BlenderKit: update several material attributes

This will enable to search for procedural assets and filter heavy assets for EEVEE
This commit is contained in:
Vilém Duha 2020-01-04 14:11:49 +01:00
parent 37085aeb2f
commit 4d10cb46d9
3 changed files with 33 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -489,6 +489,14 @@ class BlenderKitCommonUploadProps(object):
is_procedural: BoolProperty(name="Procedural",
description="Asset is procedural - has no texture.",
node_count: IntProperty(name="Node count", description="Total nodes in the asset", default=0)
texture_count: IntProperty(name="Node count", description="Total nodes in the asset", default=0)
total_megapixels: IntProperty(name="Node count", description="Total nodes in the asset", default=0)
# is_private: BoolProperty(name="Asset is Private",
# description="If not marked private, your asset will go into the validation process automatically\n"
# "Private assets are limited by quota.",
@ -621,6 +629,7 @@ class BlenderKitMaterialUploadProps(PropertyGroup, BlenderKitCommonUploadProps):
description="shaders used in asset, autofilled",
is_free: BoolProperty(name="Free for Everyone",
description="You consent you want to release this asset as free for everyone",
default=True, update=update_free

View File

@ -33,31 +33,41 @@ RENDER_OBTYPES = ['MESH', 'CURVE', 'SURFACE', 'METABALL', 'TEXT']
def check_material(props, mat):
e = bpy.context.scene.render.engine
shaders = []
textures = []
props.texture_count = 0
props.node_count = 0
props.total_megapixels = 0
props.is_procedural = True
if e == 'CYCLES':
if mat.node_tree is not None:
checknodes = mat.node_tree.nodes[:]
while len(checknodes) > 0:
n = checknodes.pop()
props.node_count += 1
if n.type == 'GROUP': # dive deeper here.
if len(n.outputs) == 1 and n.outputs[0].type == 'SHADER' and n.type != 'GROUP':
if n.type not in shaders:
if n.type == 'TEX_IMAGE':
mattype = 'image based'
if n.image is not None:
mattype = 'image based'
props.is_procedural = False
if n.image not in textures:
props.texture_count += 1
props.total_megapixels += (n.image.size[0] * n.image.size[1])
maxres = max(n.image.size[0], n.image.size[1])
props.texture_resolution_max = max(props.texture_resolution_max, maxres)
minres = min(n.image.size[0], n.image.size[1])
if props.texture_resolution_min == 0:
props.texture_resolution_min = minres
props.texture_resolution_min = min(props.texture_resolution_min, minres)
maxres = max(n.image.size[0], n.image.size[1])
props.texture_resolution_max = max(props.texture_resolution_max, maxres)
minres = min(n.image.size[0], n.image.size[1])
if props.texture_resolution_min == 0:
props.texture_resolution_min = minres
props.texture_resolution_min = min(props.texture_resolution_min, minres)
props.shaders = ''
for s in shaders:

View File

@ -377,6 +377,9 @@ def get_upload_data(self, context, asset_type):
"animated": props.animated,
"purePbr": props.pbr,
"textureSizeMeters": props.texture_size_meters,
"procedural": props.is_procedural,
"nodeCount": props.node_count,
"textureCount": props.texture_count,