Gizmo: multi-object pose-mode gizmo positioning

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Campbell Barton 2018-12-13 11:41:45 +11:00
parent 81ea815dcb
commit 5d09f5223e
Notes: blender-bot 2023-02-14 10:11:49 +01:00
Referenced by commit eb78579bb6, Correct own error in changes to pose gizmo center
1 changed files with 32 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -1007,21 +1007,41 @@ int ED_transform_calc_gizmo_stats(
else if (ob && (ob->mode & OB_MODE_POSE)) {
bPoseChannel *pchan;
int mode = TFM_ROTATION; // mislead counting bones... bah. We don't know the gizmo mode, could be mixed
invert_m4_m4(ob->imat, ob->obmat);
uint objects_len = 0;
Object **objects = BKE_view_layer_array_from_objects_in_mode(
view_layer, v3d, &objects_len, {.object_mode = OB_MODE_POSE});
for (uint ob_index = 0; ob_index < objects_len; ob_index++) {
Object *ob_iter = objects[ob_index];
const bool use_mat_local = (ob_iter != ob);
bPoseChannel *pchan;
totsel = count_set_pose_transflags(ob, mode, V3D_AROUND_CENTER_BOUNDS, NULL);
/* mislead counting bones... bah. We don't know the gizmo mode, could be mixed */
const int mode = TFM_ROTATION;
const int totsel_iter = count_set_pose_transflags(ob_iter, mode, V3D_AROUND_CENTER_BOUNDS, NULL);
if (totsel_iter) {
float mat_local[4][4];
if (use_mat_local) {
mul_m4_m4m4(mat_local, ob_iter->imat, ob_iter->obmat);
/* use channels to get stats */
for (pchan = ob_iter->pose->chanbase.first; pchan; pchan = pchan->next) {
Bone *bone = pchan->bone;
if (bone && (bone->flag & BONE_TRANSFORM)) {
calc_tw_center(tbounds, pchan->pose_head);
calc_tw_center_with_matrix(tbounds, pchan->pose_head, use_mat_local, mat_local);
protectflag_to_drawflags_pchan(rv3d, pchan);
totsel += totsel_iter;
if (totsel) {
/* use channels to get stats */
for (pchan = ob->pose->chanbase.first; pchan; pchan = pchan->next) {
Bone *bone = pchan->bone;
if (bone && (bone->flag & BONE_TRANSFORM)) {
calc_tw_center(tbounds, pchan->pose_head);
protectflag_to_drawflags_pchan(rv3d, pchan);
mul_v3_fl(tbounds->center, 1.0f / (float)totsel); // centroid!
mul_m4_v3(ob->obmat, tbounds->center);
mul_m4_v3(ob->obmat, tbounds->min);