Cleanup: simplify file name incrementing logic

This commit is contained in:
Campbell Barton 2021-03-15 12:22:18 +11:00
parent ee2045bd9e
commit a34b1cee51
1 changed files with 11 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -43,29 +43,18 @@ class PIE_MT_SaveOpen(Menu):
def _save_as_mainfile_calc_incremental_name():
f_path =
b_name = bpy.path.basename(f_path)
if b_name and b_name.find("_") != -1:
# except in cases when there is an underscore in the name like my_file.blend
str_nb = b_name.rpartition("_")[-1].rpartition(".blend")[0]
int_nb = int(str(str_nb))
new_nb = str_nb.replace(str(int_nb), str(int_nb + 1))
output = f_path.replace(str_nb, new_nb)
i = 1
while os.path.isfile(output):
str_nb = b_name.rpartition("_")[-1].rpartition(".blend")[0]
i += 1
new_nb = str_nb.replace(str(int_nb), str(int_nb + i))
output = f_path.replace(str_nb, new_nb)
except ValueError:
output = f_path.rpartition(".blend")[0] + "_001" + ".blend"
import re
dirname, base_name = os.path.split(
base_name_no_ext, ext = os.path.splitext(base_name)
match = re.match(r"(.*)_([\d]+)$", base_name_no_ext)
if match:
prefix, number = match.groups()
number = int(number) + 1
# no underscore in the name or saving a nameless (.blend) file
output = f_path.rpartition(".blend")[0] + "_001" + ".blend"
prefix, number = base_name_no_ext, 1
prefix = os.path.join(dirname, prefix)
while os.path.isfile(output := "%s_%03d%s" % (prefix, number, ext)):
number += 1
return output
def draw(self, context):