RNA defaults test

Alternative to T32894, simple test which creates new data and compares with RNA defaults.

Can be used to keep the values in sync without having to maintain a large set of defines.
This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2015-05-01 01:03:55 +10:00
parent 078e589263
commit 3a9726783f
Notes: blender-bot 2023-06-07 10:31:13 +02:00
Referenced by issue #32894, RNA Default Values as Defines
1 changed files with 117 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
# Apache License, Version 2.0
# ./blender.bin --background -noaudio --factory-startup --python tests/python/bl_rna_defaults.py
import bpy
DUMMY_NAME = "Untitled"
DUMMY_PATH = __file__
"error_num": 0,
def validate_defaults(test_id, o):
def warning(prop_id, val_real, val_default):
print("Error %s: '%s.%s' is:%r, expected:%r" %
(test_id, o.__class__.__name__, prop_id, val_real, val_default))
GLOBALS["error_num"] += 1
properties = type(o).bl_rna.properties.items()
for prop_id, prop in properties:
if prop_id == "rna_type":
prop_type = prop.type
if prop_type in {'STRING', 'COLLECTION'}:
if prop_type == 'POINTER':
# traverse down pointers if they're set
val_real = getattr(o, prop_id)
if (val_real is not None) and (not isinstance(val_real, bpy.types.ID)):
validate_defaults("%s.%s" % (test_id, prop_id), val_real)
elif prop_type in {'INT', 'BOOL'}:
array_length = prop.array_length
if array_length == 0:
val_real = getattr(o, prop_id)
val_default = prop.default
if val_real != val_default:
warning(prop_id, val_real, val_default)
pass # TODO, array defaults
elif prop_type == 'FLOAT':
array_length = prop.array_length
if array_length == 0:
val_real = getattr(o, prop_id)
val_default = prop.default
if val_real != val_default:
warning(prop_id, val_real, val_default)
pass # TODO, array defaults
elif prop_type == 'ENUM':
val_real = getattr(o, prop_id)
if prop.is_enum_flag:
val_default = prop.default_flag
val_default = prop.default
if val_real != val_default:
warning(prop_id, val_real, val_default)
# print(prop_id, prop_type)
def _test_id_gen(data_attr, args_create=(DUMMY_NAME,), create_method="new"):
def test_gen(test_id):
id_collection = getattr(bpy.data, data_attr)
create_fn = getattr(id_collection, create_method)
o = create_fn(*args_create)
validate_defaults(test_id, o)
return test_gen
test_Action = _test_id_gen("actions")
test_Armature = _test_id_gen("armatures")
test_Camera = _test_id_gen("cameras")
test_Group = _test_id_gen("groups")
test_Lattice = _test_id_gen("lattices")
test_LineStyle = _test_id_gen("linestyles")
test_Mask = _test_id_gen("masks")
test_Material = _test_id_gen("materials")
test_Mesh = _test_id_gen("meshes")
test_MetaBall = _test_id_gen("metaballs")
test_MovieClip = _test_id_gen("movieclips", args_create=(DUMMY_PATH,), create_method="load")
test_Object = _test_id_gen("objects", args_create=(DUMMY_NAME, None))
test_Palette = _test_id_gen("palettes")
test_Particle = _test_id_gen("particles")
test_Scene = _test_id_gen("scenes")
test_Sound = _test_id_gen("sounds", args_create=(DUMMY_PATH,), create_method="load")
test_Speaker = _test_id_gen("speakers")
test_Text = _test_id_gen("texts")
test_VectorFont = _test_id_gen("fonts", args_create=("<builtin>",), create_method="load")
test_World = _test_id_gen("worlds")
ns = globals()
for t in bpy.data.curves.bl_rna.functions["new"].parameters["type"].enum_items.keys():
ns["test_Curve_%s" % t] = _test_id_gen("curves", args_create=(DUMMY_NAME, t))
for t in bpy.data.lamps.bl_rna.functions["new"].parameters["type"].enum_items.keys():
ns["test_Lamp_%s" % t] = _test_id_gen("lamps", args_create=(DUMMY_NAME, t))
# types are a dynamic enum, have to hard-code.
for t in "ShaderNodeTree", "CompositorNodeTree", "TextureNodeTree":
ns["test_NodeGroup_%s" % t] = _test_id_gen("node_groups", args_create=(DUMMY_NAME, t))
for t in bpy.data.textures.bl_rna.functions["new"].parameters["type"].enum_items.keys():
ns["test_Texture_%s" % t] = _test_id_gen("textures", args_create=(DUMMY_NAME, t))
del ns
def main():
for fn_id, fn_val in sorted(globals().items()):
if fn_id.startswith("test_") and callable(fn_val):
print("Error (total): %d" % GLOBALS["error_num"])
if __name__ == "__main__":