New Tool: Collect images.

This commit is contained in:
Eugenio Pignataro 2017-04-03 11:23:54 -03:00
parent b862e95e6a
commit 7aef9abb9d
2 changed files with 38 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -291,6 +291,7 @@ class OscPanelFiles(Panel):
col = layout.column(align=1)
col.operator("file.save_incremental_osc", icon="NEW")
col.operator("image.reload_images_osc", icon="IMAGE_COL")
col.operator("file.collect_all_images", icon="IMAGE_COL")
col.operator("file.sync_missing_groups", icon="LINK_AREA")
col = layout.column(align=1)
colrow = col.row(align=1)

View File

@ -21,13 +21,14 @@
import bpy
from bpy.types import Operator
import os
import shutil
# ---------------------------RELOAD IMAGES------------------
class reloadImages (Operator):
"""Reloads all bitmaps in the scene"""
"""Reloads all bitmaps in the scene."""
bl_idname = "image.reload_images_osc"
bl_label = "Reload Images"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ class reloadImages (Operator):
# ------------------------ SAVE INCREMENTAL ------------------------
class saveIncremental(Operator):
"""Saves incremental version of the blend file Ex: '_v01' '_v02'"""
"""Saves incremental version of the blend file Ex: “_v01” "_v02"."""
bl_idname = "file.save_incremental_osc"
bl_label = "Save Incremental File"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
@ -72,8 +73,7 @@ bpy.types.Scene.oscReplaceText = bpy.props.StringProperty(
class replaceFilePath(Operator):
"""Replace the paths set on the “search test” field by the ones in “replace” field. """ \
"""'_v01' »» '_v02' /folder1/render_v01.png »» /folder1/render_v02.png"""
"""Replace the paths set on the “search test” field by the ones in “replace” field. "_v01" »» "_v02" /folder1/render_v01.png »» /folder1/render_v02.png"""
bl_idname = "file.replace_file_path_osc"
bl_label = "Replace File Path"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
@ -91,8 +91,7 @@ class replaceFilePath(Operator):
# ---------------------- SYNC MISSING GROUPS --------------------------
class reFreshMissingGroups(Operator):
"""Search on the libraries of the linked source and relink groups and link newones if there are. """ \
"""Usefull to use with the mesh cache tools"""
"""Search on the libraries of the linked source and relink groups and link newones if there are. Usefull to use with the mesh cache tools."""
bl_idname = "file.sync_missing_groups"
bl_label = "Sync Missing Groups"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
@ -103,3 +102,35 @@ class reFreshMissingGroups(Operator):
with, link=True) as (linked, local):
local.groups = linked.groups
return {'FINISHED'}
# ---------------------- COLLECT IMAGES --------------------------
class collectImagesOsc(Operator):
"""Collect all images in the blend file and put them in IMAGES folder."""
bl_idname = "file.collect_all_images"
bl_label = "Collect Images"
bl_options = {"REGISTER", "UNDO"}
def execute(self, context):
imagespath = "%s/IMAGES" % (os.path.dirname(
if not os.path.exists(imagespath):
for image in
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(imagespath,os.path.basename(image.filepath))):
shutil.copy(image.filepath, os.path.join(imagespath,os.path.basename(image.filepath)))
image.filepath = os.path.join(imagespath,os.path.basename(image.filepath))
shutil.copy(image.filepath, os.path.join(imagespath,os.path.basename(image.filepath)))
image.filepath = os.path.join(imagespath,os.path.basename(image.filepath))
return {'FINISHED'}