Realtime Compositor: Implement bokeh image node
This patch implements the bokeh image node for the realtime compositor. Differential Revision: Reviewed By: Clement Foucault
This commit is contained in:
@ -315,6 +315,7 @@ set(GLSL_SRC
@ -561,6 +562,7 @@ set(SRC_SHADER_CREATE_INFOS
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(common_math_lib.glsl)
#pragma BLENDER_REQUIRE(gpu_shader_compositor_texture_utilities.glsl)
/* Get the 2D vertex position of the vertex with the given index in the regular polygon
* representing this bokeh. The polygon is rotated by the rotation amount and have a unit
* circumradius. The regular polygon is one whose vertices' exterior angles are given by
* exterior_angle. See the bokeh function for more information. */
vec2 get_regular_polygon_vertex_position(int vertex_index)
float angle = exterior_angle * vertex_index - rotation;
return vec2(cos(angle), sin(angle));
/* Find the closest point to the given point on the given line. This assumes the length of the
* given line is not zero. */
vec2 closest_point_on_line(vec2 point, vec2 line_start, vec2 line_end)
vec2 line_vector = line_end - line_start;
vec2 point_vector = point - line_start;
float line_length_squared = dot(line_vector, line_vector);
float parameter = dot(point_vector, line_vector) / line_length_squared;
return line_start + line_vector * parameter;
/* Compute the value of the bokeh at the given point. The computed bokeh is essentially a regular
* polygon centered in space having the given circumradius. The regular polygon is one whose
* vertices' exterior angles are given by "exterior_angle", which relates to the number of vertices
* n through the equation "exterior angle = 2 pi / n". The regular polygon may additionally morph
* into a shape with the given properties:
* - The regular polygon may have a circular hole in its center whose radius is controlled by the
* "catadioptric" value.
* - The regular polygon is rotated by the "rotation" value.
* - The regular polygon can morph into a circle controlled by the "roundness" value, such that it
* becomes a full circle at unit roundness.
* The function returns 0 when the point lies inside the regular polygon and 1 otherwise. However,
* at the edges, it returns a narrow band gradient as a form of anti-aliasing. */
float bokeh(vec2 point, float circumradius)
/* Get the index of the vertex of the regular polygon whose polar angle is maximum but less than
* the polar angle of the given point, taking rotation into account. This essentially finds the
* vertex closest to the given point in the clock-wise direction. */
float angle = mod(atan(point.y, point.x) + rotation, M_2PI);
int vertex_index = int(angle / exterior_angle);
/* Compute the shortest distance between the origin and the polygon edge composed from the
* previously selected vertex and the one following it. */
vec2 first_vertex = get_regular_polygon_vertex_position(vertex_index) * circumradius;
vec2 second_vertex = get_regular_polygon_vertex_position(vertex_index + 1) * circumradius;
vec2 closest_point = closest_point_on_line(point, first_vertex, second_vertex);
float distance_to_edge = length(closest_point);
/* Mix the distance to the edge with the circumradius, making it tend to the distance to a
* circle when roundness tends to 1. */
float distance_to_edge_round = mix(distance_to_edge, circumradius, roundness);
/* The point is outside of the bokeh, so we return 0. */
float distance = length(point);
if (distance > distance_to_edge_round) {
return 0.0;
/* The point is inside the catadioptric hole and is not part of the bokeh, so we return 0. */
float catadioptric_distance = distance_to_edge_round * catadioptric;
if (distance < catadioptric_distance) {
return 0.0;
/* The point is very close to the edge of the bokeh, so we return the difference between the
* distance to the edge and the distance as a form of anti-aliasing. */
if (distance_to_edge_round - distance < 1.0) {
return distance_to_edge_round - distance;
/* The point is very close to the edge of the catadioptric hole, so we return the difference
* between the distance to the hole and the distance as a form of anti-aliasing. */
if (catadioptric != 0.0 && distance - catadioptric_distance < 1.0) {
return distance - catadioptric_distance;
/* Otherwise, the point is part of the bokeh and we return 1. */
return 1.0;
void main()
ivec2 texel = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);
/* Since we need the regular polygon to occupy the entirety of the output image, the circumradius
* of the regular polygon is half the width of the output image. */
float circumradius = float(imageSize(output_img).x) / 2.0;
/* Move the texel coordinates such that the regular polygon is centered. */
vec2 point = vec2(texel) - circumradius;
/* Each of the color channels of the output image contains a bokeh with a different circumradius.
* The largest one occupies the whole image as stated above, while the other two have circumradii
* that are shifted by an amount that is proportional to the "lens_shift" value. The alpha
* channel of the output is the average of all three values. */
float min_shift = abs(lens_shift * circumradius);
float min = mix(bokeh(point, circumradius - min_shift), 0.0, min_shift == circumradius);
float median_shift = min_shift / 2.0;
float median = bokeh(point, circumradius - median_shift);
float max = bokeh(point, circumradius);
vec4 bokeh = vec4(min, median, max, (max + median + min) / 3.0);
/* If the lens shift is negative, swap the min and max bokeh values, which are stored in the red
* and blue channels respectively. Note that we take the absolute value of the lens shift above,
* so the sign of the lens shift only controls this swap. */
if (lens_shift < 0) {
bokeh = bokeh.zyxw;
imageStore(output_img, texel, bokeh);
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
#include "gpu_shader_create_info.hh"
.local_group_size(16, 16)
.push_constant(Type::FLOAT, "exterior_angle")
.push_constant(Type::FLOAT, "rotation")
.push_constant(Type::FLOAT, "roundness")
.push_constant(Type::FLOAT, "catadioptric")
.push_constant(Type::FLOAT, "lens_shift")
.image(0, GPU_RGBA16F, Qualifier::WRITE, ImageType::FLOAT_2D, "output_img")
@ -5,10 +5,16 @@
* \ingroup cmpnodes
#include "BLI_math_base.h"
#include "BLI_math_vec_types.hh"
#include "UI_interface.h"
#include "UI_resources.h"
#include "GPU_shader.h"
#include "COM_node_operation.hh"
#include "COM_utilities.hh"
#include "node_composite_util.hh"
@ -55,7 +61,50 @@ class BokehImageOperation : public NodeOperation {
void execute() override
GPUShader *shader = shader_manager().get("compositor_bokeh_image");
GPU_shader_uniform_1f(shader, "exterior_angle", get_exterior_angle());
GPU_shader_uniform_1f(shader, "rotation", get_rotation());
GPU_shader_uniform_1f(shader, "roundness", get_node_bokeh_image().rounding);
GPU_shader_uniform_1f(shader, "catadioptric", get_node_bokeh_image().catadioptric);
GPU_shader_uniform_1f(shader, "lens_shift", get_node_bokeh_image().lensshift);
Result &output = get_result("Image");
const Domain domain = compute_domain();
output.bind_as_image(shader, "output_img");
compute_dispatch_threads_at_least(shader, domain.size);
Domain compute_domain() override
return Domain(int2(512));
NodeBokehImage &get_node_bokeh_image()
return *static_cast<NodeBokehImage *>(bnode().storage);
/* The exterior angle is the angle between each two consective vertices of the regular polygon
* from its center. */
float get_exterior_angle()
return (M_PI * 2.0f) / get_node_bokeh_image().flaps;
float get_rotation()
/* Offset the rotation such that the second vertex of the regular polygon lies on the positive
* y axis, which is 90 degrees minus the angle that it makes with the positive x axis assuming
* the first vertex lies on the positive x axis. */
const float offset = M_PI_2 - get_exterior_angle();
return get_node_bokeh_image().angle - offset;
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