Fix T96048: Crash on appending with driver variables loop in shapekeys.

The usual 'shape keys snowflake' nightmare again...
This commit is contained in:
Bastien Montagne 2022-02-28 15:02:17 +01:00
parent 6bbf63f251
commit 413e87b6b7
Notes: blender-bot 2023-11-20 12:14:32 +01:00
Referenced by issue #96048, Crash on appending with driver variables loop
1 changed files with 7 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -941,8 +941,13 @@ static int foreach_libblock_link_append_callback(LibraryIDLinkCallbackData *cb_d
* processed, so we need to recursively deal with them here. */
/* NOTE: Since we are by-passing checks in `BKE_library_foreach_ID_link` by manually calling it
* recursively, we need to take care of potential recursion cases ourselves (e.g.animdata of
* shape-key referencing the shape-key itself). */
if (id != cb_data->id_self) {
* shape-key referencing the shape-key itself).
* NOTE: in case both IDs (owner and 'used' ones) are non-linkable, we can assume we can break
* the dependency here. Indeed, either they are both linked in another way (through their own
* meshes for shape keys e.g.), or this is an unsupported case (two shapekeys depending on
* each-other need to be also 'linked' in by their respective meshes, independant shapekeys are
* not allowed). ref T96048. */
if (id != cb_data->id_self && BKE_idtype_idcode_is_linkable(GS(cb_data->id_self->name))) {
cb_data->bmain, id, foreach_libblock_link_append_callback, data, IDWALK_NOP);