BlenLib: Add JSON Serialization/Deserialization Abstraction Layer.

Adds an abstraction layer to switch between serialization formats.
Currently only supports JSON. The abstraction layer supports
`String`, `Int`, `Array`, `Null`, `Boolean`, `Float` and `Object`. This
feature is only CPP complaint.

To write from a stream, the structure can be built by creating a value
(any subclass of `blender::io::serialize::Value` can do, and pass it to
the `serialize` method of a `blender::io::serialize::Formatter`. The
formatter is abstract and there is one implementation for JSON

To read from a stream use the `deserialize` method of the formatter.

{D12693} uses this abstraction layer to read/write asset indexes.

Reviewed By: Severin, sybren

Maniphest Tasks: T91430

Differential Revision:
This commit is contained in:
Jeroen Bakker 2021-10-26 13:05:59 +02:00 committed by Jeroen Bakker
parent d20fa6c4d4
commit ddf97d6270
Notes: blender-bot 2023-02-13 17:41:15 +01:00
Referenced by issue #91430, AssetBrowser: Add JSON/Yaml parsing library
4 changed files with 759 additions and 0 deletions

View File

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* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
/** \file
* \ingroup bli
* An abstraction layer for serialization formats.
* Allowing to read/write data to a serialization format like JSON.
* # Supported data types
* The abstraction layer has a limited set of data types it supports.
* There are specific classes that builds up the data structure that
* can be (de)serialized.
* - StringValue: for strings
* - IntValue: for integer values
* - DoubleValue: for double precision floating point numbers
* - BooleanValue: for boolean values
* - ArrayValue: An array of any supported value.
* - ObjectValue: A key value pair where keys are std::string.
* - NullValue: for null values.
* # Basic usage
* ## Serializing
* - Construct a structure that needs to be serialized using the `*Value` classes.
* - Construct the formatter you want to use
* - Invoke the formatter.serialize method passing an output stream and the value.
* The next example would format an integer value (42) as JSON the result will
* be stored inside `out`.
* ```
* JsonFormatter json;
* std::stringstream out;
* IntValue test_value(42);
* json.serialize(out, test_value);
* ```
* ## Deserializing
* ```
* std::stringstream is("42")
* JsonFormatter json;
* std::unique_ptr<Value> value = json.deserialize(is);
* ```
* # Adding a new formatter
* To add a new formatter a new sub-class of `Formatter` must be created and the
* `serialize`/`deserialize` methods should be implemented.
#include <ostream>
#include "BLI_map.hh"
#include "BLI_string_ref.hh"
#include "BLI_vector.hh"
namespace blender::io::serialize {
* Enumeration containing all sub-classes of Value. It is used as for type checking.
* \see #Value::type()
enum class eValueType {
class Value;
class StringValue;
class ObjectValue;
template<typename T, eValueType V> class PrimitiveValue;
using IntValue = PrimitiveValue<int64_t, eValueType::Int>;
using DoubleValue = PrimitiveValue<double, eValueType::Double>;
using BooleanValue = PrimitiveValue<bool, eValueType::Boolean>;
template<typename Container, typename ContainerItem, eValueType V> class ContainerValue;
/* ArrayValue stores its items as shared pointer as it shares data with a lookup table that can
* be created by calling `create_lookup`. */
using ArrayValue =
ContainerValue<Vector<std::shared_ptr<Value>>, std::shared_ptr<Value>, eValueType::Array>;
* Class containing a (de)serializable value.
* To serialize from or to a specific format the Value will be used as an intermediate container
* holding the values. Value class is abstract. There are concreate classes to for different data
* types.
* - `StringValue`: contains a string.
* - `IntValue`: contains an integer.
* - `ArrayValue`: contains an array of elements. Elements don't need to be the same type.
* - `NullValue`: represents nothing (null pointer or optional).
* - `BooleanValue`: contains a boolean (true/false).
* - `DoubleValue`: contains a double precision floating point number.
* - `ObjectValue`: represents an object (key value pairs where keys are strings and values can be
* of different types.
class Value {
eValueType type_;
Value() = delete;
explicit Value(eValueType type) : type_(type)
virtual ~Value() = default;
const eValueType type() const
return type_;
* Casts to a StringValue.
* Will return nullptr when it is a different type.
const StringValue *as_string_value() const;
* Casts to an IntValue.
* Will return nullptr when it is a different type.
const IntValue *as_int_value() const;
* Casts to a DoubleValue.
* Will return nullptr when it is a different type.
const DoubleValue *as_double_value() const;
* Casts to a BooleanValue.
* Will return nullptr when it is a different type.
const BooleanValue *as_boolean_value() const;
* Casts to an ArrayValue.
* Will return nullptr when it is a different type.
const ArrayValue *as_array_value() const;
* Casts to an ObjectValue.
* Will return nullptr when it is a different type.
const ObjectValue *as_object_value() const;
* For generating value types that represent types that are typically known processor data types.
/** Wrapped c/cpp data type that is used to store the value. */
typename T,
/** Value type of the class. */
eValueType V>
class PrimitiveValue : public Value {
T inner_value_{};
explicit PrimitiveValue(const T value) : Value(V), inner_value_(value)
const T value() const
return inner_value_;
class NullValue : public Value {
NullValue() : Value(eValueType::Null)
class StringValue : public Value {
std::string string_;
StringValue(const StringRef string) : Value(eValueType::String), string_(string)
const std::string &value() const
return string_;
* Template for arrays and objects.
* Both ArrayValue and ObjectValue store their values in an array.
/** The container type where the elements are stored in. */
typename Container,
/** Type of the data inside the container. */
typename ContainerItem,
/** ValueType representing the value (object/array). */
eValueType V>
class ContainerValue : public Value {
using Items = Container;
using Item = ContainerItem;
Container inner_value_;
ContainerValue() : Value(V)
const Container &elements() const
return inner_value_;
Container &elements()
return inner_value_;
* Internal storage type for ObjectValue.
* The elements are stored as an key value pair. The value is a shared pointer so it can be shared
* when using `ObjectValue::create_lookup`.
using ObjectElementType = std::pair<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Value>>;
* Object is a key-value container where the key must be a std::string.
* Internally it is stored in a blender::Vector to ensure the order of keys.
class ObjectValue
: public ContainerValue<Vector<ObjectElementType>, ObjectElementType, eValueType::Object> {
using LookupValue = std::shared_ptr<Value>;
using Lookup = Map<std::string, LookupValue>;
* Return a lookup map to quickly lookup by key.
* The lookup is owned by the caller.
const Lookup create_lookup() const
Lookup result;
for (const Item &item : elements()) {
result.add_as(item.first, item.second);
return result;
* Interface for any provided Formatter.
class Formatter {
virtual ~Formatter() = default;
/** Serialize the value to the given stream. */
virtual void serialize(std::ostream &os, const Value &value) = 0;
/** Deserialize the stream. */
virtual std::unique_ptr<Value> deserialize(std::istream &is) = 0;
* Formatter to (de)serialize a json formatted stream.
class JsonFormatter : public Formatter {
* The identation level to use.
* Typically number of chars. Set to 0 to not use identation.
int8_t indentation_len = 0;
void serialize(std::ostream &os, const Value &value) override;
std::unique_ptr<Value> deserialize(std::istream &is) override;
} // namespace blender::io::serialize

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@ -282,6 +284,7 @@ set(SRC
@ -448,6 +451,7 @@ if(WITH_GTESTS)

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#include "BLI_serialize.hh"
#include "json.hpp"
namespace blender::io::serialize {
const StringValue *Value::as_string_value() const
if (type_ != eValueType::String) {
return nullptr;
return static_cast<const StringValue *>(this);
const IntValue *Value::as_int_value() const
if (type_ != eValueType::Int) {
return nullptr;
return static_cast<const IntValue *>(this);
const DoubleValue *Value::as_double_value() const
if (type_ != eValueType::Double) {
return nullptr;
return static_cast<const DoubleValue *>(this);
const BooleanValue *Value::as_boolean_value() const
if (type_ != eValueType::Boolean) {
return nullptr;
return static_cast<const BooleanValue *>(this);
const ArrayValue *Value::as_array_value() const
if (type_ != eValueType::Array) {
return nullptr;
return static_cast<const ArrayValue *>(this);
const ObjectValue *Value::as_object_value() const
if (type_ != eValueType::Object) {
return nullptr;
return static_cast<const ObjectValue *>(this);
static void convert_to_json(nlohmann::ordered_json &j, const Value &value);
static void convert_to_json(nlohmann::ordered_json &j, const ArrayValue &value)
const ArrayValue::Items &items = value.elements();
/* Create a json array to store the elements. If this isn't done and items is empty it would
* return use a null value, in stead of an empty array. */
j = "[]"_json;
for (const ArrayValue::Item &item_value : items) {
nlohmann::ordered_json json_item;
convert_to_json(json_item, *item_value);
static void convert_to_json(nlohmann::ordered_json &j, const ObjectValue &value)
const ObjectValue::Items &attributes = value.elements();
/* Create a json object to store the attributes. If this isn't done and attributes is empty it
* would return use a null value, in stead of an empty object. */
j = "{}"_json;
for (const ObjectValue::Item &attribute : attributes) {
nlohmann::ordered_json json_item;
convert_to_json(json_item, *attribute.second);
j[attribute.first] = json_item;
static void convert_to_json(nlohmann::ordered_json &j, const Value &value)
switch (value.type()) {
case eValueType::String: {
j = value.as_string_value()->value();
case eValueType::Int: {
j = value.as_int_value()->value();
case eValueType::Array: {
const ArrayValue &array = *value.as_array_value();
convert_to_json(j, array);
case eValueType::Object: {
const ObjectValue &object = *value.as_object_value();
convert_to_json(j, object);
case eValueType::Null: {
j = nullptr;
case eValueType::Boolean: {
j = value.as_boolean_value()->value();
case eValueType::Double: {
j = value.as_double_value()->value();
static std::unique_ptr<Value> convert_from_json(const nlohmann::ordered_json &j);
static std::unique_ptr<ArrayValue> convert_from_json_to_array(const nlohmann::ordered_json &j)
std::unique_ptr<ArrayValue> array = std::make_unique<ArrayValue>();
ArrayValue::Items &elements = array->elements();
for (auto element : j.items()) {
nlohmann::ordered_json element_json = element.value();
std::unique_ptr<Value> value = convert_from_json(element_json);
return array;
static std::unique_ptr<ObjectValue> convert_from_json_to_object(const nlohmann::ordered_json &j)
std::unique_ptr<ObjectValue> object = std::make_unique<ObjectValue>();
ObjectValue::Items &elements = object->elements();
for (auto element : j.items()) {
std::string key = element.key();
nlohmann::ordered_json element_json = element.value();
std::unique_ptr<Value> value = convert_from_json(element_json);
elements.append_as(std::pair(key, value.release()));
return object;
static std::unique_ptr<Value> convert_from_json(const nlohmann::ordered_json &j)
switch (j.type()) {
case nlohmann::json::value_t::array: {
return convert_from_json_to_array(j);
case nlohmann::json::value_t::object: {
return convert_from_json_to_object(j);
case nlohmann::json::value_t::string: {
std::string value = j;
return std::make_unique<StringValue>(value);
case nlohmann::json::value_t::null: {
return std::make_unique<NullValue>();
case nlohmann::json::value_t::boolean: {
return std::make_unique<BooleanValue>(j);
case nlohmann::json::value_t::number_integer:
case nlohmann::json::value_t::number_unsigned: {
return std::make_unique<IntValue>(j);
case nlohmann::json::value_t::number_float: {
return std::make_unique<DoubleValue>(j);
case nlohmann::json::value_t::binary:
case nlohmann::json::value_t::discarded:
* Binary data isn't supported.
* Discarded is an internal type of nlohmann.
* Assert in case we need to parse them.
return std::make_unique<NullValue>();
return std::make_unique<NullValue>();
void JsonFormatter::serialize(std::ostream &os, const Value &value)
nlohmann::ordered_json j;
convert_to_json(j, value);
if (indentation_len) {
os << j.dump(indentation_len);
else {
os << j.dump();
std::unique_ptr<Value> JsonFormatter::deserialize(std::istream &is)
nlohmann::ordered_json j;
is >> j;
return convert_from_json(j);
} // namespace blender::io::serialize

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@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
/* Apache License, Version 2.0 */
#include "testing/testing.h"
#include "BLI_serialize.hh"
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* tests */
namespace blender::io::serialize::json::testing {
TEST(serialize, string_to_json)
JsonFormatter json;
std::stringstream out;
StringValue test_value("Hello JSON");
json.serialize(out, test_value);
EXPECT_EQ(out.str(), "\"Hello JSON\"");
static void test_int_to_json(int64_t value, StringRef expected)
JsonFormatter json;
std::stringstream out;
IntValue test_value(value);
json.serialize(out, test_value);
EXPECT_EQ(out.str(), expected);
TEST(serialize, int_to_json)
test_int_to_json(42, "42");
test_int_to_json(-42, "-42");
test_int_to_json(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(), "2147483647");
test_int_to_json(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min(), "-2147483648");
test_int_to_json(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(), "9223372036854775807");
test_int_to_json(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(), "-9223372036854775808");
TEST(serialize, double_to_json)
JsonFormatter json;
std::stringstream out;
DoubleValue test_value(42.31);
json.serialize(out, test_value);
EXPECT_EQ(out.str(), "42.31");
TEST(serialize, null_to_json)
JsonFormatter json;
std::stringstream out;
NullValue test_value;
json.serialize(out, test_value);
EXPECT_EQ(out.str(), "null");
TEST(serialize, false_to_json)
JsonFormatter json;
std::stringstream out;
BooleanValue value(false);
json.serialize(out, value);
EXPECT_EQ(out.str(), "false");
TEST(serialize, true_to_json)
JsonFormatter json;
std::stringstream out;
BooleanValue value(true);
json.serialize(out, value);
EXPECT_EQ(out.str(), "true");
TEST(serialize, array_to_json)
JsonFormatter json;
std::stringstream out;
ArrayValue value_array;
ArrayValue::Items &array = value_array.elements();
array.append_as(new IntValue(42));
array.append_as(new StringValue("Hello JSON"));
array.append_as(new NullValue);
array.append_as(new BooleanValue(false));
array.append_as(new BooleanValue(true));
json.serialize(out, value_array);
EXPECT_EQ(out.str(), "[42,\"Hello JSON\",null,false,true]");
TEST(serialize, object_to_json)
JsonFormatter json;
std::stringstream out;
ObjectValue value_object;
ObjectValue::Items &attributes = value_object.elements();
attributes.append_as(std::pair(std::string("best_number"), new IntValue(42)));
json.serialize(out, value_object);
EXPECT_EQ(out.str(), "{\"best_number\":42}");
TEST(serialize, json_roundtrip_ordering)
const std::string input =
"\",\"age\":26,\"eyeColor\":\"brown\",\"name\":\"Geneva "
"com\",\"phone\":\"+1 (993) 432-2805\",\"address\":\"943 Christopher Avenue, Northchase, "
"Alabama, 5769\",\"about\":\"Eu cillum qui eu fugiat sit nulla eu duis. Aliqua nulla aliqua "
"ea tempor dolor fugiat sint consectetur exercitation ipsum magna ex. Aute laborum esse "
"magna nostrud in cillum et mollit proident. Deserunt ex minim adipisicing incididunt "
"incididunt dolore velit aliqua.\\r\\n\",\"registered\":\"2014-06-02T06:29:33 "
"\"name\":\"Daniel Stuart\"},{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Jackson "
"Velez\"},{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"Browning Boyd\"}],\"greeting\":\"Hello, Geneva Vega! You "
"have 8 unread "
"32x32\",\"age\":40,\"eyeColor\":\"blue\",\"name\":\"Lamb "
"\"phone\":\"+1 (999) 573-2855\",\"address\":\"632 Rockwell Place, Diaperville, "
"Pennsylvania, 5050\",\"about\":\"Anim dolor deserunt esse quis velit adipisicing aute "
"nostrud velit minim culpa aute et tempor. Dolor aliqua reprehenderit anim voluptate. "
"Consequat proident ut culpa reprehenderit qui. Nisi proident velit cillum voluptate. "
"Ullamco id sunt quis aute adipisicing cupidatat consequat "
"aliquip.\\r\\n\",\"registered\":\"2014-09-06T06:13:36 "
"\"Faulkner Watkins\"},{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Cecile Schneider\"},{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"Burt "
"Lester\"}],\"greeting\":\"Hello, Lamb Lowe! You have 1 unread "
"32x32\",\"age\":37,\"eyeColor\":\"blue\",\"name\":\"Sallie "
"com\",\"phone\":\"+1 (953) 453-3388\",\"address\":\"865 Irving Place, Chelsea, Utah, "
"9777\",\"about\":\"In magna exercitation incididunt exercitation dolor anim. Consectetur "
"dolore commodo elit cillum dolor reprehenderit magna minim et ex labore pariatur. Nulla "
"ullamco officia velit in aute proident nostrud. Duis deserunt et labore Lorem aliqua "
"eiusmod commodo sunt.\\r\\n\",\"registered\":\"2017-03-16T08:54:53 "
"\"Gibson Garner\"},{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Anna Frank\"},{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"Roberson "
"Daugherty\"}],\"greeting\":\"Hello, Sallie Chase! You have 7 unread "
"32x32\",\"age\":29,\"eyeColor\":\"brown\",\"name\":\"Grace "
"com\",\"phone\":\"+1 (964) 541-2514\",\"address\":\"734 Schaefer Street, Topaz, Virginia, "
"9137\",\"about\":\"Amet officia magna fugiat ut pariatur fugiat elit culpa voluptate elit "
"do proident culpa minim. Commodo do minim reprehenderit ut voluptate ut velit id esse "
"consequat. Labore ullamco deserunt irure eiusmod cillum tempor incididunt qui adipisicing "
"nostrud pariatur enim aliquip. Excepteur nostrud commodo consectetur esse duis irure "
"qui.\\r\\n\",\"registered\":\"2015-04-24T03:55:17 "
"\"eu\",\"qui\",\"duis\",\"sint\"],\"friends\":[{\"id\":0,\"name\":\"Carrie "
"Short\"},{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Dickerson Barnes\"},{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"Rae "
"Rios\"}],\"greeting\":\"Hello, Grace Mccall! You have 5 unread "
"32x32\",\"age\":31,\"eyeColor\":\"blue\",\"name\":\"Herring "
"com\",\"phone\":\"+1 (981) 541-2829\",\"address\":\"409 Furman Avenue, Waterloo, South "
"Carolina, 380\",\"about\":\"In officia culpa aliqua culpa pariatur aliqua mollit ex. Velit "
"est Lorem enim magna cillum sunt elit consectetur deserunt ea est consectetur fugiat "
"mollit. Aute Lorem excepteur minim esse qui. Id Lorem in tempor et. Nisi aliquip laborum "
"magna eu aute.\\r\\n\",\"registered\":\"2018-07-05T07:28:54 "
"\"name\":\"Tonia Keith\"},{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Leanne Rice\"},{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"Craig "
"Gregory\"}],\"greeting\":\"Hello, Herring Powers! You have 6 unread "
"32x32\",\"age\":31,\"eyeColor\":\"green\",\"name\":\"Lela "
"\",\"phone\":\"+1 (856) 456-3657\",\"address\":\"391 Diamond Street, Madaket, "
"Ohio, 9337\",\"about\":\"Tempor dolor ullamco esse cillum excepteur. Excepteur aliqua non "
"enim anim esse amet cupidatat non. Cillum excepteur occaecat cupidatat elit labore. "
"Pariatur ut esse sint elit. Velit sint magna et commodo sit velit labore consectetur irure "
"officia proident aliquip. Aliqua dolore ipsum voluptate veniam deserunt amet irure. Cillum "
"consequat veniam proident Lorem in anim enim veniam ea "
"nulla.\\r\\n\",\"registered\":\"2017-01-11T11:07:22 "
"0,\"name\":\"Hancock Rivera\"},{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Chasity "
"Oneil\"},{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"Whitaker Barr\"}],\"greeting\":\"Hello, Lela Dillard! You "
"have 3 unread messages.\",\"favoriteFruit\":\"strawberry\"}]";
std::stringstream is(input);
JsonFormatter json;
std::unique_ptr<Value> value = json.deserialize(is);
EXPECT_EQ(value->type(), eValueType::Array);
std::stringstream out;
json.serialize(out, *value);
EXPECT_EQ(out.str(), input);
} // namespace blender::io::serialize::json::testing