OpenGL: draw grid floor & axes with new immediate mode

Significant rewrite with some improvements.

Maintain visual hierarchy of the grid:
- emphasized lines draw atop normal lines
- axes draw atop all lines (same as before)

Draw axes only once, not twice.

Return early if nothing to draw.

Single draw call for the default case (grid floor with X and Y axes).

Z axis needs a second draw call because it uses 3D coordinates.

Part of T49043
This commit is contained in:
Mike Erwin 2016-08-26 01:12:44 -04:00
parent 060bf1bd28
commit 42bbfe7f0a
1 changed files with 138 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -543,89 +543,164 @@ float ED_view3d_grid_scale(Scene *scene, View3D *v3d, const char **grid_unit)
static void drawfloor(Scene *scene, View3D *v3d, const char **grid_unit, bool write_depth)
float grid, grid_scale;
unsigned char col_grid[3];
const int gridlines = v3d->gridlines / 2;
/* draw only if there is something to draw */
if (v3d->gridflag & (V3D_SHOW_FLOOR | V3D_SHOW_X | V3D_SHOW_Y | V3D_SHOW_Z)) {
/* draw how many lines?
* trunc(v3d->gridlines / 2) * 4
* + 2 for xy axes (possibly with special colors)
* + 1 for z axis (the only line not in xy plane)
* even v3d->gridlines are honored, odd rounded down */
const int gridlines = v3d->gridlines / 2;
const float grid_scale = ED_view3d_grid_scale(scene, v3d, grid_unit);
const float grid = gridlines * grid_scale;
if (v3d->gridlines < 3) return;
/* use 'grid_scale' instead of 'v3d->grid' from now on */
grid_scale = ED_view3d_grid_scale(scene, v3d, grid_unit);
grid = gridlines * grid_scale;
const bool show_floor = (v3d->gridflag & V3D_SHOW_FLOOR) && gridlines >= 1;
if (!write_depth)
bool show_axis_x = v3d->gridflag & V3D_SHOW_X;
bool show_axis_y = v3d->gridflag & V3D_SHOW_Y;
bool show_axis_z = v3d->gridflag & V3D_SHOW_Z;
UI_GetThemeColor3ubv(TH_GRID, col_grid);
unsigned char col_grid[3], col_axis[3];
/* draw the Y axis and/or grid lines */
if (v3d->gridflag & V3D_SHOW_FLOOR) {
const int sublines = v3d->gridsubdiv;
float vert[4][3] = {{0.0f}};
unsigned char col_bg[3];
unsigned char col_grid_emphasise[3], col_grid_light[3];
int a;
int prev_emphasise = -1;
UI_GetThemeColor3ubv(TH_GRID, col_grid);
UI_GetThemeColor3ubv(TH_BACK, col_bg);
if (!write_depth)
/* emphasise division lines lighter instead of darker, if background is darker than grid */
UI_GetColorPtrShade3ubv(col_grid, col_grid_light, 10);
UI_GetColorPtrShade3ubv(col_grid, col_grid_emphasise,
(((col_grid[0] + col_grid[1] + col_grid[2]) + 30) >
(col_bg[0] + col_bg[1] + col_bg[2])) ? 20 : -10);
if (show_floor) {
const unsigned vertex_ct = 2 * (gridlines * 4 + 2);
const int sublines = v3d->gridsubdiv;
/* set fixed axis */
vert[0][0] = vert[2][1] = grid;
vert[1][0] = vert[3][1] = -grid;
unsigned char col_bg[3], col_grid_emphasise[3], col_grid_light[3];
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, vert);
VertexFormat* format = immVertexFormat();
unsigned pos = add_attrib(format, "pos", GL_FLOAT, 2, KEEP_FLOAT);
unsigned color = add_attrib(format, "color", GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 3, NORMALIZE_INT_TO_FLOAT);
for (a = -gridlines; a <= gridlines; a++) {
const float line = a * grid_scale;
const int is_emphasise = (a % sublines) == 0;
if (is_emphasise != prev_emphasise) {
glColor3ubv(is_emphasise ? col_grid_emphasise : col_grid_light);
prev_emphasise = is_emphasise;
glDepthFunc(GL_ALWAYS); /* draw lines in order given */
immBegin(GL_LINES, vertex_ct);
/* draw normal grid lines */
UI_GetColorPtrShade3ubv(col_grid, col_grid_light, 10);
immAttrib3ubv(color, col_grid_light);
for (int a = 1; a <= gridlines; a++) {
/* skip emphasised divider lines */
if (a % sublines != 0) {
const float line = a * grid_scale;
immVertex2f(pos, -grid, -line);
immVertex2f(pos, +grid, -line);
immVertex2f(pos, -grid, +line);
immVertex2f(pos, +grid, +line);
immVertex2f(pos, -line, -grid);
immVertex2f(pos, -line, +grid);
immVertex2f(pos, +line, -grid);
immVertex2f(pos, +line, +grid);
/* set variable axis */
vert[0][1] = vert[1][1] = vert[2][0] = vert[3][0] = line;
/* draw emphasised grid lines */
UI_GetThemeColor3ubv(TH_BACK, col_bg);
/* emphasise division lines lighter instead of darker, if background is darker than grid */
UI_GetColorPtrShade3ubv(col_grid, col_grid_emphasise,
(col_grid[0] + col_grid[1] + col_grid[2] + 30 >
col_bg[0] + col_bg[1] + col_bg[2]) ? 20 : -10);
glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, 4);
if (sublines <= gridlines) {
immAttrib3ubv(color, col_grid_emphasise);
/* draw the Z axis line */
/* check for the 'show Z axis' preference */
if (v3d->gridflag & (V3D_SHOW_X | V3D_SHOW_Y | V3D_SHOW_Z)) {
int axis;
for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
if (v3d->gridflag & (V3D_SHOW_X << axis)) {
float vert[3];
unsigned char tcol[3];
for (int a = sublines; a <= gridlines; a += sublines) {
const float line = a * grid_scale;
UI_make_axis_color(col_grid, tcol, 'X' + axis);
immVertex2f(pos, -grid, -line);
immVertex2f(pos, +grid, -line);
immVertex2f(pos, -grid, +line);
immVertex2f(pos, +grid, +line);
vert[axis] = grid;
vert[axis] = -grid;
immVertex2f(pos, -line, -grid);
immVertex2f(pos, -line, +grid);
immVertex2f(pos, +line, -grid);
immVertex2f(pos, +line, +grid);
/* draw X axis */
if (show_axis_x) {
show_axis_x = false; /* drawing now, won't need to draw later */
UI_make_axis_color(col_grid, col_axis, 'X');
immAttrib3ubv(color, col_axis);
immAttrib3ubv(color, col_grid_emphasise);
immVertex2f(pos, -grid, 0.0f);
immVertex2f(pos, +grid, 0.0f);
/* draw Y axis */
if (show_axis_y) {
show_axis_y = false; /* drawing now, won't need to draw later */
UI_make_axis_color(col_grid, col_axis, 'Y');
immAttrib3ubv(color, col_axis);
immAttrib3ubv(color, col_grid_emphasise);
immVertex2f(pos, 0.0f, -grid);
immVertex2f(pos, 0.0f, +grid);
/* done with XY plane */
glDepthFunc(GL_LESS); /* restore default */
if (show_axis_x || show_axis_y || show_axis_z) {
/* draw axis lines -- sometimes grid floor is off, other times we still need to draw the Z axis */
VertexFormat* format = immVertexFormat();
unsigned pos = add_attrib(format, "pos", GL_FLOAT, 3, KEEP_FLOAT);
unsigned color = add_attrib(format, "color", GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 3, NORMALIZE_INT_TO_FLOAT);
immBegin(GL_LINES, (show_axis_x + show_axis_y + show_axis_z) * 2);
if (show_axis_x) {
UI_make_axis_color(col_grid, col_axis, 'X');
immAttrib3ubv(color, col_axis);
immVertex3f(pos, -grid, 0.0f, 0.0f);
immVertex3f(pos, +grid, 0.0f, 0.0f);
if (show_axis_y) {
UI_make_axis_color(col_grid, col_axis, 'Y');
immAttrib3ubv(color, col_axis);
immVertex3f(pos, 0.0f, -grid, 0.0f);
immVertex3f(pos, 0.0f, +grid, 0.0f);
if (show_axis_z) {
UI_make_axis_color(col_grid, col_axis, 'Z');
immAttrib3ubv(color, col_axis);
immVertex3f(pos, 0.0f, 0.0f, -grid);
immVertex3f(pos, 0.0f, 0.0f, +grid);
if (!write_depth)
static void drawcursor(Scene *scene, ARegion *ar, View3D *v3d)