Cleanup: in ID name management code: root_name -> base_name.

`root_name` did not really meant much here, `base_name` is much more
This commit is contained in:
Bastien Montagne 2019-12-20 14:28:29 +01:00
parent 46607bc09d
commit 5804f18b1f
Notes: blender-bot 2023-02-14 09:34:18 +01:00
Referenced by issue #72612, windows/mantaflow/clang: Fatal Python error: Python memory allocator called without holding the GIL
1 changed files with 45 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -1651,40 +1651,40 @@ void id_sort_by_name(ListBase *lb, ID *id, ID *id_sorting_hint)
#define MAX_NUMBERS_IN_USE 1024
* Helper building final ID name from given root_name and number.
* Helper building final ID name from given base_name and number.
* If everything goes well and we do generate a valid final ID anme in given name, we return true.
* In case the final name would overflow the allowed ID name length, or given number is bigger than
* maximum allowed value, we truncate further the root_name (and given name, which is assumed to
* have the same 'root_name' part), and return false.
* maximum allowed value, we truncate further the base_name (and given name, which is assumed to
* have the same 'base_name' part), and return false.
static bool id_name_final_build(char *name, char *root_name, size_t root_name_len, int number)
static bool id_name_final_build(char *name, char *base_name, size_t base_name_len, int number)
char number_str[11]; /* Dot + nine digits + NULL terminator. */
size_t number_str_len = BLI_snprintf_rlen(number_str, ARRAY_SIZE(number_str), ".%.3d", number);
/* If the number would lead to an overflow of the maximum ID name length, we need to truncate
* the root name part and do all the number checks again. */
if (root_name_len + number_str_len >= MAX_ID_NAME - 2 || number >= MAX_NUMBER) {
if (root_name_len + number_str_len >= MAX_ID_NAME - 2) {
root_name_len = MAX_ID_NAME - 2 - number_str_len - 1;
* the base name part and do all the number checks again. */
if (base_name_len + number_str_len >= MAX_ID_NAME - 2 || number >= MAX_NUMBER) {
if (base_name_len + number_str_len >= MAX_ID_NAME - 2) {
base_name_len = MAX_ID_NAME - 2 - number_str_len - 1;
else {
root_name[root_name_len] = '\0';
base_name[base_name_len] = '\0';
/* Code above may have generated invalid utf-8 string, due to raw truncation.
* Ensure we get a valid one now. */
root_name_len -= (size_t)BLI_utf8_invalid_strip(root_name, root_name_len);
base_name_len -= (size_t)BLI_utf8_invalid_strip(base_name, base_name_len);
/* Also truncate orig name, and start the whole check again. */
name[root_name_len] = '\0';
name[base_name_len] = '\0';
return false;
/* We have our final number, we can put it in name and exit the function. */
BLI_strncpy(name + root_name_len, number_str, number_str_len + 1);
BLI_strncpy(name + base_name_len, number_str, number_str_len + 1);
return true;
@ -1712,9 +1712,9 @@ static bool check_for_dupid(ListBase *lb, ID *id, char *name, ID **r_id_sorting_
const short id_type = (short)GS(id_test->name);
/* Static storage of previous handled ID/name info, used to perform a quicker test and optimize
* creation of huge number of IDs using the same given root name. */
static char prev_orig_root_name[MAX_ID_NAME - 2] = {0};
static char prev_final_root_name[MAX_ID_NAME - 2] = {0};
* creation of huge number of IDs using the same given base name. */
static char prev_orig_base_name[MAX_ID_NAME - 2] = {0};
static char prev_final_base_name[MAX_ID_NAME - 2] = {0};
static short prev_id_type = ID_LINK_PLACEHOLDER; /* Should never exist in actual ID list. */
static int prev_number = MIN_NUMBER - 1;
@ -1723,28 +1723,28 @@ static bool check_for_dupid(ListBase *lb, ID *id, char *name, ID **r_id_sorting_
* available number in some cases, and benefits of this special case handling mostly show up with
* high numbers anyway. */
if (id_type == prev_id_type && prev_number >= MAX_NUMBERS_IN_USE &&
prev_number < MAX_NUMBER - 1 && name[0] == prev_final_root_name[0]) {
prev_number < MAX_NUMBER - 1 && name[0] == prev_final_base_name[0]) {
/* Get the name and number parts ("name.number"). */
char root_name[MAX_ID_NAME - 2];
char base_name[MAX_ID_NAME - 2];
int number = MIN_NUMBER;
size_t root_name_len = BLI_split_name_num(root_name, &number, name, '.');
size_t prev_final_root_name_len = strlen(prev_final_root_name);
size_t prev_orig_root_name_len = strlen(prev_orig_root_name);
size_t base_name_len = BLI_split_name_num(base_name, &number, name, '.');
size_t prev_final_base_name_len = strlen(prev_final_base_name);
size_t prev_orig_base_name_len = strlen(prev_orig_base_name);
if (root_name_len == prev_orig_root_name_len &&
STREQLEN(root_name, prev_orig_root_name, prev_orig_root_name_len)) {
/* Once we have ensured given root_name and original previous one are the same, we can check
if (base_name_len == prev_orig_base_name_len &&
STREQLEN(base_name, prev_orig_base_name, prev_orig_base_name_len)) {
/* Once we have ensured given base_name and original previous one are the same, we can check
* that previously used number is actually used, and that next one is free. */
/* Note that from now on, we only used previous final root name, as it might have been
/* Note that from now on, we only used previous final base name, as it might have been
* truncated from original one due to number suffix length. */
char final_name[MAX_ID_NAME - 2];
char prev_final_name[MAX_ID_NAME - 2];
BLI_strncpy(final_name, prev_final_root_name, prev_final_root_name_len + 1);
BLI_strncpy(prev_final_name, prev_final_root_name, prev_final_root_name_len + 1);
BLI_strncpy(final_name, prev_final_base_name, prev_final_base_name_len + 1);
BLI_strncpy(prev_final_name, prev_final_base_name, prev_final_base_name_len + 1);
if (id_name_final_build(final_name, root_name, prev_final_root_name_len, prev_number + 1) &&
id_name_final_build(prev_final_name, root_name, prev_final_root_name_len, prev_number)) {
if (id_name_final_build(final_name, base_name, prev_final_base_name_len, prev_number + 1) &&
id_name_final_build(prev_final_name, base_name, prev_final_base_name_len, prev_number)) {
/* We succeffuly built valid final names of previous and current iterations, now we have to
* ensure that previous final name is indeed used in curent ID list, and that current one
* is not. */
@ -1767,8 +1767,8 @@ static bool check_for_dupid(ListBase *lb, ID *id, char *name, ID **r_id_sorting_
if (is_valid) {
/* Only the number changed, prev_orig_root_name, prev_root_name and prev_id_type remain
* the same. */
/* Only the number changed, prev_orig_base_name, prev_final_base_name and prev_id_type
* remain the same. */
strcpy(name, final_name);
@ -1785,13 +1785,13 @@ static bool check_for_dupid(ListBase *lb, ID *id, char *name, ID **r_id_sorting_
bool is_first_run = true;
while (true) {
/* Get the name and number parts ("name.number"). */
char root_name[MAX_ID_NAME - 2];
char base_name[MAX_ID_NAME - 2];
int number = MIN_NUMBER;
size_t root_name_len = BLI_split_name_num(root_name, &number, name, '.');
size_t base_name_len = BLI_split_name_num(base_name, &number, name, '.');
/* Store previous original given root name now, as we might alter it later in code below. */
/* Store previous original given base name now, as we might alter it later in code below. */
if (is_first_run) {
strcpy(prev_orig_root_name, root_name);
strcpy(prev_orig_base_name, base_name);
is_first_run = false;
@ -1804,17 +1804,17 @@ static bool check_for_dupid(ListBase *lb, ID *id, char *name, ID **r_id_sorting_
bool is_orig_name_used = false;
for (id_test = lb->first; id_test; id_test = id_test->next) {
char root_name_test[MAX_ID_NAME - 2];
char base_name_test[MAX_ID_NAME - 2];
int number_test;
if ((id != id_test) && !ID_IS_LINKED(id_test) && (name[0] == id_test->name[2]) &&
(id_test->name[root_name_len + 2] == '.' || id_test->name[root_name_len + 2] == '\0') &&
STREQLEN(name, id_test->name + 2, root_name_len) &&
(BLI_split_name_num(root_name_test, &number_test, id_test->name + 2, '.') ==
root_name_len)) {
(id_test->name[base_name_len + 2] == '.' || id_test->name[base_name_len + 2] == '\0') &&
STREQLEN(name, id_test->name + 2, base_name_len) &&
(BLI_split_name_num(base_name_test, &number_test, id_test->name + 2, '.') ==
base_name_len)) {
/* If we did not yet encounter exact same name as the given one, check the remaining parts
* of the strings. */
if (!is_orig_name_used) {
is_orig_name_used = STREQ(name + root_name_len, id_test->name + 2 + root_name_len);
is_orig_name_used = STREQ(name + base_name_len, id_test->name + 2 + base_name_len);
/* Mark number of current id_test name as used, if possible. */
if (number_test < MAX_NUMBERS_IN_USE) {
@ -1835,7 +1835,7 @@ static bool check_for_dupid(ListBase *lb, ID *id, char *name, ID **r_id_sorting_
/* Don't bother updating prev_ static variables here, this case is not supposed to happen
* that often, and is not straight-forward here, so just ignore and reset them to default. */
prev_id_type = ID_LINK_PLACEHOLDER;
prev_final_root_name[0] = '\0';
prev_final_base_name[0] = '\0';
prev_number = MIN_NUMBER - 1;
/* Value set previously is meaningless in that case. */
@ -1866,7 +1866,7 @@ static bool check_for_dupid(ListBase *lb, ID *id, char *name, ID **r_id_sorting_
/* If id_name_final_build helper returns false, it had to truncate further given name, hence we
* have to go over the whole check again. */
if (!id_name_final_build(name, root_name, root_name_len, number)) {
if (!id_name_final_build(name, base_name, base_name_len, number)) {
/* We have to clear our list of small used numbers before we do the whole check again. */
memset(ids_in_use, 0, sizeof(ids_in_use));
@ -1874,9 +1874,9 @@ static bool check_for_dupid(ListBase *lb, ID *id, char *name, ID **r_id_sorting_
/* Update prev_ static variables, in case next call is for the same type of IDs and with the
* same initial root name, we can skip a lot of above process. */
* same initial base name, we can skip a lot of above process. */
prev_id_type = id_type;
strcpy(prev_final_root_name, root_name);
strcpy(prev_final_base_name, base_name);
prev_number = number;
return is_name_changed;