MeasureIt: Fix error rendering measures if file was not saved

Now the temp default folder is used to generate temporary output for
render. This works if the file was not saved.
This commit is contained in:
Antonio Vazquez 2016-08-09 23:04:40 +02:00
parent 6b467b9eb0
commit 2dbffd9d88
1 changed files with 7 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -73,16 +73,12 @@ def render_main(self, context, animation=False):
# ---------------------------------------
# Get output path
# ---------------------------------------
ren_path = bpy.context.scene.render.filepath
if len(ren_path) > 0:
if ren_path.endswith(path.sep):
initpath = path.realpath(ren_path) + path.sep
(initpath, filename) = path.split(ren_path)
outpath = path.join(initpath, "measureit_tmp_render.png")
temp_path = path.realpath(
if len(temp_path) > 0:
outpath = path.join(temp_path, "measureit_tmp_render.png")
"MeasureIt: Unable to save temporary render image. Define a valid render path")
"MeasureIt: Unable to save temporary render image. Define a valid temp path")
settings.color_depth = depth
return False
@ -90,7 +86,7 @@ def render_main(self, context, animation=False):
img = get_render_image(outpath)
if img is None:{'ERROR'},
"MeasureIt: Unable to save temporary render image. Define a valid render path")
"MeasureIt: Unable to save temporary render image. Define a valid temp path")
settings.color_depth = depth
return False
@ -263,7 +259,7 @@ def render_main(self, context, animation=False):
(initpath, filename) = path.split(ren_path)
ftxt = "%04d" % scene.frame_current
outpath = path.join(initpath, filename + ftxt + ".png")
outpath = path.realpath(path.join(initpath, filename + ftxt + ".png"))
save_image(self, outpath, out)
@ -273,7 +269,7 @@ def render_main(self, context, animation=False):
settings.color_depth = depth
print("Unexpected error:" + str(exc_info())){'ERROR'}, "MeasureIt: Unable to create render image"){'ERROR'}, "MeasureIt: Unable to create render image. Be sure the output render path is correct")
return False