== filebrowser ==

Cleanup of selection code.
Also fixed bug where selection outside the tiles was clamped and file in last column was selected.
This commit is contained in:
Andrea Weikert 2011-03-14 19:56:13 +00:00
parent d789484dc7
commit 41c27cd6ef
6 changed files with 183 additions and 102 deletions

View File

@ -75,6 +75,13 @@ typedef struct FileLayout
float column_widths[MAX_FILE_COLUMN];
} FileLayout;
typedef struct FileSelection {
int first;
int last;
} FileSelection;
struct rcti;
struct FileSelectParams* ED_fileselect_get_params(struct SpaceFile *sfile);
short ED_fileselect_set_params(struct SpaceFile *sfile);
@ -88,7 +95,8 @@ void ED_fileselect_init_layout(struct SpaceFile *sfile, struct ARegion *ar);
FileLayout* ED_fileselect_get_layout(struct SpaceFile *sfile, struct ARegion *ar);
int ED_fileselect_layout_numfiles(FileLayout* layout, struct ARegion *ar);
int ED_fileselect_layout_offset(FileLayout* layout, int clamp_bounds, int x, int y);
int ED_fileselect_layout_offset(FileLayout* layout, int x, int y);
FileSelection ED_fileselect_layout_offset_rect(FileLayout* layout, const struct rcti* rect);
void ED_fileselect_layout_tilepos(FileLayout* layout, int tile, int *x, int *y);

View File

@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ void file_draw_list(const bContext *C, ARegion *ar)
draw_dividers(layout, v2d);
offset = ED_fileselect_layout_offset(layout, 0, ar->v2d.cur.xmin, -ar->v2d.cur.ymax);
offset = ED_fileselect_layout_offset(layout, ar->v2d.cur.xmin, -ar->v2d.cur.ymax);
if (offset<0) offset=0;
numfiles_layout = ED_fileselect_layout_numfiles(layout, ar);

View File

@ -71,85 +71,84 @@
#define INACTIVATE 2
/* ---------- FILE SELECTION ------------ */
static int find_file_mouse(SpaceFile *sfile, struct ARegion* ar, int clamp_bounds, int x, int y)
static FileSelection find_file_mouse_rect(SpaceFile *sfile, struct ARegion* ar, const rcti* rect)
float fx,fy;
int active_file = -1;
View2D* v2d = &ar->v2d;
UI_view2d_region_to_view(v2d, x, y, &fx, &fy);
active_file = ED_fileselect_layout_offset(sfile->layout, clamp_bounds, v2d->tot.xmin + fx, v2d->tot.ymax - fy);
FileSelection sel;
float fxmin,fymin,fxmax, fymax;
return active_file;
View2D* v2d = &ar->v2d;
rcti rect_view;
UI_view2d_region_to_view(v2d, rect->xmin, rect->ymin, &fxmin, &fymin);
UI_view2d_region_to_view(v2d, rect->xmax, rect->ymax, &fxmax, &fymax);
BLI_init_rcti(&rect_view, v2d->tot.xmin + fxmin, v2d->tot.xmin + fxmax, v2d->tot.ymax - fymin, v2d->tot.ymax - fymax);
sel = ED_fileselect_layout_offset_rect(sfile->layout, &rect_view);
return sel;
static void file_deselect_all(SpaceFile* sfile)
static void file_deselect_all(SpaceFile* sfile, unsigned int flag)
int numfiles = filelist_numfiles(sfile->files);
int i;
for ( i=0; i < numfiles; ++i) {
struct direntry* file = filelist_file(sfile->files, i);
if (file && (file->flags & ACTIVEFILE)) {
file->flags &= ~ACTIVEFILE;
if (file && (file->flags & flag)) {
file->flags &= ~flag;
typedef enum FileSelect { FILE_SELECT_DIR = 1,
FILE_SELECT_FILE = 2 } FileSelect;
typedef enum FileSelect {
} FileSelect;
static void clamp_to_filelist(int numfiles, int *first_file, int *last_file)
static void clamp_to_filelist(int numfiles, FileSelection* sel)
/* border select before the first file */
if ( (*first_file < 0) && (*last_file >=0 ) ) {
*first_file = 0;
if ( (sel->first < 0) && (sel->last >=0 ) ) {
sel->first = 0;
/* don't select if everything is outside filelist */
if ( (*first_file >= numfiles) && ((*last_file < 0) || (*last_file >= numfiles)) ) {
*first_file = -1;
*last_file = -1;
if ( (sel->first >= numfiles) && ((sel->last < 0) || (sel->last >= numfiles)) ) {
sel->first = -1;
sel->last = -1;
/* fix if last file invalid */
if ( (*first_file > 0) && (*last_file < 0) )
*last_file = numfiles-1;
if ( (sel->first > 0) && (sel->last < 0) )
sel->last = numfiles-1;
/* clamp */
if ( (*first_file >= numfiles) ) {
*first_file = numfiles-1;
if ( (sel->first >= numfiles) ) {
sel->first = numfiles-1;
if ( (*last_file >= numfiles) ) {
*last_file = numfiles-1;
if ( (sel->last >= numfiles) ) {
sel->last = numfiles-1;
static FileSelect file_select(bContext* C, const rcti* rect, short selecting, short toggle_one, short fill)
static FileSelection file_selection_get(bContext* C, const rcti* rect, short fill)
ARegion *ar= CTX_wm_region(C);
SpaceFile *sfile= CTX_wm_space_file(C);
int first_file = -1;
int last_file = -1;
int act_file;
FileSelect retval = FILE_SELECT_FILE;
FileSelectParams *params = ED_fileselect_get_params(sfile);
// FileLayout *layout = ED_fileselect_get_layout(sfile, ar);
int numfiles = filelist_numfiles(sfile->files);
params->selstate = NOTACTIVEFILE;
first_file = find_file_mouse(sfile, ar, 1, rect->xmin, rect->ymax);
last_file = find_file_mouse(sfile, ar, 1, rect->xmax, rect->ymin);
clamp_to_filelist(numfiles, &first_file, &last_file);
FileSelection sel;
if (fill && (last_file >= 0) && (last_file < numfiles) ) {
int f= last_file;
sel = find_file_mouse_rect(sfile, ar, rect);
if ( !((sel.first == -1) && (sel.last == -1)) ) {
clamp_to_filelist(numfiles, &sel);
/* if desired, fill the selection up from the last selected file to the current one */
if (fill && (sel.last >= 0) && (sel.last < numfiles) ) {
int f= sel.last;
while (f >= 0) {
struct direntry* file = filelist_file(sfile->files, f);
if (file->flags & ACTIVEFILE)
@ -157,35 +156,23 @@ static FileSelect file_select(bContext* C, const rcti* rect, short selecting, sh
if (f >= 0) {
first_file = f+1;
sel.first = f+1;
return sel;
/* select all valid files between first and last indicated */
if ( (first_file >= 0) && (first_file < numfiles) && (last_file >= 0) && (last_file < numfiles) ) {
for (act_file = first_file; act_file <= last_file; act_file++) {
struct direntry* file = filelist_file(sfile->files, act_file);
if (toggle_one) {
if (file->flags & ACTIVEFILE) {
file->flags &= ~ACTIVEFILE;
} else
file->flags |= ACTIVEFILE;
} else if (selecting)
file->flags |= ACTIVEFILE;
file->flags &= ~ACTIVEFILE;
static FileSelect file_select_do(bContext* C, short select, int selected_idx)
FileSelect retval = FILE_SELECT_NOTHING;
SpaceFile *sfile= CTX_wm_space_file(C);
FileSelectParams *params = ED_fileselect_get_params(sfile);
int numfiles = filelist_numfiles(sfile->files);
/* Don't act on multiple selected files */
if (first_file != last_file) selecting= 0;
/* make the last file active */
if (selecting && (last_file >= 0 && last_file < numfiles)) {
struct direntry* file = filelist_file(sfile->files, last_file);
params->active_file = last_file;
/* make the selected file active */
if (select && (selected_idx >= 0) && (selected_idx < numfiles)) {
struct direntry* file = filelist_file(sfile->files, selected_idx);
params->active_file = selected_idx;
if(file && S_ISDIR(file->type)) {
/* the path is too long and we are not going up! */
@ -211,9 +198,26 @@ static FileSelect file_select(bContext* C, const rcti* rect, short selecting, sh
if (file->relname) {
BLI_strncpy(params->file, file->relname, FILE_MAXFILE);
return retval;
static FileSelect file_select(bContext* C, const rcti* rect, short select, short fill)
SpaceFile *sfile= CTX_wm_space_file(C);
FileSelect retval = FILE_SELECT_NOTHING;
FileSelection sel= file_selection_get(C, rect, fill); /* get the selection */
/* flag the files as selected in the filelist */
filelist_select(sfile->files, &sel, select, ACTIVEFILE);
/* Don't act on multiple selected files */
if (sel.first != sel.last) select = 0;
retval = file_select_do(C, select, sel.last);
/* update operator for name change event */
file_draw_check_cb(C, NULL, NULL);
@ -222,24 +226,24 @@ static FileSelect file_select(bContext* C, const rcti* rect, short selecting, sh
static int file_border_select_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
ARegion *ar= CTX_wm_region(C);
short selecting;
rcti rect;
selecting= (RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "gesture_mode")==GESTURE_MODAL_SELECT);
FileSelect ret;
short select= (RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "gesture_mode")==GESTURE_MODAL_SELECT);
rect.xmin= RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "xmin");
rect.ymin= RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "ymin");
rect.xmax= RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "xmax");
rect.ymax= RNA_int_get(op->ptr, "ymax");
BLI_isect_rcti(&(ar->v2d.mask), &rect, &rect);
if (FILE_SELECT_DIR == file_select(C, &rect, selecting, 0, 0)) {
ret = file_select(C, &rect, select, 0);
if (FILE_SELECT_DIR == ret) {
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SPACE|ND_SPACE_FILE_LIST, NULL);
} else {
} else if (FILE_SELECT_FILE == ret) {
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SPACE|ND_SPACE_FILE_PARAMS, NULL);
@ -280,9 +284,9 @@ static int file_select_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, wmEvent *event)
/* single select, deselect all selected first */
if (!extend) file_deselect_all(sfile);
if (!extend) file_deselect_all(sfile, ACTIVEFILE);
if (FILE_SELECT_DIR == file_select(C, &rect, 1, extend, fill ))
if (FILE_SELECT_DIR == file_select(C, &rect, 1, fill))
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SPACE|ND_SPACE_FILE_LIST, NULL);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_SPACE|ND_SPACE_FILE_PARAMS, NULL);
@ -348,10 +352,11 @@ void FILE_OT_select_all_toggle(wmOperatorType *ot)
/* api callbacks */
ot->exec= file_select_all_exec;
ot->poll= ED_operator_file_active;
/* rna */
ot->poll= ED_operator_file_active;
/* ---------- BOOKMARKS ----------- */
@ -457,9 +462,10 @@ void FILE_OT_delete_bookmark(wmOperatorType *ot)
int file_hilight_set(SpaceFile *sfile, ARegion *ar, int mx, int my)
View2D* v2d = &ar->v2d;
FileSelectParams* params;
int numfiles, actfile, origfile;
int numfiles, origfile;
if(sfile==NULL || sfile->files==NULL) return 0;
numfiles = filelist_numfiles(sfile->files);
@ -471,10 +477,15 @@ int file_hilight_set(SpaceFile *sfile, ARegion *ar, int mx, int my)
my -= ar->winrct.ymin;
if(BLI_in_rcti(&ar->v2d.mask, mx, my)) {
actfile = find_file_mouse(sfile, ar, 0, mx , my);
float fx, fy;
int active_file;
if((actfile >= 0) && (actfile < numfiles))
UI_view2d_region_to_view(v2d, mx, my, &fx, &fy);
active_file = ED_fileselect_layout_offset(sfile->layout, v2d->tot.xmin + fx, v2d->tot.ymax - fy);
if((active_file >= 0) && (active_file < numfiles))
params->active_file= -1;
@ -822,9 +833,9 @@ static int file_smoothscroll_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op), wmEvent
ScrArea *sa = CTX_wm_area(C);
SpaceFile *sfile= CTX_wm_space_file(C);
ARegion *ar, *oldar= CTX_wm_region(C);
int numfiles, offset;
int offset;
int numfiles, numfiles_layout;
int edit_idx = 0;
int numfiles_layout;
int i;
/* escape if not our timer */
@ -858,7 +869,7 @@ static int file_smoothscroll_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *UNUSED(op), wmEvent
offset = ED_fileselect_layout_offset(sfile->layout, 0, ar->v2d.cur.xmin, -ar->v2d.cur.ymax);
offset = ED_fileselect_layout_offset(sfile->layout, ar->v2d.cur.xmin, -ar->v2d.cur.ymax);
if (offset<0) offset=0;
/* scroll offset is the first file in the row/column we are editing in */

View File

@ -926,6 +926,23 @@ void filelist_swapselect(struct FileList* filelist)
void filelist_select(struct FileList* filelist, FileSelection* sel, short select, unsigned int flag)
/* select all valid files between first and last indicated */
if ( (sel->first >= 0) && (sel->first < filelist->numfiltered) && (sel->last >= 0) && (sel->last < filelist->numfiltered) ) {
int current_file;
for (current_file = sel->first; current_file <= sel->last; current_file++) {
struct direntry* file = filelist_file(filelist, current_file);
if (select)
file->flags |= flag;
file->flags &= ~flag;
void filelist_sort(struct FileList* filelist, short sort)
switch(sort) {

View File

@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ struct Scene;
struct Main;
struct rcti;
struct ReportList;
struct FileSelection;
struct FileList * filelist_new(short type);
void filelist_init_icons(void);
@ -61,6 +63,7 @@ int filelist_numfiles(struct FileList* filelist);
const char * filelist_dir(struct FileList* filelist);
void filelist_setdir(struct FileList* filelist, const char *dir);
struct direntry * filelist_file(struct FileList* filelist, int index);
void filelist_select(struct FileList* filelist, FileSelection* sel, short select, unsigned int flag);
void filelist_hidedot(struct FileList* filelist, short hide);
void filelist_setfilter(struct FileList* filelist, unsigned int filter);
void filelist_setfilter_types(struct FileList* filelist, const char *filter_glob);

View File

@ -257,24 +257,66 @@ int ED_fileselect_layout_numfiles(FileLayout* layout, struct ARegion *ar)
int ED_fileselect_layout_offset(FileLayout* layout, int clamp_bounds, int x, int y)
static int is_inside(x,y, cols,rows)
return ( (x >= 0) && (x<cols) && (y>=0) && (y<rows) );
FileSelection ED_fileselect_layout_offset_rect(FileLayout* layout, const rcti* rect)
int colmin, colmax, rowmin, rowmax;
FileSelection sel;
sel.first = sel.last = -1;
if (layout == NULL)
return sel;
colmin = (rect->xmin)/(layout->tile_w + 2*layout->tile_border_x);
rowmin = (rect->ymin)/(layout->tile_h + 2*layout->tile_border_y);
colmax = (rect->xmax)/(layout->tile_w + 2*layout->tile_border_x);
rowmax = (rect->ymax)/(layout->tile_h + 2*layout->tile_border_y);
if ( is_inside(colmin, rowmin, layout->columns, layout->rows) ||
is_inside(colmax, rowmax, layout->columns, layout->rows) ) {
CLAMP(colmin, 0, layout->columns-1);
CLAMP(rowmin, 0, layout->rows-1);
CLAMP(colmax, 0, layout->columns-1);
CLAMP(rowmax, 0, layout->rows-1);
if ( (colmin > layout->columns-1) || (rowmin > layout->rows-1) ) {
sel.first = -1;
} else {
if (layout->flag & FILE_LAYOUT_HOR)
sel.first = layout->rows*colmin + rowmin;
sel.first = colmin + layout->columns*rowmin;
if ( (colmax > layout->columns-1) || (rowmax > layout->rows-1) ) {
sel.last = -1;
} else {
if (layout->flag & FILE_LAYOUT_HOR)
sel.last = layout->rows*colmax + rowmax;
sel.last = colmax + layout->columns*rowmax;
return sel;
int ED_fileselect_layout_offset(FileLayout* layout, int x, int y)
int offsetx, offsety;
int active_file;
if (layout == NULL)
return 0;
return -1;
offsetx = (x)/(layout->tile_w + 2*layout->tile_border_x);
offsety = (y)/(layout->tile_h + 2*layout->tile_border_y);
if (clamp_bounds) {
CLAMP(offsetx, 0, layout->columns-1);
CLAMP(offsety, 0, layout->rows-1);
} else {
if (offsetx > layout->columns-1) return -1 ;
if (offsety > layout->rows-1) return -1 ;
if (offsetx > layout->columns-1) return -1 ;
if (offsety > layout->rows-1) return -1 ;
if (layout->flag & FILE_LAYOUT_HOR)
active_file = layout->rows*offsetx + offsety;