Alternative new solver for cloth using the Eigen CG solver instead of

a custom built solver.

The old cloth solver is broken unfortunately. Eigen is a designated
linear algebra library and very likely their implementation is a lot
better (can't compare until it's implemented though).

Only basic gravity is active atm, spring forces, external force fields,
damping and volumetric friction have to be added back by converting
the data into the Eigen format.
This commit is contained in:
Lukas Tönne 2014-09-05 12:48:49 +02:00
parent 396f7ea158
commit 83137358c0
3 changed files with 1007 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -45,8 +45,9 @@ set(INC
@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ set(SRC

View File

@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
* \ingroup bke
#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
@ -2283,3 +2286,5 @@ void implicit_set_positions(ClothModifierData *clmd)
if (G.debug_value > 0)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,999 @@
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* The Original Code is Copyright (C) Blender Foundation
* All rights reserved.
* The Original Code is: all of this file.
* Contributor(s): Lukas Toenne
/** \file blender/blenkernel/intern/implicit_eigen.cpp
* \ingroup bke
#include <Eigen/Sparse>
#include "MEM_guardedalloc.h"
extern "C" {
#include "DNA_scene_types.h"
#include "DNA_object_types.h"
#include "DNA_object_force.h"
#include "DNA_meshdata_types.h"
#include "DNA_texture_types.h"
#include "BLI_math.h"
#include "BLI_linklist.h"
#include "BLI_utildefines.h"
#include "BKE_cloth.h"
#include "BKE_collision.h"
#include "BKE_effect.h"
#include "BKE_global.h"
/* ==== hash functions for debugging ==== */
static unsigned int hash_int_2d(unsigned int kx, unsigned int ky)
#define rot(x,k) (((x)<<(k)) | ((x)>>(32-(k))))
unsigned int a, b, c;
a = b = c = 0xdeadbeef + (2 << 2) + 13;
a += kx;
b += ky;
c ^= b; c -= rot(b,14);
a ^= c; a -= rot(c,11);
b ^= a; b -= rot(a,25);
c ^= b; c -= rot(b,16);
a ^= c; a -= rot(c,4);
b ^= a; b -= rot(a,14);
c ^= b; c -= rot(b,24);
return c;
#undef rot
static int hash_vertex(int type, int vertex)
return hash_int_2d((unsigned int)type, (unsigned int)vertex);
static int hash_collpair(int type, CollPair *collpair)
return hash_int_2d((unsigned int)type, hash_int_2d((unsigned int)collpair->face1, (unsigned int)collpair->face2));
/* ================ */
typedef float Scalar;
typedef Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar> lMatrix;
typedef Eigen::VectorXf lVector;
typedef Eigen::Triplet<Scalar> Triplet;
typedef std::vector<Triplet> TripletList;
typedef Eigen::ConjugateGradient<lMatrix, Eigen::Lower, Eigen::DiagonalPreconditioner<Scalar> > ConjugateGradient;
using Eigen::ComputationInfo;
BLI_INLINE void reserve_diagonal(lMatrix &m, int num)
m.reserve(Eigen::VectorXi::Constant(m.cols(), num));
BLI_INLINE float *lVector_v3(lVector &v, int index)
return + 3 * index;
BLI_INLINE const float *lVector_v3(const lVector &v, int index)
return + 3 * index;
struct Implicit_Data {
Implicit_Data(int numverts)
void resize(int numverts)
this->numverts = numverts;
int tot = 3 * numverts;
M.resize(tot, tot);
dFdV.resize(tot, tot);
dFdX.resize(tot, tot);
A.resize(tot, tot);
S.resize(tot, tot);
int numverts;
/* inputs */
lMatrix M; /* masses */
lMatrix dFdV, dFdX; /* force jacobians */
/* motion state data */
lVector X, Xnew; /* positions */
lVector V, Vnew; /* velocities */
lVector F; /* forces */
/* internal solver data */
lVector B; /* B for A*dV = B */
lMatrix A; /* A for A*dV = B */
lVector dV; /* velocity change (solution of A*dV = B) */
lVector z; /* target velocity in constrained directions */
lMatrix S; /* filtering matrix for constraints */
static bool simulate_implicit_euler(Implicit_Data *id, float dt)
ConjugateGradient cg;
id->A = id->M - dt * id->dFdV - dt*dt * id->dFdX;
id->B = dt * id->F + dt*dt * id->dFdX * id->V;
id->dV = cg.solve(id->B);
id->Vnew = id->V + id->dV;
return != Eigen::Success;
static void cloth_calc_force(ClothModifierData *clmd, lVector &F, lMatrix &dFdX, lMatrix &dFdV, const lVector &X, const lVector &V, const lMatrix &M, ListBase *effectors, float time)
Cloth *cloth = clmd->clothObject;
unsigned int numverts = cloth->numverts;
float spring_air = clmd->sim_parms->Cvi * 0.01f; /* viscosity of air scaled in percent */
float gravity[3] = {0,0,0};
// lVector diagonal(3*numverts);
// diagonal.setZero
TripletList coeff_dFdX, coeff_dFdV;
/* set dFdX jacobi matrix to zero */
/* set dFdV jacobi matrix diagonal entries to -spring_air */
// dFdV.setIdentity();
// initdiag_bfmatrix(dFdV, tm2);
/* global acceleration (gravitation) */
if (clmd->scene->physics_settings.flag & PHYS_GLOBAL_GRAVITY) {
/* scale gravity force
* XXX this factor looks totally arbitrary ... what is this? lukas_t
mul_v3_v3fl(gravity, clmd->scene->physics_settings.gravity, 0.001f * clmd->sim_parms->effector_weights->global_gravity);
for (int i = 0; i < numverts; ++i) {
copy_v3_v3(lVector_v3(F, i), gravity);
#if 0
/* Collect forces and derivatives: F, dFdX, dFdV */
Cloth *cloth = clmd->clothObject;
unsigned int i = 0;
float spring_air = clmd->sim_parms->Cvi * 0.01f; /* viscosity of air scaled in percent */
float gravity[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
float tm2[3][3] = {{0}};
MFace *mfaces = cloth->mfaces;
unsigned int numverts = cloth->numverts;
LinkNode *search;
lfVector *winvec;
EffectedPoint epoint;
tm2[0][0] = tm2[1][1] = tm2[2][2] = -spring_air;
/* global acceleration (gravitation) */
if (clmd->scene->physics_settings.flag & PHYS_GLOBAL_GRAVITY) {
copy_v3_v3(gravity, clmd->scene->physics_settings.gravity);
mul_fvector_S(gravity, gravity, 0.001f * clmd->sim_parms->effector_weights->global_gravity); /* scale gravity force */
/* set dFdX jacobi matrix to zero */
init_bfmatrix(dFdX, ZERO);
/* set dFdX jacobi matrix diagonal entries to -spring_air */
initdiag_bfmatrix(dFdV, tm2);
init_lfvector(lF, gravity, numverts);
hair_volume_forces(clmd, lF, lX, lV, numverts);
/* multiply lF with mass matrix
* force = mass * acceleration (in this case: gravity)
for (i = 0; i < numverts; i++) {
float temp[3];
copy_v3_v3(temp, lF[i]);
mul_fmatrix_fvector(lF[i], M[i].m, temp);
submul_lfvectorS(lF, lV, spring_air, numverts);
/* handle external forces like wind */
if (effectors) {
// 0 = force, 1 = normalized force
winvec = create_lfvector(cloth->numverts);
if (!winvec)
printf("winvec: out of memory in implicit.c\n");
// precalculate wind forces
for (i = 0; i < cloth->numverts; i++) {
pd_point_from_loc(clmd->scene, (float*)lX[i], (float*)lV[i], i, &epoint);
pdDoEffectors(effectors, NULL, clmd->sim_parms->effector_weights, &epoint, winvec[i], NULL);
for (i = 0; i < cloth->numfaces; i++) {
float trinormal[3] = {0, 0, 0}; // normalized triangle normal
float triunnormal[3] = {0, 0, 0}; // not-normalized-triangle normal
float tmp[3] = {0, 0, 0};
float factor = (mfaces[i].v4) ? 0.25 : 1.0 / 3.0;
factor *= 0.02f;
// calculate face normal
if (mfaces[i].v4)
CalcFloat4(lX[mfaces[i].v1], lX[mfaces[i].v2], lX[mfaces[i].v3], lX[mfaces[i].v4], triunnormal);
CalcFloat(lX[mfaces[i].v1], lX[mfaces[i].v2], lX[mfaces[i].v3], triunnormal);
normalize_v3_v3(trinormal, triunnormal);
// add wind from v1
copy_v3_v3(tmp, trinormal);
mul_v3_fl(tmp, calculateVertexWindForce(winvec[mfaces[i].v1], triunnormal));
VECADDS(lF[mfaces[i].v1], lF[mfaces[i].v1], tmp, factor);
// add wind from v2
copy_v3_v3(tmp, trinormal);
mul_v3_fl(tmp, calculateVertexWindForce(winvec[mfaces[i].v2], triunnormal));
VECADDS(lF[mfaces[i].v2], lF[mfaces[i].v2], tmp, factor);
// add wind from v3
copy_v3_v3(tmp, trinormal);
mul_v3_fl(tmp, calculateVertexWindForce(winvec[mfaces[i].v3], triunnormal));
VECADDS(lF[mfaces[i].v3], lF[mfaces[i].v3], tmp, factor);
// add wind from v4
if (mfaces[i].v4) {
copy_v3_v3(tmp, trinormal);
mul_v3_fl(tmp, calculateVertexWindForce(winvec[mfaces[i].v4], triunnormal));
VECADDS(lF[mfaces[i].v4], lF[mfaces[i].v4], tmp, factor);
/* Hair has only edges */
if (cloth->numfaces == 0) {
ClothSpring *spring;
float edgevec[3] = {0, 0, 0}; //edge vector
float edgeunnormal[3] = {0, 0, 0}; // not-normalized-edge normal
float tmp[3] = {0, 0, 0};
float factor = 0.01;
search = cloth->springs;
while (search) {
spring = search->link;
if (spring->type == CLOTH_SPRING_TYPE_STRUCTURAL) {
sub_v3_v3v3(edgevec, (float*)lX[spring->ij], (float*)lX[spring->kl]);
project_v3_v3v3(tmp, winvec[spring->ij], edgevec);
sub_v3_v3v3(edgeunnormal, winvec[spring->ij], tmp);
/* hair doesn't stretch too much so we can use restlen pretty safely */
VECADDS(lF[spring->ij], lF[spring->ij], edgeunnormal, spring->restlen * factor);
project_v3_v3v3(tmp, winvec[spring->kl], edgevec);
sub_v3_v3v3(edgeunnormal, winvec[spring->kl], tmp);
VECADDS(lF[spring->kl], lF[spring->kl], edgeunnormal, spring->restlen * factor);
search = search->next;
// calculate spring forces
search = cloth->springs;
while (search) {
// only handle active springs
ClothSpring *spring = search->link;
if (!(spring->flags & CLOTH_SPRING_FLAG_DEACTIVATE))
cloth_calc_spring_force(clmd, search->link, lF, lX, lV, dFdV, dFdX, time);
search = search->next;
// apply spring forces
search = cloth->springs;
while (search) {
// only handle active springs
ClothSpring *spring = search->link;
if (!(spring->flags & CLOTH_SPRING_FLAG_DEACTIVATE))
cloth_apply_spring_force(clmd, search->link, lF, lX, lV, dFdV, dFdX);
search = search->next;
// printf("\n");
int implicit_solver(Object *ob, float frame, ClothModifierData *clmd, ListBase *effectors)
float step=0.0f, tf=clmd->sim_parms->timescale;
Cloth *cloth = clmd->clothObject;
ClothVertex *verts = cloth->verts/*, *cv*/;
unsigned int numverts = cloth->numverts;
float dt = clmd->sim_parms->timescale / clmd->sim_parms->stepsPerFrame;
float spf = (float)clmd->sim_parms->stepsPerFrame / clmd->sim_parms->timescale;
Implicit_Data *id = cloth->implicit;
ColliderContacts *contacts = NULL;
int totcolliders = 0;
BKE_sim_debug_data_clear_category(clmd->debug_data, "collision");
#if 0
if (clmd->sim_parms->flags & CLOTH_SIMSETTINGS_FLAG_GOAL) { /* do goal stuff */
for (i = 0; i < numverts; i++) {
// update velocities with constrained velocities from pinned verts
if (verts [i].flags & CLOTH_VERT_FLAG_PINNED) {
sub_v3_v3v3(id->V[i], verts[i].xconst, verts[i].xold);
// mul_v3_fl(id->V[i], clmd->sim_parms->stepsPerFrame);
if (clmd->debug_data) {
for (int i = 0; i < numverts; i++) {
BKE_sim_debug_data_add_dot(clmd->debug_data, verts[i].x, 1.0f, 0.1f, 1.0f, "points", hash_vertex(583, i));
while (step < tf) {
/* copy velocities for collision */
for (int i = 0; i < numverts; i++) {
copy_v3_v3(verts[i].tv, lVector_v3(id->V, i));
copy_v3_v3(verts[i].v, verts[i].tv);
/* determine contact points */
if (clmd->coll_parms->flags & CLOTH_COLLSETTINGS_FLAG_ENABLED) {
if (clmd->coll_parms->flags & CLOTH_COLLSETTINGS_FLAG_POINTS) {
cloth_find_point_contacts(ob, clmd, 0.0f, tf, &contacts, &totcolliders);
/* setup vertex constraints for pinned vertices and contacts */
// setup_constraint_matrix(clmd, contacts, totcolliders, id->V, id->S, id->z, dt);
// damping velocity for artistic reasons
// mul_lfvectorS(id->V, id->V, clmd->sim_parms->vel_damping, numverts);
// calculate forces
cloth_calc_force(clmd, id->F, id->dFdX, id->dFdV, id->X, id->V, id->M, effectors, step);
// calculate new velocity
simulate_implicit_euler(id, dt);
// advance positions
id->Xnew = id->X + id->Vnew * dt;
for (int i = 0; i < numverts; i++) {
/* move pinned verts to correct position */
if (clmd->sim_parms->flags & CLOTH_SIMSETTINGS_FLAG_GOAL) {
if (verts[i].flags & CLOTH_VERT_FLAG_PINNED)
interp_v3_v3v3(lVector_v3(id->Xnew, i), verts[i].xold, verts[i].xconst, step + dt);
copy_v3_v3(verts[i].txold, lVector_v3(id->X, i));
// if (!(verts[i].flags & CLOTH_VERT_FLAG_PINNED) && i > 0) {
// BKE_sim_debug_data_add_line(clmd->debug_data, id->X[i], id->X[i-1], 0.6, 0.3, 0.3, "hair", hash_vertex(4892, i));
// BKE_sim_debug_data_add_line(clmd->debug_data, id->Xnew[i], id->Xnew[i-1], 1, 0.5, 0.5, "hair", hash_vertex(4893, i));
// }
// BKE_sim_debug_data_add_vector(clmd->debug_data, id->X[i], id->V[i], 0, 0, 1, "velocity", hash_vertex(3158, i));
/* free contact points */
if (contacts) {
cloth_free_contacts(contacts, totcolliders);
id->X = id->Xnew;
id->V = id->Vnew;
step += dt;
for (int i = 0; i < numverts; i++) {
if ((clmd->sim_parms->flags & CLOTH_SIMSETTINGS_FLAG_GOAL) && (verts [i].flags & CLOTH_VERT_FLAG_PINNED)) {
copy_v3_v3(verts[i].x, verts[i].xconst);
copy_v3_v3(verts[i].txold, verts[i].x);
copy_v3_v3(verts[i].v, lVector_v3(id->V, i));
else {
copy_v3_v3(verts[i].x, lVector_v3(id->X, i));
copy_v3_v3(verts[i].txold, verts[i].x);
copy_v3_v3(verts[i].v, lVector_v3(id->V, i));
return 1;
void implicit_set_positions(ClothModifierData *clmd)
Cloth *cloth = clmd->clothObject;
ClothVertex *verts = cloth->verts;
unsigned int numverts = cloth->numverts, i;
lVector &X = cloth->implicit->X;
lVector &V = cloth->implicit->V;
for (i = 0; i < numverts; i++) {
copy_v3_v3(lVector_v3(X, i), verts[i].x);
copy_v3_v3(lVector_v3(V, i), verts[i].v);
static void implicit_set_mass(ClothModifierData *clmd)
Cloth *cloth = clmd->clothObject;
ClothVertex *verts = cloth->verts;
unsigned int numverts = cloth->numverts;
lMatrix &M = cloth->implicit->M;
reserve_diagonal(M, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < numverts; ++i) {
M.insert(3*i+0, 3*i+0) = verts[i].mass;
M.insert(3*i+1, 3*i+1) = verts[i].mass;
M.insert(3*i+2, 3*i+2) = verts[i].mass;
int implicit_init(Object *UNUSED(ob), ClothModifierData *clmd)
Cloth *cloth = clmd->clothObject;
cloth->implicit = new Implicit_Data(cloth->numverts);
#if 0
// init springs
search = cloth->springs;
for (i = 0; i < cloth->numsprings; i++) {
spring = search->link;
// dFdV_start[i].r = big_I[i].r = big_zero[i].r =
id->A[i+cloth->numverts].r = id->dFdV[i+cloth->numverts].r = id->dFdX[i+cloth->numverts].r =
id->P[i+cloth->numverts].r = id->Pinv[i+cloth->numverts].r = id->bigI[i+cloth->numverts].r = id->M[i+cloth->numverts].r = spring->ij;
// dFdV_start[i].c = big_I[i].c = big_zero[i].c =
id->A[i+cloth->numverts].c = id->dFdV[i+cloth->numverts].c = id->dFdX[i+cloth->numverts].c =
id->P[i+cloth->numverts].c = id->Pinv[i+cloth->numverts].c = id->bigI[i+cloth->numverts].c = id->M[i+cloth->numverts].c = spring->kl;
spring->matrix_index = i + cloth->numverts;
search = search->next;
return 1;
int implicit_free(ClothModifierData *clmd)
Cloth *cloth = clmd->clothObject;
if (cloth && cloth->implicit) {
delete cloth->implicit;
return 1;
/* ================ Volumetric Hair Interaction ================
* adapted from
* Volumetric Methods for Simulation and Rendering of Hair
* by Lena Petrovic, Mark Henne and John Anderson
* Pixar Technical Memo #06-08, Pixar Animation Studios
/* Note about array indexing:
* Generally the arrays here are one-dimensional.
* The relation between 3D indices and the array offset is
* offset = x + res_x * y + res_y * z
/* TODO: This is an initial implementation and should be made much better in due time.
* What should at least be implemented is a grid size parameter and a smoothing kernel
* for bigger grids.
#if 0
/* 10x10x10 grid gives nice initial results */
static const int hair_grid_res = 10;
static int hair_grid_size(int res)
return res * res * res;
BLI_INLINE void hair_grid_get_scale(int res, const float gmin[3], const float gmax[3], float scale[3])
sub_v3_v3v3(scale, gmax, gmin);
mul_v3_fl(scale, 1.0f / (res-1));
typedef struct HairGridVert {
float velocity[3];
float density;
} HairGridVert;
#define HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, axis) ( min_ii( max_ii( (int)((vec[axis] - gmin[axis]) / scale[axis]), 0), res-2 ) )
BLI_INLINE int hair_grid_offset(const float vec[3], int res, const float gmin[3], const float scale[3])
int i, j, k;
i = HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, 0);
j = HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, 1);
k = HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, 2);
return i + (j + k*res)*res;
BLI_INLINE int hair_grid_interp_weights(int res, const float gmin[3], const float scale[3], const float vec[3], float uvw[3])
int i, j, k, offset;
i = HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, 0);
j = HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, 1);
k = HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, 2);
offset = i + (j + k*res)*res;
uvw[0] = (vec[0] - gmin[0]) / scale[0] - (float)i;
uvw[1] = (vec[1] - gmin[1]) / scale[1] - (float)j;
uvw[2] = (vec[2] - gmin[2]) / scale[2] - (float)k;
return offset;
BLI_INLINE void hair_grid_interpolate(const HairGridVert *grid, int res, const float gmin[3], const float scale[3], const float vec[3],
float *density, float velocity[3], float density_gradient[3])
HairGridVert data[8];
float uvw[3], muvw[3];
int res2 = res * res;
int offset;
offset = hair_grid_interp_weights(res, gmin, scale, vec, uvw);
muvw[0] = 1.0f - uvw[0];
muvw[1] = 1.0f - uvw[1];
muvw[2] = 1.0f - uvw[2];
data[0] = grid[offset ];
data[1] = grid[offset +1];
data[2] = grid[offset +res ];
data[3] = grid[offset +res+1];
data[4] = grid[offset+res2 ];
data[5] = grid[offset+res2 +1];
data[6] = grid[offset+res2+res ];
data[7] = grid[offset+res2+res+1];
if (density) {
*density = muvw[2]*( muvw[1]*( muvw[0]*data[0].density + uvw[0]*data[1].density ) +
uvw[1]*( muvw[0]*data[2].density + uvw[0]*data[3].density ) ) +
uvw[2]*( muvw[1]*( muvw[0]*data[4].density + uvw[0]*data[5].density ) +
uvw[1]*( muvw[0]*data[6].density + uvw[0]*data[7].density ) );
if (velocity) {
int k;
for (k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
velocity[k] = muvw[2]*( muvw[1]*( muvw[0]*data[0].velocity[k] + uvw[0]*data[1].velocity[k] ) +
uvw[1]*( muvw[0]*data[2].velocity[k] + uvw[0]*data[3].velocity[k] ) ) +
uvw[2]*( muvw[1]*( muvw[0]*data[4].velocity[k] + uvw[0]*data[5].velocity[k] ) +
uvw[1]*( muvw[0]*data[6].velocity[k] + uvw[0]*data[7].velocity[k] ) );
if (density_gradient) {
density_gradient[0] = muvw[1] * muvw[2] * ( data[0].density - data[1].density ) +
uvw[1] * muvw[2] * ( data[2].density - data[3].density ) +
muvw[1] * uvw[2] * ( data[4].density - data[5].density ) +
uvw[1] * uvw[2] * ( data[6].density - data[7].density );
density_gradient[1] = muvw[2] * muvw[0] * ( data[0].density - data[2].density ) +
uvw[2] * muvw[0] * ( data[4].density - data[6].density ) +
muvw[2] * uvw[0] * ( data[1].density - data[3].density ) +
uvw[2] * uvw[0] * ( data[5].density - data[7].density );
density_gradient[2] = muvw[2] * muvw[0] * ( data[0].density - data[4].density ) +
uvw[2] * muvw[0] * ( data[1].density - data[5].density ) +
muvw[2] * uvw[0] * ( data[2].density - data[6].density ) +
uvw[2] * uvw[0] * ( data[3].density - data[7].density );
static void hair_velocity_smoothing(const HairGridVert *hairgrid, const float gmin[3], const float scale[3], float smoothfac,
lfVector *lF, lfVector *lX, lfVector *lV, unsigned int numverts)
int v;
/* calculate forces */
for (v = 0; v < numverts; v++) {
float density, velocity[3];
hair_grid_interpolate(hairgrid, hair_grid_res, gmin, scale, lX[v], &density, velocity, NULL);
sub_v3_v3(velocity, lV[v]);
madd_v3_v3fl(lF[v], velocity, smoothfac);
static void hair_velocity_collision(const HairGridVert *collgrid, const float gmin[3], const float scale[3], float collfac,
lfVector *lF, lfVector *lX, lfVector *lV, unsigned int numverts)
int v;
/* calculate forces */
for (v = 0; v < numverts; v++) {
int offset = hair_grid_offset(lX[v], hair_grid_res, gmin, scale);
if (collgrid[offset].density > 0.0f) {
lF[v][0] += collfac * (collgrid[offset].velocity[0] - lV[v][0]);
lF[v][1] += collfac * (collgrid[offset].velocity[1] - lV[v][1]);
lF[v][2] += collfac * (collgrid[offset].velocity[2] - lV[v][2]);
static void hair_pressure_force(const HairGridVert *hairgrid, const float gmin[3], const float scale[3], float pressurefac, float minpressure,
lfVector *lF, lfVector *lX, unsigned int numverts)
int v;
/* calculate forces */
for (v = 0; v < numverts; v++) {
float density, gradient[3], gradlen;
hair_grid_interpolate(hairgrid, hair_grid_res, gmin, scale, lX[v], &density, NULL, gradient);
gradlen = normalize_v3(gradient) - minpressure;
if (gradlen < 0.0f)
mul_v3_fl(gradient, gradlen);
madd_v3_v3fl(lF[v], gradient, pressurefac);
static void hair_volume_get_boundbox(lfVector *lX, unsigned int numverts, float gmin[3], float gmax[3])
int i;
INIT_MINMAX(gmin, gmax);
for (i = 0; i < numverts; i++)
DO_MINMAX(lX[i], gmin, gmax);
BLI_INLINE bool hair_grid_point_valid(const float vec[3], float gmin[3], float gmax[3])
return !(vec[0] < gmin[0] || vec[1] < gmin[1] || vec[2] < gmin[2] ||
vec[0] > gmax[0] || vec[1] > gmax[1] || vec[2] > gmax[2]);
BLI_INLINE float dist_tent_v3f3(const float a[3], float x, float y, float z)
float w = (1.0f - fabsf(a[0] - x)) * (1.0f - fabsf(a[1] - y)) * (1.0f - fabsf(a[2] - z));
return w;
/* returns the grid array offset as well to avoid redundant calculation */
static int hair_grid_weights(int res, const float gmin[3], const float scale[3], const float vec[3], float weights[8])
int i, j, k, offset;
float uvw[3];
i = HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, 0);
j = HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, 1);
k = HAIR_GRID_INDEX_AXIS(vec, res, gmin, scale, 2);
offset = i + (j + k*res)*res;
uvw[0] = (vec[0] - gmin[0]) / scale[0];
uvw[1] = (vec[1] - gmin[1]) / scale[1];
uvw[2] = (vec[2] - gmin[2]) / scale[2];
weights[0] = dist_tent_v3f3(uvw, (float)i , (float)j , (float)k );
weights[1] = dist_tent_v3f3(uvw, (float)(i+1), (float)j , (float)k );
weights[2] = dist_tent_v3f3(uvw, (float)i , (float)(j+1), (float)k );
weights[3] = dist_tent_v3f3(uvw, (float)(i+1), (float)(j+1), (float)k );
weights[4] = dist_tent_v3f3(uvw, (float)i , (float)j , (float)(k+1));
weights[5] = dist_tent_v3f3(uvw, (float)(i+1), (float)j , (float)(k+1));
weights[6] = dist_tent_v3f3(uvw, (float)i , (float)(j+1), (float)(k+1));
weights[7] = dist_tent_v3f3(uvw, (float)(i+1), (float)(j+1), (float)(k+1));
return offset;
static HairGridVert *hair_volume_create_hair_grid(ClothModifierData *clmd, lfVector *lX, lfVector *lV, unsigned int numverts)
int res = hair_grid_res;
int size = hair_grid_size(res);
HairGridVert *hairgrid;
float gmin[3], gmax[3], scale[3];
/* 2.0f is an experimental value that seems to give good results */
float smoothfac = 2.0f * clmd->sim_parms->velocity_smooth;
unsigned int v = 0;
int i = 0;
hair_volume_get_boundbox(lX, numverts, gmin, gmax);
hair_grid_get_scale(res, gmin, gmax, scale);
hairgrid = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(HairGridVert) * size, "hair voxel data");
/* initialize grid */
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
hairgrid[i].density = 0.0f;
/* gather velocities & density */
if (smoothfac > 0.0f) {
for (v = 0; v < numverts; v++) {
float *V = lV[v];
float weights[8];
int di, dj, dk;
int offset;
if (!hair_grid_point_valid(lX[v], gmin, gmax))
offset = hair_grid_weights(res, gmin, scale, lX[v], weights);
for (di = 0; di < 2; ++di) {
for (dj = 0; dj < 2; ++dj) {
for (dk = 0; dk < 2; ++dk) {
int voffset = offset + di + (dj + dk*res)*res;
int iw = di + dj*2 + dk*4;
hairgrid[voffset].density += weights[iw];
madd_v3_v3fl(hairgrid[voffset].velocity, V, weights[iw]);
/* divide velocity with density */
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
float density = hairgrid[i].density;
if (density > 0.0f)
mul_v3_fl(hairgrid[i].velocity, 1.0f/density);
return hairgrid;
static HairGridVert *hair_volume_create_collision_grid(ClothModifierData *clmd, lfVector *lX, unsigned int numverts)
int res = hair_grid_res;
int size = hair_grid_size(res);
HairGridVert *collgrid;
ListBase *colliders;
ColliderCache *col = NULL;
float gmin[3], gmax[3], scale[3];
/* 2.0f is an experimental value that seems to give good results */
float collfac = 2.0f * clmd->sim_parms->collider_friction;
unsigned int v = 0;
int i = 0;
hair_volume_get_boundbox(lX, numverts, gmin, gmax);
hair_grid_get_scale(res, gmin, gmax, scale);
collgrid = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(HairGridVert) * size, "hair collider voxel data");
/* initialize grid */
for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
collgrid[i].density = 0.0f;
/* gather colliders */
colliders = get_collider_cache(clmd->scene, NULL, NULL);
if (colliders && collfac > 0.0f) {
for (col = colliders->first; col; col = col->next) {
MVert *loc0 = col->collmd->x;
MVert *loc1 = col->collmd->xnew;
float vel[3];
float weights[8];
int di, dj, dk;
for (v=0; v < col->collmd->numverts; v++, loc0++, loc1++) {
int offset;
if (!hair_grid_point_valid(loc1->co, gmin, gmax))
offset = hair_grid_weights(res, gmin, scale, lX[v], weights);
sub_v3_v3v3(vel, loc1->co, loc0->co);
for (di = 0; di < 2; ++di) {
for (dj = 0; dj < 2; ++dj) {
for (dk = 0; dk < 2; ++dk) {
int voffset = offset + di + (dj + dk*res)*res;
int iw = di + dj*2 + dk*4;
collgrid[voffset].density += weights[iw];
madd_v3_v3fl(collgrid[voffset].velocity, vel, weights[iw]);
/* divide velocity with density */
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
float density = collgrid[i].density;
if (density > 0.0f)
mul_v3_fl(collgrid[i].velocity, 1.0f/density);
return collgrid;
static void hair_volume_forces(ClothModifierData *clmd, lfVector *lF, lfVector *lX, lfVector *lV, unsigned int numverts)
HairGridVert *hairgrid, *collgrid;
float gmin[3], gmax[3], scale[3];
/* 2.0f is an experimental value that seems to give good results */
float smoothfac = 2.0f * clmd->sim_parms->velocity_smooth;
float collfac = 2.0f * clmd->sim_parms->collider_friction;
float pressfac = clmd->sim_parms->pressure;
float minpress = clmd->sim_parms->pressure_threshold;
if (smoothfac <= 0.0f && collfac <= 0.0f && pressfac <= 0.0f)
hair_volume_get_boundbox(lX, numverts, gmin, gmax);
hair_grid_get_scale(hair_grid_res, gmin, gmax, scale);
hairgrid = hair_volume_create_hair_grid(clmd, lX, lV, numverts);
collgrid = hair_volume_create_collision_grid(clmd, lX, numverts);
hair_velocity_smoothing(hairgrid, gmin, scale, smoothfac, lF, lX, lV, numverts);
hair_velocity_collision(collgrid, gmin, scale, collfac, lF, lX, lV, numverts);
hair_pressure_force(hairgrid, gmin, scale, pressfac, minpress, lF, lX, numverts);
bool implicit_hair_volume_get_texture_data(Object *UNUSED(ob), ClothModifierData *clmd, ListBase *UNUSED(effectors), VoxelData *vd)
#if 0
lfVector *lX, *lV;
HairGridVert *hairgrid/*, *collgrid*/;
int numverts;
int totres, i;
int depth;
if (!clmd->clothObject || !clmd->clothObject->implicit)
return false;
lX = clmd->clothObject->implicit->X;
lV = clmd->clothObject->implicit->V;
numverts = clmd->clothObject->numverts;
hairgrid = hair_volume_create_hair_grid(clmd, lX, lV, numverts);
// collgrid = hair_volume_create_collision_grid(clmd, lX, numverts);
vd->resol[0] = hair_grid_res;
vd->resol[1] = hair_grid_res;
vd->resol[2] = hair_grid_res;
totres = hair_grid_size(hair_grid_res);
if (vd->hair_type == TEX_VD_HAIRVELOCITY) {
depth = 4;
vd->data_type = TEX_VD_RGBA_PREMUL;
else {
depth = 1;
vd->data_type = TEX_VD_INTENSITY;
if (totres > 0) {
vd->dataset = (float *)MEM_mapallocN(sizeof(float) * depth * (totres), "hair volume texture data");
for (i = 0; i < totres; ++i) {
switch (vd->hair_type) {
vd->dataset[i] = hairgrid[i].density;
vd->dataset[i] = 0.0f; // TODO
vd->dataset[i + 0*totres] = hairgrid[i].velocity[0];
vd->dataset[i + 1*totres] = hairgrid[i].velocity[1];
vd->dataset[i + 2*totres] = hairgrid[i].velocity[2];
vd->dataset[i + 3*totres] = len_v3(hairgrid[i].velocity);
vd->dataset[i] = 0.0f; // TODO
else {
vd->dataset = NULL;
// MEM_freeN(collgrid);
return true;
return false; // XXX TODO
/* ================================ */