Multi-Objects: UV_OT_align and UV_OT_weld

This commit is contained in:
Dalai Felinto 2018-09-05 11:18:31 -03:00
parent de187c0ba7
commit 994f438af3
Notes: blender-bot 2023-02-21 17:59:30 +01:00
Referenced by issue #54645, Multi-Object-Mode: EditMesh UV Tools
1 changed files with 197 additions and 170 deletions

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@ -1499,222 +1499,249 @@ static void UV_OT_select_less(wmOperatorType *ot)
static void uv_weld_align(bContext *C, int tool)
Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C);
BMEditMesh *em = BKE_editmesh_from_object(obedit);
SpaceImage *sima;
Scene *scene;
Image *ima;
Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
ViewLayer *view_layer = CTX_data_view_layer(C);
SpaceImage *sima = CTX_wm_space_image(C);
Image *ima = CTX_data_edit_image(C);
ToolSettings *ts = scene->toolsettings;
const bool synced_selection = (ts->uv_flag & UV_SYNC_SELECTION) != 0;
float cent[2], min[2], max[2];
const int cd_loop_uv_offset = CustomData_get_offset(&em->bm->ldata, CD_MLOOPUV);
scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
ima = CTX_data_edit_image(C);
sima = CTX_wm_space_image(C);
INIT_MINMAX2(min, max);
uint objects_len = 0;
Object **objects = BKE_view_layer_array_from_objects_in_edit_mode_unique_data_with_uvs(view_layer, &objects_len);
if (tool == 'a') {
BMIter iter, liter;
BMFace *efa;
BMLoop *l;
for (uint ob_index = 0; ob_index < objects_len; ob_index++) {
Object *obedit = objects[ob_index];
BMEditMesh *em = BKE_editmesh_from_object(obedit);
BM_ITER_MESH (efa, &iter, em->bm, BM_FACES_OF_MESH) {
if (!uvedit_face_visible_test(scene, obedit, ima, efa))
if (synced_selection && (em->bm->totvertsel == 0)) {
BM_ITER_ELEM (l, &liter, efa, BM_LOOPS_OF_FACE) {
if (uvedit_uv_select_test(scene, l, cd_loop_uv_offset)) {
MLoopUV *luv = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(l, cd_loop_uv_offset);
minmax_v2v2_v2(min, max, luv->uv);
const int cd_loop_uv_offset = CustomData_get_offset(&em->bm->ldata, CD_MLOOPUV);
BMIter iter, liter;
BMFace *efa;
BMLoop *l;
BM_ITER_MESH (efa, &iter, em->bm, BM_FACES_OF_MESH) {
if (!uvedit_face_visible_test(scene, obedit, ima, efa))
BM_ITER_ELEM (l, &liter, efa, BM_LOOPS_OF_FACE) {
if (uvedit_uv_select_test(scene, l, cd_loop_uv_offset)) {
MLoopUV *luv = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(l, cd_loop_uv_offset);
minmax_v2v2_v2(min, max, luv->uv);
tool = (max[0] - min[0] >= max[1] - min[1]) ? 'y' : 'x';
ED_uvedit_center(scene, ima, obedit, cent, 0);
ED_uvedit_center_multi(scene, ima, objects, objects_len, cent, 0);
if (tool == 'x' || tool == 'w') {
BMIter iter, liter;
BMFace *efa;
BMLoop *l;
for (uint ob_index = 0; ob_index < objects_len; ob_index++) {
Object *obedit = objects[ob_index];
BMEditMesh *em = BKE_editmesh_from_object(obedit);
bool changed = false;
BM_ITER_MESH (efa, &iter, em->bm, BM_FACES_OF_MESH) {
if (!uvedit_face_visible_test(scene, obedit, ima, efa))
BM_ITER_ELEM (l, &liter, efa, BM_LOOPS_OF_FACE) {
if (uvedit_uv_select_test(scene, l, cd_loop_uv_offset)) {
MLoopUV *luv = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(l, cd_loop_uv_offset);
luv->uv[0] = cent[0];
if (synced_selection && (em->bm->totvertsel == 0)) {
if (tool == 'y' || tool == 'w') {
BMIter iter, liter;
BMFace *efa;
BMLoop *l;
const int cd_loop_uv_offset = CustomData_get_offset(&em->bm->ldata, CD_MLOOPUV);
BM_ITER_MESH (efa, &iter, em->bm, BM_FACES_OF_MESH) {
if (!uvedit_face_visible_test(scene, obedit, ima, efa))
if (tool == 'x' || tool == 'w') {
BMIter iter, liter;
BMFace *efa;
BMLoop *l;
BM_ITER_ELEM (l, &liter, efa, BM_LOOPS_OF_FACE) {
if (uvedit_uv_select_test(scene, l, cd_loop_uv_offset)) {
MLoopUV *luv = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(l, cd_loop_uv_offset);
luv->uv[1] = cent[1];
if (tool == 's' || tool == 't' || tool == 'u') {
BMEdge *eed;
BMLoop *l;
BMVert *eve;
BMVert *eve_start;
BMIter iter, liter, eiter;
/* clear tag */
BM_mesh_elem_hflag_disable_all(em->bm, BM_VERT, BM_ELEM_TAG, false);
/* tag verts with a selected UV */
BM_ITER_MESH (eve, &iter, em->bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH) {
BM_ITER_ELEM (l, &liter, eve, BM_LOOPS_OF_VERT) {
if (!uvedit_face_visible_test(scene, obedit, ima, l->f))
BM_ITER_MESH (efa, &iter, em->bm, BM_FACES_OF_MESH) {
if (!uvedit_face_visible_test(scene, obedit, ima, efa))
if (uvedit_uv_select_test(scene, l, cd_loop_uv_offset)) {
BM_elem_flag_enable(eve, BM_ELEM_TAG);
BM_ITER_ELEM (l, &liter, efa, BM_LOOPS_OF_FACE) {
if (uvedit_uv_select_test(scene, l, cd_loop_uv_offset)) {
MLoopUV *luv = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(l, cd_loop_uv_offset);
luv->uv[0] = cent[0];
changed = true;
if (tool == 'y' || tool == 'w') {
BMIter iter, liter;
BMFace *efa;
BMLoop *l;
BM_ITER_MESH (efa, &iter, em->bm, BM_FACES_OF_MESH) {
if (!uvedit_face_visible_test(scene, obedit, ima, efa))
BM_ITER_ELEM (l, &liter, efa, BM_LOOPS_OF_FACE) {
if (uvedit_uv_select_test(scene, l, cd_loop_uv_offset)) {
MLoopUV *luv = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(l, cd_loop_uv_offset);
luv->uv[1] = cent[1];
changed = true;
if (tool == 's' || tool == 't' || tool == 'u') {
BMEdge *eed;
BMLoop *l;
BMVert *eve;
BMVert *eve_start;
BMIter iter, liter, eiter;
/* clear tag */
BM_mesh_elem_hflag_disable_all(em->bm, BM_VERT, BM_ELEM_TAG, false);
/* tag verts with a selected UV */
BM_ITER_MESH (eve, &iter, em->bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH) {
BM_ITER_ELEM (l, &liter, eve, BM_LOOPS_OF_VERT) {
if (!uvedit_face_visible_test(scene, obedit, ima, l->f))
if (uvedit_uv_select_test(scene, l, cd_loop_uv_offset)) {
BM_elem_flag_enable(eve, BM_ELEM_TAG);
/* flush vertex tags to edges */
BM_ITER_MESH (eed, &iter, em->bm, BM_EDGES_OF_MESH) {
(BM_elem_flag_test(eed->v1, BM_ELEM_TAG) &&
BM_elem_flag_test(eed->v2, BM_ELEM_TAG)));
/* find a vertex with only one tagged edge */
eve_start = NULL;
BM_ITER_MESH (eve, &iter, em->bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH) {
int tot_eed_tag = 0;
BM_ITER_ELEM (eed, &eiter, eve, BM_EDGES_OF_VERT) {
if (BM_elem_flag_test(eed, BM_ELEM_TAG)) {
if (tot_eed_tag == 1) {
eve_start = eve;
/* flush vertex tags to edges */
BM_ITER_MESH (eed, &iter, em->bm, BM_EDGES_OF_MESH) {
(BM_elem_flag_test(eed->v1, BM_ELEM_TAG) &&
BM_elem_flag_test(eed->v2, BM_ELEM_TAG)));
if (eve_start) {
BMVert **eve_line = NULL;
BMVert *eve_next = NULL;
int i;
/* find a vertex with only one tagged edge */
eve_start = NULL;
BM_ITER_MESH (eve, &iter, em->bm, BM_VERTS_OF_MESH) {
int tot_eed_tag = 0;
BM_ITER_ELEM (eed, &eiter, eve, BM_EDGES_OF_VERT) {
if (BM_elem_flag_test(eed, BM_ELEM_TAG)) {
eve = eve_start;
/* walk over edges, building an array of verts in a line */
while (eve) {
BLI_array_append(eve_line, eve);
/* don't touch again */
BM_elem_flag_disable(eve, BM_ELEM_TAG);
eve_next = NULL;
/* find next eve */
BM_ITER_ELEM (eed, &eiter, eve, BM_EDGES_OF_VERT) {
if (BM_elem_flag_test(eed, BM_ELEM_TAG)) {
BMVert *eve_other = BM_edge_other_vert(eed, eve);
if (BM_elem_flag_test(eve_other, BM_ELEM_TAG)) {
/* this is a tagged vert we didnt walk over yet, step onto it */
eve_next = eve_other;
eve = eve_next;
if (tot_eed_tag == 1) {
eve_start = eve;
/* now we have all verts, make into a line */
if (BLI_array_len(eve_line) > 2) {
if (eve_start) {
BMVert **eve_line = NULL;
BMVert *eve_next = NULL;
int i;
/* we know the returns from these must be valid */
const float *uv_start = uv_sel_co_from_eve(
scene, obedit, ima, em, eve_line[0]);
const float *uv_end = uv_sel_co_from_eve(
scene, obedit, ima, em, eve_line[BLI_array_len(eve_line) - 1]);
/* For t & u modes */
float a = 0.0f;
int tool_local = tool;
eve = eve_start;
if (tool_local == 't') {
if (uv_start[1] == uv_end[1])
tool_local = 's';
a = (uv_end[0] - uv_start[0]) / (uv_end[1] - uv_start[1]);
else if (tool_local == 'u') {
if (uv_start[0] == uv_end[0])
tool_local = 's';
a = (uv_end[1] - uv_start[1]) / (uv_end[0] - uv_start[0]);
/* walk over edges, building an array of verts in a line */
while (eve) {
BLI_array_append(eve_line, eve);
/* don't touch again */
BM_elem_flag_disable(eve, BM_ELEM_TAG);
/* go over all verts except for endpoints */
for (i = 0; i < BLI_array_len(eve_line); i++) {
BM_ITER_ELEM (l, &liter, eve_line[i], BM_LOOPS_OF_VERT) {
if (!uvedit_face_visible_test(scene, obedit, ima, l->f))
eve_next = NULL;
/* find next eve */
BM_ITER_ELEM (eed, &eiter, eve, BM_EDGES_OF_VERT) {
if (BM_elem_flag_test(eed, BM_ELEM_TAG)) {
BMVert *eve_other = BM_edge_other_vert(eed, eve);
if (BM_elem_flag_test(eve_other, BM_ELEM_TAG)) {
/* this is a tagged vert we didnt walk over yet, step onto it */
eve_next = eve_other;
if (uvedit_uv_select_test(scene, l, cd_loop_uv_offset)) {
MLoopUV *luv = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(l, cd_loop_uv_offset);
/* Projection of point (x, y) over line (x1, y1, x2, y2) along X axis:
* new_y = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x1) + y1
* Maybe this should be a BLI func? Or is it already existing?
* Could use interp_v2_v2v2, but not sure it's worth it here...*/
if (tool_local == 't')
luv->uv[0] = a * (luv->uv[1] - uv_start[1]) + uv_start[0];
else if (tool_local == 'u')
luv->uv[1] = a * (luv->uv[0] - uv_start[0]) + uv_start[1];
closest_to_line_segment_v2(luv->uv, luv->uv, uv_start, uv_end);
changed = true;
eve = eve_next;
/* now we have all verts, make into a line */
if (BLI_array_len(eve_line) > 2) {
/* we know the returns from these must be valid */
const float *uv_start = uv_sel_co_from_eve(
scene, obedit, ima, em, eve_line[0]);
const float *uv_end = uv_sel_co_from_eve(
scene, obedit, ima, em, eve_line[BLI_array_len(eve_line) - 1]);
/* For t & u modes */
float a = 0.0f;
if (tool == 't') {
if (uv_start[1] == uv_end[1])
tool = 's';
a = (uv_end[0] - uv_start[0]) / (uv_end[1] - uv_start[1]);
else if (tool == 'u') {
if (uv_start[0] == uv_end[0])
tool = 's';
a = (uv_end[1] - uv_start[1]) / (uv_end[0] - uv_start[0]);
else {
/* error - not a line, needs 3+ points */
/* go over all verts except for endpoints */
for (i = 0; i < BLI_array_len(eve_line); i++) {
BM_ITER_ELEM (l, &liter, eve_line[i], BM_LOOPS_OF_VERT) {
if (!uvedit_face_visible_test(scene, obedit, ima, l->f))
if (uvedit_uv_select_test(scene, l, cd_loop_uv_offset)) {
MLoopUV *luv = BM_ELEM_CD_GET_VOID_P(l, cd_loop_uv_offset);
/* Projection of point (x, y) over line (x1, y1, x2, y2) along X axis:
* new_y = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x1) + y1
* Maybe this should be a BLI func? Or is it already existing?
* Could use interp_v2_v2v2, but not sure it's worth it here...*/
if (tool == 't')
luv->uv[0] = a * (luv->uv[1] - uv_start[1]) + uv_start[0];
else if (tool == 'u')
luv->uv[1] = a * (luv->uv[0] - uv_start[0]) + uv_start[1];
closest_to_line_segment_v2(luv->uv, luv->uv, uv_start, uv_end);
if (eve_line) {
else {
/* error - not a line, needs 3+ points */
if (eve_line) {
/* error - cant find an endpoint */
else {
/* error - cant find an endpoint */
if (changed) {
uvedit_live_unwrap_update(sima, scene, obedit);
DEG_id_tag_update(obedit->data, 0);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GEOM | ND_DATA, obedit->data);
uvedit_live_unwrap_update(sima, scene, obedit);
DEG_id_tag_update(obedit->data, 0);
WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_GEOM | ND_DATA, obedit->data);
static int uv_align_exec(bContext *C, wmOperator *op)