Collada - Added some helper functions into collada_utils, for common usage in the collada module

This commit is contained in:
Gaia Clary 2017-03-23 12:38:41 +01:00
parent 092d673689
commit 7c094f6079
2 changed files with 248 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include "COLLADAFWMeshVertexData.h"
#include "collada_utils.h"
#include "ExportSettings.h"
extern "C" {
#include "DNA_modifier_types.h"
@ -352,6 +353,28 @@ void bc_match_scale(std::vector<Object *> *objects_done,
Convenience function to get only the needed components of a matrix
void bc_decompose(float mat[4][4], float *loc, float eul[3], float quat[4], float *size)
if (size) {
mat4_to_size(size, mat);
if (eul) {
mat4_to_eul(eul, mat);
if (quat) {
mat4_to_quat(quat, mat);
if (loc) {
copy_v3_v3(loc, mat[3]);
void bc_triangulate_mesh(Mesh *me)
bool use_beauty = false;
@ -612,3 +635,212 @@ int BoneExtended::get_use_connect()
return this->use_connect;
* Stores a 4*4 matrix as a custom bone property array of size 16
void bc_set_IDPropertyMatrix(EditBone *ebone, const char *key, float mat[4][4])
IDProperty *idgroup = (IDProperty *)ebone->prop;
if (idgroup == NULL)
IDPropertyTemplate val = { 0 };
idgroup = IDP_New(IDP_GROUP, &val, "RNA_EditBone ID properties");
ebone->prop = idgroup;
IDPropertyTemplate val = { 0 };
val.array.len = 16;
val.array.type = IDP_FLOAT;
IDProperty *data = IDP_New(IDP_ARRAY, &val, key);
float *array = (float *)IDP_Array(data);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
array[4 * i + j] = mat[i][j];
IDP_AddToGroup(idgroup, data);
#if 0
* Stores a Float value as a custom bone property
* Note: This function is currently not needed. Keep for future usage
static void bc_set_IDProperty(EditBone *ebone, const char *key, float value)
if (ebone->prop == NULL)
IDPropertyTemplate val = { 0 };
ebone->prop = IDP_New(IDP_GROUP, &val, "RNA_EditBone ID properties");
IDProperty *pgroup = (IDProperty *)ebone->prop;
IDPropertyTemplate val = { 0 };
IDProperty *prop = IDP_New(IDP_FLOAT, &val, key);
IDP_Float(prop) = value;
IDP_AddToGroup(pgroup, prop);
* Get a custom property when it exists.
* This function is also used to check if a property exists.
IDProperty *bc_get_IDProperty(Bone *bone, std::string key)
return (bone->prop == NULL) ? NULL : IDP_GetPropertyFromGroup(bone->prop, key.c_str());
* Read a custom bone property and convert to float
* Return def if the property does not exist.
float bc_get_property(Bone *bone, std::string key, float def)
float result = def;
IDProperty *property = bc_get_IDProperty(bone, key);
if (property) {
switch (property->type) {
case IDP_INT:
result = (float)(IDP_Int(property));
result = (float)(IDP_Float(property));
result = (float)(IDP_Double(property));
result = def;
return result;
* Read a custom bone property and convert to matrix
* Return true if conversion was succesfull
* Return false if:
* - the property does not exist
* - is not an array of size 16
bool bc_get_property_matrix(Bone *bone, std::string key, float mat[4][4])
IDProperty *property = bc_get_IDProperty(bone, key);
if (property && property->type == IDP_ARRAY && property->len == 16) {
float *array = (float *)IDP_Array(property);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
mat[i][j] = array[4 * i + j];
return true;
return false;
* get a vector that is stored in 3 custom properties (used in Blender <= 2.78)
void bc_get_property_vector(Bone *bone, std::string key, float val[3], const float def[3])
val[0] = bc_get_property(bone, key + "_x", def[0]);
val[1] = bc_get_property(bone, key + "_y", def[1]);
val[2] = bc_get_property(bone, key + "_z", def[2]);
* Check if vector exist stored in 3 custom properties (used in Blender <= 2.78)
static bool has_custom_props(Bone *bone, bool enabled, std::string key)
if (!enabled)
return false;
return (bc_get_IDProperty(bone, key + "_x")
|| bc_get_IDProperty(bone, key + "_y")
|| bc_get_IDProperty(bone, key + "_z"));
* Check if custom information about bind matrix exists and modify the from_mat
* accordingly.
* Note: This is old style for Blender <= 2.78 only kept for compatibility
void bc_create_restpose_mat(const ExportSettings *export_settings, Bone *bone, float to_mat[4][4], float from_mat[4][4], bool use_local_space)
float loc[3];
float rot[3];
float scale[3];
static const float V0[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
if (!has_custom_props(bone, export_settings->keep_bind_info, "restpose_loc") &&
!has_custom_props(bone, export_settings->keep_bind_info, "restpose_rot") &&
!has_custom_props(bone, export_settings->keep_bind_info, "restpose_scale"))
/* No need */
copy_m4_m4(to_mat, from_mat);
bc_decompose(from_mat, loc, rot, NULL, scale);
loc_eulO_size_to_mat4(to_mat, loc, rot, scale, 6);
if (export_settings->keep_bind_info) {
bc_get_property_vector(bone, "restpose_loc", loc, loc);
if (use_local_space && bone->parent) {
Bone *b = bone;
while (b->parent) {
b = b->parent;
float ploc[3];
bc_get_property_vector(b, "restpose_loc", ploc, V0);
loc[0] += ploc[0];
loc[1] += ploc[1];
loc[2] += ploc[2];
if (export_settings->keep_bind_info) {
if (bc_get_IDProperty(bone, "restpose_rot_x"))
rot[0] = DEG2RADF(bc_get_property(bone, "restpose_rot_x", 0));
if (bc_get_IDProperty(bone, "restpose_rot_y"))
rot[1] = DEG2RADF(bc_get_property(bone, "restpose_rot_y", 0));
if (bc_get_IDProperty(bone, "restpose_rot_z"))
rot[2] = DEG2RADF(bc_get_property(bone, "restpose_rot_z", 0));
if (export_settings->keep_bind_info) {
bc_get_property_vector(bone, "restpose_scale", scale, scale);
loc_eulO_size_to_mat4(to_mat, loc, rot, scale, 6);
To get rid of those lengthy float values which make the numbers unreadable.
float bc_sanitize_float(float value, float precision)
float result = floor((value * pow(10, precision) + 0.5)) / pow(10, precision);
if (abs(result) < 1 / pow(10, precision)) {
result = 0;
return result;
Make 4*4 matrices better readable
void bc_sanitize_mat(float mat[4][4], float precision)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
mat[i][j] = bc_sanitize_float(mat[i][j], precision);

View File

@ -53,8 +53,10 @@ extern "C" {
#include "BKE_object.h"
#include "BKE_DerivedMesh.h"
#include "BKE_scene.h"
#include "BKE_idprop.h"
#include "ImportSettings.h"
#include "ExportSettings.h"
#include "collada_internal.h"
@ -88,11 +90,25 @@ extern std::string bc_url_encode(std::string data);
extern void bc_match_scale(Object *ob, UnitConverter &bc_unit, bool scale_to_scene);
extern void bc_match_scale(std::vector<Object *> *objects_done, UnitConverter &unit_converter, bool scale_to_scene);
extern void bc_decompose(float mat[4][4], float *loc, float eul[3], float quat[4], float *size);
extern void bc_triangulate_mesh(Mesh *me);
extern bool bc_is_leaf_bone(Bone *bone);
extern EditBone *bc_get_edit_bone(bArmature * armature, char *name);
extern int bc_set_layer(int bitfield, int layer, bool enable);
extern int bc_set_layer(int bitfield, int layer);
extern float bc_sanitize_float(float value, float precision);
extern void bc_sanitize_mat(float mat[4][4], float precision);
extern IDProperty *bc_get_IDProperty(Bone *bone, std::string key);
extern void bc_set_IDProperty(EditBone *ebone, const char *key, float value);
extern void bc_set_IDPropertyMatrix(EditBone *ebone, const char *key, float mat[4][4]);
extern float bc_get_property(Bone *bone, std::string key, float def);
extern void bc_get_property_vector(Bone *bone, std::string key, float val[3], const float def[3]);
extern bool bc_get_property_matrix(Bone *bone, std::string key, float mat[4][4]);
extern void bc_create_restpose_mat(const ExportSettings *export_settings, Bone *bone, float to_mat[4][4], float world[4][4], bool use_local_space);
class BCPolygonNormalsIndices