Rigify: add a few utilities for working with existing custom properties.

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Gavrilov 2020-07-02 17:37:13 +03:00
parent 115c9dbc8c
commit 7e8663fcbc
1 changed files with 97 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -19,8 +19,10 @@
# <pep8 compliant>
import bpy
import re
from rna_prop_ui import rna_idprop_ui_create
from rna_prop_ui import rna_idprop_ui_create, rna_idprop_ui_prop_get
from rna_prop_ui import rna_idprop_quote_path as quote_property
# Constraint creation utilities
@ -143,14 +145,21 @@ def _init_driver_target(drv_target, var_info, target_id):
if isinstance(subtarget, str):
subtarget = target_id.pose.bones[subtarget]
if subtarget == target_id:
path = ''
path = subtarget.path_from_id()
# Use ".foo" type path items verbatim, otherwise quote
path = subtarget.path_from_id()
for item in refs:
if isinstance(item, str):
path += item if item[0] == '.' else '["'+item+'"]'
path += item if item[0] == '.' else quote_property(item)
path += '[%r]' % (item)
if path[0] == '.':
path = path[1:]
drv_target.id = target_id
drv_target.data_path = path
@ -298,6 +307,91 @@ def driver_var_transform(target, bone=None, *, type='LOC_X', space='WORLD', rota
return { 'type': 'TRANSFORMS', 'targets': [ target_map ] }
# Custom property management
def deactivate_custom_properties(obj, *, reset=True):
"""Disable drivers on custom properties and reset values to default."""
prefix = '["'
if obj != obj.id_data:
prefix = obj.path_from_id() + prefix
adt = obj.id_data.animation_data
if adt:
for fcu in adt.drivers:
if fcu.data_path.startswith(prefix):
fcu.mute = True
if reset:
for key, value in obj.items():
valtype = type(value)
if valtype in {int, float}:
info = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(obj, key, False) or {}
obj[key] = valtype(info.get("default", 0))
def reactivate_custom_properties(obj):
"""Re-enable drivers on custom properties."""
prefix = '["'
if obj != obj.id_data:
prefix = obj.path_from_id() + prefix
adt = obj.id_data.animation_data
if adt:
for fcu in adt.drivers:
if fcu.data_path.startswith(prefix):
fcu.mute = False
def copy_custom_properties(src, dest, *, prefix='', dest_prefix='', link_driver=False):
"""Copy custom properties with filtering by prefix. Optionally link using drivers."""
res = []
for key, value in src.items():
if key.startswith(prefix):
new_key = dest_prefix + key[len(prefix):]
dest[new_key] = value
info = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(src, key, False)
if info:
info2 = rna_idprop_ui_prop_get(dest, new_key, True)
for ki, vi in info.items():
info2[ki] = vi
if link_driver:
make_driver(src, quote_property(key), variables=[(dest.id_data, dest, new_key)])
res.append((key, new_key, value, info))
return res
def copy_custom_properties_with_ui(rig, src, dest_bone, *, ui_controls=None, **options):
"""Copy custom properties, and create rig UI for them."""
if isinstance(src, str):
src = rig.get_bone(src)
bone = rig.get_bone(dest_bone)
mapping = copy_custom_properties(src, bone, **options)
if mapping:
panel = rig.script.panel_with_selected_check(rig, ui_controls or rig.bones.ctrl.flatten())
for key,new_key,value,info in mapping:
name = re.sub(r'[_.-]', ' ', new_key).title()
slider = type(value) is float and info and info.get("min", None) == 0 and info.get("max", None) == 1
panel.custom_prop(dest_bone, new_key, text=name, slider=slider)
return mapping
# Utility mixin