Modifier stack: Avoid roundtrip from mesh to DM back to mesh

Saves quite a bit of CPU ticks per mesh update, giving measurable
speedup for file from T55228.

Memory usage goes up a it, most likely due to evaluated mesh having
more custom data layers than corresponding DM does.
This commit is contained in:
Sergey Sharybin 2018-05-30 12:56:20 +02:00
parent da16cb1511
commit 29f9a19708
2 changed files with 52 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -2916,6 +2916,47 @@ static bool calc_modifiers_skip_orco(Depsgraph *depsgraph,
static void mesh_finalize_eval(Object *object)
if (!DEG_depsgraph_use_copy_on_write()) {
Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *)object->data;
Mesh *mesh_eval = object->runtime.mesh_eval;
/* Special Tweaks for cases when evaluated mesh came from
* BKE_mesh_new_nomain_from_template().
BLI_strncpy(mesh_eval->, mesh->, sizeof(mesh_eval->;
if (mesh_eval->mat != NULL) {
mesh_eval->mat = MEM_dupallocN(mesh->mat);
mesh_eval->totcol = mesh->totcol;
/* Make evaluated mesh to share same edit mesh pointer as original
* and copied meshes.
mesh_eval->edit_btmesh = mesh->edit_btmesh;
/* Special flags to help debugging and also to allow copy-on-write core
* to understand that on re-evaluation this mesh is to be preserved and
* to be remapped back to copied original mesh when used as object data.
mesh_eval->id.tag |= LIB_TAG_COPY_ON_WRITE_EVAL;
mesh_eval->id.orig_id = &mesh->id;
/* Copy autosmooth settings from original mesh.
* This is not done by BKE_mesh_new_nomain_from_template(), so need to take
* extra care here.
mesh_eval->flag |= (mesh->flag & ME_AUTOSMOOTH);
mesh_eval->smoothresh = mesh->smoothresh;
/* Replace evaluated object's data with fully evaluated mesh. */
/* TODO(sergey): There was statement done by Sybren and Mai that this
* caused modifiers to be applied twice. which is weirtd and shouldn't
* really happen. But since there is no reference to the report, can not
* do much about this.
object->data = mesh_eval;
static void mesh_build_data(
struct Depsgraph *depsgraph, Scene *scene, Object *ob, CustomDataMask dataMask,
const bool build_shapekey_layers, const bool need_mapping)
@ -2931,12 +2972,21 @@ static void mesh_build_data(
depsgraph, scene, ob, NULL, 1, need_mapping, dataMask, -1, true, build_shapekey_layers,
&ob->derivedDeform, &ob->derivedFinal);
&ob->runtime.mesh_deform_eval, &ob->runtime.mesh_eval);
ob->derivedDeform = CDDM_from_mesh_ex(ob->runtime.mesh_deform_eval, CD_REFERENCE, CD_MASK_MESH);
ob->derivedFinal = CDDM_from_mesh_ex(ob->runtime.mesh_eval, CD_REFERENCE, CD_MASK_MESH);
DM_set_object_boundbox(ob, ob->derivedFinal);
/* TODO(sergey): Convert bounding box calculation to use mesh, then
* we can skip this copy.
BKE_mesh_texspace_copy_from_object(ob->runtime.mesh_eval, ob);
ob->derivedFinal->needsFree = 0;
ob->derivedDeform->needsFree = 0;

View File

@ -330,62 +330,6 @@ void BKE_object_eval_uber_data(Depsgraph *depsgraph,
BKE_mball_batch_cache_dirty(ob->data, BKE_MBALL_BATCH_DIRTY_ALL);
if (DEG_depsgraph_use_copy_on_write()) {
if (ob->type == OB_MESH) {
/* Quick hack to convert evaluated derivedMesh to Mesh. */
DerivedMesh *dm = ob->derivedFinal;
if (dm != NULL) {
Mesh *mesh = (Mesh *)ob->data;
Mesh *new_mesh = BKE_libblock_alloc_notest(ID_ME);
/* Copy ID name so GS(new_mesh->id) works correct later on. */
BLI_strncpy(new_mesh->, mesh->, sizeof(new_mesh->;
/* Copy materials so render engines can access them. */
new_mesh->mat = MEM_dupallocN(mesh->mat);
new_mesh->totcol = mesh->totcol;
DM_to_mesh(dm, new_mesh, ob, CD_MASK_MESH, true);
new_mesh->edit_btmesh = mesh->edit_btmesh;
/* Store result mesh as derived_mesh of object. This way we have
* explicit way to query final object evaluated data and know for sure
* who owns the newly created mesh datablock.
ob->runtime.mesh_eval = new_mesh;
/* TODO(sergey): This is kind of compatibility thing, so all render
* engines can use object->data for mesh data for display. This is
* something what we might want to change in the future.
* XXX: This can sometimes cause modifiers to be applied twice!
ob->data = new_mesh;
/* Special flags to help debugging. */
new_mesh->id.tag |= LIB_TAG_COPY_ON_WRITE_EVAL;
/* Save some memory by throwing DerivedMesh away. */
/* NOTE: Watch out, some tools might need it!
* So keep around for now..
/* Store original ID as a pointer in evaluated ID.
* This way we can restore original object data when we are freeing
* evaluated mesh.
new_mesh->id.orig_id = &mesh->id;
/* Copy autosmooth settings from original mesh. */
new_mesh->flag |= (mesh->flag & ME_AUTOSMOOTH);
new_mesh->smoothresh = mesh->smoothresh;
#if 0
if (ob->derivedFinal != NULL) {
ob->derivedFinal->needsFree = 1;
ob->derivedFinal = NULL;
if (ob->derivedDeform != NULL) {
ob->derivedDeform->needsFree = 1;
ob->derivedDeform = NULL;
void BKE_object_eval_cloth(Depsgraph *depsgraph,