Merge branch 'master' into blender2.8

This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2017-11-03 21:22:27 +11:00
commit 3a7a7ed03b
11 changed files with 3891 additions and 3389 deletions

View File

@ -384,6 +384,7 @@ typedef void (*uiMenuHandleFunc)(struct bContext *C, void *arg, int event);
typedef bool (*uiMenuStepFunc)(struct bContext *C, int direction, void *arg1);
/* interface_region_menu_popup.c */
/* Popup Menus
* Functions used to create popup menus. For more extended menus the
@ -407,6 +408,7 @@ int UI_popup_menu_invoke(struct bContext *C, const char *idname, struct ReportLi
void UI_popup_menu_retval_set(const uiBlock *block, const int retval, const bool enable);
void UI_popup_menu_but_set(uiPopupMenu *pup, struct ARegion *butregion, uiBut *but);
/* interface_region_menu_pie.c */
/* Pie menus */
typedef struct uiPieMenu uiPieMenu;
@ -423,11 +425,13 @@ struct uiPieMenu *UI_pie_menu_begin(
const struct wmEvent *event) ATTR_NONNULL();
void UI_pie_menu_end(struct bContext *C, uiPieMenu *pie);
struct uiLayout *UI_pie_menu_layout(struct uiPieMenu *pie);
/* interface_region_menu_popup.c */
/* Popup Blocks
* Functions used to create popup blocks. These are like popup menus
* but allow using all button types and creating an own layout. */
typedef uiBlock * (*uiBlockCreateFunc)(struct bContext *C, struct ARegion *ar, void *arg1);
typedef void (*uiBlockCancelFunc)(struct bContext *C, void *arg1);

View File

@ -51,6 +51,12 @@ set(SRC

View File

@ -585,25 +585,24 @@ struct uiPopupBlockHandle {
/* #endif */
uiBlock *ui_block_func_COLOR(struct bContext *C, uiPopupBlockHandle *handle, void *arg_but);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* interface_region_*.c */
/* interface_region_tooltip.c */
struct ARegion *ui_tooltip_create(struct bContext *C, struct ARegion *butregion, uiBut *but);
void ui_tooltip_free(struct bContext *C, struct ARegion *ar);
uiBut *ui_popup_menu_memory_get(struct uiBlock *block);
void ui_popup_menu_memory_set(uiBlock *block, struct uiBut *but);
void ui_popup_translate(struct bContext *C, struct ARegion *ar, const int mdiff[2]);
ColorPicker *ui_block_colorpicker_create(struct uiBlock *block);
void ui_popup_block_scrolltest(struct uiBlock *block);
/* interface_region_color_picker.c */
void ui_rgb_to_color_picker_compat_v(const float rgb[3], float r_cp[3]);
void ui_rgb_to_color_picker_v(const float rgb[3], float r_cp[3]);
void ui_color_picker_to_rgb_v(const float r_cp[3], float rgb[3]);
void ui_color_picker_to_rgb(float r_cp0, float r_cp1, float r_cp2, float *r, float *g, float *b);
/* searchbox for string button */
uiBlock *ui_block_func_COLOR(struct bContext *C, uiPopupBlockHandle *handle, void *arg_but);
ColorPicker *ui_block_colorpicker_create(struct uiBlock *block);
/* interface_region_search.c */
/* Searchbox for string button */
ARegion *ui_searchbox_create_generic(struct bContext *C, struct ARegion *butregion, uiBut *but);
ARegion *ui_searchbox_create_operator(struct bContext *C, struct ARegion *butregion, uiBut *but);
bool ui_searchbox_inside(struct ARegion *ar, int x, int y);
@ -615,6 +614,12 @@ bool ui_searchbox_apply(uiBut *but, struct ARegion *ar);
void ui_searchbox_free(struct bContext *C, struct ARegion *ar);
void ui_but_search_refresh(uiBut *but);
/* interface_region_menu_popup.c */
int ui_but_menu_step(uiBut *but, int step);
bool ui_but_menu_step_poll(const uiBut *but);
uiBut *ui_popup_menu_memory_get(struct uiBlock *block);
void ui_popup_menu_memory_set(uiBlock *block, struct uiBut *but);
uiBlock *ui_popup_block_refresh(
struct bContext *C, uiPopupBlockHandle *handle,
ARegion *butregion, uiBut *but);
@ -627,14 +632,17 @@ uiPopupBlockHandle *ui_popup_menu_create(
struct bContext *C, struct ARegion *butregion, uiBut *but,
uiMenuCreateFunc create_func, void *arg);
/* interface_region_menu_pie.c */
void ui_pie_menu_level_create(
uiBlock *block, struct wmOperatorType *ot, const char *propname, IDProperty *properties,
const EnumPropertyItem *items, int totitem, int context, int flag);
/* interface_region_popup.c */
void ui_popup_translate(struct bContext *C, struct ARegion *ar, const int mdiff[2]);
void ui_popup_block_free(struct bContext *C, uiPopupBlockHandle *handle);
void ui_popup_block_scrolltest(struct uiBlock *block);
int ui_but_menu_step(uiBut *but, int step);
bool ui_but_menu_step_poll(const uiBut *but);
/* end interface_region_*.c */
/* interface_panel.c */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2008 Blender Foundation.
* All rights reserved.
* Contributor(s): Blender Foundation
/** \file blender/editors/interface/interface_region_color_picker.c
* \ingroup edinterface
* Color Picker Region & Color Utils
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
#include "DNA_userdef_types.h"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
#include "BLI_math.h"
#include "BLI_listbase.h"
#include "BLI_string.h"
#include "BKE_context.h"
#include "WM_types.h"
#include "RNA_access.h"
#include "UI_interface.h"
#include "BLT_translation.h"
#include "ED_screen.h"
#include "IMB_colormanagement.h"
#include "interface_intern.h"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Color Conversion
* \{ */
void ui_rgb_to_color_picker_compat_v(const float rgb[3], float r_cp[3])
switch (U.color_picker_type) {
rgb_to_hsl_compat_v(rgb, r_cp);
rgb_to_hsv_compat_v(rgb, r_cp);
void ui_rgb_to_color_picker_v(const float rgb[3], float r_cp[3])
switch (U.color_picker_type) {
rgb_to_hsl_v(rgb, r_cp);
rgb_to_hsv_v(rgb, r_cp);
void ui_color_picker_to_rgb_v(const float r_cp[3], float rgb[3])
switch (U.color_picker_type) {
hsl_to_rgb_v(r_cp, rgb);
hsv_to_rgb_v(r_cp, rgb);
void ui_color_picker_to_rgb(float r_cp0, float r_cp1, float r_cp2, float *r, float *g, float *b)
switch (U.color_picker_type) {
hsl_to_rgb(r_cp0, r_cp1, r_cp2, r, g, b);
hsv_to_rgb(r_cp0, r_cp1, r_cp2, r, g, b);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Color Picker
* \{ */
/* for picker, while editing hsv */
void ui_but_hsv_set(uiBut *but)
float col[3];
ColorPicker *cpicker = but->custom_data;
float *hsv = cpicker->color_data;
ui_color_picker_to_rgb_v(hsv, col);
ui_but_v3_set(but, col);
/* Updates all buttons who share the same color picker as the one passed
* also used by small picker, be careful with name checks below... */
static void ui_update_color_picker_buts_rgb(
uiBlock *block, ColorPicker *cpicker, const float rgb[3], bool is_display_space)
uiBut *bt;
float *hsv = cpicker->color_data;
struct ColorManagedDisplay *display = NULL;
/* this is to keep the H and S value when V is equal to zero
* and we are working in HSV mode, of course!
if (is_display_space) {
ui_rgb_to_color_picker_compat_v(rgb, hsv);
else {
/* we need to convert to display space to use hsv, because hsv is stored in display space */
float rgb_display[3];
copy_v3_v3(rgb_display, rgb);
ui_block_cm_to_display_space_v3(block, rgb_display);
ui_rgb_to_color_picker_compat_v(rgb_display, hsv);
if (block->color_profile)
display = ui_block_cm_display_get(block);
/* this updates button strings, is hackish... but button pointers are on stack of caller function */
for (bt = block->buttons.first; bt; bt = bt->next) {
if (bt->custom_data != cpicker)
if (bt->rnaprop) {
ui_but_v3_set(bt, rgb);
/* original button that created the color picker already does undo
* push, so disable it on RNA buttons in the color picker block */
UI_but_flag_disable(bt, UI_BUT_UNDO);
else if (STREQ(bt->str, "Hex: ")) {
float rgb_gamma[3];
unsigned char rgb_gamma_uchar[3];
double intpart;
char col[16];
/* Hex code is assumed to be in sRGB space (coming from other applications, web, etc) */
copy_v3_v3(rgb_gamma, rgb);
if (display) {
/* make a display version, for Hex code */
IMB_colormanagement_scene_linear_to_display_v3(rgb_gamma, display);
if (rgb_gamma[0] > 1.0f) rgb_gamma[0] = modf(rgb_gamma[0], &intpart);
if (rgb_gamma[1] > 1.0f) rgb_gamma[1] = modf(rgb_gamma[1], &intpart);
if (rgb_gamma[2] > 1.0f) rgb_gamma[2] = modf(rgb_gamma[2], &intpart);
rgb_float_to_uchar(rgb_gamma_uchar, rgb_gamma);
BLI_snprintf(col, sizeof(col), "%02X%02X%02X", UNPACK3_EX((uint), rgb_gamma_uchar, ));
strcpy(bt->poin, col);
else if (bt->str[1] == ' ') {
if (bt->str[0] == 'R') {
ui_but_value_set(bt, rgb[0]);
else if (bt->str[0] == 'G') {
ui_but_value_set(bt, rgb[1]);
else if (bt->str[0] == 'B') {
ui_but_value_set(bt, rgb[2]);
else if (bt->str[0] == 'H') {
ui_but_value_set(bt, hsv[0]);
else if (bt->str[0] == 'S') {
ui_but_value_set(bt, hsv[1]);
else if (bt->str[0] == 'V') {
ui_but_value_set(bt, hsv[2]);
else if (bt->str[0] == 'L') {
ui_but_value_set(bt, hsv[2]);
static void ui_colorpicker_rna_cb(bContext *UNUSED(C), void *bt1, void *UNUSED(arg))
uiBut *but = (uiBut *)bt1;
uiPopupBlockHandle *popup = but->block->handle;
PropertyRNA *prop = but->rnaprop;
PointerRNA ptr = but->rnapoin;
float rgb[4];
if (prop) {
RNA_property_float_get_array(&ptr, prop, rgb);
but->block, but->custom_data, rgb, (RNA_property_subtype(prop) == PROP_COLOR_GAMMA));
if (popup)
popup->menuretval = UI_RETURN_UPDATE;
static void ui_color_wheel_rna_cb(bContext *UNUSED(C), void *bt1, void *UNUSED(arg))
uiBut *but = (uiBut *)bt1;
uiPopupBlockHandle *popup = but->block->handle;
float rgb[3];
ColorPicker *cpicker = but->custom_data;
float *hsv = cpicker->color_data;
bool use_display_colorspace = ui_but_is_colorpicker_display_space(but);
ui_color_picker_to_rgb_v(hsv, rgb);
/* hsv is saved in display space so convert back */
if (use_display_colorspace) {
ui_block_cm_to_scene_linear_v3(but->block, rgb);
ui_update_color_picker_buts_rgb(but->block, cpicker, rgb, !use_display_colorspace);
if (popup)
popup->menuretval = UI_RETURN_UPDATE;
static void ui_colorpicker_hex_rna_cb(bContext *UNUSED(C), void *bt1, void *hexcl)
uiBut *but = (uiBut *)bt1;
uiPopupBlockHandle *popup = but->block->handle;
ColorPicker *cpicker = but->custom_data;
char *hexcol = (char *)hexcl;
float rgb[3];
hex_to_rgb(hexcol, rgb, rgb + 1, rgb + 2);
/* Hex code is assumed to be in sRGB space (coming from other applications, web, etc) */
if (but->block->color_profile) {
/* so we need to linearise it for Blender */
ui_block_cm_to_scene_linear_v3(but->block, rgb);
ui_update_color_picker_buts_rgb(but->block, cpicker, rgb, false);
if (popup)
popup->menuretval = UI_RETURN_UPDATE;
static void ui_popup_close_cb(bContext *UNUSED(C), void *bt1, void *UNUSED(arg))
uiBut *but = (uiBut *)bt1;
uiPopupBlockHandle *popup = but->block->handle;
if (popup)
popup->menuretval = UI_RETURN_OK;
static void ui_colorpicker_hide_reveal(uiBlock *block, short colormode)
uiBut *bt;
/* tag buttons */
for (bt = block->buttons.first; bt; bt = bt->next) {
if ((bt->func == ui_colorpicker_rna_cb) && bt->type == UI_BTYPE_NUM_SLIDER && bt->rnaindex != 3) {
/* RGB sliders (color circle and alpha are always shown) */
if (colormode == 0) bt->flag &= ~UI_HIDDEN;
else bt->flag |= UI_HIDDEN;
else if (bt->func == ui_color_wheel_rna_cb) {
/* HSV sliders */
if (colormode == 1) bt->flag &= ~UI_HIDDEN;
else bt->flag |= UI_HIDDEN;
else if (bt->func == ui_colorpicker_hex_rna_cb || bt->type == UI_BTYPE_LABEL) {
/* hex input or gamma correction status label */
if (colormode == 2) bt->flag &= ~UI_HIDDEN;
else bt->flag |= UI_HIDDEN;
static void ui_colorpicker_create_mode_cb(bContext *UNUSED(C), void *bt1, void *UNUSED(arg))
uiBut *bt = bt1;
short colormode = ui_but_value_get(bt);
ui_colorpicker_hide_reveal(bt->block, colormode);
#define PICKER_H (7.5f * U.widget_unit)
#define PICKER_W (7.5f * U.widget_unit)
#define PICKER_SPACE (0.3f * U.widget_unit)
#define PICKER_BAR (0.7f * U.widget_unit)
static void ui_colorpicker_circle(uiBlock *block, PointerRNA *ptr, PropertyRNA *prop, ColorPicker *cpicker)
uiBut *bt;
/* HS circle */
bt = uiDefButR_prop(
ptr, prop, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, TIP_("Color"));
UI_but_func_set(bt, ui_colorpicker_rna_cb, bt, NULL);
bt->custom_data = cpicker;
/* value */
if (U.color_picker_type == USER_CP_CIRCLE_HSL) {
bt = uiDefButR_prop(
ptr, prop, -1, 0.0, 0.0, UI_GRAD_L_ALT, 0, "Lightness");
UI_but_func_set(bt, ui_colorpicker_rna_cb, bt, NULL);
else {
bt = uiDefButR_prop(
ptr, prop, -1, 0.0, 0.0, UI_GRAD_V_ALT, 0, TIP_("Value"));
UI_but_func_set(bt, ui_colorpicker_rna_cb, bt, NULL);
bt->custom_data = cpicker;
static void ui_colorpicker_square(uiBlock *block, PointerRNA *ptr, PropertyRNA *prop, int type, ColorPicker *cpicker)
uiBut *bt;
int bartype = type + 3;
/* HS square */
bt = uiDefButR_prop(
ptr, prop, -1, 0.0, 0.0, type, 0, TIP_("Color"));
UI_but_func_set(bt, ui_colorpicker_rna_cb, bt, NULL);
bt->custom_data = cpicker;
/* value */
bt = uiDefButR_prop(
ptr, prop, -1, 0.0, 0.0, bartype, 0, TIP_("Value"));
UI_but_func_set(bt, ui_colorpicker_rna_cb, bt, NULL);
bt->custom_data = cpicker;
/* a HS circle, V slider, rgb/hsv/hex sliders */
static void ui_block_colorpicker(
uiBlock *block, float rgba[4], PointerRNA *ptr, PropertyRNA *prop, bool show_picker)
static short colormode = 0; /* temp? 0=rgb, 1=hsv, 2=hex */
uiBut *bt;
int width, butwidth;
static char tip[50];
static char hexcol[128];
float rgb_gamma[3];
unsigned char rgb_gamma_uchar[3];
float softmin, softmax, hardmin, hardmax, step, precision;
int yco;
ColorPicker *cpicker = ui_block_colorpicker_create(block);
float *hsv = cpicker->color_data;
butwidth = width - 1.5f * UI_UNIT_X;
/* existence of profile means storage is in linear color space, with display correction */
/* XXX That tip message is not use anywhere! */
if (!block->color_profile) {
BLI_strncpy(tip, N_("Value in Display Color Space"), sizeof(tip));
copy_v3_v3(rgb_gamma, rgba);
else {
BLI_strncpy(tip, N_("Value in Linear RGB Color Space"), sizeof(tip));
/* make a display version, for Hex code */
copy_v3_v3(rgb_gamma, rgba);
ui_block_cm_to_display_space_v3(block, rgb_gamma);
/* sneaky way to check for alpha */
rgba[3] = FLT_MAX;
RNA_property_float_ui_range(ptr, prop, &softmin, &softmax, &step, &precision);
RNA_property_float_range(ptr, prop, &hardmin, &hardmax);
RNA_property_float_get_array(ptr, prop, rgba);
/* when the softmax isn't defined in the RNA,
* using very large numbers causes sRGB/linear round trip to fail. */
if (softmax == FLT_MAX) {
softmax = 1.0f;
switch (U.color_picker_type) {
ui_colorpicker_square(block, ptr, prop, UI_GRAD_SV, cpicker);
ui_colorpicker_square(block, ptr, prop, UI_GRAD_HS, cpicker);
ui_colorpicker_square(block, ptr, prop, UI_GRAD_HV, cpicker);
/* user default */
ui_colorpicker_circle(block, ptr, prop, cpicker);
/* mode */
yco = -1.5f * UI_UNIT_Y;
bt = uiDefButS(
block, UI_BTYPE_ROW, 0, IFACE_("RGB"), 0, yco, width / 3, UI_UNIT_Y,
&colormode, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "");
UI_but_func_set(bt, ui_colorpicker_create_mode_cb, bt, NULL);
bt->custom_data = cpicker;
if (U.color_picker_type == USER_CP_CIRCLE_HSL) {
bt = uiDefButS(
block, UI_BTYPE_ROW, 0, IFACE_("HSL"), width / 3, yco, width / 3, UI_UNIT_Y,
&colormode, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0, "");
else {
bt = uiDefButS(
block, UI_BTYPE_ROW, 0, IFACE_("HSV"), width / 3, yco, width / 3, UI_UNIT_Y,
&colormode, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0, "");
UI_but_func_set(bt, ui_colorpicker_create_mode_cb, bt, NULL);
bt->custom_data = cpicker;
bt = uiDefButS(
block, UI_BTYPE_ROW, 0, IFACE_("Hex"), 2 * width / 3, yco, width / 3, UI_UNIT_Y,
&colormode, 0.0, 2.0, 0, 0, "");
UI_but_func_set(bt, ui_colorpicker_create_mode_cb, bt, NULL);
bt->custom_data = cpicker;
yco = -3.0f * UI_UNIT_Y;
if (show_picker) {
bt = uiDefIconButO(
butwidth + 10, yco, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL);
UI_but_func_set(bt, ui_popup_close_cb, bt, NULL);
bt->custom_data = cpicker;
/* RGB values */
bt = uiDefButR_prop(
block, UI_BTYPE_NUM_SLIDER, 0, IFACE_("R:"), 0, yco, butwidth, UI_UNIT_Y,
ptr, prop, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 3, TIP_("Red"));
UI_but_func_set(bt, ui_colorpicker_rna_cb, bt, NULL);
bt->custom_data = cpicker;
bt = uiDefButR_prop(
block, UI_BTYPE_NUM_SLIDER, 0, IFACE_("G:"), 0, yco -= UI_UNIT_Y, butwidth, UI_UNIT_Y,
ptr, prop, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 3, TIP_("Green"));
UI_but_func_set(bt, ui_colorpicker_rna_cb, bt, NULL);
bt->custom_data = cpicker;
bt = uiDefButR_prop(
block, UI_BTYPE_NUM_SLIDER, 0, IFACE_("B:"), 0, yco -= UI_UNIT_Y, butwidth, UI_UNIT_Y,
ptr, prop, 2, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 3, TIP_("Blue"));
UI_but_func_set(bt, ui_colorpicker_rna_cb, bt, NULL);
bt->custom_data = cpicker;
/* could use uiItemFullR(col, ptr, prop, -1, 0, UI_ITEM_R_EXPAND|UI_ITEM_R_SLIDER, "", ICON_NONE);
* but need to use UI_but_func_set for updating other fake buttons */
/* HSV values */
yco = -3.0f * UI_UNIT_Y;
bt = uiDefButF(
block, UI_BTYPE_NUM_SLIDER, 0, IFACE_("H:"), 0, yco, butwidth,
UI_UNIT_Y, hsv, 0.0, 1.0, 10, 3, TIP_("Hue"));
UI_but_func_set(bt, ui_color_wheel_rna_cb, bt, hsv);
bt->custom_data = cpicker;
bt = uiDefButF(
block, UI_BTYPE_NUM_SLIDER, 0, IFACE_("S:"), 0, yco -= UI_UNIT_Y,
butwidth, UI_UNIT_Y, hsv + 1, 0.0, 1.0, 10, 3, TIP_("Saturation"));
UI_but_func_set(bt, ui_color_wheel_rna_cb, bt, hsv);
bt->custom_data = cpicker;
if (U.color_picker_type == USER_CP_CIRCLE_HSL) {
bt = uiDefButF(
block, UI_BTYPE_NUM_SLIDER, 0, IFACE_("L:"), 0, yco -= UI_UNIT_Y,
butwidth, UI_UNIT_Y, hsv + 2, 0.0, 1.0, 10, 3, TIP_("Lightness"));
else {
bt = uiDefButF(
block, UI_BTYPE_NUM_SLIDER, 0, IFACE_("V:"), 0, yco -= UI_UNIT_Y, butwidth, UI_UNIT_Y,
hsv + 2, 0.0, softmax, 10, 3, TIP_("Value"));
bt->hardmax = hardmax; /* not common but rgb may be over 1.0 */
UI_but_func_set(bt, ui_color_wheel_rna_cb, bt, hsv);
bt->custom_data = cpicker;
if (rgba[3] != FLT_MAX) {
bt = uiDefButR_prop(
block, UI_BTYPE_NUM_SLIDER, 0, IFACE_("A: "), 0, yco -= UI_UNIT_Y, butwidth, UI_UNIT_Y,
ptr, prop, 3, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 3, TIP_("Alpha"));
UI_but_func_set(bt, ui_colorpicker_rna_cb, bt, NULL);
bt->custom_data = cpicker;
else {
rgba[3] = 1.0f;
rgb_float_to_uchar(rgb_gamma_uchar, rgb_gamma);
BLI_snprintf(hexcol, sizeof(hexcol), "%02X%02X%02X", UNPACK3_EX((uint), rgb_gamma_uchar, ));
yco = -3.0f * UI_UNIT_Y;
bt = uiDefBut(
block, UI_BTYPE_TEXT, 0, IFACE_("Hex: "), 0, yco, butwidth, UI_UNIT_Y,
hexcol, 0, 8, 0, 0, TIP_("Hex triplet for color (#RRGGBB)"));
UI_but_func_set(bt, ui_colorpicker_hex_rna_cb, bt, hexcol);
bt->custom_data = cpicker;
block, UI_BTYPE_LABEL, 0, IFACE_("(Gamma Corrected)"), 0, yco - UI_UNIT_Y,
butwidth, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "");
ui_rgb_to_color_picker_v(rgb_gamma, hsv);
ui_colorpicker_hide_reveal(block, colormode);
static int ui_colorpicker_small_wheel_cb(const bContext *UNUSED(C), uiBlock *block, const wmEvent *event)
float add = 0.0f;
if (event->type == WHEELUPMOUSE)
add = 0.05f;
else if (event->type == WHEELDOWNMOUSE)
add = -0.05f;
if (add != 0.0f) {
uiBut *but;
for (but = block->buttons.first; but; but = but->next) {
if (but->type == UI_BTYPE_HSVCUBE && but->active == NULL) {
uiPopupBlockHandle *popup = block->handle;
float rgb[3];
ColorPicker *cpicker = but->custom_data;
float *hsv = cpicker->color_data;
bool use_display_colorspace = ui_but_is_colorpicker_display_space(but);
ui_but_v3_get(but, rgb);
if (use_display_colorspace)
ui_block_cm_to_display_space_v3(block, rgb);
ui_rgb_to_color_picker_compat_v(rgb, hsv);
hsv[2] = CLAMPIS(hsv[2] + add, 0.0f, 1.0f);
ui_color_picker_to_rgb_v(hsv, rgb);
if (use_display_colorspace)
ui_block_cm_to_scene_linear_v3(block, rgb);
ui_but_v3_set(but, rgb);
ui_update_color_picker_buts_rgb(block, cpicker, rgb, !use_display_colorspace);
if (popup)
popup->menuretval = UI_RETURN_UPDATE;
return 1;
return 0;
uiBlock *ui_block_func_COLOR(bContext *C, uiPopupBlockHandle *handle, void *arg_but)
uiBut *but = arg_but;
uiBlock *block;
bool show_picker = true;
block = UI_block_begin(C, handle->region, __func__, UI_EMBOSS);
if (RNA_property_subtype(but->rnaprop) == PROP_COLOR_GAMMA) {
block->color_profile = false;
if (but->block) {
/* if color block is invoked from a popup we wouldn't be able to set color properly
* this is because color picker will close popups first and then will try to figure
* out active button RNA, and of course it'll fail
show_picker = (but->block->flag & UI_BLOCK_POPUP) == 0;
copy_v3_v3(handle->retvec, but->editvec);
ui_block_colorpicker(block, handle->retvec, &but->rnapoin, but->rnaprop, show_picker);
UI_block_bounds_set_normal(block, 0.5 * UI_UNIT_X);
block->block_event_func = ui_colorpicker_small_wheel_cb;
/* and lets go */
block->direction = UI_DIR_UP;
return block;
ColorPicker *ui_block_colorpicker_create(struct uiBlock *block)
ColorPicker *cpicker = MEM_callocN(sizeof(ColorPicker), "color_picker");
BLI_addhead(&block->color_pickers.list, cpicker);
return cpicker;
/** \} */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2008 Blender Foundation.
* All rights reserved.
* Contributor(s): Blender Foundation
/** \file blender/editors/interface/interface_region_menu_pie.c
* \ingroup edinterface
* Pie Menu Region
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
#include "DNA_userdef_types.h"
#include "BLI_blenlib.h"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
#include "PIL_time.h"
#include "BKE_context.h"
#include "BKE_screen.h"
#include "WM_api.h"
#include "WM_types.h"
#include "RNA_access.h"
#include "UI_interface.h"
#include "BLT_translation.h"
#include "ED_screen.h"
#include "interface_intern.h"
#include "interface_regions_intern.h"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Pie Menu
* \{ */
struct uiPieMenu {
uiBlock *block_radial; /* radial block of the pie menu (more could be added later) */
uiLayout *layout;
int mx, my;
static uiBlock *ui_block_func_PIE(bContext *UNUSED(C), uiPopupBlockHandle *handle, void *arg_pie)
uiBlock *block;
uiPieMenu *pie = arg_pie;
int minwidth, width, height;
minwidth = 50;
block = pie->block_radial;
/* in some cases we create the block before the region,
* so we set it delayed here if necessary */
if (BLI_findindex(&handle->region->uiblocks, block) == -1)
UI_block_region_set(block, handle->region);
UI_block_layout_resolve(block, &width, &height);
UI_block_flag_enable(block, UI_BLOCK_LOOP | UI_BLOCK_NUMSELECT);
block->minbounds = minwidth;
block->bounds = 1;
block->mx = 0;
block->my = 0;
block->bounds_type = UI_BLOCK_BOUNDS_PIE_CENTER;
block->pie_data.pie_center_spawned[0] = pie->mx;
block->pie_data.pie_center_spawned[1] = pie->my;
return pie->block_radial;
static float ui_pie_menu_title_width(const char *name, int icon)
const uiFontStyle *fstyle = UI_FSTYLE_WIDGET;
return (UI_fontstyle_string_width(fstyle, name) +
(UI_UNIT_X * (1.50f + (icon ? 0.25f : 0.0f))));
uiPieMenu *UI_pie_menu_begin(struct bContext *C, const char *title, int icon, const wmEvent *event)
uiStyle *style;
uiPieMenu *pie;
short event_type;
wmWindow *win = CTX_wm_window(C);
style = UI_style_get_dpi();
pie = MEM_callocN(sizeof(*pie), "pie menu");
pie->block_radial = UI_block_begin(C, NULL, __func__, UI_EMBOSS);
/* may be useful later to allow spawning pies
* from old positions */
/* pie->block_radial->flag |= UI_BLOCK_POPUP_MEMORY; */
pie->block_radial->puphash = ui_popup_menu_hash(title);
pie->block_radial->flag |= UI_BLOCK_RADIAL;
/* if pie is spawned by a left click, release or click event, it is always assumed to be click style */
if (event->type == LEFTMOUSE || ELEM(event->val, KM_RELEASE, KM_CLICK)) {
pie->block_radial->pie_data.flags |= UI_PIE_CLICK_STYLE;
pie->block_radial->pie_data.event = EVENT_NONE;
win->lock_pie_event = EVENT_NONE;
else {
if (win->last_pie_event != EVENT_NONE) {
/* original pie key has been released, so don't propagate the event */
if (win->lock_pie_event == EVENT_NONE) {
event_type = EVENT_NONE;
pie->block_radial->pie_data.flags |= UI_PIE_CLICK_STYLE;
event_type = win->last_pie_event;
else {
event_type = event->type;
pie->block_radial->pie_data.event = event_type;
win->lock_pie_event = event_type;
pie->layout = UI_block_layout(pie->block_radial, UI_LAYOUT_VERTICAL, UI_LAYOUT_PIEMENU, 0, 0, 200, 0, 0, style);
pie->mx = event->x;
pie->my = event->y;
/* create title button */
if (title[0]) {
uiBut *but;
char titlestr[256];
int w;
if (icon) {
BLI_snprintf(titlestr, sizeof(titlestr), " %s", title);
w = ui_pie_menu_title_width(titlestr, icon);
but = uiDefIconTextBut(
pie->block_radial, UI_BTYPE_LABEL, 0, icon, titlestr, 0, 0, w, UI_UNIT_Y,
NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "");
else {
w = ui_pie_menu_title_width(title, 0);
but = uiDefBut(
pie->block_radial, UI_BTYPE_LABEL, 0, title, 0, 0, w, UI_UNIT_Y,
NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "");
/* do not align left */
but->drawflag &= ~UI_BUT_TEXT_LEFT;
pie->block_radial->pie_data.title = but->str;
pie->block_radial->pie_data.icon = icon;
return pie;
void UI_pie_menu_end(bContext *C, uiPieMenu *pie)
wmWindow *window = CTX_wm_window(C);
uiPopupBlockHandle *menu;
menu = ui_popup_block_create(C, NULL, NULL, NULL, ui_block_func_PIE, pie);
menu->popup = true;
menu->towardstime = PIL_check_seconds_timer();
C, &window->modalhandlers,
menu->can_refresh = false;
uiLayout *UI_pie_menu_layout(uiPieMenu *pie)
return pie->layout;
int UI_pie_menu_invoke(struct bContext *C, const char *idname, const wmEvent *event)
uiPieMenu *pie;
uiLayout *layout;
MenuType *mt = WM_menutype_find(idname, true);
if (mt == NULL) {
printf("%s: named menu \"%s\" not found\n", __func__, idname);
if (mt->poll && mt->poll(C, mt) == 0)
/* cancel but allow event to pass through, just like operators do */
pie = UI_pie_menu_begin(C, IFACE_(mt->label), ICON_NONE, event);
layout = UI_pie_menu_layout(pie);
UI_menutype_draw(C, mt, layout);
UI_pie_menu_end(C, pie);
int UI_pie_menu_invoke_from_operator_enum(
struct bContext *C, const char *title, const char *opname,
const char *propname, const wmEvent *event)
uiPieMenu *pie;
uiLayout *layout;
pie = UI_pie_menu_begin(C, IFACE_(title), ICON_NONE, event);
layout = UI_pie_menu_layout(pie);
layout = uiLayoutRadial(layout);
uiItemsEnumO(layout, opname, propname);
UI_pie_menu_end(C, pie);
int UI_pie_menu_invoke_from_rna_enum(
struct bContext *C, const char *title, const char *path,
const wmEvent *event)
PointerRNA ctx_ptr;
PointerRNA r_ptr;
PropertyRNA *r_prop;
uiPieMenu *pie;
uiLayout *layout;
RNA_pointer_create(NULL, &RNA_Context, C, &ctx_ptr);
if (!RNA_path_resolve(&ctx_ptr, path, &r_ptr, &r_prop)) {
/* invalid property, only accept enums */
if (RNA_property_type(r_prop) != PROP_ENUM) {
pie = UI_pie_menu_begin(C, IFACE_(title), ICON_NONE, event);
layout = UI_pie_menu_layout(pie);
layout = uiLayoutRadial(layout);
uiItemFullR(layout, &r_ptr, r_prop, RNA_NO_INDEX, 0, UI_ITEM_R_EXPAND, NULL, 0);
UI_pie_menu_end(C, pie);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* \name Pie Menu Levels
* Pie menus can't contain more than 8 items (yet). When using #uiItemsFullEnumO, a "More" button is created that calls
* a new pie menu if the enum has too many items. We call this a new "level".
* Indirect recursion is used, so that a theoretically unlimited number of items is supported.
* This is a implementation specifically for operator enums, needed since the object mode pie now has more than 8
* items. Ideally we'd have some way of handling this for all kinds of pie items, but that's tricky.
* - Julian (Feb 2016)
* \{ */
typedef struct PieMenuLevelData {
char title[UI_MAX_NAME_STR]; /* parent pie title, copied for level */
int icon; /* parent pie icon, copied for level */
int totitem; /* total count of *remaining* items */
/* needed for calling uiItemsFullEnumO_array again for new level */
wmOperatorType *ot;
const char *propname;
IDProperty *properties;
int context, flag;
} PieMenuLevelData;
* Invokes a new pie menu for a new level.
static void ui_pie_menu_level_invoke(bContext *C, void *argN, void *arg2)
EnumPropertyItem *item_array = (EnumPropertyItem *)argN;
PieMenuLevelData *lvl = (PieMenuLevelData *)arg2;
wmWindow *win = CTX_wm_window(C);
uiPieMenu *pie = UI_pie_menu_begin(C, IFACE_(lvl->title), lvl->icon, win->eventstate);
uiLayout *layout = UI_pie_menu_layout(pie);
layout = uiLayoutRadial(layout);
PointerRNA ptr;
WM_operator_properties_create_ptr(&ptr, lvl->ot);
/* so the context is passed to itemf functions (some need it) */
WM_operator_properties_sanitize(&ptr, false);
PropertyRNA *prop = RNA_struct_find_property(&ptr, lvl->propname);
if (prop) {
layout, lvl->ot, ptr, prop, lvl->properties, lvl->context, lvl->flag,
item_array, lvl->totitem);
else {
RNA_warning("%s.%s not found", RNA_struct_identifier(ptr.type), lvl->propname);
UI_pie_menu_end(C, pie);
* Set up data for defining a new pie menu level and add button that invokes it.
void ui_pie_menu_level_create(
uiBlock *block, wmOperatorType *ot, const char *propname, IDProperty *properties,
const EnumPropertyItem *items, int totitem, int context, int flag)
const int totitem_parent = PIE_MAX_ITEMS - 1;
const int totitem_remain = totitem - totitem_parent;
size_t array_size = sizeof(EnumPropertyItem) * totitem_remain;
/* used as but->func_argN so freeing is handled elsewhere */
EnumPropertyItem *remaining = MEM_mallocN(array_size + sizeof(EnumPropertyItem), "pie_level_item_array");
memcpy(remaining, items + totitem_parent, array_size);
/* a NULL terminating sentinal element is required */
memset(&remaining[totitem_remain], 0, sizeof(EnumPropertyItem));
/* yuk, static... issue is we can't reliably free this without doing dangerous changes */
static PieMenuLevelData lvl;
BLI_strncpy(lvl.title, block->pie_data.title, UI_MAX_NAME_STR);
lvl.totitem = totitem_remain;
lvl.ot = ot;
lvl.propname = propname; = properties;
lvl.context = context;
lvl.flag = flag;
/* add a 'more' menu entry */
uiBut *but = uiDefIconTextBut(block, UI_BTYPE_BUT, 0, ICON_PLUS, "More", 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X * 3, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, "Show more items of this menu");
UI_but_funcN_set(but, ui_pie_menu_level_invoke, remaining, &lvl);
/** \} */ /* Pie Menu Levels */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2008 Blender Foundation.
* All rights reserved.
* Contributor(s): Blender Foundation
/** \file blender/editors/interface/interface_region_menu_popup.c
* \ingroup edinterface
* PopUp Menu Region
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
#include "DNA_userdef_types.h"
#include "BLI_math.h"
#include "BLI_listbase.h"
#include "BLI_string.h"
#include "BLI_rect.h"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
#include "BLI_ghash.h"
#include "BKE_context.h"
#include "BKE_screen.h"
#include "BKE_report.h"
#include "WM_api.h"
#include "WM_types.h"
#include "RNA_access.h"
#include "UI_interface.h"
#include "BLT_translation.h"
#include "ED_screen.h"
#include "interface_intern.h"
#include "interface_regions_intern.h"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Utility Functions
* \{ */
bool ui_but_menu_step_poll(const uiBut *but)
BLI_assert(but->type == UI_BTYPE_MENU);
/* currently only RNA buttons */
return ((but->menu_step_func != NULL) ||
(but->rnaprop && RNA_property_type(but->rnaprop) == PROP_ENUM));
int ui_but_menu_step(uiBut *but, int direction)
if (ui_but_menu_step_poll(but)) {
if (but->menu_step_func) {
return but->menu_step_func(but->block->evil_C, direction, but->poin);
else {
const int curval = RNA_property_enum_get(&but->rnapoin, but->rnaprop);
return RNA_property_enum_step(but->block->evil_C, &but->rnapoin, but->rnaprop, curval, direction);
printf("%s: cannot cycle button '%s'\n", __func__, but->str);
return 0;
static uint ui_popup_string_hash(const char *str)
/* sometimes button contains hotkey, sometimes not, strip for proper compare */
int hash;
const char *delimit = strrchr(str, UI_SEP_CHAR);
if (delimit) {
hash = BLI_ghashutil_strhash_n(str, delimit - str);
else {
hash = BLI_ghashutil_strhash(str);
return hash;
uint ui_popup_menu_hash(const char *str)
return BLI_ghashutil_strhash(str);
/* but == NULL read, otherwise set */
static uiBut *ui_popup_menu_memory__internal(uiBlock *block, uiBut *but)
static uint mem[256];
static bool first = true;
const uint hash = block->puphash;
const uint hash_mod = hash & 255;
if (first) {
/* init */
memset(mem, -1, sizeof(mem));
first = 0;
if (but) {
/* set */
mem[hash_mod] = ui_popup_string_hash(but->str);
return NULL;
else {
/* get */
for (but = block->buttons.first; but; but = but->next)
if (ui_popup_string_hash(but->str) == mem[hash_mod])
return but;
return NULL;
uiBut *ui_popup_menu_memory_get(uiBlock *block)
return ui_popup_menu_memory__internal(block, NULL);
void ui_popup_menu_memory_set(uiBlock *block, uiBut *but)
ui_popup_menu_memory__internal(block, but);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Popup Menu with Callback or String
* \{ */
struct uiPopupMenu {
uiBlock *block;
uiLayout *layout;
uiBut *but;
ARegion *butregion;
int mx, my;
bool popup, slideout;
uiMenuCreateFunc menu_func;
void *menu_arg;
static uiBlock *ui_block_func_POPUP(bContext *C, uiPopupBlockHandle *handle, void *arg_pup)
uiBlock *block;
uiBut *bt;
uiPopupMenu *pup = arg_pup;
int offset[2], minwidth, width, height;
char direction;
bool flip;
if (pup->menu_func) {
pup->block->handle = handle;
pup->menu_func(C, pup->layout, pup->menu_arg);
pup->block->handle = NULL;
if (pup->but) {
/* minimum width to enforece */
minwidth = BLI_rctf_size_x(&pup->but->rect);
/* settings (typically rna-enum-popups) show above the button,
* menu's like file-menu, show below */
if (pup->block->direction != 0) {
/* allow overriding the direction from menu_func */
direction = pup->block->direction;
else if ((pup->but->type == UI_BTYPE_PULLDOWN) ||
(UI_but_menutype_get(pup->but) != NULL))
direction = UI_DIR_DOWN;
else {
direction = UI_DIR_UP;
else {
minwidth = 50;
direction = UI_DIR_DOWN;
flip = (direction == UI_DIR_DOWN);
block = pup->block;
/* in some cases we create the block before the region,
* so we set it delayed here if necessary */
if (BLI_findindex(&handle->region->uiblocks, block) == -1)
UI_block_region_set(block, handle->region);
block->direction = direction;
UI_block_layout_resolve(block, &width, &height);
UI_block_flag_enable(block, UI_BLOCK_MOVEMOUSE_QUIT);
if (pup->popup) {
uiBut *but_activate = NULL;
UI_block_flag_enable(block, UI_BLOCK_LOOP | UI_BLOCK_NUMSELECT);
UI_block_direction_set(block, direction);
/* offset the mouse position, possibly based on earlier selection */
if ((block->flag & UI_BLOCK_POPUP_MEMORY) &&
(bt = ui_popup_menu_memory_get(block)))
/* position mouse on last clicked item, at 0.8*width of the
* button, so it doesn't overlap the text too much, also note
* the offset is negative because we are inverse moving the
* block to be under the mouse */
offset[0] = -(bt->rect.xmin + 0.8f * BLI_rctf_size_x(&bt->rect));
offset[1] = -(bt->rect.ymin + 0.5f * UI_UNIT_Y);
if (ui_but_is_editable(bt)) {
but_activate = bt;
else {
/* position mouse at 0.8*width of the button and below the tile
* on the first item */
offset[0] = 0;
for (bt = block->buttons.first; bt; bt = bt->next)
offset[0] = min_ii(offset[0], -(bt->rect.xmin + 0.8f * BLI_rctf_size_x(&bt->rect)));
offset[1] = 2.1 * UI_UNIT_Y;
for (bt = block->buttons.first; bt; bt = bt->next) {
if (ui_but_is_editable(bt)) {
but_activate = bt;
/* in rare cases this is needed since moving the popup
* to be within the window bounds may move it away from the mouse,
* This ensures we set an item to be active. */
if (but_activate) {
ui_but_activate_over(C, handle->region, but_activate);
block->minbounds = minwidth;
UI_block_bounds_set_menu(block, 1, offset[0], offset[1]);
else {
/* for a header menu we set the direction automatic */
if (!pup->slideout && flip) {
ScrArea *sa = CTX_wm_area(C);
if (sa && sa->headertype == HEADERDOWN) {
ARegion *ar = CTX_wm_region(C);
if (ar && ar->regiontype == RGN_TYPE_HEADER) {
UI_block_direction_set(block, UI_DIR_UP);
block->minbounds = minwidth;
UI_block_bounds_set_text(block, 3.0f * UI_UNIT_X);
/* if menu slides out of other menu, override direction */
if (pup->slideout)
UI_block_direction_set(block, UI_DIR_RIGHT);
return pup->block;
uiPopupBlockHandle *ui_popup_menu_create(
bContext *C, ARegion *butregion, uiBut *but,
uiMenuCreateFunc menu_func, void *arg)
wmWindow *window = CTX_wm_window(C);
uiStyle *style = UI_style_get_dpi();
uiPopupBlockHandle *handle;
uiPopupMenu *pup;
pup = MEM_callocN(sizeof(uiPopupMenu), __func__);
pup->block = UI_block_begin(C, NULL, __func__, UI_EMBOSS_PULLDOWN);
pup->block->flag |= UI_BLOCK_NUMSELECT; /* default menus to numselect */
pup->layout = UI_block_layout(pup->block, UI_LAYOUT_VERTICAL, UI_LAYOUT_MENU, 0, 0, 200, 0, MENU_PADDING, style);
pup->slideout = but ? ui_block_is_menu(but->block) : false;
pup->but = but;
uiLayoutSetOperatorContext(pup->layout, WM_OP_INVOKE_REGION_WIN);
if (!but) {
/* no button to start from, means we are a popup */
pup->mx = window->eventstate->x;
pup->my = window->eventstate->y;
pup->popup = true;
pup->block->flag |= UI_BLOCK_NO_FLIP;
/* some enums reversing is strange, currently we have no good way to
* reverse some enum's but not others, so reverse all so the first menu
* items are always close to the mouse cursor */
else {
#if 0
/* if this is an rna button then we can assume its an enum
* flipping enums is generally not good since the order can be
* important [#28786] */
if (but->rnaprop && RNA_property_type(but->rnaprop) == PROP_ENUM) {
pup->block->flag |= UI_BLOCK_NO_FLIP;
if (but->context)
uiLayoutContextCopy(pup->layout, but->context);
/* menu is created from a callback */
pup->menu_func = menu_func;
pup->menu_arg = arg;
handle = ui_popup_block_create(C, butregion, but, NULL, ui_block_func_POPUP, pup);
if (!but) {
handle->popup = true;
UI_popup_handlers_add(C, &window->modalhandlers, handle, 0);
handle->can_refresh = false;
return handle;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Popup Menu API with begin & end
* \{ */
* Only return handler, and set optional title.
* \param block_name: Assigned to (useful info for debugging).
uiPopupMenu *UI_popup_menu_begin_ex(bContext *C, const char *title, const char *block_name, int icon)
uiStyle *style = UI_style_get_dpi();
uiPopupMenu *pup = MEM_callocN(sizeof(uiPopupMenu), "popup menu");
uiBut *but;
pup->block = UI_block_begin(C, NULL, block_name, UI_EMBOSS_PULLDOWN);
pup->block->puphash = ui_popup_menu_hash(title);
pup->layout = UI_block_layout(pup->block, UI_LAYOUT_VERTICAL, UI_LAYOUT_MENU, 0, 0, 200, 0, MENU_PADDING, style);
/* note, this intentionally differs from the menu & submenu default because many operators
* use popups like this to select one of their options - where having invoke doesn't make sense */
uiLayoutSetOperatorContext(pup->layout, WM_OP_EXEC_REGION_WIN);
/* create in advance so we can let buttons point to retval already */
pup->block->handle = MEM_callocN(sizeof(uiPopupBlockHandle), "uiPopupBlockHandle");
/* create title button */
if (title[0]) {
char titlestr[256];
if (icon) {
BLI_snprintf(titlestr, sizeof(titlestr), " %s", title);
pup->block, UI_BTYPE_LABEL, 0, icon, titlestr, 0, 0, 200, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "");
else {
but = uiDefBut(pup->block, UI_BTYPE_LABEL, 0, title, 0, 0, 200, UI_UNIT_Y, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "");
but->drawflag = UI_BUT_TEXT_LEFT;
return pup;
uiPopupMenu *UI_popup_menu_begin(bContext *C, const char *title, int icon)
return UI_popup_menu_begin_ex(C, title, __func__, icon);
* Setting the button makes the popup open from the button instead of the cursor.
void UI_popup_menu_but_set(uiPopupMenu *pup, struct ARegion *butregion, uiBut *but)
pup->but = but;
pup->butregion = butregion;
/* set the whole structure to work */
void UI_popup_menu_end(bContext *C, uiPopupMenu *pup)
wmWindow *window = CTX_wm_window(C);
uiPopupBlockHandle *menu;
uiBut *but = NULL;
ARegion *butregion = NULL;
pup->popup = true;
pup->mx = window->eventstate->x;
pup->my = window->eventstate->y;
if (pup->but) {
but = pup->but;
butregion = pup->butregion;
menu = ui_popup_block_create(C, butregion, but, NULL, ui_block_func_POPUP, pup);
menu->popup = true;
UI_popup_handlers_add(C, &window->modalhandlers, menu, 0);
menu->can_refresh = false;
uiLayout *UI_popup_menu_layout(uiPopupMenu *pup)
return pup->layout;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Standard Popup Menus
* \{ */
void UI_popup_menu_reports(bContext *C, ReportList *reports)
Report *report;
uiPopupMenu *pup = NULL;
uiLayout *layout;
if (!CTX_wm_window(C))
for (report = reports->list.first; report; report = report->next) {
int icon;
const char *msg, *msg_next;
if (report->type < reports->printlevel) {
if (pup == NULL) {
char title[UI_MAX_DRAW_STR];
BLI_snprintf(title, sizeof(title), "%s: %s", IFACE_("Report"), report->typestr);
/* popup_menu stuff does just what we need (but pass meaningful block name) */
pup = UI_popup_menu_begin_ex(C, title, __func__, ICON_NONE);
layout = UI_popup_menu_layout(pup);
else {
/* split each newline into a label */
msg = report->message;
icon = UI_icon_from_report_type(report->type);
do {
char buf[UI_MAX_DRAW_STR];
msg_next = strchr(msg, '\n');
if (msg_next) {
BLI_strncpy(buf, msg, MIN2(sizeof(buf), msg_next - msg));
msg = buf;
uiItemL(layout, msg, icon);
icon = ICON_NONE;
} while ((msg = msg_next) && *msg);
if (pup) {
UI_popup_menu_end(C, pup);
int UI_popup_menu_invoke(bContext *C, const char *idname, ReportList *reports)
uiPopupMenu *pup;
uiLayout *layout;
MenuType *mt = WM_menutype_find(idname, true);
if (mt == NULL) {
BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Menu \"%s\" not found", idname);
if (mt->poll && mt->poll(C, mt) == 0)
/* cancel but allow event to pass through, just like operators do */
pup = UI_popup_menu_begin(C, IFACE_(mt->label), ICON_NONE);
layout = UI_popup_menu_layout(pup);
UI_menutype_draw(C, mt, layout);
UI_popup_menu_end(C, pup);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Popup Block API
* \{ */
void UI_popup_block_invoke_ex(bContext *C, uiBlockCreateFunc func, void *arg, const char *opname, int opcontext)
wmWindow *window = CTX_wm_window(C);
uiPopupBlockHandle *handle;
handle = ui_popup_block_create(C, NULL, NULL, func, NULL, arg);
handle->popup = true;
handle->optype = (opname) ? WM_operatortype_find(opname, 0) : NULL;
handle->opcontext = opcontext;
UI_popup_handlers_add(C, &window->modalhandlers, handle, 0);
void UI_popup_block_invoke(bContext *C, uiBlockCreateFunc func, void *arg)
UI_popup_block_invoke_ex(C, func, arg, NULL, WM_OP_INVOKE_DEFAULT);
void UI_popup_block_ex(
bContext *C, uiBlockCreateFunc func, uiBlockHandleFunc popup_func, uiBlockCancelFunc cancel_func,
void *arg, wmOperator *op)
wmWindow *window = CTX_wm_window(C);
uiPopupBlockHandle *handle;
handle = ui_popup_block_create(C, NULL, NULL, func, NULL, arg);
handle->popup = true;
handle->retvalue = 1;
handle->popup_op = op;
handle->popup_arg = arg;
handle->popup_func = popup_func;
handle->cancel_func = cancel_func;
// handle->opcontext = opcontext;
UI_popup_handlers_add(C, &window->modalhandlers, handle, 0);
#if 0 /* UNUSED */
void uiPupBlockOperator(bContext *C, uiBlockCreateFunc func, wmOperator *op, int opcontext)
wmWindow *window = CTX_wm_window(C);
uiPopupBlockHandle *handle;
handle = ui_popup_block_create(C, NULL, NULL, func, NULL, op);
handle->popup = 1;
handle->retvalue = 1;
handle->popup_arg = op;
handle->popup_func = operator_cb;
handle->cancel_func = confirm_cancel_operator;
handle->opcontext = opcontext;
UI_popup_handlers_add(C, &window->modalhandlers, handle, 0);
void UI_popup_block_close(bContext *C, wmWindow *win, uiBlock *block)
/* if loading new .blend while popup is open, window will be NULL */
if (block->handle) {
if (win) {
const bScreen *screen = WM_window_get_active_screen(win);
UI_popup_handlers_remove(&win->modalhandlers, block->handle);
ui_popup_block_free(C, block->handle);
/* In the case we have nested popups, closing one may need to redraw another, see: T48874 */
for (ARegion *ar = screen->regionbase.first; ar; ar = ar->next) {
/** \} */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2008 Blender Foundation.
* All rights reserved.
* Contributor(s): Blender Foundation
/** \file blender/editors/interface/interface_region_popup.c
* \ingroup edinterface
* PopUp Region (Generic)
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
#include "DNA_userdef_types.h"
#include "BLI_math.h"
#include "BLI_listbase.h"
#include "BLI_rect.h"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
#include "BKE_context.h"
#include "BKE_screen.h"
#include "WM_api.h"
#include "WM_types.h"
#include "wm_subwindow.h"
#include "UI_interface.h"
#include "ED_screen.h"
#include "interface_intern.h"
#include "interface_regions_intern.h"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Utility Functions
* \{ */
* Translate any popup regions (so we can drag them).
void ui_popup_translate(bContext *C, ARegion *ar, const int mdiff[2])
uiBlock *block;
BLI_rcti_translate(&ar->winrct, UNPACK2(mdiff));
ED_region_update_rect(C, ar);
/* update blocks */
for (block = ar->uiblocks.first; block; block = block->next) {
uiSafetyRct *saferct;
for (saferct = block->saferct.first; saferct; saferct = saferct->next) {
BLI_rctf_translate(&saferct->parent, UNPACK2(mdiff));
BLI_rctf_translate(&saferct->safety, UNPACK2(mdiff));
/* position block relative to but, result is in window space */
static void ui_block_position(wmWindow *window, ARegion *butregion, uiBut *but, uiBlock *block)
uiBut *bt;
uiSafetyRct *saferct;
rctf butrct;
/*float aspect;*/ /*UNUSED*/
int xsize, ysize, xof = 0, yof = 0, center;
short dir1 = 0, dir2 = 0;
/* transform to window coordinates, using the source button region/block */
ui_block_to_window_rctf(butregion, but->block, &butrct, &but->rect);
/* widget_roundbox_set has this correction too, keep in sync */
if (but->type != UI_BTYPE_PULLDOWN) {
if (but->drawflag & UI_BUT_ALIGN_TOP)
butrct.ymax += U.pixelsize;
if (but->drawflag & UI_BUT_ALIGN_LEFT)
butrct.xmin -= U.pixelsize;
/* calc block rect */
if (block->rect.xmin == 0.0f && block->rect.xmax == 0.0f) {
if (block->buttons.first) {
for (bt = block->buttons.first; bt; bt = bt->next) {
BLI_rctf_union(&block->rect, &bt->rect);
else {
/* we're nice and allow empty blocks too */
block->rect.xmin = block->rect.ymin = 0;
block->rect.xmax = block->rect.ymax = 20;
/* aspect = (float)(BLI_rcti_size_x(&block->rect) + 4);*/ /*UNUSED*/
ui_block_to_window_rctf(butregion, but->block, &block->rect, &block->rect);
//block->rect.xmin -= 2.0; block->rect.ymin -= 2.0;
//block->rect.xmax += 2.0; block->rect.ymax += 2.0;
xsize = BLI_rctf_size_x(&block->rect) + 0.2f * UI_UNIT_X; /* 4 for shadow */
ysize = BLI_rctf_size_y(&block->rect) + 0.2f * UI_UNIT_Y;
/* aspect /= (float)xsize;*/ /*UNUSED*/
bool left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, down = 0;
int winx, winy;
// int offscreen;
winx = WM_window_pixels_x(window);
winy = WM_window_pixels_y(window);
// wm_window_get_size(window, &winx, &winy);
if (block->direction & UI_DIR_CENTER_Y) {
center = ysize / 2;
else {
center = 0;
/* check if there's space at all */
if (butrct.xmin - xsize > 0.0f) left = 1;
if (butrct.xmax + xsize < winx) right = 1;
if (butrct.ymin - ysize + center > 0.0f) down = 1;
if (butrct.ymax + ysize - center < winy) top = 1;
if (top == 0 && down == 0) {
if (butrct.ymin - ysize < winy - butrct.ymax - ysize)
top = 1;
down = 1;
dir1 = (block->direction & UI_DIR_ALL);
/* secundary directions */
if (dir1 & (UI_DIR_UP | UI_DIR_DOWN)) {
if (dir1 & UI_DIR_LEFT) dir2 = UI_DIR_LEFT;
else if (dir1 & UI_DIR_RIGHT) dir2 = UI_DIR_RIGHT;
dir1 &= (UI_DIR_UP | UI_DIR_DOWN);
if ((dir2 == 0) && (dir1 == UI_DIR_LEFT || dir1 == UI_DIR_RIGHT)) dir2 = UI_DIR_DOWN;
if ((dir2 == 0) && (dir1 == UI_DIR_UP || dir1 == UI_DIR_DOWN)) dir2 = UI_DIR_LEFT;
/* no space at all? don't change */
if (left || right) {
if (dir1 == UI_DIR_LEFT && left == 0) dir1 = UI_DIR_RIGHT;
if (dir1 == UI_DIR_RIGHT && right == 0) dir1 = UI_DIR_LEFT;
/* this is aligning, not append! */
if (dir2 == UI_DIR_LEFT && right == 0) dir2 = UI_DIR_RIGHT;
if (dir2 == UI_DIR_RIGHT && left == 0) dir2 = UI_DIR_LEFT;
if (down || top) {
if (dir1 == UI_DIR_UP && top == 0) dir1 = UI_DIR_DOWN;
if (dir1 == UI_DIR_DOWN && down == 0) dir1 = UI_DIR_UP;
BLI_assert(dir2 != UI_DIR_UP);
// if (dir2 == UI_DIR_UP && top == 0) dir2 = UI_DIR_DOWN;
if (dir2 == UI_DIR_DOWN && down == 0) dir2 = UI_DIR_UP;
if (dir1 == UI_DIR_LEFT) {
xof = butrct.xmin - block->rect.xmax;
if (dir2 == UI_DIR_UP) yof = butrct.ymin - block->rect.ymin - center - MENU_PADDING;
else yof = butrct.ymax - block->rect.ymax + center + MENU_PADDING;
else if (dir1 == UI_DIR_RIGHT) {
xof = butrct.xmax - block->rect.xmin;
if (dir2 == UI_DIR_UP) yof = butrct.ymin - block->rect.ymin - center - MENU_PADDING;
else yof = butrct.ymax - block->rect.ymax + center + MENU_PADDING;
else if (dir1 == UI_DIR_UP) {
yof = butrct.ymax - block->rect.ymin;
if (dir2 == UI_DIR_RIGHT) xof = butrct.xmax - block->rect.xmax;
else xof = butrct.xmin - block->rect.xmin;
/* changed direction? */
if ((dir1 & block->direction) == 0) {
else if (dir1 == UI_DIR_DOWN) {
yof = butrct.ymin - block->rect.ymax;
if (dir2 == UI_DIR_RIGHT) xof = butrct.xmax - block->rect.xmax;
else xof = butrct.xmin - block->rect.xmin;
/* changed direction? */
if ((dir1 & block->direction) == 0) {
/* and now we handle the exception; no space below or to top */
if (top == 0 && down == 0) {
if (dir1 == UI_DIR_LEFT || dir1 == UI_DIR_RIGHT) {
/* align with bottom of screen */
// yof = ysize; (not with menu scrolls)
#if 0 /* seems redundant and causes issues with blocks inside big regions */
/* or no space left or right */
if (left == 0 && right == 0) {
if (dir1 == UI_DIR_UP || dir1 == UI_DIR_DOWN) {
/* align with left size of screen */
xof = -block->rect.xmin + 5;
#if 0
/* clamp to window bounds, could be made into an option if its ever annoying */
if ( (offscreen = (block->rect.ymin + yof)) < 0) yof -= offscreen; /* bottom */
else if ((offscreen = (block->rect.ymax + yof) - winy) > 0) yof -= offscreen; /* top */
if ( (offscreen = (block->rect.xmin + xof)) < 0) xof -= offscreen; /* left */
else if ((offscreen = (block->rect.xmax + xof) - winx) > 0) xof -= offscreen; /* right */
/* apply offset, buttons in window coords */
for (bt = block->buttons.first; bt; bt = bt->next) {
ui_block_to_window_rctf(butregion, but->block, &bt->rect, &bt->rect);
BLI_rctf_translate(&bt->rect, xof, yof);
/* ui_but_update recalculates drawstring size in pixels */
BLI_rctf_translate(&block->rect, xof, yof);
/* safety calculus */
const float midx = BLI_rctf_cent_x(&butrct);
const float midy = BLI_rctf_cent_y(&butrct);
/* when you are outside parent button, safety there should be smaller */
/* parent button to left */
if (midx < block->rect.xmin) block->safety.xmin = block->rect.xmin - 3;
else block->safety.xmin = block->rect.xmin - 40;
/* parent button to right */
if (midx > block->rect.xmax) block->safety.xmax = block->rect.xmax + 3;
else block->safety.xmax = block->rect.xmax + 40;
/* parent button on bottom */
if (midy < block->rect.ymin) block->safety.ymin = block->rect.ymin - 3;
else block->safety.ymin = block->rect.ymin - 40;
/* parent button on top */
if (midy > block->rect.ymax) block->safety.ymax = block->rect.ymax + 3;
else block->safety.ymax = block->rect.ymax + 40;
/* exception for switched pulldowns... */
if (dir1 && (dir1 & block->direction) == 0) {
if (dir2 == UI_DIR_RIGHT) block->safety.xmax = block->rect.xmax + 3;
if (dir2 == UI_DIR_LEFT) block->safety.xmin = block->rect.xmin - 3;
block->direction = dir1;
/* keep a list of these, needed for pulldown menus */
saferct = MEM_callocN(sizeof(uiSafetyRct), "uiSafetyRct");
saferct->parent = butrct;
saferct->safety = block->safety;
BLI_duplicatelist(&block->saferct, &but->block->saferct);
BLI_addhead(&block->saferct, saferct);
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Menu Block Creation
* \{ */
static void ui_block_region_draw(const bContext *C, ARegion *ar)
uiBlock *block;
if (ar->do_draw & RGN_DRAW_REFRESH_UI) {
uiBlock *block_next;
ar->do_draw &= ~RGN_DRAW_REFRESH_UI;
for (block = ar->uiblocks.first; block; block = block_next) {
block_next = block->next;
if (block->handle->can_refresh) {
ui_popup_block_refresh((bContext *)C, block->handle, NULL, NULL);
for (block = ar->uiblocks.first; block; block = block->next)
UI_block_draw(C, block);
* Use to refresh centered popups on screen resizing (for splash).
static void ui_block_region_popup_window_listener(
bScreen *UNUSED(sc), ScrArea *UNUSED(sa), ARegion *ar, wmNotifier *wmn, const Scene *UNUSED(scene))
switch (wmn->category) {
switch (wmn->action) {
/* window resize */
static void ui_popup_block_clip(wmWindow *window, uiBlock *block)
uiBut *bt;
float xofs = 0.0f;
int width = UI_SCREEN_MARGIN;
int winx, winy;
if (block->flag & UI_BLOCK_NO_WIN_CLIP) {
winx = WM_window_pixels_x(window);
winy = WM_window_pixels_y(window);
/* shift menus to right if outside of view */
if (block->rect.xmin < width) {
xofs = (width - block->rect.xmin);
block->rect.xmin += xofs;
block->rect.xmax += xofs;
/* or shift to left if outside of view */
if (block->rect.xmax > winx - width) {
xofs = winx - width - block->rect.xmax;
block->rect.xmin += xofs;
block->rect.xmax += xofs;
if (block->rect.ymin < width)
block->rect.ymin = width;
if (block->rect.ymax > winy - UI_POPUP_MENU_TOP)
block->rect.ymax = winy - UI_POPUP_MENU_TOP;
/* ensure menu items draw inside left/right boundary */
for (bt = block->buttons.first; bt; bt = bt->next) {
bt->rect.xmin += xofs;
bt->rect.xmax += xofs;
void ui_popup_block_scrolltest(uiBlock *block)
uiBut *bt;
for (bt = block->buttons.first; bt; bt = bt->next)
bt->flag &= ~UI_SCROLLED;
if (block->buttons.first == block->buttons.last)
/* mark buttons that are outside boundary */
for (bt = block->buttons.first; bt; bt = bt->next) {
if (bt->rect.ymin < block->rect.ymin) {
bt->flag |= UI_SCROLLED;
block->flag |= UI_BLOCK_CLIPBOTTOM;
if (bt->rect.ymax > block->rect.ymax) {
bt->flag |= UI_SCROLLED;
block->flag |= UI_BLOCK_CLIPTOP;
/* mark buttons overlapping arrows, if we have them */
for (bt = block->buttons.first; bt; bt = bt->next) {
if (block->flag & UI_BLOCK_CLIPBOTTOM) {
if (bt->rect.ymin < block->rect.ymin + UI_MENU_SCROLL_ARROW)
bt->flag |= UI_SCROLLED;
if (block->flag & UI_BLOCK_CLIPTOP) {
if (bt->rect.ymax > block->rect.ymax - UI_MENU_SCROLL_ARROW)
bt->flag |= UI_SCROLLED;
static void ui_popup_block_remove(bContext *C, uiPopupBlockHandle *handle)
wmWindow *win = CTX_wm_window(C);
bScreen *sc = CTX_wm_screen(C);
ui_region_temp_remove(C, sc, handle->region);
/* reset to region cursor (only if there's not another menu open) */
if (BLI_listbase_is_empty(&sc->regionbase)) {
ED_region_cursor_set(win, CTX_wm_area(C), CTX_wm_region(C));
/* in case cursor needs to be changed again */
if (handle->scrolltimer)
WM_event_remove_timer(CTX_wm_manager(C), win, handle->scrolltimer);
* Called for creating new popups and refreshing existing ones.
uiBlock *ui_popup_block_refresh(
bContext *C, uiPopupBlockHandle *handle,
ARegion *butregion, uiBut *but)
BLI_assert(handle->can_refresh == true);
const int margin = UI_POPUP_MARGIN;
wmWindow *window = CTX_wm_window(C);
ARegion *ar = handle->region;
uiBlockCreateFunc create_func = handle->popup_create_vars.create_func;
uiBlockHandleCreateFunc handle_create_func = handle->popup_create_vars.handle_create_func;
void *arg = handle->popup_create_vars.arg;
uiBlock *block_old = ar->uiblocks.first;
uiBlock *block;
#ifdef DEBUG
wmEvent *event_back = window->eventstate;
/* create ui block */
if (create_func)
block = create_func(C, ar, arg);
block = handle_create_func(C, handle, arg);
/* callbacks _must_ leave this for us, otherwise we can't call UI_block_update_from_old */
/* ensure we don't use mouse coords here! */
#ifdef DEBUG
window->eventstate = NULL;
if (block->handle) {
memcpy(block->handle, handle, sizeof(uiPopupBlockHandle));
handle = block->handle;
block->handle = handle;
ar->regiondata = handle;
/* set UI_BLOCK_NUMSELECT before UI_block_end() so we get alphanumeric keys assigned */
if (but == NULL) {
block->flag |= UI_BLOCK_POPUP;
block->flag |= UI_BLOCK_LOOP;
/* defer this until blocks are translated (below) */
block->oldblock = NULL;
if (!block->endblock) {
UI_block_end_ex(C, block, handle->popup_create_vars.event_xy, handle->popup_create_vars.event_xy);
/* if this is being created from a button */
if (but) {
block->aspect = but->block->aspect;
ui_block_position(window, butregion, but, block);
handle->direction = block->direction;
else {
uiSafetyRct *saferct;
/* keep a list of these, needed for pulldown menus */
saferct = MEM_callocN(sizeof(uiSafetyRct), "uiSafetyRct");
saferct->safety = block->safety;
BLI_addhead(&block->saferct, saferct);
if (block->flag & UI_BLOCK_RADIAL) {
int win_width = UI_SCREEN_MARGIN;
int winx, winy;
int x_offset = 0, y_offset = 0;
winx = WM_window_pixels_x(window);
winy = WM_window_pixels_y(window);
copy_v2_v2(block->pie_data.pie_center_init, block->pie_data.pie_center_spawned);
/* only try translation if area is large enough */
if (BLI_rctf_size_x(&block->rect) < winx - (2.0f * win_width)) {
if (block->rect.xmin < win_width ) x_offset += win_width - block->rect.xmin;
if (block->rect.xmax > winx - win_width) x_offset += winx - win_width - block->rect.xmax;
if (BLI_rctf_size_y(&block->rect) < winy - (2.0f * win_width)) {
if (block->rect.ymin < win_width ) y_offset += win_width - block->rect.ymin;
if (block->rect.ymax > winy - win_width) y_offset += winy - win_width - block->rect.ymax;
/* if we are offsetting set up initial data for timeout functionality */
if ((x_offset != 0) || (y_offset != 0)) {
block->pie_data.pie_center_spawned[0] += x_offset;
block->pie_data.pie_center_spawned[1] += y_offset;
ui_block_translate(block, x_offset, y_offset);
if (U.pie_initial_timeout > 0)
block->pie_data.flags |= UI_PIE_INITIAL_DIRECTION;
ar->winrct.xmin = 0;
ar->winrct.xmax = winx;
ar->winrct.ymin = 0;
ar->winrct.ymax = winy;
ui_block_calc_pie_segment(block, block->pie_data.pie_center_init);
/* lastly set the buttons at the center of the pie menu, ready for animation */
if (U.pie_animation_timeout > 0) {
for (uiBut *but_iter = block->buttons.first; but_iter; but_iter = but_iter->next) {
if (but_iter->pie_dir != UI_RADIAL_NONE) {
BLI_rctf_recenter(&but_iter->rect, UNPACK2(block->pie_data.pie_center_spawned));
else {
/* clip block with window boundary */
ui_popup_block_clip(window, block);
/* the block and buttons were positioned in window space as in 2.4x, now
* these menu blocks are regions so we bring it back to region space.
* additionally we add some padding for the menu shadow or rounded menus */
ar->winrct.xmin = block->rect.xmin - margin;
ar->winrct.xmax = block->rect.xmax + margin;
ar->winrct.ymin = block->rect.ymin - margin;
ar->winrct.ymax = block->rect.ymax + UI_POPUP_MENU_TOP;
ui_block_translate(block, -ar->winrct.xmin, -ar->winrct.ymin);
if (block_old) {
block->oldblock = block_old;
UI_block_update_from_old(C, block);
UI_blocklist_free_inactive(C, &ar->uiblocks);
/* checks which buttons are visible, sets flags to prevent draw (do after region init) */
/* adds subwindow */
ED_region_init(C, ar);
/* get winmat now that we actually have the subwindow */
wmSubWindowSet(window, ar->swinid);
wm_subwindow_matrix_get(window, ar->swinid, block->winmat);
/* notify change and redraw */
ED_region_update_rect(C, ar);
#ifdef DEBUG
window->eventstate = event_back;
return block;
uiPopupBlockHandle *ui_popup_block_create(
bContext *C, ARegion *butregion, uiBut *but,
uiBlockCreateFunc create_func, uiBlockHandleCreateFunc handle_create_func,
void *arg)
wmWindow *window = CTX_wm_window(C);
uiBut *activebut = UI_context_active_but_get(C);
static ARegionType type;
ARegion *ar;
uiBlock *block;
uiPopupBlockHandle *handle;
/* disable tooltips from buttons below */
if (activebut) {
UI_but_tooltip_timer_remove(C, activebut);
/* standard cursor by default */
WM_cursor_set(window, CURSOR_STD);
/* create handle */
handle = MEM_callocN(sizeof(uiPopupBlockHandle), "uiPopupBlockHandle");
/* store context for operator */
handle->ctx_area = CTX_wm_area(C);
handle->ctx_region = CTX_wm_region(C);
/* store vars to refresh popup (RGN_DRAW_REFRESH_UI) */
handle->popup_create_vars.create_func = create_func;
handle->popup_create_vars.handle_create_func = handle_create_func;
handle->popup_create_vars.arg = arg;
handle->popup_create_vars.butregion = but ? butregion : NULL;
copy_v2_v2_int(handle->popup_create_vars.event_xy, &window->eventstate->x);
/* caller may free vars used to create this popup, in that case this variable should be disabled. */
handle->can_refresh = true;
/* create area region */
ar = ui_region_temp_add(CTX_wm_screen(C));
handle->region = ar;
memset(&type, 0, sizeof(ARegionType));
type.draw = ui_block_region_draw;
type.regionid = RGN_TYPE_TEMPORARY;
ar->type = &type;
block = ui_popup_block_refresh(C, handle, butregion, but);
handle = block->handle;
/* keep centered on window resizing */
if ((block->bounds_type == UI_BLOCK_BOUNDS_POPUP_CENTER) && handle->can_refresh) {
type.listener = ui_block_region_popup_window_listener;
return handle;
void ui_popup_block_free(bContext *C, uiPopupBlockHandle *handle)
ui_popup_block_remove(C, handle);
/** \} */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,803 @@
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2008 Blender Foundation.
* All rights reserved.
* Contributor(s): Blender Foundation
/** \file blender/editors/interface/interface_region_search.c
* \ingroup edinterface
* Search Box Region & Interaction
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
#include "DNA_userdef_types.h"
#include "BLI_math.h"
#include "BLI_string.h"
#include "BLI_rect.h"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
#include "BKE_context.h"
#include "BKE_screen.h"
#include "WM_api.h"
#include "WM_types.h"
#include "RNA_access.h"
#include "BIF_gl.h"
#include "UI_interface.h"
#include "UI_interface_icons.h"
#include "UI_view2d.h"
#include "BLT_translation.h"
#include "ED_screen.h"
#include "interface_intern.h"
#include "interface_regions_intern.h"
#define MENU_BORDER (int)(0.3f * U.widget_unit)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Search Box Creation
* \{ */
struct uiSearchItems {
int maxitem, totitem, maxstrlen;
int offset, offset_i; /* offset for inserting in array */
int more; /* flag indicating there are more items */
char **names;
void **pointers;
int *icons;
AutoComplete *autocpl;
void *active;
typedef struct uiSearchboxData {
rcti bbox;
uiFontStyle fstyle;
uiSearchItems items;
int active; /* index in items array */
bool noback; /* when menu opened with enough space for this */
bool preview; /* draw thumbnail previews, rather than list */
bool use_sep; /* use the UI_SEP_CHAR char for splitting shortcuts (good for operators, bad for data) */
int prv_rows, prv_cols;
} uiSearchboxData;
#define SEARCH_ITEMS 10
/* exported for use by search callbacks */
/* returns zero if nothing to add */
bool UI_search_item_add(uiSearchItems *items, const char *name, void *poin, int iconid)
/* hijack for autocomplete */
if (items->autocpl) {
UI_autocomplete_update_name(items->autocpl, name);
return true;
/* hijack for finding active item */
if (items->active) {
if (poin == items->active)
items->offset_i = items->totitem;
return true;
if (items->totitem >= items->maxitem) {
items->more = 1;
return false;
/* skip first items in list */
if (items->offset_i > 0) {
return true;
if (items->names)
BLI_strncpy(items->names[items->totitem], name, items->maxstrlen);
if (items->pointers)
items->pointers[items->totitem] = poin;
if (items->icons)
items->icons[items->totitem] = iconid;
return true;
int UI_searchbox_size_y(void)
int UI_searchbox_size_x(void)
return 12 * UI_UNIT_X;
int UI_search_items_find_index(uiSearchItems *items, const char *name)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < items->totitem; i++) {
if (STREQ(name, items->names[i])) {
return i;
return -1;
/* ar is the search box itself */
static void ui_searchbox_select(bContext *C, ARegion *ar, uiBut *but, int step)
uiSearchboxData *data = ar->regiondata;
/* apply step */
data->active += step;
if (data->items.totitem == 0) {
data->active = -1;
else if (data->active >= data->items.totitem) {
if (data->items.more) {
data->active = data->items.totitem - 1;
ui_searchbox_update(C, ar, but, false);
else {
data->active = data->items.totitem - 1;
else if (data->active < 0) {
if (data->items.offset) {
data->active = 0;
ui_searchbox_update(C, ar, but, false);
else {
/* only let users step into an 'unset' state for unlink buttons */
data->active = (but->flag & UI_BUT_VALUE_CLEAR) ? -1 : 0;
static void ui_searchbox_butrect(rcti *r_rect, uiSearchboxData *data, int itemnr)
/* thumbnail preview */
if (data->preview) {
int butw = (BLI_rcti_size_x(&data->bbox) - 2 * MENU_BORDER) / data->prv_cols;
int buth = (BLI_rcti_size_y(&data->bbox) - 2 * MENU_BORDER) / data->prv_rows;
int row, col;
*r_rect = data->bbox;
col = itemnr % data->prv_cols;
row = itemnr / data->prv_cols;
r_rect->xmin += MENU_BORDER + (col * butw);
r_rect->xmax = r_rect->xmin + butw;
r_rect->ymax -= MENU_BORDER + (row * buth);
r_rect->ymin = r_rect->ymax - buth;
/* list view */
else {
int buth = (BLI_rcti_size_y(&data->bbox) - 2 * UI_POPUP_MENU_TOP) / SEARCH_ITEMS;
*r_rect = data->bbox;
r_rect->xmin = data->bbox.xmin + 3.0f;
r_rect->xmax = data->bbox.xmax - 3.0f;
r_rect->ymax = data->bbox.ymax - UI_POPUP_MENU_TOP - itemnr * buth;
r_rect->ymin = r_rect->ymax - buth;
int ui_searchbox_find_index(ARegion *ar, const char *name)
uiSearchboxData *data = ar->regiondata;
return UI_search_items_find_index(&data->items, name);
/* x and y in screencoords */
bool ui_searchbox_inside(ARegion *ar, int x, int y)
uiSearchboxData *data = ar->regiondata;
return BLI_rcti_isect_pt(&data->bbox, x - ar->winrct.xmin, y - ar->winrct.ymin);
/* string validated to be of correct length (but->hardmax) */
bool ui_searchbox_apply(uiBut *but, ARegion *ar)
uiSearchboxData *data = ar->regiondata;
but->func_arg2 = NULL;
if (data->active != -1) {
const char *name = data->items.names[data->active];
const char *name_sep = data->use_sep ? strrchr(name, UI_SEP_CHAR) : NULL;
BLI_strncpy(but->editstr, name, name_sep ? (name_sep - name) : data->items.maxstrlen);
but->func_arg2 = data->items.pointers[data->active];
return true;
else if (but->flag & UI_BUT_VALUE_CLEAR) {
/* It is valid for _VALUE_CLEAR flavor to have no active element (it's a valid way to unlink). */
but->editstr[0] = '\0';
return true;
else {
return false;
void ui_searchbox_event(bContext *C, ARegion *ar, uiBut *but, const wmEvent *event)
uiSearchboxData *data = ar->regiondata;
int type = event->type, val = event->val;
if (type == MOUSEPAN)
ui_pan_to_scroll(event, &type, &val);
switch (type) {
ui_searchbox_select(C, ar, but, -1);
ui_searchbox_select(C, ar, but, 1);
if (BLI_rcti_isect_pt(&ar->winrct, event->x, event->y)) {
rcti rect;
int a;
for (a = 0; a < data->items.totitem; a++) {
ui_searchbox_butrect(&rect, data, a);
if (BLI_rcti_isect_pt(&rect, event->x - ar->winrct.xmin, event->y - ar->winrct.ymin)) {
if (data->active != a) {
data->active = a;
ui_searchbox_select(C, ar, but, 0);
/* ar is the search box itself */
void ui_searchbox_update(bContext *C, ARegion *ar, uiBut *but, const bool reset)
uiSearchboxData *data = ar->regiondata;
/* reset vars */
data->items.totitem = 0;
data->items.more = 0;
if (reset == false) {
data->items.offset_i = data->items.offset;
else {
data->items.offset_i = data->items.offset = 0;
data->active = -1;
/* handle active */
if (but->search_func && but->func_arg2) {
data-> = but->func_arg2;
but->search_func(C, but->search_arg, but->editstr, &data->items);
data-> = NULL;
/* found active item, calculate real offset by centering it */
if (data->items.totitem) {
/* first case, begin of list */
if (data->items.offset_i < data->items.maxitem) {
data->active = data->items.offset_i;
data->items.offset_i = 0;
else {
/* second case, end of list */
if (data->items.totitem - data->items.offset_i <= data->items.maxitem) {
data->active = data->items.offset_i - data->items.totitem + data->items.maxitem;
data->items.offset_i = data->items.totitem - data->items.maxitem;
else {
/* center active item */
data->items.offset_i -= data->items.maxitem / 2;
data->active = data->items.maxitem / 2;
data->items.offset = data->items.offset_i;
data->items.totitem = 0;
/* callback */
if (but->search_func)
but->search_func(C, but->search_arg, but->editstr, &data->items);
/* handle case where editstr is equal to one of items */
if (reset && data->active == -1) {
int a;
for (a = 0; a < data->items.totitem; a++) {
const char *name = data->items.names[a];
const char *name_sep = data->use_sep ? strrchr(name, UI_SEP_CHAR) : NULL;
if (STREQLEN(but->editstr, name, name_sep ? (name_sep - name) : data->items.maxstrlen)) {
data->active = a;
if (data->items.totitem == 1 && but->editstr[0])
data->active = 0;
/* validate selected item */
ui_searchbox_select(C, ar, but, 0);
int ui_searchbox_autocomplete(bContext *C, ARegion *ar, uiBut *but, char *str)
uiSearchboxData *data = ar->regiondata;
if (str[0]) {
data->items.autocpl = UI_autocomplete_begin(str, ui_but_string_get_max_length(but));
but->search_func(C, but->search_arg, but->editstr, &data->items);
match = UI_autocomplete_end(data->items.autocpl, str);
data->items.autocpl = NULL;
return match;
static void ui_searchbox_region_draw_cb(const bContext *C, ARegion *ar)
uiSearchboxData *data = ar->regiondata;
/* pixel space */
if (data->noback == false)
ui_draw_search_back(NULL, NULL, &data->bbox); /* style not used yet */
/* draw text */
if (data->items.totitem) {
rcti rect;
int a;
if (data->preview) {
/* draw items */
for (a = 0; a < data->items.totitem; a++) {
/* ensure icon is up-to-date */
ui_icon_ensure_deferred(C, data->items.icons[a], data->preview);
ui_searchbox_butrect(&rect, data, a);
/* widget itself */
ui_draw_preview_item(&data->fstyle, &rect, data->items.names[a], data->items.icons[a],
(a == data->active) ? UI_ACTIVE : 0);
/* indicate more */
if (data->items.more) {
ui_searchbox_butrect(&rect, data, data->items.maxitem - 1);
UI_icon_draw(rect.xmax - 18, rect.ymin - 7, ICON_TRIA_DOWN);
if (data->items.offset) {
ui_searchbox_butrect(&rect, data, 0);
UI_icon_draw(rect.xmin, rect.ymax - 9, ICON_TRIA_UP);
else {
/* draw items */
for (a = 0; a < data->items.totitem; a++) {
ui_searchbox_butrect(&rect, data, a);
/* widget itself */
ui_draw_menu_item(&data->fstyle, &rect, data->items.names[a], data->items.icons[a],
(a == data->active) ? UI_ACTIVE : 0, data->use_sep);
/* indicate more */
if (data->items.more) {
ui_searchbox_butrect(&rect, data, data->items.maxitem - 1);
UI_icon_draw((BLI_rcti_size_x(&rect)) / 2, rect.ymin - 9, ICON_TRIA_DOWN);
if (data->items.offset) {
ui_searchbox_butrect(&rect, data, 0);
UI_icon_draw((BLI_rcti_size_x(&rect)) / 2, rect.ymax - 7, ICON_TRIA_UP);
static void ui_searchbox_region_free_cb(ARegion *ar)
uiSearchboxData *data = ar->regiondata;
int a;
/* free search data */
for (a = 0; a < data->items.maxitem; a++) {
ar->regiondata = NULL;
ARegion *ui_searchbox_create_generic(bContext *C, ARegion *butregion, uiBut *but)
wmWindow *win = CTX_wm_window(C);
uiStyle *style = UI_style_get();
static ARegionType type;
ARegion *ar;
uiSearchboxData *data;
float aspect = but->block->aspect;
rctf rect_fl;
rcti rect_i;
const int margin = UI_POPUP_MARGIN;
int winx /*, winy */, ofsx, ofsy;
int i;
/* create area region */
ar = ui_region_temp_add(CTX_wm_screen(C));
memset(&type, 0, sizeof(ARegionType));
type.draw = ui_searchbox_region_draw_cb; = ui_searchbox_region_free_cb;
type.regionid = RGN_TYPE_TEMPORARY;
ar->type = &type;
/* create searchbox data */
data = MEM_callocN(sizeof(uiSearchboxData), "uiSearchboxData");
/* set font, get bb */
data->fstyle = style->widget; /* copy struct */
data->fstyle.align = UI_STYLE_TEXT_CENTER;
ui_fontscale(&data->fstyle.points, aspect);
ar->regiondata = data;
/* special case, hardcoded feature, not draw backdrop when called from menus,
* assume for design that popup already added it */
if (but->block->flag & UI_BLOCK_SEARCH_MENU)
data->noback = true;
if (but->a1 > 0 && but->a2 > 0) {
data->preview = true;
data->prv_rows = but->a1;
data->prv_cols = but->a2;
/* only show key shortcuts when needed (not rna buttons) [#36699] */
if (but->rnaprop == NULL) {
data->use_sep = true;
/* compute position */
if (but->block->flag & UI_BLOCK_SEARCH_MENU) {
const int search_but_h = BLI_rctf_size_y(&but->rect) + 10;
/* this case is search menu inside other menu */
/* we copy region size */
ar->winrct = butregion->winrct;
/* widget rect, in region coords */
data->bbox.xmin = margin;
data->bbox.xmax = BLI_rcti_size_x(&ar->winrct) - margin;
data->bbox.ymin = margin;
data->bbox.ymax = BLI_rcti_size_y(&ar->winrct) - margin;
/* check if button is lower half */
if (but->rect.ymax < BLI_rctf_cent_y(&but->block->rect)) {
data->bbox.ymin += search_but_h;
else {
data->bbox.ymax -= search_but_h;
else {
const int searchbox_width = UI_searchbox_size_x();
rect_fl.xmin = but->rect.xmin - 5; /* align text with button */
rect_fl.xmax = but->rect.xmax + 5; /* symmetrical */
rect_fl.ymax = but->rect.ymin;
rect_fl.ymin = rect_fl.ymax - UI_searchbox_size_y();
ofsx = (but->block->panel) ? but->block->panel->ofsx : 0;
ofsy = (but->block->panel) ? but->block->panel->ofsy : 0;
BLI_rctf_translate(&rect_fl, ofsx, ofsy);
/* minimal width */
if (BLI_rctf_size_x(&rect_fl) < searchbox_width) {
rect_fl.xmax = rect_fl.xmin + searchbox_width;
/* copy to int, gets projected if possible too */
BLI_rcti_rctf_copy(&rect_i, &rect_fl);
if (butregion->v2d.cur.xmin != butregion->v2d.cur.xmax) {
UI_view2d_view_to_region_rcti(&butregion->v2d, &rect_fl, &rect_i);
BLI_rcti_translate(&rect_i, butregion->winrct.xmin, butregion->winrct.ymin);
winx = WM_window_pixels_x(win);
// winy = WM_window_pixels_y(win); /* UNUSED */
//wm_window_get_size(win, &winx, &winy);
if (rect_i.xmax > winx) {
/* super size */
if (rect_i.xmax > winx + rect_i.xmin) {
rect_i.xmax = winx;
rect_i.xmin = 0;
else {
rect_i.xmin -= rect_i.xmax - winx;
rect_i.xmax = winx;
if (rect_i.ymin < 0) {
int newy1 = but->rect.ymax + ofsy;
if (butregion->v2d.cur.xmin != butregion->v2d.cur.xmax)
newy1 = UI_view2d_view_to_region_y(&butregion->v2d, newy1);
newy1 += butregion->winrct.ymin;
rect_i.ymax = BLI_rcti_size_y(&rect_i) + newy1;
rect_i.ymin = newy1;
/* widget rect, in region coords */
data->bbox.xmin = margin;
data->bbox.xmax = BLI_rcti_size_x(&rect_i) + margin;
data->bbox.ymin = margin;
data->bbox.ymax = BLI_rcti_size_y(&rect_i) + margin;
/* region bigger for shadow */
ar->winrct.xmin = rect_i.xmin - margin;
ar->winrct.xmax = rect_i.xmax + margin;
ar->winrct.ymin = rect_i.ymin - margin;
ar->winrct.ymax = rect_i.ymax;
/* adds subwindow */
ED_region_init(C, ar);
/* notify change and redraw */
/* prepare search data */
if (data->preview) {
data->items.maxitem = data->prv_rows * data->prv_cols;
else {
data->items.maxitem = SEARCH_ITEMS;
data->items.maxstrlen = but->hardmax;
data->items.totitem = 0;
data->items.names = MEM_callocN(data->items.maxitem * sizeof(void *), "search names");
data->items.pointers = MEM_callocN(data->items.maxitem * sizeof(void *), "search pointers");
data->items.icons = MEM_callocN(data->items.maxitem * sizeof(int), "search icons");
for (i = 0; i < data->items.maxitem; i++)
data->items.names[i] = MEM_callocN(but->hardmax + 1, "search pointers");
return ar;
* Similar to Python's `str.title` except...
* - we know words are upper case and ascii only.
* - '_' are replaces by spaces.
static void str_tolower_titlecaps_ascii(char *str, const size_t len)
size_t i;
bool prev_delim = true;
for (i = 0; (i < len) && str[i]; i++) {
if (str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'Z') {
if (prev_delim == false) {
str[i] += 'a' - 'A';
else if (str[i] == '_') {
str[i] = ' ';
prev_delim = ELEM(str[i], ' ') || (str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9');
static void ui_searchbox_region_draw_cb__operator(const bContext *UNUSED(C), ARegion *ar)
uiSearchboxData *data = ar->regiondata;
/* pixel space */
if (data->noback == false)
ui_draw_search_back(NULL, NULL, &data->bbox); /* style not used yet */
/* draw text */
if (data->items.totitem) {
rcti rect;
int a;
/* draw items */
for (a = 0; a < data->items.totitem; a++) {
rcti rect_pre, rect_post;
ui_searchbox_butrect(&rect, data, a);
rect_pre = rect;
rect_post = rect;
rect_pre.xmax = rect_post.xmin = rect.xmin + ((rect.xmax - rect.xmin) / 4);
/* widget itself */
/* NOTE: i18n messages extracting tool does the same, please keep it in sync. */
wmOperatorType *ot = data->items.pointers[a];
int state = (a == data->active) ? UI_ACTIVE : 0;
char text_pre[128];
char *text_pre_p = strstr(ot->idname, "_OT_");
if (text_pre_p == NULL) {
text_pre[0] = '\0';
else {
int text_pre_len;
text_pre_p += 1;
text_pre_len = BLI_strncpy_rlen(
text_pre, ot->idname, min_ii(sizeof(text_pre), text_pre_p - ot->idname));
text_pre[text_pre_len] = ':';
text_pre[text_pre_len + 1] = '\0';
str_tolower_titlecaps_ascii(text_pre, sizeof(text_pre));
rect_pre.xmax += 4; /* sneaky, avoid showing ugly margin */
ui_draw_menu_item(&data->fstyle, &rect_pre, CTX_IFACE_(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_OPERATOR_DEFAULT, text_pre),
data->items.icons[a], state, false);
ui_draw_menu_item(&data->fstyle, &rect_post, data->items.names[a], 0, state, data->use_sep);
/* indicate more */
if (data->items.more) {
ui_searchbox_butrect(&rect, data, data->items.maxitem - 1);
UI_icon_draw((BLI_rcti_size_x(&rect)) / 2, rect.ymin - 9, ICON_TRIA_DOWN);
if (data->items.offset) {
ui_searchbox_butrect(&rect, data, 0);
UI_icon_draw((BLI_rcti_size_x(&rect)) / 2, rect.ymax - 7, ICON_TRIA_UP);
ARegion *ui_searchbox_create_operator(bContext *C, ARegion *butregion, uiBut *but)
ARegion *ar;
ar = ui_searchbox_create_generic(C, butregion, but);
ar->type->draw = ui_searchbox_region_draw_cb__operator;
return ar;
void ui_searchbox_free(bContext *C, ARegion *ar)
ui_region_temp_remove(C, CTX_wm_screen(C), ar);
/* sets red alert if button holds a string it can't find */
/* XXX weak: search_func adds all partial matches... */
void ui_but_search_refresh(uiBut *but)
uiSearchItems *items;
int x1;
/* possibly very large lists (such as ID datablocks) only
* only validate string RNA buts (not pointers) */
if (but->rnaprop && RNA_property_type(but->rnaprop) != PROP_STRING) {
items = MEM_callocN(sizeof(uiSearchItems), "search items");
/* setup search struct */
items->maxitem = 10;
items->maxstrlen = 256;
items->names = MEM_callocN(items->maxitem * sizeof(void *), "search names");
for (x1 = 0; x1 < items->maxitem; x1++)
items->names[x1] = MEM_callocN(but->hardmax + 1, "search names");
but->search_func(but->block->evil_C, but->search_arg, but->drawstr, items);
/* only redalert when we are sure of it, this can miss cases when >10 matches */
if (items->totitem == 0) {
UI_but_flag_enable(but, UI_BUT_REDALERT);
else if (items->more == 0) {
if (UI_search_items_find_index(items, but->drawstr) == -1) {
UI_but_flag_enable(but, UI_BUT_REDALERT);
for (x1 = 0; x1 < items->maxitem; x1++) {
/** \} */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2008 Blender Foundation.
* All rights reserved.
* Contributor(s): Blender Foundation
/** \file blender/editors/interface/interface_region_tooltip.c
* \ingroup edinterface
* ToolTip Region and Construction
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
#include "DNA_userdef_types.h"
#include "BLI_math.h"
#include "BLI_string.h"
#include "BLI_string_utf8.h"
#include "BLI_rect.h"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
#include "BKE_context.h"
#include "BKE_screen.h"
#include "WM_api.h"
#include "WM_types.h"
#include "RNA_access.h"
#include "BIF_gl.h"
#include "UI_interface.h"
#include "BLF_api.h"
#include "BLT_translation.h"
#include "ED_screen.h"
#include "interface_intern.h"
#include "interface_regions_intern.h"
#define UI_TIP_PAD_FAC 1.3f
#define UI_TIP_MAXWIDTH 600
typedef struct uiTooltipData {
rcti bbox;
uiFontStyle fstyle;
char lines[MAX_TOOLTIP_LINES][2048];
char header[2048], active_info[2048];
struct {
enum {
} style : 3;
enum {
UI_TIP_LC_MAIN = 0, /* primary text */
UI_TIP_LC_VALUE, /* the value of buttons (also shortcuts) */
UI_TIP_LC_ACTIVE, /* titles of active enum values */
UI_TIP_LC_NORMAL, /* regular text */
UI_TIP_LC_PYTHON, /* Python snippet */
UI_TIP_LC_ALERT, /* description of why operator can't run */
} color_id : 4;
int is_pad : 1;
struct {
uint x_pos; /* x cursor position at the end of the last line */
uint lines; /* number of lines, 1 or more with word-wrap */
} line_geom[MAX_TOOLTIP_LINES];
int wrap_width;
int totline;
int toth, lineh;
} uiTooltipData;
#define UI_TIP_LC_MAX 6
BLI_STATIC_ASSERT(UI_TIP_LC_MAX == UI_TIP_LC_ALERT + 1, "invalid lc-max");
BLI_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(((uiTooltipData *)NULL)->format[0]) <= sizeof(int), "oversize");
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name ToolTip Callbacks (Draw & Free)
* \{ */
static void rgb_tint(
float col[3],
float h, float h_strength,
float v, float v_strength)
float col_hsv_from[3];
float col_hsv_to[3];
rgb_to_hsv_v(col, col_hsv_from);
col_hsv_to[0] = h;
col_hsv_to[1] = h_strength;
col_hsv_to[2] = (col_hsv_from[2] * (1.0f - v_strength)) + (v * v_strength);
hsv_to_rgb_v(col_hsv_to, col);
static void ui_tooltip_region_draw_cb(const bContext *UNUSED(C), ARegion *ar)
const float pad_px = UI_TIP_PADDING;
uiTooltipData *data = ar->regiondata;
uiWidgetColors *theme = ui_tooltip_get_theme();
rcti bbox = data->bbox;
float tip_colors[UI_TIP_LC_MAX][3];
unsigned char drawcol[4] = {0, 0, 0, 255}; /* to store color in while drawing (alpha is always 255) */
float *main_color = tip_colors[UI_TIP_LC_MAIN]; /* the color from the theme */
float *value_color = tip_colors[UI_TIP_LC_VALUE];
float *active_color = tip_colors[UI_TIP_LC_ACTIVE];
float *normal_color = tip_colors[UI_TIP_LC_NORMAL];
float *python_color = tip_colors[UI_TIP_LC_PYTHON];
float *alert_color = tip_colors[UI_TIP_LC_ALERT];
float background_color[3];
float tone_bg;
int i, multisample_enabled;
/* disable AA, makes widgets too blurry */
multisample_enabled = glIsEnabled(GL_MULTISAMPLE);
if (multisample_enabled)
/* draw background */
ui_draw_tooltip_background(UI_style_get(), NULL, &bbox);
/* set background_color */
rgb_uchar_to_float(background_color, (const unsigned char *)theme->inner);
/* calculate normal_color */
rgb_uchar_to_float(main_color, (const unsigned char *)theme->text);
copy_v3_v3(active_color, main_color);
copy_v3_v3(normal_color, main_color);
copy_v3_v3(python_color, main_color);
copy_v3_v3(alert_color, main_color);
copy_v3_v3(value_color, main_color);
/* find the brightness difference between background and text colors */
tone_bg = rgb_to_grayscale(background_color);
/* tone_fg = rgb_to_grayscale(main_color); */
/* mix the colors */
rgb_tint(value_color, 0.0f, 0.0f, tone_bg, 0.2f); /* light gray */
rgb_tint(active_color, 0.6f, 0.2f, tone_bg, 0.2f); /* light blue */
rgb_tint(normal_color, 0.0f, 0.0f, tone_bg, 0.4f); /* gray */
rgb_tint(python_color, 0.0f, 0.0f, tone_bg, 0.5f); /* dark gray */
rgb_tint(alert_color, 0.0f, 0.8f, tone_bg, 0.1f); /* red */
/* draw text */
BLF_wordwrap(data->fstyle.uifont_id, data->wrap_width);
BLF_wordwrap(blf_mono_font, data->wrap_width);
bbox.xmin += 0.5f * pad_px; /* add padding to the text */
bbox.ymax -= 0.25f * pad_px;
for (i = 0; i < data->totline; i++) {
bbox.ymin = bbox.ymax - (data->lineh * data->line_geom[i].lines);
if (data->format[i].style == UI_TIP_STYLE_HEADER) {
/* draw header and active data (is done here to be able to change color) */
uiFontStyle fstyle_header = data->fstyle;
float xofs, yofs;
/* override text-style */
fstyle_header.shadow = 1;
fstyle_header.shadowcolor = rgb_to_grayscale(tip_colors[UI_TIP_LC_MAIN]);
fstyle_header.shadx = fstyle_header.shady = 0;
fstyle_header.shadowalpha = 1.0f;
fstyle_header.word_wrap = true;
rgb_float_to_uchar(drawcol, tip_colors[UI_TIP_LC_MAIN]);
UI_fontstyle_draw(&fstyle_header, &bbox, data->header, drawcol);
/* offset to the end of the last line */
xofs = data->line_geom[i].x_pos;
yofs = data->lineh * (data->line_geom[i].lines - 1);
bbox.xmin += xofs;
bbox.ymax -= yofs;
fstyle_header.shadow = 0;
rgb_float_to_uchar(drawcol, tip_colors[UI_TIP_LC_ACTIVE]);
UI_fontstyle_draw(&fstyle_header, &bbox, data->active_info, drawcol);
/* undo offset */
bbox.xmin -= xofs;
bbox.ymax += yofs;
else if (data->format[i].style == UI_TIP_STYLE_MONO) {
uiFontStyle fstyle_mono = data->fstyle;
fstyle_mono.uifont_id = blf_mono_font;
fstyle_mono.word_wrap = true;
/* XXX, needed because we dont have mono in 'U.uifonts' */
BLF_size(fstyle_mono.uifont_id, fstyle_mono.points * U.pixelsize, U.dpi);
rgb_float_to_uchar(drawcol, tip_colors[data->format[i].color_id]);
UI_fontstyle_draw(&fstyle_mono, &bbox, data->lines[i], drawcol);
else {
uiFontStyle fstyle_normal = data->fstyle;
BLI_assert(data->format[i].style == UI_TIP_STYLE_NORMAL);
fstyle_normal.word_wrap = true;
/* draw remaining data */
rgb_float_to_uchar(drawcol, tip_colors[data->format[i].color_id]);
UI_fontstyle_draw(&fstyle_normal, &bbox, data->lines[i], drawcol);
bbox.ymax -= data->lineh * data->line_geom[i].lines;
if ((i + 1 != data->totline) && data->format[i + 1].is_pad) {
bbox.ymax -= data->lineh * (UI_TIP_PAD_FAC - 1);
BLF_disable(data->fstyle.uifont_id, BLF_WORD_WRAP);
BLF_disable(blf_mono_font, BLF_WORD_WRAP);
if (multisample_enabled)
static void ui_tooltip_region_free_cb(ARegion *ar)
uiTooltipData *data;
data = ar->regiondata;
ar->regiondata = NULL;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name ToolTip Creation
* \{ */
static uiTooltipData *ui_tooltip_data_from_button(bContext *C, uiBut *but)
uiStringInfo but_tip = {BUT_GET_TIP, NULL};
uiStringInfo enum_label = {BUT_GET_RNAENUM_LABEL, NULL};
uiStringInfo enum_tip = {BUT_GET_RNAENUM_TIP, NULL};
uiStringInfo op_keymap = {BUT_GET_OP_KEYMAP, NULL};
uiStringInfo prop_keymap = {BUT_GET_PROP_KEYMAP, NULL};
uiStringInfo rna_struct = {BUT_GET_RNASTRUCT_IDENTIFIER, NULL};
uiStringInfo rna_prop = {BUT_GET_RNAPROP_IDENTIFIER, NULL};
char buf[512];
/* create tooltip data */
uiTooltipData *data = MEM_callocN(sizeof(uiTooltipData), "uiTooltipData");
UI_but_string_info_get(C, but, &but_tip, &enum_label, &enum_tip, &op_keymap, &prop_keymap, &rna_struct, &rna_prop, NULL);
/* Tip */
if (but_tip.strinfo) {
if (enum_label.strinfo) {
BLI_snprintf(data->header, sizeof(data->header), "%s: ", but_tip.strinfo);
BLI_strncpy(data->active_info, enum_label.strinfo, sizeof(data->lines[0]));
else {
BLI_snprintf(data->header, sizeof(data->header), "%s.", but_tip.strinfo);
data->format[data->totline].style = UI_TIP_STYLE_HEADER;
/* special case enum rna buttons */
if ((but->type & UI_BTYPE_ROW) && but->rnaprop && RNA_property_flag(but->rnaprop) & PROP_ENUM_FLAG) {
BLI_strncpy(data->lines[data->totline], IFACE_("(Shift-Click/Drag to select multiple)"),
data->format[data->totline].color_id = UI_TIP_LC_NORMAL;
/* Enum item label & tip */
if (enum_tip.strinfo) {
BLI_strncpy(data->lines[data->totline], enum_tip.strinfo, sizeof(data->lines[0]));
data->format[data->totline].is_pad = true;
data->format[data->totline].color_id = UI_TIP_LC_VALUE;
/* Op shortcut */
if (op_keymap.strinfo) {
BLI_snprintf(data->lines[data->totline], sizeof(data->lines[0]), TIP_("Shortcut: %s"), op_keymap.strinfo);
data->format[data->totline].is_pad = true;
data->format[data->totline].color_id = UI_TIP_LC_VALUE;
/* Property context-toggle shortcut */
if (prop_keymap.strinfo) {
BLI_snprintf(data->lines[data->totline], sizeof(data->lines[0]), TIP_("Shortcut: %s"), prop_keymap.strinfo);
data->format[data->totline].is_pad = true;
data->format[data->totline].color_id = UI_TIP_LC_VALUE;
/* better not show the value of a password */
if ((but->rnaprop && (RNA_property_subtype(but->rnaprop) == PROP_PASSWORD)) == 0) {
/* full string */
ui_but_string_get(but, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (buf[0]) {
BLI_snprintf(data->lines[data->totline], sizeof(data->lines[0]), TIP_("Value: %s"), buf);
data->format[data->totline].is_pad = true;
data->format[data->totline].color_id = UI_TIP_LC_VALUE;
if (but->rnaprop) {
int unit_type = UI_but_unit_type_get(but);
if (unit_type == PROP_UNIT_ROTATION) {
if (RNA_property_type(but->rnaprop) == PROP_FLOAT) {
float value = RNA_property_array_check(but->rnaprop) ?
RNA_property_float_get_index(&but->rnapoin, but->rnaprop, but->rnaindex) :
RNA_property_float_get(&but->rnapoin, but->rnaprop);
BLI_snprintf(data->lines[data->totline], sizeof(data->lines[0]), TIP_("Radians: %f"), value);
data->format[data->totline].color_id = UI_TIP_LC_NORMAL;
if (but->flag & UI_BUT_DRIVEN) {
if (ui_but_anim_expression_get(but, buf, sizeof(buf))) {
/* expression */
BLI_snprintf(data->lines[data->totline], sizeof(data->lines[0]), TIP_("Expression: %s"), buf);
data->format[data->totline].color_id = UI_TIP_LC_NORMAL;
if (but-> {
ID *id = but->;
BLI_snprintf(data->lines[data->totline], sizeof(data->lines[0]), TIP_("Library: %s"), id->lib->name);
data->format[data->totline].color_id = UI_TIP_LC_NORMAL;
else if (but->optype) {
PointerRNA *opptr;
char *str;
opptr = UI_but_operator_ptr_get(but); /* allocated when needed, the button owns it */
/* so the context is passed to itemf functions (some py itemf functions use it) */
WM_operator_properties_sanitize(opptr, false);
str = WM_operator_pystring_ex(C, NULL, false, false, but->optype, opptr);
/* avoid overly verbose tips (eg, arrays of 20 layers), exact limit is arbitrary */
WM_operator_pystring_abbreviate(str, 32);
/* operator info */
if ((U.flag & USER_TOOLTIPS_PYTHON) == 0) {
BLI_snprintf(data->lines[data->totline], sizeof(data->lines[0]), TIP_("Python: %s"), str);
data->format[data->totline].style = UI_TIP_STYLE_MONO;
data->format[data->totline].is_pad = true;
data->format[data->totline].color_id = UI_TIP_LC_PYTHON;
/* button is disabled, we may be able to tell user why */
if (but->flag & UI_BUT_DISABLED) {
const char *disabled_msg = NULL;
/* if operator poll check failed, it can give pretty precise info why */
if (but->optype) {
CTX_wm_operator_poll_msg_set(C, NULL);
WM_operator_poll_context(C, but->optype, but->opcontext);
disabled_msg = CTX_wm_operator_poll_msg_get(C);
/* alternatively, buttons can store some reasoning too */
else if (but->disabled_info) {
disabled_msg = TIP_(but->disabled_info);
if (disabled_msg && disabled_msg[0]) {
BLI_snprintf(data->lines[data->totline], sizeof(data->lines[0]), TIP_("Disabled: %s"), disabled_msg);
data->format[data->totline].color_id = UI_TIP_LC_ALERT;
if ((U.flag & USER_TOOLTIPS_PYTHON) == 0 && !but->optype && rna_struct.strinfo) {
if (rna_prop.strinfo) {
/* Struct and prop */
BLI_snprintf(data->lines[data->totline], sizeof(data->lines[0]),
TIP_("Python: %s.%s"),
rna_struct.strinfo, rna_prop.strinfo);
else {
/* Only struct (e.g. menus) */
BLI_snprintf(data->lines[data->totline], sizeof(data->lines[0]),
TIP_("Python: %s"), rna_struct.strinfo);
data->format[data->totline].style = UI_TIP_STYLE_MONO;
data->format[data->totline].is_pad = true;
data->format[data->totline].color_id = UI_TIP_LC_PYTHON;
if (but-> {
/* this could get its own 'BUT_GET_...' type */
/* never fails */
char *id_path;
if (but->rnaprop) {
id_path = RNA_path_full_property_py_ex(&but->rnapoin, but->rnaprop, but->rnaindex, true);
else {
id_path = RNA_path_full_struct_py(&but->rnapoin);
BLI_strncat_utf8(data->lines[data->totline], id_path, sizeof(data->lines[0]));
data->format[data->totline].style = UI_TIP_STYLE_MONO;
data->format[data->totline].color_id = UI_TIP_LC_PYTHON;
/* Free strinfo's... */
if (but_tip.strinfo)
if (enum_label.strinfo)
if (enum_tip.strinfo)
if (op_keymap.strinfo)
if (prop_keymap.strinfo)
if (rna_struct.strinfo)
if (rna_prop.strinfo)
BLI_assert(data->totline < MAX_TOOLTIP_LINES);
if (data->totline == 0) {
return NULL;
else {
return data;
/** \} */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name ToolTip Public API
* \{ */
ARegion *ui_tooltip_create(bContext *C, ARegion *butregion, uiBut *but)
const float pad_px = UI_TIP_PADDING;
wmWindow *win = CTX_wm_window(C);
const int winx = WM_window_pixels_x(win);
uiStyle *style = UI_style_get();
static ARegionType type;
ARegion *ar;
/* IDProperty *prop;*/
/* aspect values that shrink text are likely unreadable */
const float aspect = min_ff(1.0f, but->block->aspect);
int fonth, fontw;
int ofsx, ofsy, h, i;
rctf rect_fl;
rcti rect_i;
int font_flag = 0;
if (but->drawflag & UI_BUT_NO_TOOLTIP) {
return NULL;
uiTooltipData *data = ui_tooltip_data_from_button(C, but);
if (data == NULL) {
return NULL;
/* create area region */
ar = ui_region_temp_add(CTX_wm_screen(C));
memset(&type, 0, sizeof(ARegionType));
type.draw = ui_tooltip_region_draw_cb; = ui_tooltip_region_free_cb;
type.regionid = RGN_TYPE_TEMPORARY;
ar->type = &type;
/* set font, get bb */
data->fstyle = style->widget; /* copy struct */
ui_fontscale(&data->fstyle.points, aspect);
data->wrap_width = min_ii(UI_TIP_MAXWIDTH * U.pixelsize / aspect, winx - (UI_TIP_PADDING * 2));
font_flag |= BLF_WORD_WRAP;
if (data->fstyle.kerning == 1) {
BLF_enable(data->fstyle.uifont_id, font_flag);
BLF_enable(blf_mono_font, font_flag);
BLF_wordwrap(data->fstyle.uifont_id, data->wrap_width);
BLF_wordwrap(blf_mono_font, data->wrap_width);
/* these defines tweaked depending on font */
#define TIP_BORDER_X (16.0f / aspect)
#define TIP_BORDER_Y (6.0f / aspect)
h = BLF_height_max(data->fstyle.uifont_id);
for (i = 0, fontw = 0, fonth = 0; i < data->totline; i++) {
struct ResultBLF info;
int w, x_pos = 0;
if (data->format[i].style == UI_TIP_STYLE_HEADER) {
w = BLF_width_ex(data->fstyle.uifont_id, data->header, sizeof(data->header), &info);
/* check for enum label */
if (data->active_info[0]) {
x_pos = info.width;
w = max_ii(w, x_pos + BLF_width(data->fstyle.uifont_id, data->active_info, sizeof(data->active_info)));
else if (data->format[i].style == UI_TIP_STYLE_MONO) {
BLF_size(blf_mono_font, data->fstyle.points * U.pixelsize, U.dpi);
w = BLF_width_ex(blf_mono_font, data->lines[i], sizeof(data->lines[i]), &info);
else {
BLI_assert(data->format[i].style == UI_TIP_STYLE_NORMAL);
w = BLF_width_ex(data->fstyle.uifont_id, data->lines[i], sizeof(data->lines[i]), &info);
fontw = max_ii(fontw, w);
fonth += h * info.lines;
if ((i + 1 != data->totline) && data->format[i + 1].is_pad) {
fonth += h * (UI_TIP_PAD_FAC - 1);
data->line_geom[i].lines = info.lines;
data->line_geom[i].x_pos = x_pos;
//fontw *= aspect;
BLF_disable(data->fstyle.uifont_id, font_flag);
BLF_disable(blf_mono_font, font_flag);
ar->regiondata = data;
data->toth = fonth;
data->lineh = h;
/* compute position */
ofsx = 0; //(but->block->panel) ? but->block->panel->ofsx : 0;
ofsy = 0; //(but->block->panel) ? but->block->panel->ofsy : 0;
rect_fl.xmin = BLI_rctf_cent_x(&but->rect) + ofsx - TIP_BORDER_X;
rect_fl.xmax = rect_fl.xmin + fontw + pad_px;
rect_fl.ymax = but->rect.ymin + ofsy - TIP_BORDER_Y;
rect_fl.ymin = rect_fl.ymax - fonth - TIP_BORDER_Y;
/* since the text has beens caled already, the size of tooltips is defined now */
/* here we try to figure out the right location */
if (butregion) {
float mx, my;
float ofsx_fl = rect_fl.xmin, ofsy_fl = rect_fl.ymax;
ui_block_to_window_fl(butregion, but->block, &ofsx_fl, &ofsy_fl);
#if 1
/* use X mouse location */
mx = (win->eventstate->x + (TIP_BORDER_X * 2)) - BLI_rctf_cent_x(&but->rect);
mx = ofsx_fl - rect_fl.xmin;
my = ofsy_fl - rect_fl.ymax;
BLI_rctf_translate(&rect_fl, mx, my);
BLI_rcti_rctf_copy(&rect_i, &rect_fl);
/* clip with window boundaries */
if (rect_i.xmax > winx) {
/* super size */
if (rect_i.xmax > winx + rect_i.xmin) {
rect_i.xmax = winx;
rect_i.xmin = 0;
else {
rect_i.xmin -= rect_i.xmax - winx;
rect_i.xmax = winx;
/* ensure at least 5 px above screen bounds
* 25 is just a guess to be above the menu item */
if (rect_i.ymin < 5) {
rect_i.ymax += (-rect_i.ymin) + 30;
rect_i.ymin = 30;
/* add padding */
BLI_rcti_size_x(&rect_i) + pad_px,
BLI_rcti_size_y(&rect_i) + pad_px);
/* widget rect, in region coords */
const int margin = UI_POPUP_MARGIN;
data->bbox.xmin = margin;
data->bbox.xmax = BLI_rcti_size_x(&rect_i) - margin;
data->bbox.ymin = margin;
data->bbox.ymax = BLI_rcti_size_y(&rect_i);
/* region bigger for shadow */
ar->winrct.xmin = rect_i.xmin - margin;
ar->winrct.xmax = rect_i.xmax + margin;
ar->winrct.ymin = rect_i.ymin - margin;
ar->winrct.ymax = rect_i.ymax + margin;
/* adds subwindow */
ED_region_init(C, ar);
/* notify change and redraw */
return ar;
void ui_tooltip_free(bContext *C, ARegion *ar)
ui_region_temp_remove(C, CTX_wm_screen(C), ar);
/** \} */

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

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* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
/** \file blender/editors/interface/interface_regions_intern.h
* \ingroup edinterface
* Share between interface_region_*.c files.
#define MENU_PADDING (int)(0.2f * UI_UNIT_Y)
/* interface_region_menu_popup.c */
unsigned int ui_popup_menu_hash(const char *str);
/* interface_regions_intern.h */
ARegion *ui_region_temp_add(bScreen *sc);
void ui_region_temp_remove(struct bContext *C, bScreen *sc, ARegion *ar);