Cleanup: move StringRef method definitions out of class

This makes the classes more appealing to look at and makes
it easier to see what different methods are available.
This commit is contained in:
Jacques Lucke 2021-10-03 14:10:26 +02:00
parent c206fa9627
commit a8d6a86981
1 changed files with 460 additions and 412 deletions

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@ -64,135 +64,35 @@ class StringRefBase {
const char *data_;
int64_t size_;
constexpr StringRefBase(const char *data, const int64_t size) : data_(data), size_(size)
constexpr StringRefBase(const char *data, const int64_t size);
/* Similar to string_view::npos, but signed. */
static constexpr int64_t not_found = -1;
* Return the (byte-)length of the referenced string, without any null-terminator.
constexpr int64_t size() const
return size_;
constexpr int64_t size() const;
constexpr bool is_empty() const;
constexpr const char *data() const;
constexpr operator Span<char>() const;
constexpr bool is_empty() const
return size_ == 0;
operator std::string() const;
constexpr operator std::string_view() const;
* Return a pointer to the start of the string.
constexpr const char *data() const
return data_;
constexpr const char *begin() const;
constexpr const char *end() const;
constexpr operator Span<char>() const
return Span<char>(data_, size_);
constexpr IndexRange index_range() const;
* Implicitly convert to std::string. This is convenient in most cases, but you have to be a bit
* careful not to convert to std::string accidentally.
operator std::string() const
return std::string(data_, static_cast<size_t>(size_));
void unsafe_copy(char *dst) const;
void copy(char *dst, const int64_t dst_size) const;
template<size_t N> void copy(char (&dst)[N]) const;
constexpr operator std::string_view() const
return std::string_view(data_, static_cast<size_t>(size_));
constexpr const char *begin() const
return data_;
constexpr const char *end() const
return data_ + size_;
constexpr IndexRange index_range() const
return IndexRange(size_);
* Copy the string into a buffer. The buffer has to be one byte larger than the size of the
* string, because the copied string will be null-terminated. Only use this when you are
* absolutely sure that the buffer is large enough.
void unsafe_copy(char *dst) const
if (size_ > 0) {
memcpy(dst, data_, static_cast<size_t>(size_));
dst[size_] = '\0';
* Copy the string into a buffer. The copied string will be null-terminated. This invokes
* undefined behavior when dst_size is too small. (Should we define the behavior?)
void copy(char *dst, const int64_t dst_size) const
if (size_ < dst_size) {
else {
dst[0] = '\0';
* Copy the string into a char array. The copied string will be null-terminated. This invokes
* undefined behavior when dst is too small.
template<size_t N> void copy(char (&dst)[N]) const
this->copy(dst, N);
* Returns true when the string begins with the given prefix. Otherwise false.
constexpr bool startswith(StringRef prefix) const;
* Returns true when the string ends with the given suffix. Otherwise false.
constexpr bool endswith(StringRef suffix) const;
constexpr StringRef substr(int64_t start, const int64_t size) const;
* Get the first char in the string. This invokes undefined behavior when the string is empty.
constexpr const char &front() const
BLI_assert(size_ >= 1);
return data_[0];
* Get the last char in the string. This invokes undefined behavior when the string is empty.
constexpr const char &back() const
BLI_assert(size_ >= 1);
return data_[size_ - 1];
constexpr const char &front() const;
constexpr const char &back() const;
* The behavior of those functions matches the standard library implementation of
@ -211,15 +111,7 @@ class StringRefBase {
constexpr int64_t find_last_not_of(StringRef chars, int64_t pos = INT64_MAX) const;
constexpr int64_t find_last_not_of(char c, int64_t pos = INT64_MAX) const;
* Return a new StringRef that does not contain leading and trailing whitespace.
constexpr StringRef trim() const;
* Return a new StringRef that removes all the leading and trailing characters
* that occur in `characters_to_remove`.
constexpr StringRef trim(StringRef characters_to_remove) const;
constexpr StringRef trim(char character_to_remove) const;
@ -230,57 +122,13 @@ class StringRefBase {
class StringRefNull : public StringRefBase {
constexpr StringRefNull() : StringRefBase("", 0)
constexpr StringRefNull();
constexpr StringRefNull(const char *str, const int64_t size);
StringRefNull(const char *str);
StringRefNull(const std::string &str);
* Construct a StringRefNull from a null terminated c-string. The pointer must not point to
StringRefNull(const char *str) : StringRefBase(str, static_cast<int64_t>(strlen(str)))
BLI_assert(str != nullptr);
BLI_assert(data_[size_] == '\0');
* Construct a StringRefNull from a null terminated c-string. This invokes undefined behavior
* when the given size is not the correct size of the string.
constexpr StringRefNull(const char *str, const int64_t size) : StringRefBase(str, size)
BLI_assert(static_cast<int64_t>(strlen(str)) == size);
* Reference a std::string. Remember that when the std::string is destructed, the StringRefNull
* will point to uninitialized memory.
StringRefNull(const std::string &str) : StringRefNull(str.c_str())
* Get the char at the given index.
constexpr char operator[](const int64_t index) const
BLI_assert(index >= 0);
/* Use '<=' instead of just '<', so that the null character can be accessed as well. */
BLI_assert(index <= size_);
return data_[index];
* Returns the beginning of a null-terminated char array.
* This is like ->data(), but can only be called on a StringRefNull.
constexpr const char *c_str() const
return data_;
constexpr char operator[](const int64_t index) const;
constexpr const char *c_str() const;
@ -288,98 +136,443 @@ class StringRefNull : public StringRefBase {
class StringRef : public StringRefBase {
constexpr StringRef() : StringRefBase(nullptr, 0)
constexpr StringRef();
constexpr StringRef(StringRefNull other);
constexpr StringRef(const char *str);
constexpr StringRef(const char *str, const int64_t length);
constexpr StringRef(const char *begin, const char *one_after_end);
constexpr StringRef(std::string_view view);
StringRef(const std::string &str);
* StringRefNull can be converted into StringRef, but not the other way around.
constexpr StringRef(StringRefNull other) : StringRefBase(, other.size())
constexpr StringRef drop_prefix(const int64_t n) const;
constexpr StringRef drop_known_prefix(StringRef prefix) const;
constexpr StringRef drop_suffix(const int64_t n) const;
* Create a StringRef from a null-terminated c-string.
constexpr StringRef(const char *str)
: StringRefBase(str, str ? static_cast<int64_t>(std::char_traits<char>::length(str)) : 0)
constexpr StringRef(const char *str, const int64_t length) : StringRefBase(str, length)
* Create a StringRef from a start and end pointer. This invokes undefined behavior when the
* second point points to a smaller address than the first one.
constexpr StringRef(const char *begin, const char *one_after_end)
: StringRefBase(begin, static_cast<int64_t>(one_after_end - begin))
BLI_assert(begin <= one_after_end);
* Reference a std::string. Remember that when the std::string is destructed, the StringRef
* will point to uninitialized memory.
StringRef(const std::string &str) : StringRefBase(, static_cast<int64_t>(str.size()))
constexpr StringRef(std::string_view view)
: StringRefBase(, static_cast<int64_t>(view.size()))
* Returns a new StringRef that does not contain the first n chars. This invokes undefined
* behavior when n is negative.
constexpr StringRef drop_prefix(const int64_t n) const
BLI_assert(n >= 0);
const int64_t clamped_n = std::min(n, size_);
const int64_t new_size = size_ - clamped_n;
return StringRef(data_ + clamped_n, new_size);
* Return a new StringRef with the given prefix being skipped. This invokes undefined behavior if
* the string does not begin with the given prefix.
constexpr StringRef drop_known_prefix(StringRef prefix) const
return this->drop_prefix(prefix.size());
* Return a new StringRef that does not contain the last n chars. This invokes undefined behavior
* when n is negative.
constexpr StringRef drop_suffix(const int64_t n) const
BLI_assert(n >= 0);
const int64_t new_size = std::max<int64_t>(0, size_ - n);
return StringRef(data_, new_size);
* Get the char at the given index.
constexpr char operator[](int64_t index) const
BLI_assert(index >= 0);
BLI_assert(index < size_);
return data_[index];
constexpr char operator[](int64_t index) const;
/* More inline functions
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* #StringRefBase inline methods.
constexpr StringRefBase::StringRefBase(const char *data, const int64_t size)
: data_(data), size_(size)
* Return the (byte-)length of the referenced string, without any null-terminator.
constexpr int64_t StringRefBase::size() const
return size_;
constexpr bool StringRefBase::is_empty() const
return size_ == 0;
* Return a pointer to the start of the string.
constexpr const char *StringRefBase::data() const
return data_;
constexpr StringRefBase::operator Span<char>() const
return Span<char>(data_, size_);
* Implicitly convert to std::string. This is convenient in most cases, but you have to be a bit
* careful not to convert to std::string accidentally.
inline StringRefBase::operator std::string() const
return std::string(data_, static_cast<size_t>(size_));
constexpr StringRefBase::operator std::string_view() const
return std::string_view(data_, static_cast<size_t>(size_));
constexpr const char *StringRefBase::begin() const
return data_;
constexpr const char *StringRefBase::end() const
return data_ + size_;
constexpr IndexRange StringRefBase::index_range() const
return IndexRange(size_);
* Copy the string into a buffer. The buffer has to be one byte larger than the size of the
* string, because the copied string will be null-terminated. Only use this when you are
* absolutely sure that the buffer is large enough.
inline void StringRefBase::unsafe_copy(char *dst) const
if (size_ > 0) {
memcpy(dst, data_, static_cast<size_t>(size_));
dst[size_] = '\0';
* Copy the string into a buffer. The copied string will be null-terminated. This invokes
* undefined behavior when dst_size is too small. (Should we define the behavior?)
inline void StringRefBase::copy(char *dst, const int64_t dst_size) const
if (size_ < dst_size) {
else {
dst[0] = '\0';
* Copy the string into a char array. The copied string will be null-terminated. This invokes
* undefined behavior when dst is too small.
template<size_t N> inline void StringRefBase::copy(char (&dst)[N]) const
this->copy(dst, N);
* Return true when the string starts with the given prefix.
constexpr bool StringRefBase::startswith(StringRef prefix) const
if (size_ < prefix.size_) {
return false;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < prefix.size_; i++) {
if (data_[i] != prefix.data_[i]) {
return false;
return true;
* Return true when the string ends with the given suffix.
constexpr bool StringRefBase::endswith(StringRef suffix) const
if (size_ < suffix.size_) {
return false;
const int64_t offset = size_ - suffix.size_;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < suffix.size_; i++) {
if (data_[offset + i] != suffix.data_[i]) {
return false;
return true;
* Return a new #StringRef containing only a sub-string of the original string. This invokes
* undefined if the start or max_size is negative.
constexpr StringRef StringRefBase::substr(const int64_t start,
const int64_t max_size = INT64_MAX) const
BLI_assert(max_size >= 0);
BLI_assert(start >= 0);
const int64_t substr_size = std::min(max_size, size_ - start);
return StringRef(data_ + start, substr_size);
* Get the first char in the string. This invokes undefined behavior when the string is empty.
constexpr const char &StringRefBase::front() const
BLI_assert(size_ >= 1);
return data_[0];
* Get the last char in the string. This invokes undefined behavior when the string is empty.
constexpr const char &StringRefBase::back() const
BLI_assert(size_ >= 1);
return data_[size_ - 1];
constexpr int64_t index_or_npos_to_int64(size_t index)
/* The compiler will probably optimize this check away. */
if (index == std::string_view::npos) {
return StringRef::not_found;
return static_cast<int64_t>(index);
constexpr int64_t StringRefBase::find(char c, int64_t pos) const
BLI_assert(pos >= 0);
return index_or_npos_to_int64(std::string_view(*this).find(c, static_cast<size_t>(pos)));
constexpr int64_t StringRefBase::find(StringRef str, int64_t pos) const
BLI_assert(pos >= 0);
return index_or_npos_to_int64(std::string_view(*this).find(str, static_cast<size_t>(pos)));
constexpr int64_t StringRefBase::find_first_of(StringRef chars, int64_t pos) const
BLI_assert(pos >= 0);
return index_or_npos_to_int64(
std::string_view(*this).find_first_of(chars, static_cast<size_t>(pos)));
constexpr int64_t StringRefBase::find_first_of(char c, int64_t pos) const
return this->find_first_of(StringRef(&c, 1), pos);
constexpr int64_t StringRefBase::find_last_of(StringRef chars, int64_t pos) const
BLI_assert(pos >= 0);
return index_or_npos_to_int64(
std::string_view(*this).find_last_of(chars, static_cast<size_t>(pos)));
constexpr int64_t StringRefBase::find_last_of(char c, int64_t pos) const
return this->find_last_of(StringRef(&c, 1), pos);
constexpr int64_t StringRefBase::find_first_not_of(StringRef chars, int64_t pos) const
BLI_assert(pos >= 0);
return index_or_npos_to_int64(
std::string_view(*this).find_first_not_of(chars, static_cast<size_t>(pos)));
constexpr int64_t StringRefBase::find_first_not_of(char c, int64_t pos) const
return this->find_first_not_of(StringRef(&c, 1), pos);
constexpr int64_t StringRefBase::find_last_not_of(StringRef chars, int64_t pos) const
BLI_assert(pos >= 0);
return index_or_npos_to_int64(
std::string_view(*this).find_last_not_of(chars, static_cast<size_t>(pos)));
constexpr int64_t StringRefBase::find_last_not_of(char c, int64_t pos) const
return this->find_last_not_of(StringRef(&c, 1), pos);
constexpr StringRef StringRefBase::trim() const
return this->trim(" \t\r\n");
* Return a new StringRef that does not contain leading and trailing whitespace.
constexpr StringRef StringRefBase::trim(const char character_to_remove) const
return this->trim(StringRef(&character_to_remove, 1));
* Return a new StringRef that removes all the leading and trailing characters
* that occur in `characters_to_remove`.
constexpr StringRef StringRefBase::trim(StringRef characters_to_remove) const
const int64_t find_front = this->find_first_not_of(characters_to_remove);
if (find_front == not_found) {
return StringRef();
const int64_t find_end = this->find_last_not_of(characters_to_remove);
/* `find_end` cannot be `not_found`, because that means the string is only
* `characters_to_remove`, in which case `find_front` would already have
* been `not_found`. */
BLI_assert_msg(find_end != not_found,
"forward search found characters-to-not-remove, but backward search did not");
const int64_t substr_len = find_end - find_front + 1;
return this->substr(find_front, substr_len);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* #StringRefNull inline methods.
constexpr StringRefNull::StringRefNull() : StringRefBase("", 0)
* Construct a StringRefNull from a null terminated c-string. This invokes undefined behavior
* when the given size is not the correct size of the string.
constexpr StringRefNull::StringRefNull(const char *str, const int64_t size)
: StringRefBase(str, size)
BLI_assert(static_cast<int64_t>(strlen(str)) == size);
* Construct a StringRefNull from a null terminated c-string. The pointer must not point to
inline StringRefNull::StringRefNull(const char *str)
: StringRefBase(str, static_cast<int64_t>(strlen(str)))
BLI_assert(str != nullptr);
BLI_assert(data_[size_] == '\0');
* Reference a std::string. Remember that when the std::string is destructed, the StringRefNull
* will point to uninitialized memory.
inline StringRefNull::StringRefNull(const std::string &str) : StringRefNull(str.c_str())
* Get the char at the given index.
constexpr char StringRefNull::operator[](const int64_t index) const
BLI_assert(index >= 0);
/* Use '<=' instead of just '<', so that the null character can be accessed as well. */
BLI_assert(index <= size_);
return data_[index];
* Returns the beginning of a null-terminated char array.
* This is like ->data(), but can only be called on a StringRefNull.
constexpr const char *StringRefNull::c_str() const
return data_;
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* #StringRef inline methods.
constexpr StringRef::StringRef() : StringRefBase(nullptr, 0)
* StringRefNull can be converted into StringRef, but not the other way around.
constexpr StringRef::StringRef(StringRefNull other) : StringRefBase(, other.size())
* Create a StringRef from a null-terminated c-string.
constexpr StringRef::StringRef(const char *str)
: StringRefBase(str, str ? static_cast<int64_t>(std::char_traits<char>::length(str)) : 0)
constexpr StringRef::StringRef(const char *str, const int64_t length) : StringRefBase(str, length)
* Returns a new StringRef that does not contain the first n chars. This invokes undefined
* behavior when n is negative.
constexpr StringRef StringRef::drop_prefix(const int64_t n) const
BLI_assert(n >= 0);
const int64_t clamped_n = std::min(n, size_);
const int64_t new_size = size_ - clamped_n;
return StringRef(data_ + clamped_n, new_size);
* Return a new StringRef with the given prefix being skipped. This invokes undefined behavior if
* the string does not begin with the given prefix.
constexpr StringRef StringRef::drop_known_prefix(StringRef prefix) const
return this->drop_prefix(prefix.size());
* Return a new StringRef that does not contain the last n chars. This invokes undefined behavior
* when n is negative.
constexpr StringRef StringRef::drop_suffix(const int64_t n) const
BLI_assert(n >= 0);
const int64_t new_size = std::max<int64_t>(0, size_ - n);
return StringRef(data_, new_size);
* Get the char at the given index.
constexpr char StringRef::operator[](int64_t index) const
BLI_assert(index >= 0);
BLI_assert(index < size_);
return data_[index];
* Create a StringRef from a start and end pointer. This invokes undefined behavior when the
* second point points to a smaller address than the first one.
constexpr StringRef::StringRef(const char *begin, const char *one_after_end)
: StringRefBase(begin, static_cast<int64_t>(one_after_end - begin))
BLI_assert(begin <= one_after_end);
* Reference a std::string. Remember that when the std::string is destructed, the StringRef
* will point to uninitialized memory.
inline StringRef::StringRef(const std::string &str)
: StringRefBase(, static_cast<int64_t>(str.size()))
constexpr StringRef::StringRef(std::string_view view)
: StringRefBase(, static_cast<int64_t>(view.size()))
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Operator overloads
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, StringRef ref)
@ -406,7 +599,7 @@ inline std::string operator+(StringRef a, StringRef b)
* not a problem when std::string_view is only used at api boundaries. To compare a StringRef and a
* std::string_view, one should convert the std::string_view to StringRef (which is very cheap).
* Ideally, we only use StringRef in our code to avoid this problem altogether. */
constexpr inline bool operator==(StringRef a, StringRef b)
constexpr bool operator==(StringRef a, StringRef b)
if (a.size() != b.size()) {
return false;
@ -414,174 +607,29 @@ constexpr inline bool operator==(StringRef a, StringRef b)
return STREQLEN(,, (size_t)a.size());
constexpr inline bool operator!=(StringRef a, StringRef b)
constexpr bool operator!=(StringRef a, StringRef b)
return !(a == b);
constexpr inline bool operator<(StringRef a, StringRef b)
constexpr bool operator<(StringRef a, StringRef b)
return std::string_view(a) < std::string_view(b);
constexpr inline bool operator>(StringRef a, StringRef b)
constexpr bool operator>(StringRef a, StringRef b)
return std::string_view(a) > std::string_view(b);
constexpr inline bool operator<=(StringRef a, StringRef b)
constexpr bool operator<=(StringRef a, StringRef b)
return std::string_view(a) <= std::string_view(b);
constexpr inline bool operator>=(StringRef a, StringRef b)
constexpr bool operator>=(StringRef a, StringRef b)
return std::string_view(a) >= std::string_view(b);
* Return true when the string starts with the given prefix.
constexpr inline bool StringRefBase::startswith(StringRef prefix) const
if (size_ < prefix.size_) {
return false;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < prefix.size_; i++) {
if (data_[i] != prefix.data_[i]) {
return false;
return true;
* Return true when the string ends with the given suffix.
constexpr inline bool StringRefBase::endswith(StringRef suffix) const
if (size_ < suffix.size_) {
return false;
const int64_t offset = size_ - suffix.size_;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < suffix.size_; i++) {
if (data_[offset + i] != suffix.data_[i]) {
return false;
return true;
* Return a new #StringRef containing only a sub-string of the original string. This invokes
* undefined if the start or max_size is negative.
constexpr inline StringRef StringRefBase::substr(const int64_t start,
const int64_t max_size = INT64_MAX) const
BLI_assert(max_size >= 0);
BLI_assert(start >= 0);
const int64_t substr_size = std::min(max_size, size_ - start);
return StringRef(data_ + start, substr_size);
constexpr inline int64_t index_or_npos_to_int64(size_t index)
/* The compiler will probably optimize this check away. */
if (index == std::string_view::npos) {
return StringRef::not_found;
return static_cast<int64_t>(index);
constexpr inline int64_t StringRefBase::find(char c, int64_t pos) const
BLI_assert(pos >= 0);
return index_or_npos_to_int64(std::string_view(*this).find(c, static_cast<size_t>(pos)));
constexpr inline int64_t StringRefBase::find(StringRef str, int64_t pos) const
BLI_assert(pos >= 0);
return index_or_npos_to_int64(std::string_view(*this).find(str, static_cast<size_t>(pos)));
constexpr inline int64_t StringRefBase::find_first_of(StringRef chars, int64_t pos) const
BLI_assert(pos >= 0);
return index_or_npos_to_int64(
std::string_view(*this).find_first_of(chars, static_cast<size_t>(pos)));
constexpr inline int64_t StringRefBase::find_first_of(char c, int64_t pos) const
return this->find_first_of(StringRef(&c, 1), pos);
constexpr inline int64_t StringRefBase::find_last_of(StringRef chars, int64_t pos) const
BLI_assert(pos >= 0);
return index_or_npos_to_int64(
std::string_view(*this).find_last_of(chars, static_cast<size_t>(pos)));
constexpr inline int64_t StringRefBase::find_last_of(char c, int64_t pos) const
return this->find_last_of(StringRef(&c, 1), pos);
constexpr inline int64_t StringRefBase::find_first_not_of(StringRef chars, int64_t pos) const
BLI_assert(pos >= 0);
return index_or_npos_to_int64(
std::string_view(*this).find_first_not_of(chars, static_cast<size_t>(pos)));
constexpr inline int64_t StringRefBase::find_first_not_of(char c, int64_t pos) const
return this->find_first_not_of(StringRef(&c, 1), pos);
constexpr inline int64_t StringRefBase::find_last_not_of(StringRef chars, int64_t pos) const
BLI_assert(pos >= 0);
return index_or_npos_to_int64(
std::string_view(*this).find_last_not_of(chars, static_cast<size_t>(pos)));
constexpr inline int64_t StringRefBase::find_last_not_of(char c, int64_t pos) const
return this->find_last_not_of(StringRef(&c, 1), pos);
constexpr StringRef StringRefBase::trim() const
return this->trim(" \t\r\n");
constexpr StringRef StringRefBase::trim(const char character_to_remove) const
return this->trim(StringRef(&character_to_remove, 1));
* Return a new StringRef that removes all the leading and trailing characters
* that occur in `characters_to_remove`.
constexpr StringRef StringRefBase::trim(StringRef characters_to_remove) const
const int64_t find_front = this->find_first_not_of(characters_to_remove);
if (find_front == not_found) {
return StringRef();
const int64_t find_end = this->find_last_not_of(characters_to_remove);
/* `find_end` cannot be `not_found`, because that means the string is only
* `characters_to_remove`, in which case `find_front` would already have
* been `not_found`. */
BLI_assert_msg(find_end != not_found,
"forward search found characters-to-not-remove, but backward search did not");
const int64_t substr_len = find_end - find_front + 1;
return this->substr(find_front, substr_len);
} // namespace blender