Cleanup: adjust the usage and naming of a few utility functions

This commit is contained in:
Weizhen Huang 2022-12-07 17:20:15 +01:00
parent 68573757bc
commit cc7317af53
2 changed files with 156 additions and 254 deletions

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@ -88,116 +88,57 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_setup(ccl_private ShaderData *sd,
#endif /* __HAIR__ */
ccl_device_inline float3 make_float3_from_float(const float f)
return make_float3(f, f, f);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** \name Hair coordinate system utils.
* \{ */
ccl_device_inline float3 reflect_vector(const float3 w, const float3 n)
return 2.f * dot(w, n) * n - w;
ccl_device float3 refract_vector(const float3 w,
const float3 n,
const float cos_theta_t,
const float eta_ti)
return n * (dot(w, n) * eta_ti + cos_theta_t) - w * eta_ti;
ccl_device_inline float3 microfacet_visible_normal_sample(KernelGlobals kg,
const bool beckmann,
const float roughness,
const float3 wi,
const float randu,
const float randv,
ccl_private float *G1i)
/* Step 1 : stretch wi */
float3 omega_i_ = normalize(make_float3(roughness * wi.x, roughness * wi.y, wi.z));
/* get polar coordinates of omega_i_ */
float costheta_ = 1.f;
float sintheta_ = 0.f;
float cosphi_ = 1.f;
float sinphi_ = 0.f;
if (omega_i_.z < 0.99999f) {
costheta_ = omega_i_.z;
sintheta_ = safe_sqrtf(1.f - costheta_ * costheta_);
float invlen = 1.f / sintheta_;
cosphi_ = omega_i_.x * invlen;
sinphi_ = omega_i_.y * invlen;
/* 2. sample P22_{omega_i}(x_slope, y_slope, 1, 1) */
float slope_x, slope_y;
if (beckmann) {
kg, costheta_, sintheta_, randu, randv, &slope_x, &slope_y, G1i);
else {
microfacet_ggx_sample_slopes(costheta_, sintheta_, randu, randv, &slope_x, &slope_y, G1i);
/* 3. rotate */
float tmp = cosphi_ * slope_x - sinphi_ * slope_y;
slope_y = sinphi_ * slope_x + cosphi_ * slope_y;
slope_x = tmp;
/* 4. unstretch */
slope_x = roughness * slope_x;
slope_y = roughness * slope_y;
/* 5. compute normal */
return normalize(make_float3(-slope_x, -slope_y, 1.f));
/* returns sin_theta */
ccl_device_inline float sintheta(const float3 w)
/* Returns sin(theta) of the given direction. */
ccl_device_inline float sin_theta(const float3 w)
return w.y;
/* returns cos_theta */
ccl_device_inline float costheta(const float3 w)
/* Returns cos(theta) of the given direction. */
ccl_device_inline float cos_theta(const float3 w)
return safe_sqrtf(sqr(w.x) + sqr(w.z));
/* returns tan_theta */
ccl_device_inline float tantheta(const float3 w)
/* Returns tan(theta) of the given direction. */
ccl_device_inline float tan_theta(const float3 w)
return sintheta(w) / costheta(w);
return sin_theta(w) / cos_theta(w);
/* extract theta coordinate from 3D direction
/* Returns sin(phi) and cos(phi) of the given direction. */
ccl_device float2 sincos_phi(const float3 w)
float c = cos_theta(w);
return make_float2(w.x / c, w.z / c);
/* Extract the theta coordinate from the given direction.
* -pi < theta < pi */
ccl_device_inline float dir_theta(const float3 w)
return atan2f(sintheta(w), costheta(w));
return atan2f(sin_theta(w), cos_theta(w));
/* extract phi coordinate from 3D direction.
* -pi < phi < pi
* Assuming phi(wi) = 0 */
/* Extract the phi coordinate from the given direction, assuming phi(wi) = 0.
* -pi < phi < pi */
ccl_device_inline float dir_phi(const float3 w)
return atan2f(w.x, w.z);
/* extract theta and phi coordinate from 3D direction
* -pi/2 < theta < pi/2, -pi < phi < pi
* Assuming phi(wi) = 0 */
/* Extract theta and phi coordinates from the given direction, assuming phi(wi) = 0.
* -pi/2 < theta < pi/2, -pi < phi < pi */
ccl_device_inline float2 dir_sph(const float3 w)
return make_float2(dir_theta(w), dir_phi(w));
/* compute the vector direction given spherical coordinates */
/* Compute the vector direction given spherical coordinates */
ccl_device_inline float3 sph_dir(float theta, float gamma)
float sin_theta = sinf(theta);
@ -207,6 +148,49 @@ ccl_device_inline float3 sph_dir(float theta, float gamma)
return make_float3(sin_gamma * cos_theta, sin_theta, cos_gamma * cos_theta);
/* Utility functions for elliptical cross-sections. */
/* Conversion between gamma and phi. Notations see Figure 5 in the paper. */
ccl_device float to_phi(float gamma, float a, float b)
float sin_gamma = sinf(gamma);
float cos_gamma = cosf(gamma);
return atan2f(b * sin_gamma, a * cos_gamma);
ccl_device float to_gamma(float phi, float a, float b)
float sin_phi = sinf(phi);
float cos_phi = cosf(phi);
return atan2f(a * sin_phi, b * cos_phi);
/* Compute the coordinate on the ellipse, given gamma, the semi-major and semi-minor axes. */
ccl_device float2 to_point(float gamma, float a, float b)
float sin_gamma = sinf(gamma);
float cos_gamma = cosf(gamma);
return make_float2(a * sin_gamma, b * cos_gamma);
/* Compute the vector direction given by theta and gamma. */
ccl_device float3 sphg_dir(float theta, float gamma, float a, float b)
float sin_theta = sinf(theta);
float cos_theta = cosf(theta);
float sin_gamma = sinf(gamma);
float cos_gamma = cosf(gamma);
float tan_gamma = sin_gamma / cos_gamma;
float tan_phi = b / a * tan_gamma;
float cos_phi = 1.f / sqrtf(sqr(tan_phi) + 1.f);
if (cos_gamma < 0.f)
cos_phi = -cos_phi;
float sin_phi = cos_phi * tan_phi;
return make_float3(sin_phi * cos_theta, sin_theta, cos_phi * cos_theta);
/** \} */
/* sample microfacets from a tilted mesonormal */
ccl_device_inline float3 sample_wh(KernelGlobals kg,
const bool beckmann,
@ -224,8 +208,8 @@ ccl_device_inline float3 sample_wh(KernelGlobals kg,
const float3 wi_wm = make_float3(dot(wi, s), dot(wi, t), dot(wi, n));
float G1o;
const float3 wh_wm = microfacet_visible_normal_sample(
kg, beckmann, roughness, wi_wm, randu, randv, &G1o);
const float3 wh_wm = microfacet_sample_stretched(
kg, wi_wm, roughness, roughness, randu, randv, beckmann, &G1o);
const float3 wh = wh_wm.x * s + wh_wm.y * t + wh_wm.z * n;
return wh;
@ -305,14 +289,14 @@ ccl_device float D(const bool beckmann, const float roughness, const float3 m, c
/* Fresnel */
/* TODO: cleanup or refer to mitsuba */
ccl_device float fresnel(float cos_theta_i,
float eta,
ccl_private float &cos_theta_t,
ccl_private float &eta_it,
ccl_private float &eta_ti)
const float rcp_eta = 1.f / eta;
float cos_theta_i_abs;
float cos_theta_i_abs, eta_it;
if (cos_theta_i >= 0.f) {
eta_it = eta;
eta_ti = rcp_eta;
@ -348,42 +332,6 @@ ccl_device float fresnel(float cos_theta_i,
return r;
ccl_device float fresnel0(float cos_theta_i, float eta)
if (eta == 1.f)
return 0.f;
if (cos_theta_i == 0.f)
return 1.f;
const float rcp_eta = 1.f / eta;
float eta_it, eta_ti, cos_theta_i_abs;
if (cos_theta_i >= 0.f) {
eta_it = eta;
eta_ti = rcp_eta;
cos_theta_i_abs = cos_theta_i;
else {
eta_it = rcp_eta;
eta_ti = eta;
cos_theta_i_abs = -cos_theta_i;
/* Using Snell's law, calculate the squared sine of the angle between the surface normal and the
* transmitted ray */
float cos_theta_t_sqr = 1.f - eta_ti * eta_ti * (1.f - cos_theta_i * cos_theta_i);
float cos_theta_t_abs = safe_sqrtf(cos_theta_t_sqr);
/* Amplitudes of reflected waves */
float a_s = (cos_theta_i_abs - eta_it * cos_theta_t_abs) /
(cos_theta_i_abs + eta_it * cos_theta_t_abs);
float a_p = (cos_theta_t_abs - eta_it * cos_theta_i_abs) /
(cos_theta_t_abs + eta_it * cos_theta_i_abs);
float r = .5f * (sqr(a_s) + sqr(a_p));
return r;
ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_r_circular(ccl_private const ShaderClosure *sc,
const float3 wi,
const float3 wo)
@ -404,13 +352,13 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_r_circular(ccl_private const ShaderC
/* dot(wi, wmi) > 0 */
const float tan_tilt = tanf(tilt);
float phi_m_max1 = acosf(fmaxf(-tan_tilt * tantheta(wi), 0.f));
float phi_m_max1 = acosf(fmaxf(-tan_tilt * tan_theta(wi), 0.f));
if (isnan_safe(phi_m_max1))
return R;
const float phi_m_min1 = -phi_m_max1;
/* dot(wo, wmi) > 0 */
const float phi_m_max2 = acosf(fmaxf(-tan_tilt * tantheta(wo), 0.f)) + phi_o;
const float phi_m_max2 = acosf(fmaxf(-tan_tilt * tan_theta(wo), 0.f)) + phi_o;
if (isnan_safe(phi_m_max2))
return R;
const float phi_m_min2 = -phi_m_max2 + 2.f * phi_o;
@ -434,8 +382,8 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_r_circular(ccl_private const ShaderC
const float cm = cosf(tilt);
const float C = sqrtf(1.f - roughness_squared);
const float A = cm * costheta(wh) * C;
const float B = sm * sintheta(wh) * C;
const float A = cm * cos_theta(wh) * C;
const float B = sm * sin_theta(wh) * C;
const float A2 = sqr(A);
const float B2 = sqr(B);
const float tmp1 = 1.f / sqrtf(sqr(B - 1.f) - A2);
@ -488,9 +436,9 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_r_circular(ccl_private const ShaderC
integral *= (2.f / 3.f * res);
const float F = fresnel0(dot(wi, wh), eta);
const float F = fresnel_dielectric_cos(dot(wi, wh), eta);
R = make_float3_from_float(bsdf->extra->R * 0.125f * F * fmaxf(0.f, integral));
R = make_float3(bsdf->extra->R * 0.125f * F * fmaxf(0.f, integral));
return R;
@ -511,13 +459,13 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt_circular(KernelGlobals kg,
/* dot(wi, wmi) > 0 */
const float tan_tilt = tanf(tilt);
float phi_m_max = acosf(fmaxf(-tan_tilt * tantheta(wi), 0.f));
float phi_m_max = acosf(fmaxf(-tan_tilt * tan_theta(wi), 0.f));
if (isnan_safe(phi_m_max))
return zero_float3();
float phi_m_min = -phi_m_max;
/* dot(wo, wmo) < 0 */
float tmp1 = acosf(fminf(tan_tilt * tantheta(wo), 0.f));
float tmp1 = acosf(fminf(tan_tilt * tan_theta(wo), 0.f));
if (isnan_safe(tmp1))
return zero_float3();
@ -548,11 +496,11 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt_circular(KernelGlobals kg,
if (dot_wi_wh1 <= 1e-5f)
float cos_theta_t1, eta_it1, eta_ti1;
const float T1 = 1.f - fresnel(dot_wi_wh1, eta, cos_theta_t1, eta_it1, eta_ti1);
float cos_theta_t1, eta_ti1;
const float T1 = 1.f - fresnel(dot_wi_wh1, eta, cos_theta_t1, eta_ti1);
/* refraction at the first interface */
const float3 wt = refract_vector(wi, wh1, cos_theta_t1, eta_ti1);
const float3 wt = -refract(wi, wh1, cos_theta_t1, eta_ti1);
const float phi_t = dir_phi(wt);
const float phi_mt = 2.f * phi_t - phi_mi;
const float3 wmt = sph_dir(-tilt, phi_mt);
@ -564,7 +512,7 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt_circular(KernelGlobals kg,
/* Simpson's rule weight */
float weight = (i == 0 || i == intervals - 1) ? 0.5f : (i % 2 + 1);
float3 A_t = exp(mu_a * 2.f * cosf(phi_t - phi_mi) / costheta(wt));
float3 A_t = exp(mu_a * 2.f * cosf(phi_t - phi_mi) / cos_theta(wt));
/* TT */
if (bsdf->extra->TT > 0.f) {
@ -581,7 +529,7 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt_circular(KernelGlobals kg,
float dot_wt_wh2 = dot(-wt, wh2);
const float T2 = 1.f - fresnel0(dot_wt_wh2, inv_eta);
const float T2 = 1.f - fresnel_dielectric_cos(dot_wt_wh2, inv_eta);
float D2 = D(beckmann, roughness, wh2, wmt) * G(beckmann, roughness, -wt, -wo, wmt, wh2);
const float3 result = T1 * T2 * D2 * A_t * dot_wt_wh2 * dot(wo, wh2) *
@ -607,8 +555,8 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt_circular(KernelGlobals kg,
if (cos_th2 <= 1e-5f)
const float R2 = fresnel0(cos_th2, inv_eta);
float3 wtr = reflect_vector(wt, wh2);
const float R2 = fresnel_dielectric_cos(cos_th2, inv_eta);
float3 wtr = -reflect(wt, wh2);
float G2 = G(beckmann, roughness, -wt, -wtr, wmt, wh2);
if (G2 == 0.f || G_(-wt, -wtr, make_float3(wmt.x, 0.f, wmt.z), wh2) == 0.f)
@ -632,10 +580,10 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt_circular(KernelGlobals kg,
wh3 *= rcp_norm_wh3;
const float cos_trh3 = dot(wh3, wtr);
const float T3 = 1.f - fresnel0(cos_trh3, inv_eta);
const float T3 = 1.f - fresnel_dielectric_cos(cos_trh3, inv_eta);
const float D3 = D(beckmann, roughness, wh3, wmtr) * G3;
const float3 A_tr = exp(mu_a * 2.f * cosf(phi_tr - phi_mt) / costheta(wtr));
const float3 A_tr = exp(mu_a * 2.f * cosf(phi_tr - phi_mt) / cos_theta(wtr));
const float3 result = T1 * R2 * T3 * D3 * cos_trh3 * dot(wh3, wo) * sqr(rcp_norm_wh3) * A_t *
A_tr * weight / (dot(wt, wmi) * dot(wtr, wmt)) *
@ -678,12 +626,12 @@ ccl_device Spectrum bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_circular(KernelGlobals kg,
*pdf = 1.f;
// original from Huang's EGSR 2022
// return rgb_to_spectrum(R / costheta(wi));
// return rgb_to_spectrum(R / cos_theta(wi));
// correction: the extra costheta(wo) corresponds to the lack of consideration of Zinke's
// correction: the extra cos_theta(wo) corresponds to the lack of consideration of Zinke's
// cos_theta_i^2 in the BCSDF; for instance eq[2] in Huang's should include an extra cos_theta_i
// (plus here remember wi and wo meanings are flipped)
return rgb_to_spectrum(R / (costheta(wi) * costheta(wo)));
return rgb_to_spectrum(R / (cos_theta(wi) * cos_theta(wo)));
ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample_circular(const KernelGlobals kg,
@ -750,7 +698,7 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample_circular(const KernelGlobals kg,
/* sample R lobe */
const float3 wh1 = sample_wh(kg, beckmann, roughness, wi, wmi, sample_h1.x, sample_h1.y);
const float3 wr = reflect_vector(wi, wh1);
const float3 wr = -reflect(wi, wh1);
/* ensure that this is a valid sample */
if (dot(wr, wh1) <= 0.f || dot(wr, wmi) <= 0.f || !G_(wi, wr, wmi_, wh1)) {
@ -761,12 +709,12 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample_circular(const KernelGlobals kg,
float3 TT = zero_float3();
float3 TRT = zero_float3();
float cos_theta_t1, eta_it1, eta_ti1;
float R1 = fresnel(dot(wi, wh1), *eta, cos_theta_t1, eta_it1, eta_ti1);
float3 R = make_float3_from_float(bsdf->extra->R * R1);
float cos_theta_t1, eta_ti1;
float R1 = fresnel(dot(wi, wh1), *eta, cos_theta_t1, eta_ti1);
float3 R = make_float3(bsdf->extra->R * R1);
/* sample TT lobe */
const float3 wt = refract_vector(wi, wh1, cos_theta_t1, eta_ti1);
const float3 wt = -refract(wi, wh1, cos_theta_t1, eta_ti1);
const float phi_t = dir_phi(wt);
float phi_mi = atan2f(sin_phi_mi, cos_phi_mi);
@ -776,7 +724,7 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample_circular(const KernelGlobals kg,
const float3 wmt_ = sph_dir(0.f, phi_mt);
const float3 wh2 = sample_wh(kg, beckmann, roughness, -wt, wmt, sample_h2.x, sample_h2.y);
const float3 wtr = reflect_vector(wt, wh2);
const float3 wtr = -reflect(wt, wh2);
float3 wh3;
float3 wtt, wtrt;
@ -791,12 +739,12 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample_circular(const KernelGlobals kg,
const float3 A_t = exp(-mu_a * (2.f * cos_gamma_t / cos_theta_wt));
const float inv_eta = 1.f / *eta;
float cos_theta_t2, eta_it2, eta_ti2;
const float R2 = fresnel(dot(-wt, wh2), inv_eta, cos_theta_t2, eta_it2, eta_ti2);
const float3 T1 = make_float3_from_float(1.f - R1);
const float3 T2 = make_float3_from_float(1.f - R2);
float cos_theta_t2, eta_ti2;
const float R2 = fresnel(dot(-wt, wh2), inv_eta, cos_theta_t2, eta_ti2);
const float3 T1 = make_float3(1.f - R1);
const float3 T2 = make_float3(1.f - R2);
wtt = refract_vector(-wt, wh2, cos_theta_t2, eta_ti2);
wtt = -refract(-wt, wh2, cos_theta_t2, eta_ti2);
if (dot(wtt, wmt) < 0.f && cos_theta_t2 != 0.f) /* total internal reflection */
TT = bsdf->extra->TT * T1 * A_t * T2;
@ -809,15 +757,15 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample_circular(const KernelGlobals kg,
wh3 = sample_wh(kg, beckmann, roughness, wtr, wmtr, sample_h3.x, sample_h3.y);
float cos_theta_t3, eta_it3, eta_ti3;
const float R3 = fresnel(dot(wtr, wh3), inv_eta, cos_theta_t3, eta_it3, eta_ti3);
float cos_theta_t3, eta_ti3;
const float R3 = fresnel(dot(wtr, wh3), inv_eta, cos_theta_t3, eta_ti3);
wtrt = refract_vector(wtr, wh3, cos_theta_t3, eta_ti3);
wtrt = -refract(wtr, wh3, cos_theta_t3, eta_ti3);
if (cos_theta_t3 != 0.f && dot(wtr, wh3) > 0.f && dot(wmtr, wtr) > 0.f &&
dot(wtrt, wmtr) < 0.f && G_(wtr, -wtrt, make_float3(wmtr.x, 0.f, wmtr.z), wh3)) {
const float3 T3 = make_float3_from_float(1.f - R3);
const float3 T3 = make_float3(1.f - R3);
const float cos_gamma_t2 = -cos(phi_tr - phi_mt);
const float cos_theta_wtr = sqrtf(1.f - sqr(wtr.y));
const float3 A_tr = exp(-mu_a * (2.f * cos_gamma_t2 / cos_theta_wtr));
@ -876,10 +824,10 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample_circular(const KernelGlobals kg,
// original from Huang's EGSR 2022
//*eval *= visibility;
// correction: the extra costheta(wo) corresponds to the lack of consideration of Zinke's
// correction: the extra cos_theta(wo) corresponds to the lack of consideration of Zinke's
// cos_theta_i^2 in the BCSDF; for instance eq[2] in Huang's should include an extra cos_theta_i
// (plus here remember wi and wo meanings are flipped)
*eval *= visibility / costheta(wo);
*eval *= visibility / cos_theta(wo);
*omega_in = wo.x * X + wo.y * Y + wo.z * Z;
@ -895,60 +843,6 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample_circular(const KernelGlobals kg,
/* Elliptic specific */
ccl_device float sinphi(const float3 w)
return w.x / costheta(w);
ccl_device float cosphi(const float3 w)
return w.z / costheta(w);
ccl_device float2 sincosphi(const float3 w)
float cos_theta = costheta(w);
return make_float2(w.x / cos_theta, w.z / cos_theta);
/* convert between gamma and phi */
ccl_device float to_phi(float gamma, float a, float b)
float sin_gamma = sinf(gamma);
float cos_gamma = cosf(gamma);
return atan2f(b * sin_gamma, a * cos_gamma);
ccl_device float to_gamma(float phi, float a, float b)
float sin_phi = sinf(phi);
float cos_phi = cosf(phi);
return atan2f(a * sin_phi, b * cos_phi);
ccl_device float2 to_point(float gamma, float a, float b)
float sin_gamma = sinf(gamma);
float cos_gamma = cosf(gamma);
return make_float2(a * sin_gamma, b * cos_gamma);
/* given theta and gamma, convert to vector */
ccl_device float3 sphg_dir(float theta, float gamma, float a, float b)
float sin_theta = sinf(theta);
float cos_theta = cosf(theta);
float sin_gamma = sinf(gamma);
float cos_gamma = cosf(gamma);
float tan_gamma = sin_gamma / cos_gamma;
float tan_phi = b / a * tan_gamma;
float cos_phi = 1.f / sqrtf(sqr(tan_phi) + 1.f);
if (cos_gamma < 0.f)
cos_phi = -cos_phi;
float sin_phi = cos_phi * tan_phi;
return make_float3(sin_phi * cos_theta, sin_theta, cos_phi * cos_theta);
ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_r_elliptic(ccl_private const ShaderClosure *sc,
const float3 wi_,
const float3 wo_)
@ -978,13 +872,13 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_r_elliptic(ccl_private const ShaderC
/* dot(wi, wmi) > 0 */
const float tan_tilt = tanf(tilt);
float phi_m_max1 = acosf(fmaxf(-tan_tilt * tantheta(wi), 0.f)) + phi_i;
float phi_m_max1 = acosf(fmaxf(-tan_tilt * tan_theta(wi), 0.f)) + phi_i;
if (isnan_safe(phi_m_max1))
return R;
float phi_m_min1 = -phi_m_max1 + 2.f * phi_i;
/* dot(wo, wmi) > 0 */
float phi_m_max2 = acosf(fmaxf(-tan_tilt * tantheta(wo), 0.f)) + phi_o;
float phi_m_max2 = acosf(fmaxf(-tan_tilt * tan_theta(wo), 0.f)) + phi_o;
if (isnan_safe(phi_m_max2))
return R;
float phi_m_min2 = -phi_m_max2 + 2.f * phi_o;
@ -1038,10 +932,10 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_r_elliptic(ccl_private const ShaderC
integral *= (2.f / 3.f * res);
const float F = fresnel0(dot(wi, wh), eta);
const float F = fresnel_dielectric_cos(dot(wi, wh), eta);
const float d_o_inv = 1.f / sqrtf(1.f - e2 * sqr(sinf(phi_o)));
R = make_float3_from_float(bsdf->extra->R * 0.125f * F * integral * d_o_inv);
R = make_float3(bsdf->extra->R * 0.125f * F * integral * d_o_inv);
return R;
@ -1069,13 +963,13 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt_elliptic(KernelGlobals kg,
/* dot(wi, wmi) > 0 */
const float tan_tilt = tanf(tilt);
float phi_m_max = acosf(fmaxf(-tan_tilt * tantheta(wi), 0.f)) + phi_i;
float phi_m_max = acosf(fmaxf(-tan_tilt * tan_theta(wi), 0.f)) + phi_i;
if (isnan_safe(phi_m_max))
return zero_float3();
float phi_m_min = -phi_m_max + 2.f * phi_i;
/* dot(wo, wmo) < 0 */
float tmp1 = acosf(fminf(tan_tilt * tantheta(wo), 0.f));
float tmp1 = acosf(fminf(tan_tilt * tan_theta(wo), 0.f));
if (isnan_safe(tmp1))
return zero_float3();
@ -1118,11 +1012,11 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt_elliptic(KernelGlobals kg,
if (dot_wi_wh1 <= 1e-5f)
float cos_theta_t1, eta_it1, eta_ti1;
const float T1 = 1.f - fresnel(dot_wi_wh1, eta, cos_theta_t1, eta_it1, eta_ti1);
float cos_theta_t1, eta_ti1;
const float T1 = 1.f - fresnel(dot_wi_wh1, eta, cos_theta_t1, eta_ti1);
/* refraction at the first interface */
const float3 wt = refract_vector(wi, wh1, cos_theta_t1, eta_ti1);
const float3 wt = -refract(wi, wh1, cos_theta_t1, eta_ti1);
const float phi_t = dir_phi(wt);
const float gamma_mt = 2.f * to_phi(phi_t, a, b) - gamma_mi;
const float3 wmt = sphg_dir(-tilt, gamma_mt, a, b);
@ -1137,7 +1031,7 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt_elliptic(KernelGlobals kg,
const float2 pi = to_point(gamma_mi, a, b);
const float2 pt = to_point(gamma_mt + M_PI_F, a, b);
const float3 A_t = exp(-mu_a * len(pi - pt) / costheta(wt));
const float3 A_t = exp(-mu_a * len(pi - pt) / cos_theta(wt));
/* TT */
if (bsdf->extra->TT > 0.f) {
@ -1154,7 +1048,7 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt_elliptic(KernelGlobals kg,
const float dot_wt_wh2 = dot(-wt, wh2);
const float T2 = 1.f - fresnel0(dot_wt_wh2, inv_eta);
const float T2 = 1.f - fresnel_dielectric_cos(dot_wt_wh2, inv_eta);
const float D2 = D(beckmann, roughness, wh2, wmt) *
G(beckmann, roughness, -wt, -wo, wmt, wh2);
@ -1183,8 +1077,8 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt_elliptic(KernelGlobals kg,
if (cos_th2 <= 1e-5f)
const float R2 = fresnel0(cos_th2, inv_eta);
const float3 wtr = reflect_vector(wt, wh2);
const float R2 = fresnel_dielectric_cos(cos_th2, inv_eta);
const float3 wtr = -reflect(wt, wh2);
const float G2 = G(beckmann, roughness, -wt, -wtr, wmt, wh2);
if (G2 == 0.f || !G_(-wt, -wtr, wmt_, wh2))
@ -1210,12 +1104,12 @@ ccl_device float3 bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_tt_trt_elliptic(KernelGlobals kg,
const float cos_trh3 = dot(wh3, wtr);
const float T3 = 1.f - fresnel0(cos_trh3, inv_eta);
const float T3 = 1.f - fresnel_dielectric_cos(cos_trh3, inv_eta);
const float D3 = D(beckmann, roughness, wh3, wmtr) * G3;
const float2 ptr = to_point(gamma_mtr + M_PI_F, a, b);
const float3 A_tr = exp(-mu_a * len(pt - ptr) / costheta(wtr));
const float3 A_tr = exp(-mu_a * len(pt - ptr) / cos_theta(wtr));
const float3 result = T1 * R2 * T3 * D3 * cos_trh3 * dot(wh3, wo) * sqr(rcp_norm_wh3) * A_t *
A_tr * weight / (dot(wt, wmi) * dot(wtr, wmt)) *
@ -1269,9 +1163,9 @@ ccl_device Spectrum bsdf_microfacet_hair_eval_elliptic(KernelGlobals kg,
*pdf = 1.f;
// return rgb_to_spectrum(R / costheta(wi)); // original from Huang's EGSR 2022
return rgb_to_spectrum(R / (costheta(wi) * costheta(wo)));
// correction: the extra costheta(wo) corresponds to the lack of consideration of Zinke's
// return rgb_to_spectrum(R / cos_theta(wi)); // original from Huang's EGSR 2022
return rgb_to_spectrum(R / (cos_theta(wi) * cos_theta(wo)));
// correction: the extra cos_theta(wo) corresponds to the lack of consideration of Zinke's
// cos_theta_i^2 in the BCSDF; for instance eq[2] in Huang's should include an extra cos_theta_i
// (plus here remember wi and wo meanings are flipped)
@ -1338,9 +1232,9 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample_elliptic(const KernelGlobals kg,
const float e2 = 1.f - sqr(b / a);
/* macronormal */
const float2 sin_cos_phi_i = sincosphi(wi);
const float sin_phi_i = sin_cos_phi_i.x;
const float cos_phi_i = sin_cos_phi_i.y;
const float2 sincos_phi_i = sincos_phi(wi);
const float sin_phi_i = sincos_phi_i.x;
const float cos_phi_i = sincos_phi_i.y;
const float d_i = sqrtf(1.f - e2 * sqr(sin_phi_i));
const float h = d_i * (sample_h * 2.f - 1.f);
const float gamma_mi = atan2f(cos_phi_i, -b / a * sin_phi_i) -
@ -1363,7 +1257,7 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample_elliptic(const KernelGlobals kg,
/* sample R lobe */
const float3 wh1 = sample_wh(kg, beckmann, roughness, wi, wmi, sample_h1.x, sample_h1.y);
const float3 wr = reflect_vector(wi, wh1);
const float3 wr = -reflect(wi, wh1);
/* ensure that this is a valid sample */
if (dot(wr, wh1) <= 0.f || dot(wr, wmi) <= 0.f || !G_(wi, wr, wmi_, wh1)) {
@ -1374,12 +1268,12 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample_elliptic(const KernelGlobals kg,
float3 TT = zero_float3();
float3 TRT = zero_float3();
float cos_theta_t1, eta_it1, eta_ti1;
const float R1 = fresnel(dot(wi, wh1), *eta, cos_theta_t1, eta_it1, eta_ti1);
float3 R = make_float3_from_float(bsdf->extra->R * R1);
float cos_theta_t1, eta_ti1;
const float R1 = fresnel(dot(wi, wh1), *eta, cos_theta_t1, eta_ti1);
float3 R = make_float3(bsdf->extra->R * R1);
/* sample TT lobe */
const float3 wt = refract_vector(wi, wh1, cos_theta_t1, eta_ti1);
const float3 wt = -refract(wi, wh1, cos_theta_t1, eta_ti1);
const float phi_t = dir_phi(wt);
const float gamma_mt = 2.f * to_phi(phi_t, a, b) - gamma_mi;
@ -1388,7 +1282,7 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample_elliptic(const KernelGlobals kg,
const float3 wh2 = sample_wh(kg, beckmann, roughness, -wt, wmt, sample_h2.x, sample_h2.y);
const float3 wtr = reflect_vector(wt, wh2);
const float3 wtr = -reflect(wt, wh2);
float3 wh3;
float3 wtt, wtrt;
@ -1400,15 +1294,15 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample_elliptic(const KernelGlobals kg,
const float3 mu_a = bsdf->sigma;
const float2 pi = to_point(gamma_mi, a, b);
const float2 pt = to_point(gamma_mt + M_PI_F, a, b);
const float3 A_t = exp(-mu_a * len(pi - pt) / costheta(wt));
const float3 A_t = exp(-mu_a * len(pi - pt) / cos_theta(wt));
const float inv_eta = 1.f / *eta;
float cos_theta_t2, eta_it2, eta_ti2;
const float R2 = fresnel(dot(-wt, wh2), inv_eta, cos_theta_t2, eta_it2, eta_ti2);
const float3 T1 = make_float3_from_float(1.f - R1);
const float3 T2 = make_float3_from_float(1.f - R2);
float cos_theta_t2, eta_ti2;
const float R2 = fresnel(dot(-wt, wh2), inv_eta, cos_theta_t2, eta_ti2);
const float3 T1 = make_float3(1.f - R1);
const float3 T2 = make_float3(1.f - R2);
wtt = refract_vector(-wt, wh2, cos_theta_t2, eta_ti2);
wtt = -refract(-wt, wh2, cos_theta_t2, eta_ti2);
if (dot(wtt, wmt) < 0.f && cos_theta_t2 != 0.f) /* total internal reflection */
TT = bsdf->extra->TT * T1 * A_t * T2;
@ -1421,18 +1315,18 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample_elliptic(const KernelGlobals kg,
wh3 = sample_wh(kg, beckmann, roughness, wtr, wmtr, sample_h3.x, sample_h3.y);
float cos_theta_t3, eta_it3, eta_ti3;
const float R3 = fresnel(dot(wtr, wh3), inv_eta, cos_theta_t3, eta_it3, eta_ti3);
float cos_theta_t3, eta_ti3;
const float R3 = fresnel(dot(wtr, wh3), inv_eta, cos_theta_t3, eta_ti3);
wtrt = refract_vector(wtr, wh3, cos_theta_t3, eta_ti3);
wtrt = -refract(wtr, wh3, cos_theta_t3, eta_ti3);
if (cos_theta_t3 != 0.f && dot(wtr, wh3) > 0.f && dot(wmtr, wtr) > 0.f &&
dot(wtrt, wmtr) < 0.f && G_(wtr, -wtrt, make_float3(wmtr.x, 0.f, wmtr.z), wh3)) {
const float3 T3 = make_float3_from_float(1.f - R3);
const float3 T3 = make_float3(1.f - R3);
const float2 ptr = to_point(gamma_mtr + M_PI_F, a, b);
const float3 A_tr = exp(-mu_a * len(pt - ptr) / costheta(wtr));
const float3 A_tr = exp(-mu_a * len(pt - ptr) / cos_theta(wtr));
TRT = bsdf->extra->TRT * T1 * R2 * T3 * A_t * A_tr;
@ -1486,8 +1380,8 @@ ccl_device int bsdf_microfacet_hair_sample_elliptic(const KernelGlobals kg,
//*eval *= visibility; // original from Huang's EGSR 2022
*eval *= visibility / costheta(wo);
// correction: the extra costheta(wo) corresponds to the lack of consideration of Zinke's
*eval *= visibility / cos_theta(wo);
// correction: the extra cos_theta(wo) corresponds to the lack of consideration of Zinke's
// cos_theta_i^2 in the BCSDF; for instance eq[2] in Huang's should include an extra cos_theta_i
// (plus here remember wi and wo meanings are flipped)
*omega_in = wo.x * X + wo.y * Y + wo.z * Z;

View File

@ -370,6 +370,14 @@ ccl_device_inline float3 reflect(const float3 incident, const float3 normal)
return incident - 2.0f * unit_normal * dot(incident, unit_normal);
ccl_device_inline float3 refract(const float3 incident,
const float3 normal,
const float cos_theta_t,
const float eta)
return eta * incident - (eta * dot(normal, incident) + cos_theta_t) * normal;
ccl_device_inline float3 refract(const float3 incident, const float3 normal, const float eta)
float k = 1.0f - eta * eta * (1.0f - dot(normal, incident) * dot(normal, incident));