PyAPI: Add PyC_UnicodeAsByteAndSize

Read the string length from Python directly when assigning id-properties
This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2016-07-31 16:52:44 +10:00
parent 409316434c
commit 2dfc954c4a
4 changed files with 39 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -940,17 +940,18 @@ IDProperty *IDP_New(const char type, const IDPropertyTemplate *val, const char *
prop->subtype = IDP_STRING_SUB_BYTE;
else {
if (st == NULL) {
if (st == NULL || val->string.len <= 1) {
prop->data.pointer = MEM_mallocN(DEFAULT_ALLOC_FOR_NULL_STRINGS, "id property string 1");
*IDP_String(prop) = '\0';
prop->len = 1; /*NULL string, has len of 1 to account for null byte.*/
else {
int stlen = (int)strlen(st) + 1;
prop->data.pointer = MEM_mallocN((size_t)stlen, "id property string 3");
prop->len = prop->totallen = stlen;
memcpy(prop->data.pointer, st, (size_t)stlen);
BLI_assert((int)val->string.len <= (int)strlen(st) + 1);
prop->data.pointer = MEM_mallocN((size_t)val->string.len, "id property string 3");
memcpy(prop->data.pointer, st, (size_t)val->string.len - 1);
IDP_String(prop)[val->string.len - 1] = '\0';
prop->len = prop->totallen = val->string.len;
prop->subtype = IDP_STRING_SUB_UTF8;

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@ -378,8 +378,10 @@ bool BPy_IDProperty_Map_ValidateAndCreate(PyObject *name_obj, IDProperty *group,
else if (PyUnicode_Check(ob)) {
Py_ssize_t value_size;
PyObject *value_coerce = NULL;
val.string.str = PyC_UnicodeAsByte(ob, &value_coerce);
val.string.str = PyC_UnicodeAsByteAndSize(ob, &value_size, &value_coerce);
val.string.len = (int)value_size + 1;
val.string.subtype = IDP_STRING_SUB_UTF8;
prop = IDP_New(IDP_STRING, &val, name);

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@ -540,6 +540,35 @@ PyObject *PyC_ExceptionBuffer_Simple(void)
/* string conversion, escape non-unicode chars, coerce must be set to NULL */
const char *PyC_UnicodeAsByteAndSize(PyObject *py_str, Py_ssize_t *size, PyObject **coerce)
const char *result;
result = _PyUnicode_AsStringAndSize(py_str, size);
if (result) {
/* 99% of the time this is enough but we better support non unicode
* chars since blender doesnt limit this */
return result;
else {
if (PyBytes_Check(py_str)) {
*size = PyBytes_GET_SIZE(py_str);
return PyBytes_AS_STRING(py_str);
else if ((*coerce = PyUnicode_EncodeFSDefault(py_str))) {
*size = PyBytes_GET_SIZE(*coerce);
return PyBytes_AS_STRING(*coerce);
else {
/* leave error raised from EncodeFS */
return NULL;
const char *PyC_UnicodeAsByte(PyObject *py_str, PyObject **coerce)
const char *result;

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@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ void PyC_List_Fill(PyObject *list, PyObject *value);
PyObject * PyC_UnicodeFromByte(const char *str);
PyObject * PyC_UnicodeFromByteAndSize(const char *str, Py_ssize_t size);
const char * PyC_UnicodeAsByte(PyObject *py_str, PyObject **coerce); /* coerce must be NULL */
const char * PyC_UnicodeAsByteAndSize(PyObject *py_str, Py_ssize_t *size, PyObject **coerce);
/* name namespace function for bpy & bge */
PyObject * PyC_DefaultNameSpace(const char *filename);