BlenderKit: fix category display

was actually showing slugs, now shows names with links
fix long descriptions issue - now has a 'more' button to read the rest online
(label_multiline now has  a max_lines parameter and returns True if max lenght was reached)
fix avatars to match server
This commit is contained in:
Vilem Duha 2021-07-04 09:10:58 +02:00 committed by Jeroen Bakker
parent 526557bba1
commit 29db4b5feb
Notes: blender-bot 2023-02-13 14:30:31 +01:00
Referenced by issue blender/blender#88449: Blender LTS: Maintenance Task 2.93
Referenced by issue blender/blender#88449, Blender LTS: Maintenance Task 2.93
5 changed files with 101 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ def get_category_name_path(categories, category):
category_path = []
check_categories = categories[:]
parents = {}
# utils.pprint(categories)
while len(check_categories) > 0:
ccheck = check_categories.pop()
# print(ccheck['name'])
@ -100,16 +100,19 @@ def get_category_name_path(categories, category):
for ch in ccheck['children']:
# print(ch['name'])
parents[ch['slug']] = ccheck['slug']
parents[ch['slug']] = ccheck
if ch['slug'] == category:
category_path = [ch['slug']]
category_path = [ch['name']]
slug = ch['slug']
while parents.get(slug):
slug = parents.get(slug)
category_path.insert(0, slug)
parent = parents.get(slug)
slug = parent['slug']
category_path.insert(0, parent['name'])
return category_path
return category_path
def get_category(categories, cat_path=()):
for category in cat_path:

View File

@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ def get_oauth_landing_url():
def get_author_gallery_url(author_id):
return f'{get_bkit_url()}/asset-gallery?query=author_id:{author_id}'
def get_asset_gallery_url(asset_id):
return f'{get_bkit_url()}/asset-gallery-detail/{asset_id}/'
def default_global_dict():
from os.path import expanduser

View File

@ -684,7 +684,37 @@ def write_gravatar(a_id, gravatar_path):
def fetch_gravatar(adata):
Gets avatars from blenderkit server
adata - author data from elastic search result
# utils.p('fetch gravatar')
#fetch new avatars if available already
if adata.get('avatar128') is not None:
avatar_path = paths.get_temp_dir(subdir='bkit_g/') + adata['id']+ '.jpg'
if os.path.exists(avatar_path):
tasks_queue.add_task((write_gravatar, (adata['id'], avatar_path)))
url= paths.get_bkit_url() + adata['avatar128']
r = rerequests.get(url, stream=False)
# print(r.body)
if r.status_code == 200:
# print(url)
# print(r.headers['content-disposition'])
with open(avatar_path, 'wb') as f:
tasks_queue.add_task((write_gravatar, (adata['id'], avatar_path)))
elif r.status_code == '404':
adata['avatar128'] = None
utils.p('avatar for author not available.')
#older gravatar code
if adata.get('gravatarHash') is not None:
gravatar_path = paths.get_temp_dir(subdir='bkit_g/') + adata['gravatarHash'] + '.jpg'

View File

@ -1397,8 +1397,8 @@ def numeric_to_str(s):
return s
def push_op_left(layout):
for a in range(0, 5):
def push_op_left(layout, strength =5):
for a in range(0, strength):
@ -1486,7 +1486,13 @@ class AssetPopupCard(bpy.types.Operator, ratings_utils.RatingsProperties):
box.scale_y = 0.4
utils.label_multiline(box, self.asset_data['description'], width=width)
link_more = utils.label_multiline(box, self.asset_data['description'], width=width, max_lines = 10)
if link_more:
row = box.row()
row.scale_y = 2
op = row.operator('wm.blenderkit_url', text='See full description', icon='URL')
op.url = paths.get_asset_gallery_url(self.asset_data['assetBaseId'])
op.tooltip = 'Read full description on website'
def draw_properties(self, layout, width=250):
@ -1818,15 +1824,40 @@ class AssetPopupCard(bpy.types.Operator, ratings_utils.RatingsProperties):
cat_path = categories.get_category_path(bcats,
for i,c in enumerate(cat_path):
cat_path[i] = c.capitalize()
cat_path = ' > '.join(cat_path)
# box.label(text=cat_path)
cat_path_names = categories.get_category_name_path(bcats,
aname = asset_data['displayName']
aname = aname[0].upper() + aname[1:]
top_drag_bar.label(text=f'{cat_path} > {aname}')
if 1:
name_row = top_drag_bar.row()
# name_row = name_row.split(factor=0.5)
# name_row = name_row.column()
# name_row = name_row.row()
for i, c in enumerate(cat_path):
cat_name = cat_path_names[i]
op = name_row.operator('view3d.blenderkit_asset_bar', text=cat_name + ' >', emboss=True)
op.do_search = True
op.keep_running = True
op.tooltip = f"Browse {cat_name} category"
op.category = c
# name_row.label(text='>')
push_op_left(name_row, strength = 3)
# for i,c in enumerate(cat_path_names):
# cat_path_names[i] = c.capitalize()
# cat_path_names_string = ' > '.join(cat_path_names)
# # box.label(text=cat_path)
# # name_row.label(text=' ')
# top_drag_bar.label(text=f'{cat_path_names_string} > {aname}')
# left side
row = layout.row(align=True)

View File

@ -860,8 +860,22 @@ def get_fake_context(context, area_type='VIEW_3D'):
# def is_url(text):
def label_multiline(layout, text='', icon='NONE', width=-1):
''' draw a ui label, but try to split it in multiple lines.'''
def label_multiline(layout, text='', icon='NONE', width=-1, max_lines = 10):
draw a ui label, but try to split it in multiple lines.
width width to split by in character count
max_lines maximum lines to draw
True if max_lines was overstepped
if text.strip() == '':
text = text.replace('\r\n','\n')
@ -870,11 +884,10 @@ def label_multiline(layout, text='', icon='NONE', width=-1):
threshold = int(width / 5.5)
threshold = 35
maxlines = 8
li = 0
for l in lines:
# if is_url(l):
while len(l) > threshold:
i = l.rfind(' ', 0, threshold)
if i < 1:
@ -884,12 +897,15 @@ def label_multiline(layout, text='', icon='NONE', width=-1):
icon = 'NONE'
l = l[i:].lstrip()
li += 1
if li > maxlines:
if li > max_lines:
if li > maxlines:
if li > max_lines:
layout.label(text=l, icon=icon)
icon = 'NONE'
if li>max_lines:
return True
def trace():