Cleanup: move image saving code to blenkernel.

This commit is contained in:
Brecht Van Lommel 2019-04-15 00:24:00 +02:00
parent c2f75c7008
commit 54f420ec46
4 changed files with 529 additions and 431 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
#ifndef __BKE_IMAGE_SAVE_H__
#define __BKE_IMAGE_SAVE_H__
#include "DNA_scene_types.h"
/** \file
* \ingroup bke
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
struct Image;
struct Main;
struct RenderResult;
struct ReportList;
struct Scene;
typedef struct ImageSaveOptions {
/* Context within which image is saved. */
struct Main *bmain;
struct Scene *scene;
/* Format and absolute file path. */
struct ImageFormatData im_format;
char filepath[1024]; /* 1024 = FILE_MAX */
/* Options. */
bool relative;
bool save_copy;
bool save_as_render;
bool do_newpath;
} ImageSaveOptions;
void BKE_image_save_options_init(struct ImageSaveOptions *opts,
struct Main *bmain,
struct Scene *scene);
bool BKE_image_save(struct ReportList *reports,
struct Main *bmain,
struct Image *ima,
struct ImageUser *iuser,
struct ImageSaveOptions *opts);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __BKE_IMAGE_SAVE_H__ */

View File

@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ set(SRC
@ -274,6 +275,7 @@ set(SRC

View File

@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by NaN Holding BV.
* All rights reserved.
* Contributor(s): Blender Foundation, 2019
/** \file blender/blenkernel/intern/image_save.c
* \ingroup bke
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "BLI_listbase.h"
#include "BLI_path_util.h"
#include "BLI_string.h"
#include "DNA_image_types.h"
#include "IMB_colormanagement.h"
#include "IMB_imbuf.h"
#include "IMB_imbuf_types.h"
#include "BKE_colortools.h"
#include "BKE_image.h"
#include "BKE_image_save.h"
#include "BKE_main.h"
#include "BKE_report.h"
#include "BKE_scene.h"
#include "RE_pipeline.h"
void BKE_image_save_options_init(ImageSaveOptions *opts, Main *bmain, Scene *scene)
memset(opts, 0, sizeof(*opts));
opts->bmain = bmain;
opts->scene = scene;
static void image_save_post(ReportList *reports,
Main *bmain,
Image *ima,
ImBuf *ibuf,
int ok,
ImageSaveOptions *opts,
int save_copy,
const char *filepath)
if (!ok) {
BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Could not write image: %s", strerror(errno));
if (save_copy) {
if (opts->do_newpath) {
BLI_strncpy(ibuf->name, filepath, sizeof(ibuf->name));
BLI_strncpy(ima->name, filepath, sizeof(ima->name));
ibuf->userflags &= ~IB_BITMAPDIRTY;
/* change type? */
if (ima->type == IMA_TYPE_R_RESULT) {
ima->type = IMA_TYPE_IMAGE;
/* workaround to ensure the render result buffer is no longer used
* by this image, otherwise can crash when a new render result is
* created. */
if (ibuf->rect && !(ibuf->mall & IB_rect)) {
if (ibuf->rect_float && !(ibuf->mall & IB_rectfloat)) {
if (ibuf->zbuf && !(ibuf->mall & IB_zbuf)) {
if (ibuf->zbuf_float && !(ibuf->mall & IB_zbuffloat)) {
ima->source = IMA_SRC_FILE;
ima->type = IMA_TYPE_IMAGE;
/* only image path, never ibuf */
if (opts->relative) {
const char *relbase = ID_BLEND_PATH(opts->bmain, &ima->id);
BLI_path_rel(ima->name, relbase); /* only after saving */
ColorManagedColorspaceSettings old_colorspace_settings;
BKE_color_managed_colorspace_settings_copy(&old_colorspace_settings, &ima->colorspace_settings);
IMB_colormanagement_colorspace_from_ibuf_ftype(&ima->colorspace_settings, ibuf);
if (!BKE_color_managed_colorspace_settings_equals(&old_colorspace_settings,
&ima->colorspace_settings)) {
BKE_image_signal(bmain, ima, NULL, IMA_SIGNAL_COLORMANAGE);
static void imbuf_save_post(ImBuf *ibuf, ImBuf *colormanaged_ibuf)
if (colormanaged_ibuf != ibuf) {
/* This guys might be modified by image buffer write functions,
* need to copy them back from color managed image buffer to an
* original one, so file type of image is being properly updated.
ibuf->ftype = colormanaged_ibuf->ftype;
ibuf->foptions = colormanaged_ibuf->foptions;
ibuf->planes = colormanaged_ibuf->planes;
* \return success.
* \note ``ima->name`` and ``ibuf->name`` should end up the same.
* \note for multiview the first ``ibuf`` is important to get the settings.
bool BKE_image_save(
ReportList *reports, Main *bmain, Image *ima, ImageUser *iuser, ImageSaveOptions *opts)
void *lock;
ImBuf *ibuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, iuser, &lock);
RenderResult *rr = NULL;
bool ok = false;
if (ibuf == NULL || (ibuf->rect == NULL && ibuf->rect_float == NULL)) {
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
goto cleanup;
ImBuf *colormanaged_ibuf = NULL;
const bool save_copy = opts->save_copy;
const bool save_as_render = opts->save_as_render;
ImageFormatData *imf = &opts->im_format;
if (ima->type == IMA_TYPE_R_RESULT) {
/* enforce user setting for RGB or RGBA, but skip BW */
if (opts->im_format.planes == R_IMF_PLANES_RGBA) {
ibuf->planes = R_IMF_PLANES_RGBA;
else if (opts->im_format.planes == R_IMF_PLANES_RGB) {
ibuf->planes = R_IMF_PLANES_RGB;
else {
/* TODO, better solution, if a 24bit image is painted onto it may contain alpha */
if ((opts->im_format.planes == R_IMF_PLANES_RGBA) &&
/* it has been painted onto */
(ibuf->userflags & IB_BITMAPDIRTY)) {
/* checks each pixel, not ideal */
ibuf->planes = BKE_imbuf_alpha_test(ibuf) ? R_IMF_PLANES_RGBA : R_IMF_PLANES_RGB;
/* we need renderresult for exr and rendered multiview */
rr = BKE_image_acquire_renderresult(opts->scene, ima);
bool is_mono = rr ? BLI_listbase_count_at_most(&rr->views, 2) < 2 :
BLI_listbase_count_at_most(&ima->views, 2) < 2;
bool is_exr_rr = rr && ELEM(imf->imtype, R_IMF_IMTYPE_OPENEXR, R_IMF_IMTYPE_MULTILAYER) &&
bool is_multilayer = is_exr_rr && (imf->imtype == R_IMF_IMTYPE_MULTILAYER);
int layer = (iuser && !is_multilayer) ? iuser->layer : -1;
/* error handling */
if (!rr) {
if (imf->imtype == R_IMF_IMTYPE_MULTILAYER) {
BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Did not write, no Multilayer Image");
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
goto cleanup;
else {
if (imf->views_format == R_IMF_VIEWS_STEREO_3D) {
if (!BKE_image_is_stereo(ima)) {
"Did not write, the image doesn't have a \"%s\" and \"%s\" views",
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
goto cleanup;
/* it shouldn't ever happen*/
if ((BLI_findstring(&rr->views, STEREO_LEFT_NAME, offsetof(RenderView, name)) == NULL) ||
(BLI_findstring(&rr->views, STEREO_RIGHT_NAME, offsetof(RenderView, name)) == NULL)) {
"Did not write, the image doesn't have a \"%s\" and \"%s\" views",
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
goto cleanup;
BKE_imbuf_stamp_info(rr, ibuf);
/* fancy multiview OpenEXR */
if (imf->views_format == R_IMF_VIEWS_MULTIVIEW && is_exr_rr) {
/* save render result */
ok = RE_WriteRenderResult(reports, rr, opts->filepath, imf, NULL, layer);
image_save_post(reports, bmain, ima, ibuf, ok, opts, true, opts->filepath);
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
/* regular mono pipeline */
else if (is_mono) {
if (is_exr_rr) {
ok = RE_WriteRenderResult(reports, rr, opts->filepath, imf, NULL, layer);
else {
colormanaged_ibuf = IMB_colormanagement_imbuf_for_write(
ibuf, save_as_render, true, &imf->view_settings, &imf->display_settings, imf);
ok = BKE_imbuf_write_as(colormanaged_ibuf, opts->filepath, imf, save_copy);
imbuf_save_post(ibuf, colormanaged_ibuf);
reports, bmain, ima, ibuf, ok, opts, (is_exr_rr ? true : save_copy), opts->filepath);
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
/* individual multiview images */
else if (imf->views_format == R_IMF_VIEWS_INDIVIDUAL) {
int i;
unsigned char planes = ibuf->planes;
const int totviews = (rr ? BLI_listbase_count(&rr->views) : BLI_listbase_count(&ima->views));
if (!is_exr_rr) {
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
for (i = 0; i < totviews; i++) {
char filepath[FILE_MAX];
bool ok_view = false;
const char *view = rr ? ((RenderView *)BLI_findlink(&rr->views, i))->name :
((ImageView *)BLI_findlink(&ima->views, i))->name;
if (is_exr_rr) {
BKE_scene_multiview_view_filepath_get(&opts->scene->r, opts->filepath, view, filepath);
ok_view = RE_WriteRenderResult(reports, rr, filepath, imf, view, layer);
image_save_post(reports, bmain, ima, ibuf, ok_view, opts, true, filepath);
else {
/* copy iuser to get the correct ibuf for this view */
ImageUser view_iuser;
if (iuser) {
/* copy iuser to get the correct ibuf for this view */
view_iuser = *iuser;
else {
view_iuser.view = i;
view_iuser.flag &= ~IMA_SHOW_STEREO;
if (rr) {
BKE_image_multilayer_index(rr, &view_iuser);
else {
BKE_image_multiview_index(ima, &view_iuser);
ibuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, &view_iuser, &lock);
ibuf->planes = planes;
BKE_scene_multiview_view_filepath_get(&opts->scene->r, opts->filepath, view, filepath);
colormanaged_ibuf = IMB_colormanagement_imbuf_for_write(
ibuf, save_as_render, true, &imf->view_settings, &imf->display_settings, imf);
ok_view = BKE_imbuf_write_as(colormanaged_ibuf, filepath, &opts->im_format, save_copy);
imbuf_save_post(ibuf, colormanaged_ibuf);
image_save_post(reports, bmain, ima, ibuf, ok_view, opts, true, filepath);
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, lock);
ok &= ok_view;
if (is_exr_rr) {
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
/* stereo (multiview) images */
else if (opts->im_format.views_format == R_IMF_VIEWS_STEREO_3D) {
if (imf->imtype == R_IMF_IMTYPE_MULTILAYER) {
ok = RE_WriteRenderResult(reports, rr, opts->filepath, imf, NULL, layer);
image_save_post(reports, bmain, ima, ibuf, ok, opts, true, opts->filepath);
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
else {
ImBuf *ibuf_stereo[2] = {NULL};
unsigned char planes = ibuf->planes;
const char *names[2] = {STEREO_LEFT_NAME, STEREO_RIGHT_NAME};
int i;
/* we need to get the specific per-view buffers */
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
ImageUser view_iuser;
if (iuser) {
view_iuser = *iuser;
else {
view_iuser.flag &= ~IMA_SHOW_STEREO;
if (rr) {
int id = BLI_findstringindex(&rr->views, names[i], offsetof(RenderView, name));
view_iuser.view = id;
BKE_image_multilayer_index(rr, &view_iuser);
else {
view_iuser.view = i;
BKE_image_multiview_index(ima, &view_iuser);
ibuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, &view_iuser, &lock);
if (ibuf == NULL) {
reports, RPT_ERROR, "Did not write, unexpected error when saving stereo image");
goto cleanup;
ibuf->planes = planes;
/* color manage the ImBuf leaving it ready for saving */
colormanaged_ibuf = IMB_colormanagement_imbuf_for_write(
ibuf, save_as_render, true, &imf->view_settings, &imf->display_settings, imf);
BKE_imbuf_write_prepare(colormanaged_ibuf, imf);
IMB_prepare_write_ImBuf(IMB_isfloat(colormanaged_ibuf), colormanaged_ibuf);
/* duplicate buffer to prevent locker issue when using render result */
ibuf_stereo[i] = IMB_dupImBuf(colormanaged_ibuf);
imbuf_save_post(ibuf, colormanaged_ibuf);
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, lock);
ibuf = IMB_stereo3d_ImBuf(imf, ibuf_stereo[0], ibuf_stereo[1]);
/* save via traditional path */
ok = BKE_imbuf_write_as(ibuf, opts->filepath, imf, save_copy);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (rr) {
BKE_image_release_renderresult(opts->scene, ima);
return ok;

View File

@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
#include "BKE_context.h"
#include "BKE_icons.h"
#include "BKE_image.h"
#include "BKE_image_save.h"
#include "BKE_global.h"
#include "BKE_library.h"
#include "BKE_main.h"
@ -1678,35 +1679,6 @@ void IMAGE_OT_replace(wmOperatorType *ot)
/******************** save image as operator ********************/
typedef struct {
/* Context within which image is saved. */
Main *bmain;
Scene *scene;
/* Matching scene->r settings */
ImageFormatData im_format;
char filepath[FILE_MAX]; /* keep absolute */
bool relative;
bool save_copy;
bool save_as_render;
bool do_newpath;
} SaveImageOptions;
static void save_image_options_defaults(SaveImageOptions *simopts, Main *bmain, Scene *scene)
simopts->bmain = bmain;
simopts->scene = scene;
simopts->filepath[0] = '\0';
simopts->relative = false;
simopts->save_copy = false;
simopts->save_as_render = false;
simopts->do_newpath = false;
static char imtype_best_depth(ImBuf *ibuf, const char imtype)
const char depth_ok = BKE_imtype_valid_depths(imtype);
@ -1746,8 +1718,8 @@ static char imtype_best_depth(ImBuf *ibuf, const char imtype)
static int save_image_options_init(Main *bmain,
SaveImageOptions *simopts,
static int image_save_options_init(Main *bmain,
ImageSaveOptions *opts,
Image *ima,
ImageUser *iuser,
const bool guess_path,
@ -1757,80 +1729,79 @@ static int save_image_options_init(Main *bmain,
ImBuf *ibuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, iuser, &lock);
if (ibuf) {
Scene *scene = simopts->scene;
Scene *scene = opts->scene;
bool is_depth_set = false;
/* imtype */
simopts->im_format = scene->r.im_format;
opts->im_format = scene->r.im_format;
is_depth_set = true;
if (!BKE_image_is_multiview(ima)) {
/* In case multiview is disabled,
* render settings would be invalid for render result in this area. */
simopts->im_format.stereo3d_format = *ima->stereo3d_format;
simopts->im_format.views_format = ima->views_format;
opts->im_format.stereo3d_format = *ima->stereo3d_format;
opts->im_format.views_format = ima->views_format;
else {
if (ima->source == IMA_SRC_GENERATED) {
simopts->im_format.imtype = R_IMF_IMTYPE_PNG;
simopts->im_format.compress = ibuf->foptions.quality;
simopts->im_format.planes = ibuf->planes;
opts->im_format.imtype = R_IMF_IMTYPE_PNG;
opts->im_format.compress = ibuf->foptions.quality;
opts->im_format.planes = ibuf->planes;
else {
BKE_imbuf_to_image_format(&simopts->im_format, ibuf);
BKE_imbuf_to_image_format(&opts->im_format, ibuf);
/* use the multiview image settings as the default */
simopts->im_format.stereo3d_format = *ima->stereo3d_format;
simopts->im_format.views_format = ima->views_format;
opts->im_format.stereo3d_format = *ima->stereo3d_format;
opts->im_format.views_format = ima->views_format;
///* XXX - this is lame, we need to make these available too! */
//simopts->subimtype = scene->r.subimtype;
//opts->subimtype = scene->r.subimtype;
BLI_strncpy(simopts->filepath, ibuf->name, sizeof(simopts->filepath));
BLI_strncpy(opts->filepath, ibuf->name, sizeof(opts->filepath));
/* sanitize all settings */
/* unlikely but just in case */
if (ELEM(simopts->im_format.planes, R_IMF_PLANES_BW, R_IMF_PLANES_RGB, R_IMF_PLANES_RGBA) ==
0) {
simopts->im_format.planes = R_IMF_PLANES_RGBA;
if (ELEM(opts->im_format.planes, R_IMF_PLANES_BW, R_IMF_PLANES_RGB, R_IMF_PLANES_RGBA) == 0) {
opts->im_format.planes = R_IMF_PLANES_RGBA;
/* depth, account for float buffer and format support */
if (is_depth_set == false) {
simopts->im_format.depth = imtype_best_depth(ibuf, simopts->im_format.imtype);
opts->im_format.depth = imtype_best_depth(ibuf, opts->im_format.imtype);
/* some formats don't use quality so fallback to scenes quality */
if (simopts->im_format.quality == 0) {
simopts->im_format.quality = scene->r.im_format.quality;
if (opts->im_format.quality == 0) {
opts->im_format.quality = scene->r.im_format.quality;
/* check for empty path */
if (guess_path && simopts->filepath[0] == 0) {
if (guess_path && opts->filepath[0] == 0) {
const bool is_prev_save = !STREQ(G.ima, "//");
if (save_as_render) {
if (is_prev_save) {
BLI_strncpy(simopts->filepath, G.ima, sizeof(simopts->filepath));
BLI_strncpy(opts->filepath, G.ima, sizeof(opts->filepath));
else {
BLI_strncpy(simopts->filepath, "//untitled", sizeof(simopts->filepath));
BLI_path_abs(simopts->filepath, BKE_main_blendfile_path(bmain));
BLI_strncpy(opts->filepath, "//untitled", sizeof(opts->filepath));
BLI_path_abs(opts->filepath, BKE_main_blendfile_path(bmain));
else {
BLI_snprintf(simopts->filepath, sizeof(simopts->filepath), "//%s", ima-> + 2);
BLI_path_abs(simopts->filepath, is_prev_save ? G.ima : BKE_main_blendfile_path(bmain));
BLI_snprintf(opts->filepath, sizeof(opts->filepath), "//%s", ima-> + 2);
BLI_path_abs(opts->filepath, is_prev_save ? G.ima : BKE_main_blendfile_path(bmain));
/* color management */
BKE_color_managed_view_settings_copy(&simopts->im_format.view_settings, &scene->view_settings);
BKE_color_managed_view_settings_copy(&opts->im_format.view_settings, &scene->view_settings);
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, lock);
@ -1838,391 +1809,55 @@ static int save_image_options_init(Main *bmain,
return (ibuf != NULL);
static void save_image_options_from_op(Main *bmain, SaveImageOptions *simopts, wmOperator *op)
static void image_save_options_from_op(Main *bmain, ImageSaveOptions *opts, wmOperator *op)
if (op->customdata) {
simopts->im_format = *(ImageFormatData *)op->customdata;
opts->im_format = *(ImageFormatData *)op->customdata;
if (RNA_struct_property_is_set(op->ptr, "filepath")) {
RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "filepath", simopts->filepath);
BLI_path_abs(simopts->filepath, BKE_main_blendfile_path(bmain));
RNA_string_get(op->ptr, "filepath", opts->filepath);
BLI_path_abs(opts->filepath, BKE_main_blendfile_path(bmain));
static void save_image_options_to_op(SaveImageOptions *simopts, wmOperator *op)
static void image_save_options_to_op(ImageSaveOptions *opts, wmOperator *op)
if (op->customdata) {
BKE_color_managed_view_settings_free(&((ImageFormatData *)op->customdata)->view_settings);
*(ImageFormatData *)op->customdata = simopts->im_format;
*(ImageFormatData *)op->customdata = opts->im_format;
RNA_string_set(op->ptr, "filepath", simopts->filepath);
static void save_image_post(ReportList *reports,
Main *bmain,
Image *ima,
ImBuf *ibuf,
int ok,
SaveImageOptions *simopts,
int save_copy,
const char *filepath)
if (!ok) {
BKE_reportf(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Could not write image: %s", strerror(errno));
if (save_copy) {
if (simopts->do_newpath) {
BLI_strncpy(ibuf->name, filepath, sizeof(ibuf->name));
BLI_strncpy(ima->name, filepath, sizeof(ima->name));
ibuf->userflags &= ~IB_BITMAPDIRTY;
/* change type? */
if (ima->type == IMA_TYPE_R_RESULT) {
ima->type = IMA_TYPE_IMAGE;
/* workaround to ensure the render result buffer is no longer used
* by this image, otherwise can crash when a new render result is
* created. */
if (ibuf->rect && !(ibuf->mall & IB_rect)) {
if (ibuf->rect_float && !(ibuf->mall & IB_rectfloat)) {
if (ibuf->zbuf && !(ibuf->mall & IB_zbuf)) {
if (ibuf->zbuf_float && !(ibuf->mall & IB_zbuffloat)) {
ima->source = IMA_SRC_FILE;
ima->type = IMA_TYPE_IMAGE;
/* only image path, never ibuf */
if (simopts->relative) {
const char *relbase = ID_BLEND_PATH(simopts->bmain, &ima->id);
BLI_path_rel(ima->name, relbase); /* only after saving */
ColorManagedColorspaceSettings old_colorspace_settings;
BKE_color_managed_colorspace_settings_copy(&old_colorspace_settings, &ima->colorspace_settings);
IMB_colormanagement_colorspace_from_ibuf_ftype(&ima->colorspace_settings, ibuf);
if (!BKE_color_managed_colorspace_settings_equals(&old_colorspace_settings,
&ima->colorspace_settings)) {
BKE_image_signal(bmain, ima, NULL, IMA_SIGNAL_COLORMANAGE);
static void save_imbuf_post(ImBuf *ibuf, ImBuf *colormanaged_ibuf)
if (colormanaged_ibuf != ibuf) {
/* This guys might be modified by image buffer write functions,
* need to copy them back from color managed image buffer to an
* original one, so file type of image is being properly updated.
ibuf->ftype = colormanaged_ibuf->ftype;
ibuf->foptions = colormanaged_ibuf->foptions;
ibuf->planes = colormanaged_ibuf->planes;
* \return success.
* \note ``ima->name`` and ``ibuf->name`` should end up the same.
* \note for multiview the first ``ibuf`` is important to get the settings.
static bool save_image_doit(
ReportList *reports, Main *bmain, Image *ima, ImageUser *iuser, SaveImageOptions *simopts)
void *lock;
ImBuf *ibuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, iuser, &lock);
RenderResult *rr = NULL;
bool ok = false;
if (ibuf == NULL || (ibuf->rect == NULL && ibuf->rect_float == NULL)) {
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
goto cleanup;
ImBuf *colormanaged_ibuf = NULL;
const bool save_copy = simopts->save_copy;
const bool save_as_render = simopts->save_as_render;
ImageFormatData *imf = &simopts->im_format;
if (ima->type == IMA_TYPE_R_RESULT) {
/* enforce user setting for RGB or RGBA, but skip BW */
if (simopts->im_format.planes == R_IMF_PLANES_RGBA) {
ibuf->planes = R_IMF_PLANES_RGBA;
else if (simopts->im_format.planes == R_IMF_PLANES_RGB) {
ibuf->planes = R_IMF_PLANES_RGB;
else {
/* TODO, better solution, if a 24bit image is painted onto it may contain alpha */
if ((simopts->im_format.planes == R_IMF_PLANES_RGBA) &&
/* it has been painted onto */
(ibuf->userflags & IB_BITMAPDIRTY)) {
/* checks each pixel, not ideal */
ibuf->planes = BKE_imbuf_alpha_test(ibuf) ? R_IMF_PLANES_RGBA : R_IMF_PLANES_RGB;
/* we need renderresult for exr and rendered multiview */
rr = BKE_image_acquire_renderresult(simopts->scene, ima);
bool is_mono = rr ? BLI_listbase_count_at_most(&rr->views, 2) < 2 :
BLI_listbase_count_at_most(&ima->views, 2) < 2;
bool is_exr_rr = rr && ELEM(imf->imtype, R_IMF_IMTYPE_OPENEXR, R_IMF_IMTYPE_MULTILAYER) &&
bool is_multilayer = is_exr_rr && (imf->imtype == R_IMF_IMTYPE_MULTILAYER);
int layer = (iuser && !is_multilayer) ? iuser->layer : -1;
/* error handling */
if (!rr) {
if (imf->imtype == R_IMF_IMTYPE_MULTILAYER) {
BKE_report(reports, RPT_ERROR, "Did not write, no Multilayer Image");
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
goto cleanup;
else {
if (imf->views_format == R_IMF_VIEWS_STEREO_3D) {
if (!BKE_image_is_stereo(ima)) {
"Did not write, the image doesn't have a \"%s\" and \"%s\" views",
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
goto cleanup;
/* it shouldn't ever happen*/
if ((BLI_findstring(&rr->views, STEREO_LEFT_NAME, offsetof(RenderView, name)) == NULL) ||
(BLI_findstring(&rr->views, STEREO_RIGHT_NAME, offsetof(RenderView, name)) == NULL)) {
"Did not write, the image doesn't have a \"%s\" and \"%s\" views",
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
goto cleanup;
BKE_imbuf_stamp_info(rr, ibuf);
/* fancy multiview OpenEXR */
if (imf->views_format == R_IMF_VIEWS_MULTIVIEW && is_exr_rr) {
/* save render result */
ok = RE_WriteRenderResult(reports, rr, simopts->filepath, imf, NULL, layer);
save_image_post(reports, bmain, ima, ibuf, ok, simopts, true, simopts->filepath);
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
/* regular mono pipeline */
else if (is_mono) {
if (is_exr_rr) {
ok = RE_WriteRenderResult(reports, rr, simopts->filepath, imf, NULL, layer);
else {
colormanaged_ibuf = IMB_colormanagement_imbuf_for_write(
ibuf, save_as_render, true, &imf->view_settings, &imf->display_settings, imf);
ok = BKE_imbuf_write_as(colormanaged_ibuf, simopts->filepath, imf, save_copy);
save_imbuf_post(ibuf, colormanaged_ibuf);
reports, bmain, ima, ibuf, ok, simopts, (is_exr_rr ? true : save_copy), simopts->filepath);
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
/* individual multiview images */
else if (imf->views_format == R_IMF_VIEWS_INDIVIDUAL) {
int i;
unsigned char planes = ibuf->planes;
const int totviews = (rr ? BLI_listbase_count(&rr->views) : BLI_listbase_count(&ima->views));
if (!is_exr_rr) {
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
for (i = 0; i < totviews; i++) {
char filepath[FILE_MAX];
bool ok_view = false;
const char *view = rr ? ((RenderView *)BLI_findlink(&rr->views, i))->name :
((ImageView *)BLI_findlink(&ima->views, i))->name;
if (is_exr_rr) {
&simopts->scene->r, simopts->filepath, view, filepath);
ok_view = RE_WriteRenderResult(reports, rr, filepath, imf, view, layer);
save_image_post(reports, bmain, ima, ibuf, ok_view, simopts, true, filepath);
else {
/* copy iuser to get the correct ibuf for this view */
ImageUser view_iuser;
if (iuser) {
/* copy iuser to get the correct ibuf for this view */
view_iuser = *iuser;
else {
view_iuser.view = i;
view_iuser.flag &= ~IMA_SHOW_STEREO;
if (rr) {
BKE_image_multilayer_index(rr, &view_iuser);
else {
BKE_image_multiview_index(ima, &view_iuser);
ibuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, &view_iuser, &lock);
ibuf->planes = planes;
&simopts->scene->r, simopts->filepath, view, filepath);
colormanaged_ibuf = IMB_colormanagement_imbuf_for_write(
ibuf, save_as_render, true, &imf->view_settings, &imf->display_settings, imf);
ok_view = BKE_imbuf_write_as(colormanaged_ibuf, filepath, &simopts->im_format, save_copy);
save_imbuf_post(ibuf, colormanaged_ibuf);
save_image_post(reports, bmain, ima, ibuf, ok_view, simopts, true, filepath);
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, lock);
ok &= ok_view;
if (is_exr_rr) {
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
/* stereo (multiview) images */
else if (simopts->im_format.views_format == R_IMF_VIEWS_STEREO_3D) {
if (imf->imtype == R_IMF_IMTYPE_MULTILAYER) {
ok = RE_WriteRenderResult(reports, rr, simopts->filepath, imf, NULL, layer);
save_image_post(reports, bmain, ima, ibuf, ok, simopts, true, simopts->filepath);
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
else {
ImBuf *ibuf_stereo[2] = {NULL};
unsigned char planes = ibuf->planes;
const char *names[2] = {STEREO_LEFT_NAME, STEREO_RIGHT_NAME};
int i;
/* we need to get the specific per-view buffers */
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, &lock);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
ImageUser view_iuser;
if (iuser) {
view_iuser = *iuser;
else {
view_iuser.flag &= ~IMA_SHOW_STEREO;
if (rr) {
int id = BLI_findstringindex(&rr->views, names[i], offsetof(RenderView, name));
view_iuser.view = id;
BKE_image_multilayer_index(rr, &view_iuser);
else {
view_iuser.view = i;
BKE_image_multiview_index(ima, &view_iuser);
ibuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, &view_iuser, &lock);
if (ibuf == NULL) {
reports, RPT_ERROR, "Did not write, unexpected error when saving stereo image");
goto cleanup;
ibuf->planes = planes;
/* color manage the ImBuf leaving it ready for saving */
colormanaged_ibuf = IMB_colormanagement_imbuf_for_write(
ibuf, save_as_render, true, &imf->view_settings, &imf->display_settings, imf);
BKE_imbuf_write_prepare(colormanaged_ibuf, imf);
IMB_prepare_write_ImBuf(IMB_isfloat(colormanaged_ibuf), colormanaged_ibuf);
/* duplicate buffer to prevent locker issue when using render result */
ibuf_stereo[i] = IMB_dupImBuf(colormanaged_ibuf);
save_imbuf_post(ibuf, colormanaged_ibuf);
BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, lock);
ibuf = IMB_stereo3d_ImBuf(imf, ibuf_stereo[0], ibuf_stereo[1]);
/* save via traditional path */
ok = BKE_imbuf_write_as(ibuf, simopts->filepath, imf, save_copy);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (rr) {
BKE_image_release_renderresult(simopts->scene, ima);
return ok;
RNA_string_set(op->ptr, "filepath", opts->filepath);
static bool save_image_op(const bContext *C,
SpaceImage *sima,
wmOperator *op,
SaveImageOptions *simopts)
ImageSaveOptions *opts)
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
Image *ima = ED_space_image(sima);
ImageUser *iuser = &sima->iuser;
simopts->relative = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "relative_path") &&
RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "relative_path"));
simopts->save_copy = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "copy") &&
RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "copy"));
simopts->save_as_render = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "save_as_render") &&
RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "save_as_render"));
opts->relative = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "relative_path") &&
RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "relative_path"));
opts->save_copy = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "copy") &&
RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "copy"));
opts->save_as_render = (RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "save_as_render") &&
RNA_boolean_get(op->ptr, "save_as_render"));
bool ok = save_image_doit(op->reports, bmain, ima, iuser, simopts);
bool ok = BKE_image_save(op->reports, bmain, ima, iuser, opts);
/* Remember file path for next save. */
BLI_strncpy(G.ima, simopts->filepath, sizeof(G.ima));
BLI_strncpy(G.ima, opts->filepath, sizeof(G.ima));
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_IMAGE | NA_EDITED, ima);
@ -2245,18 +1880,18 @@ static int image_save_as_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
SpaceImage *sima = CTX_wm_space_image(C);
SaveImageOptions simopts;
ImageSaveOptions opts;
save_image_options_defaults(&simopts, bmain, scene);
BKE_image_save_options_init(&opts, bmain, scene);
/* just in case to initialize values,
* these should be set on invoke or by the caller. */
save_image_options_init(bmain, &simopts, sima->image, &sima->iuser, false, false);
image_save_options_init(bmain, &opts, sima->image, &sima->iuser, false, false);
save_image_options_from_op(bmain, &simopts, op);
simopts.do_newpath = true;
image_save_options_from_op(bmain, &opts, op);
opts.do_newpath = true;
save_image_op(C, sima, op, &simopts);
save_image_op(C, sima, op, &opts);
@ -2274,7 +1909,7 @@ static int image_save_as_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *UNUS
SpaceImage *sima = CTX_wm_space_image(C);
Image *ima = ED_space_image(sima);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
SaveImageOptions simopts;
ImageSaveOptions opts;
PropertyRNA *prop;
const bool save_as_render = ((ima->source == IMA_SRC_VIEWER) ||
(ima->flag & IMA_VIEW_AS_RENDER));
@ -2283,12 +1918,12 @@ static int image_save_as_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *UNUS
return image_save_as_exec(C, op);
save_image_options_defaults(&simopts, bmain, scene);
BKE_image_save_options_init(&opts, bmain, scene);
if (save_image_options_init(bmain, &simopts, ima, &sima->iuser, true, save_as_render) == 0) {
if (image_save_options_init(bmain, &opts, ima, &sima->iuser, true, save_as_render) == 0) {
save_image_options_to_op(&simopts, op);
image_save_options_to_op(&opts, op);
/* enable save_copy by default for render results */
@ -2298,8 +1933,8 @@ static int image_save_as_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *UNUS
RNA_boolean_set(op->ptr, "save_as_render", save_as_render);
op->customdata = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(simopts.im_format), __func__);
memcpy(op->customdata, &simopts.im_format, sizeof(simopts.im_format));
op->customdata = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(opts.im_format), __func__);
memcpy(op->customdata, &opts.im_format, sizeof(opts.im_format));
/* show multiview save options only if image has multiviews */
prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "show_multiview");
@ -2307,7 +1942,7 @@ static int image_save_as_invoke(bContext *C, wmOperator *op, const wmEvent *UNUS
prop = RNA_struct_find_property(op->ptr, "use_multiview");
RNA_property_boolean_set(op->ptr, prop, BKE_image_is_multiview(ima));
image_filesel(C, op, simopts.filepath);
image_filesel(C, op, opts.filepath);
@ -2415,23 +2050,23 @@ static int image_save_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)
Main *bmain = CTX_data_main(C);
SpaceImage *sima = CTX_wm_space_image(C);
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
SaveImageOptions simopts;
ImageSaveOptions opts;
save_image_options_defaults(&simopts, bmain, scene);
if (save_image_options_init(bmain, &simopts, sima->image, &sima->iuser, false, false) == 0) {
BKE_image_save_options_init(&opts, bmain, scene);
if (image_save_options_init(bmain, &opts, sima->image, &sima->iuser, false, false) == 0) {
save_image_options_from_op(bmain, &simopts, op);
image_save_options_from_op(bmain, &opts, op);
if (BLI_exists(simopts.filepath) && BLI_file_is_writable(simopts.filepath)) {
if (save_image_op(C, sima, op, &simopts)) {
if (BLI_exists(opts.filepath) && BLI_file_is_writable(opts.filepath)) {
if (save_image_op(C, sima, op, &opts)) {
/* report since this can be called from key-shortcuts */
BKE_reportf(op->reports, RPT_INFO, "Saved Image '%s'", simopts.filepath);
BKE_reportf(op->reports, RPT_INFO, "Saved Image '%s'", opts.filepath);
else {
op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot save image, path '%s' is not writable", simopts.filepath);
op->reports, RPT_ERROR, "Cannot save image, path '%s' is not writable", opts.filepath);