiq, @JSartu, @Mateja, @KainThornn, @aftamat4ik, @iamcapmurica, @MCAN, @paracosm-1, @maSK, @Askinperson5423, @Bobo_The_Imp, @gevorgsargsian, @polybots, @Hannah-Umit, @BykovSer, @devsgamingzone, @DrkCrb, @kurisuna, @Jamexx, @Valentix, @CreatorSiSo, @dixson3, @chub321, @JYoshi, @Khaled4te, @BanannedDude, @iss, @Mefwhesk, @HamzaYigitKultur-1, @KenzieMac130, @GoldyTheClown, @Wynbax, @RoyKCarollJ456, @elasesinoanda, @john-vi-cryde, @Wovchick, @Danfer-Adrian, @FelixKutt, @Attryst, @mano-wii, @user1, @ToyMaster, @brick1ng5654, @GoldWings, @Alirion-2, @emmanuelbarros43, @ShadowGaster, @Estefano, @Wanalienc, @Realowlg, @RetroVertex, @JSpeling, @recalcitrantReaper, @EAW, @AdriGG16_VTS, @KalleNaksi, @oxfefi, @earthsam, @ALCATRANZ, @Bigman, @DoctorRyanB1, @Marcelo, @chingis, @bugsheep, @Ajkad, @KuroChu, @ODoutor, @Panfranco, @Ryujin, @takytube, @leomiranda518, @greydemon, @SmokyDVI, @gsdkskhs, @VestaPhoenix, @Horkos, @gartist41, @YuriAOF, @SOLO444K, @Razvan, @gilgaMesh98, @BlenderMaster-2, @Jeroen-Bakker, @danni-4, @Alegol, @Alaska, @lichtwerk, @maxdemon, @aaj

#85090 was marked as duplicate of this issue

#85090 was marked as duplicate of this issue

#84630 was marked as duplicate of this issue

#84630 was marked as duplicate of this issue

As mentioned on the parent bug by @FelixKutt, this seems to affect other overlays including displaying normals, wireframe overlay in shaded mode, etc.

As mentioned on the parent bug by @FelixKutt, this seems to affect other overlays including displaying normals, wireframe overlay in shaded mode, etc.

Changed status from 'Needs Triage' to: 'Confirmed'

Changed status from 'Needs Triage' to: 'Confirmed'

Why Blender team must resolve amd problems?

Why Blender team must resolve amd problems?

In #84459#1089265, @AlexanderProcenko wrote:
Why Blender team must resolve amd problems?

As I understand it, the Blender team is not solving AMD's problems, but is creating workarounds in the code to allow users of certain hardware to continue working with Blender until the AMD driver update that fixes the problem is ready.

> In #84459#1089265, @AlexanderProcenko wrote: > Why Blender team must resolve amd problems? As I understand it, the Blender team is not solving AMD's problems, but is creating workarounds in the code to allow users of certain hardware to continue working with Blender until the AMD driver update that fixes the problem is ready.

As we all know, amd write bad drivers all time. Thus amd can take years for fix own problems.

As we all know, amd write bad drivers all time. Thus amd can take years for fix own problems.

Good news is that I am able to reproduce! The bad news is that a work around requires a lot of changes to the mesh structure.

The root cause is the same as the shading issues (possible incorrect support of GL_INT_2_10_10_10_REV) but for meshes this datatype is used to store flags. Changing this would lead to very awkward code to support flags in case for HQ normals (NOR_AND_FLAG_DEFAULT, NOR_AND_FLAG_SELECT, NOR_AND_FLAG_ACTIVE, NOR_AND_FLAG_HIDDEN and other).
In this case the work around would need to encode the flags differently for high quality normals and low quality normals. Perhaps even as a separate buffer. This effects Vertex normals and Face normals. I will change the support level for these platforms for now. Until we found a work around that does not add a lot of maintenance on our side.

@fclem Do you have any suggestions?

Good news is that I am able to reproduce! The bad news is that a work around requires a lot of changes to the mesh structure. The root cause is the same as the shading issues (possible incorrect support of `GL_INT_2_10_10_10_REV`) but for meshes this datatype is used to store flags. Changing this would lead to very awkward code to support flags in case for HQ normals (`NOR_AND_FLAG_DEFAULT`, `NOR_AND_FLAG_SELECT`, `NOR_AND_FLAG_ACTIVE`, `NOR_AND_FLAG_HIDDEN` and other). In this case the work around would need to encode the flags differently for high quality normals and low quality normals. Perhaps even as a separate buffer. This effects Vertex normals and Face normals. I will change the support level for these platforms for now. Until we found a work around that does not add a lot of maintenance on our side. @fclem Do you have any suggestions?

Added subscriber: @fclem

Added subscriber: @fclem

@Jeroen-Bakker At the time i did some tests and hq normals increase 1 to 5 seconds, not much a problem with a single render, but the increase in time for rendering animation makes it really hard to not shift to luxcore render.
I can't change to nvidia, the washed colors are a huge impediment. I'm using the prodrivers and it is working well and the system overall is more stable.
But the thing is opencl support have not been that great, i remeber vividly the huge task to make cycles works with amd cards and the gambiarra (a brazilian word to describe something that works but in clunky or unusual way, but that works) that made it possible but it's been some years since and ths solution is not great, i don't know why but lux core render works so much better and stable i left rendering for a couple hours their test scene and the pc didnt flinch, now even with the pro drivers cycles crashed the whole system, it crashes so hard that sometimes i have to unplug energy, it got stuck in a loop and not even the reset or power button works.
Can't you get in touch with the Lux core team and see what they are doing. If not the blender foundation has to put a big caution in the site saying that Blender does not work with amd gpu, support is experimental and unstable.
I don't think everyone here sees how big this is, but it is. Even more in places with lower incomes and people slaved themselves to buy a gpu, and now that they were getting into Blender its unusable.
And now we have 16gb of vram in their last launch, but what good is it for if is not usable here? Wich card nvidia has with equivalent vram for the price?
Can't you contact someone at amd to deal with this directly? I don't know if Ton is back to work, can't you tell him to get in contact there, we are powerless but as chairman he mighht get past the secretaries.
Here in Brazil the number of people that bought Rx570 of 4gb or 8gb is a bit higher than whom bought 1050ti, it was just a better deal and a better gpu, in Brazilian Blender groups i see everyday people posting this issues, what you all seeing is probably 1% of the actual numbers of people dealing with this problems.
Please, delay the launching of the next version until you get at least official statements from amd, as i sad it seems not that big of a deal but in third, fourth, fifth world countries, banana republics like Brazil and now Usa after the coup it's hurting real bad people that are trying to make a living of Blender.
Sorry if this seems like a rant, but i ave been dealing with problems and the same problems since my hd6850 of 1gb of vram.

@Jeroen-Bakker At the time i did some tests and hq normals increase 1 to 5 seconds, not much a problem with a single render, but the increase in time for rendering animation makes it really hard to not shift to luxcore render. I can't change to nvidia, the washed colors are a huge impediment. I'm using the prodrivers and it is working well and the system overall is more stable. But the thing is opencl support have not been that great, i remeber vividly the huge task to make cycles works with amd cards and the gambiarra (a brazilian word to describe something that works but in clunky or unusual way, but that works) that made it possible but it's been some years since and ths solution is not great, i don't know why but lux core render works so much better and stable i left rendering for a couple hours their test scene and the pc didnt flinch, now even with the pro drivers cycles crashed the whole system, it crashes so hard that sometimes i have to unplug energy, it got stuck in a loop and not even the reset or power button works. Can't you get in touch with the Lux core team and see what they are doing. If not the blender foundation has to put a big caution in the site saying that Blender does not work with amd gpu, support is experimental and unstable. I don't think everyone here sees how big this is, but it is. Even more in places with lower incomes and people slaved themselves to buy a gpu, and now that they were getting into Blender its unusable. And now we have 16gb of vram in their last launch, but what good is it for if is not usable here? Wich card nvidia has with equivalent vram for the price? Can't you contact someone at amd to deal with this directly? I don't know if Ton is back to work, can't you tell him to get in contact there, we are powerless but as chairman he mighht get past the secretaries. Here in Brazil the number of people that bought Rx570 of 4gb or 8gb is a bit higher than whom bought 1050ti, it was just a better deal and a better gpu, in Brazilian Blender groups i see everyday people posting this issues, what you all seeing is probably 1% of the actual numbers of people dealing with this problems. Please, delay the launching of the next version until you get at least official statements from amd, as i sad it seems not that big of a deal but in third, fourth, fifth world countries, banana republics like Brazil and now Usa after the coup it's hurting real bad people that are trying to make a living of Blender. Sorry if this seems like a rant, but i ave been dealing with problems and the same problems since my hd6850 of 1gb of vram.

@DrkCrb Hi! I do have almost daily contact with AMD developers. They are aware of the issue and both Blender Institute and AMD are doing their best to solve this issue. BI to provide work around so AMD can take their time to nail the imminent issues.

@DrkCrb Hi! I do have almost daily contact with AMD developers. They are aware of the issue and both Blender Institute and AMD are doing their best to solve this issue. BI to provide work around so AMD can take their time to nail the imminent issues.

@Jeroen-Bakker Thank You, this is good news! And if speak simply words, for casual people, how complex this problem? And how long it can take to resolve?

@Jeroen-Bakker Thank You, this is good news! And if speak simply words, for casual people, how complex this problem? And how long it can take to resolve?

Added subscriber: @barfpony

Added subscriber: @barfpony

Just wanted to add, I have this same problem, but noticed another which I believe to be directly related to the AMD driver issue. I'm on 20.12.1 with a 5300M and an RX580 eGPU. Everything renders perfectly on the 5300M (on the internal screen), but I get the wireframe issue on the RX580 on an external monitor. The other issue I noticed is that "display normals" doesn't work on the RX580. The other two modes (vertex and split) both work fine, and they all work on the 5300M. Thanks for the hard work.

Edit: my mistake, this issue was reported by @FelixKutt already

Just wanted to add, I have this same problem, but noticed another which I believe to be directly related to the AMD driver issue. I'm on 20.12.1 with a 5300M and an RX580 eGPU. Everything renders perfectly on the 5300M (on the internal screen), but I get the wireframe issue on the RX580 on an external monitor. The other issue I noticed is that "display normals" doesn't work on the RX580. The other two modes (vertex and split) both work fine, and they all work on the 5300M. Thanks for the hard work. Edit: my mistake, this issue was reported by @FelixKutt already

Confirmation is always good.

Confirmation is always good.

This issue was referenced by 3bd05751fb

This issue was referenced by 3bd05751fb90ff268a4d75cf407cdf0090b05bd8

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This issue was referenced by fa54bf482c1ff4ba519ad4efbcf38c0af561c128

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This issue was referenced by 9fb32b2b2921bd3b92bf9d6faa9c23b262da6464

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This issue was referenced by 5ad2e719648d8b570076c02f3144ee3967616a7e

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This issue was referenced by 89eda78d88a15720b178e904f9b5ad39d57dd62f

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This issue was referenced by 4c44a5309cfa3bb96c7809d59cd1a5c37530c9af

Changed status from 'Confirmed' to: 'Resolved'

Changed status from 'Confirmed' to: 'Resolved'
Jeroen Bakker self-assigned this 2021-01-11 09:52:30 +01:00

Added subscriber: @Arken

Added subscriber: @Arken

Checked the nightly/experimental. Other than complaining my drivers are out of date, this now works well! Wireframe and normal overlays are back.


Checked the nightly/experimental. Other than complaining my drivers are out of date, this now works well! Wireframe and normal overlays are back. Thanks!

Just saw that AMD released another version of their driver 20.12.1 on their website.
Don't bother downloading. I did, and it doesn't fix the issue.

The Enterprise version 20.Q4 of the driver works though.

Just saw that AMD released another version of their driver 20.12.1 on their website. Don't bother downloading. I did, and it doesn't fix the issue. The Enterprise version 20.Q4 of the driver works though.

Removed subscriber: @Hannah-Umit

Removed subscriber: @Hannah-Umit

Added subscriber: @alexklemp

Added subscriber: @alexklemp

21.1.1 driver Again same issue

21.1.1 driver Again same issue

Removed subscriber: @Ixed91

Removed subscriber: @Ixed91

Added subscriber: @jonvito

Added subscriber: @jonvito

In #84459#1098832, @AlexanderProcenko wrote:
21.1.1 driver Again same issue

I confirm, the new drivers prevailed over the fix of version 2.91.2 (RX 480)

> In #84459#1098832, @AlexanderProcenko wrote: > 21.1.1 driver Again same issue I confirm, the new drivers prevailed over the fix of version 2.91.2 (RX 480)

@jonvito @AlexanderProcenko The patch was for 2.92. Please test if the current daily build works properly for you, otherwise let us know.

@jonvito @AlexanderProcenko The patch was for 2.92. Please test if the current [daily build ](https://builder.blender.org/download/) works properly for you, otherwise let us know.

In #84459#1099891, @rjg wrote:
@jonvito @AlexanderProcenko The patch was for 2.92. Please test if the current daily build works properly for you, otherwise let us know.

Rendering in Cycles works, but the preview in the modeling window is not displayed correctly.
Driver GPU 21.1.1
Blender 2.92 (Beta)

> In #84459#1099891, @rjg wrote: > @jonvito @AlexanderProcenko The patch was for 2.92. Please test if the current [daily build ](https://builder.blender.org/download/) works properly for you, otherwise let us know. Rendering in Cycles works, but the preview in the modeling window is not displayed correctly. GPU RX590 Driver GPU 21.1.1 Blender 2.92 (Beta)

The problem seems to have been fixed for me:

Graphics card: Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics ATI Technologies Inc. 4.5.14757 Core Profile Context 20.11.2 27.20.14501.18003

The problem seems to have been fixed for me: ![GIF.gif](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F9597030/GIF.gif) --- Graphics card: Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics ATI Technologies Inc. 4.5.14757 Core Profile Context 20.11.2 27.20.14501.18003

@aaj, can you provide your full blender system info. I need to know the GL version your driver is reporting.

@aaj, can you provide your full blender system info. I need to know the GL version your driver is reporting.

In #84459#1100297, @Jeroen-Bakker wrote:
@aaj, can you provide your full blender system info. I need to know the GL version your driver is reporting.

Sorry, I forgot how to run blender to generate a report. Tell me, and I'll upload these files here.

> In #84459#1100297, @Jeroen-Bakker wrote: > @aaj, can you provide your full blender system info. I need to know the GL version your driver is reporting. Sorry, I forgot how to run blender to generate a report. Tell me, and I'll upload these files here.

@aaj Help > Save System Info in Blender.

@aaj *Help > Save System Info* in Blender.

In #84459#1100324, @rjg wrote:
@aaj Help > Save System Info in Blender.


Снимок экрана 2021-01-25 174635.png

Снимок экрана 2021-01-25 174949.png

> In #84459#1100324, @rjg wrote: > @aaj *Help > Save System Info* in Blender. [system-info.txt](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F9597174/system-info.txt) ![Снимок экрана 2021-01-25 174635.png](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F9597201/Снимок_экрана_2021-01-25_174635.png) ![Снимок экрана 2021-01-25 174949.png](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F9597200/Снимок_экрана_2021-01-25_174949.png)

Added subscriber: @audunnk

Added subscriber: @audunnk

Added subscriber: @nellsterr

Added subscriber: @nellsterr

I'm still facing the same problem after 4 months.. Has anyone found a solution? My driver version: 21.3.2 (Up to date). I want to get version 20.11.3 but I don't know how I can roll back to that version as I never had it installed. If anyone could send me an installation file for it?Blender Issue.mp4

I'm still facing the same problem after 4 months.. Has anyone found a solution? My driver version: 21.3.2 (Up to date). I want to get version 20.11.3 but I don't know how I can roll back to that version as I never had it installed. If anyone could send me an installation file for it?[Blender Issue.mp4](https://archive.blender.org/developer/F9918987/Blender_Issue.mp4)

Removed subscriber: @jonvito

Removed subscriber: @jonvito

Removed subscriber: @Wovchick

Removed subscriber: @Wovchick

Added subscriber: @PratikPB2123

Added subscriber: @PratikPB2123

I'm still facing the same problem after 4 months.. Has anyone found a solution? My driver version: 21.3.2 (Up to date). I want to get version 20.11.3 but I don't know how I can roll back to that version as I never had it installed. If anyone could send me an installation file for it?

@nellsterr , I would suggest Render properties -> Preformance -> High Quality Normal . This will fix the problem for me (but this should not be the permanent solution)

>I'm still facing the same problem after 4 months.. Has anyone found a solution? My driver version: 21.3.2 (Up to date). I want to get version 20.11.3 but I don't know how I can roll back to that version as I never had it installed. If anyone could send me an installation file for it? @nellsterr , I would suggest `Render properties -> Preformance -> High Quality Normal` . This will fix the problem for me (but this should not be the permanent solution)

This comment was removed by @Jeroen-Bakker

*This comment was removed by @Jeroen-Bakker*

@nellsterr can you report your exact device detail. This is stored inside the system-info.txt file that can be generated from Blender's help menu. I will see if we have added this device to the whitelist.

@nellsterr can you report your exact device detail. This is stored inside the system-info.txt file that can be generated from Blender's help menu. I will see if we have added this device to the whitelist.

Removed subscriber: @JYoshi

Removed subscriber: @JYoshi
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20 Participants
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Reference: blender/blender#84459
No description provided.